Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

By Lieke4043

151K 3.2K 376

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... More

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
On our way.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Punched in the gut.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Letting go
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
The big day
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Down Under
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
New year
Oh Love
We're halfway there
Swiss Chocolate
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Birthday girl
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back


1K 21 2
By Lieke4043

Everybody gets up to greet Lewis and Angela.
It's crazy, meeting Max, Pierre and the others was awesome, but meeting Lewis who is a 7 time world champion does feel a bit different.
He greets everybody and then comes up to me.
"Hi there, it's really nice to meet you, the mystery woman who stole Daniels heart." He gives me his adorable smile. He's really handsome, but not as much as Daniel.
"Hi Lewis, it's an honor to meet you. I'm not that mysterious though." I shake his hand and then introduce myself to Angela.

Lewis sits down on the opposite of me.
"We have ordered, but only a minute ago, so let's get the waiter here so they can add your order to it." Daniel gets the attention of the waiter who quickly makes his way to our table.
"We have two more people that would like to order please."

Lewis and Angela place their order and while we wait we make small talk.
It's a lot of fun and everybody is really nice. I'm talking to Angela a lot and she is very entertaining and has a lot of interesting stories to tell.
Daniel has his hand on my leg the entire time and everyone I look at him he gives me a loving smile and softly squeezes my leg.
When the food arrives I bend over to Daniel so the waiter can put my plate on the table. "I love you." I whisper in his ear and kiss his cheek.
"I love you too baby" He turns to me and softly kisses my lips.

Of course the food is truly wonderful, how can it not be.
After we're all done I decide I'm going for dessert, they also have cannoli for dessert and I've never had that before so I'm getting that.
Again I've never tasted anything so good before.
"Daniel seriously you have to try this. It's so good." I pick up one of the cannellonis and hold it in front of him.
He tastes a bit, "Damn that's good."
"I know right!" I'm getting all enthusiastic about it and it makes him laugh a bit.

"You look cute when you are all hyped up over some food." He says.
"Yeah well I can't help it, everything is just so delicious." I lick my lips to get some cream of that is still there.
"And now you look super sexy again, licking your lips like that." His eyes gaze towards my mouth.
"Oh stop it, you're silly." But I do it again just to tease him.

I'm pretty disappointed when I finish my plate, it was so good. I hope we can come back here again. Although I'm sure there are plenty of good restaurants around here.
"So what about that karaoke guys?" Alex brings it up again and I roll my eyes.
"Are you going to do karaoke?" Lewis asks me.
"Well Alex has this crazy idea of going to the karaoke bar in the hotel. I kinda hoped he forgot about that." I tell Lewis.
"Alright, we'll if you're going I'm coming. I want to hear you as well, right Ang?"
Angela nods. "Absolutely, it's still early, so we have time to go there."

"Ok fine, but then everybody has to do at least one song. It's not going to be just me." I state and I see some doubtful faces around me.
"Ok why not." Charles says. "Let's go make fools out of ourselves, except for you and Lewis, because the 2 of you can actually sing."

"Ok let's get out of here and have some fun then." Alex stands up.
I bend over to Daniel. "What about the bill?"
"Don't worry about it." He whispers.
I'm confused, but I guess it's taken care of. We get up and outside we take a few taxi's to get back to the hotel. I can't believe I'm going to do this again. And this time Lewis is here and I know he is very good.
"Why did I agree with this again?" I ask Daniel.
"Because now we are all gonna make ourselves look like idiots and then you go out sounding like a professional singer and make us look even worse." He holds me against him.
I laugh, I can only imagine how funny it's going to be watching those guys. "I just don't want to make a fool out of myself."

"Baby, you are super talented, you won't make a fool out of yourself. Not even if you tried." He gives me a long tender kiss and I relax a bit.
At the hotel we get out and this time they decide not to spend too much time taking pictures, because everybody wants to get in. I'm sure there will be some disappointed fans in the crowd, but if they have to take pictures with everybody we will be out here for the next hours.

Alex leads us to the karaoke bar at the back of the hotel. It's not too crowded yet, most of the guests in this hotel are F1 drivers and other team members.
We find a really nice spot where we can all sit at one big round table.
On the table there's a tablet where you can put in the song you want to do and your name and then it shows the list of people that will go on before you.
There's also a sort of presenter who calls your name when it's your turn.

"So who's gonna go first?" I ask, "Alex maybe? It was your idea."
"Oh what the heck, why not." He puts in his name and the song. Then Charles adds his song and the rest follows after them.
Finally Lewis adds himself and then hands over the tablet to me. I can see the songs that the guys put in and I chuckle. This will be amusing.
I pick my song and I'm hoping I will be able to pull it off.

Alex gets on stage and in his way he nails his performance. He chose 'Watermelon sugar' by Harry Styles.
When he's done we all give him a standing ovation. He comes back smiling, "that was fun, who is next?"
Charles stands up, "that would be me. Charlotte don't film this please. It won't be good for my reputation."
"I'm sure you'll be fine, I will only film it so we can watch it ourselves." Charlotte gives him a kiss to wish him luck and he gets on the stage.
Charles chose 'Viva la Vida' by Coldplay.

With his strong French accent I don't really understand everything he is trying to sing, but at least we can read the text along with him.
I don't remember having this much fun in such a long time. My sides are killing me from laughing and my jaws are almost cramped up.
One by one the boys go on stage. And all of them get a standing ovation from our group.
Who would have thought that these guys who risk their lives every weekend would actually do this.

It's Daniels turn now and I give him a big hug and kiss to wish him luck. He actually chose the Chris Isaak song 'Wicked game'. It was the song we heard in the car the first day we met and also at his place when things got a bit heated.
He looks at me during the entire song and I know exactly what's going through his head.
I blow a few kisses while he's up there and I feel my butterflies tumble around in my stomach.

When he comes back towards us I run up to him and jump in his arms. He catches me and I wrap my legs around him. "That was so sexy, seeing you up there singing this song for me." I kiss him passionately and then we slowly make our way back to the rest.

It's Lewis his turn now and obviously he is really good. He's so talented and has an amazing voice.
Suddenly I realize I'm next and I start to second guess the song I chose. But I can't go back now.

Lewis finished and he gets the biggest applause of the evening and I can see Max is whistling on his fingers.
Lewis comes back and now my name is called. I take a deep breath and I get out there.
Last time I had a few cocktails. I definitely could have used some now.

As soon as I start the nerves leave my body and I can get into it again. Just as I did a few days ago.
I don't have to look at the lyrics, because I know this song by heart. That makes it a lot easier to move around a bit.
The song finishes and I feel like I'm landing back on earth when the group starts to cheer and whistle.
"Another song! We want more!" I don't know who is yelling that. But it's not from our side of the room.

The guy who calls everybody comes up on the stage. "There is nobody on the list, so if you want to go again, go for it."
"Oh ehm I don't know about that." I look at Daniel and I can see him nodding his head.
"Yes do another one!" Ok that was Alex.
"Alright then." The host gives me a tablet to chose another one. I decide to do a more romantic one now. The first one was pretty angry, so now I'll do something sweet.

With this song I can put my heart and soul into it. Because it's exactly how I feel sometimes being with Daniel. That I'm not enough to fit in, but he always reassures me that I do and that he loves me.

I finish the song and then I get off stage before they make me do another one. I get back to our spot and they all express what they thought off it.
It was a lot of fun to go on there again and also that everybody seems to like it so much. When everybody is done hugging and high fiving me I sit on Daniels lap and cuddle up against him. He holds me tightly and tells me how proud he is of me.
"Thank you babe, is it ok if we go to our room? I'm pretty tired and you have to get enough sleep as well." I ask him.
"Absolutely sweetheart. Let's go." I get up from his lap and we say goodnight.

"What did you have planned for tomorrow?" I ask him when we go up in the elevator.
"First thing I have to work with Michael as every day and then I thought we could go out for lunch somewhere and just drive around a bit to do some sightseeing. And also I want to go to the track so I can show you where everything is." He holds my hand and rubs his thumb over my skin.
"I like that. Kelly and I will come to the track Thursday after lunch." I tell him "We agreed to go shopping first. Then get lunch and then head to the track. I would like to watch the press conference and stuff. And then I can get to know some people from the team."

"I like that. Then we can go back to the hotel afterwards together. We'll probably eat at the McLaren hospitality. And then we can relax the night before the real crazy starts." He laughs.
"Yeah do you get nervous for races?" I ask him as we walk to our room.
"Not really, I do like to have my music on right before the race starts. That's just to get my focus on and then I'm ready to go." He opens the door and I kick my shoes in the corner as soon as I get in.

"Thank god! My feet are done." I sigh with pleasure when my bare feet touch the soft carpet. I usually don't wear high heels, but with the dress I had on I couldn't really put my Docs on.
"Poor thing, I'm amazed you could even walk on those." He looks at me with pity.
"Yeah so am I haha. I'm really not a high heel kind of person." I bury my toes in the thick carpet.
"I think I'm going to test that massive bathtub." I walk to the bedroom to take off the dress and get ready to take a nice bath.
"Mind if I join you?" He walks up behind me as I'm taking off the dress.

"Not at all, I'm going to fill it so it should be ready in a bit." I kiss him softly and get in the bathroom to get the water running to fill the bath.
There are several bottles of bath foam. I smell some of them and then decide on one that smells a bit like vanilla. Daniel comes in, he's only wearing his boxers now and I can hardly prevent myself from drooling.
To distract me I start taking the braid out of my hair, but he takes over and carefully combs out my hair. I put it up in a messy bun and then take off my underwear.

Daniel has also stripped out of his boxers and climbs in the tub. He sits back and points in front of him. "Here, sit in between my legs, then you can lean your back against me."
The water is nice and warm and there's already a lot of foam. I get in and sit against Daniel as he said. I lean back and rest my head against his shoulder.
"This is nice, too bad you don't have a bath in your apartment."
"I do have on in my house in Beverly Hills." He lets me know.

I look up at his face, "you have a house in Beverly Hills?"
He looks down at my surprised face, "Yeah, I like to go there during summer break and after the season."
"Wow ok, I didn't know that. So when the time comes and you retire from F1, will you be living in Beverly Hills or would you go back to Australia?" I'm curious.

"Don't know yet. I love California and the US in general, but it would also be nice being closer to my family. Especially when we have kids of our own. They should be able to see their grandparents a lot." I can see him thinking about it and hearing him talking about our kids, makes me feel all sorts of things. "Maybe both. Although with your dream of the country life, that might not be the most ideal."

"Too bad Miami and Beverly Hills are both on the opposite sides of the US. Otherwise we could have stayed in your home there. I would love to see it." I'm super curious to see this house of his.
"I'll talk to my PA and manager to see what my schedule will be after Imola. Maybe we can go to Cali for a few days before Miami. We have two weeks in between. I'll check tomorrow." He smiles when I sit up a bit and he sees my excited face.
"Really? That would be awesome. I've never been to the States before." He pulls me back against his body and runs his hands over my arms.
"I'll see what I can do. I would love to take you there. If not now then during summer break."

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