Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

By Lieke4043

170K 3.2K 382

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... More

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Punched in the gut.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Letting go
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
The big day
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Down Under
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
New year
Oh Love
We're halfway there
Swiss Chocolate
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Birthday girl
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back

On our way.

2K 41 0
By Lieke4043

The next morning Jenna and I are going shopping, because I feel like I don't really have anything to wear for a place like Monaco.
As I am trying on some cute dresses Jenna keeps picking out more for me to try.
"So you'll leave this afternoon, but when are you coming back?"
I walk out in a dress that is above the knee, black with some lace details at the top. It has an open back and hugs my curves really nicely and I tell her: "I'm not sure actually. If all goes well I will go him to Italy for the raceweekend. So I expect to come back after that."
"You know I'm so happy for you, after everything that you've been through these last year and a half, you deserve to be happy." She looks at me and nods,"please take this one, it is absolutely perfect."
I look in the mirror, "it's really cute, but I can't wear a bra under it."
"Sweety, you don't need a bra, your girls are perfect for this dress." Jenna looks at the back of the dress."oooh it shows your tattoo as well, and your amazing leg tattoo is also showing. It's definitely going to make him wonder how far your phoenix tattoo will go up your leg."
"Jenna behave yourself, he's going to be super busy and probably very tired when he's done working." I walk back to the dressing room to change into another dress Jenna picked out.
"But if he sees you in that dress, he won't be tired no more, I promise you." She chuckles and takes the black dress for me to hold on to.
Off course I'm going to buy it, because I really liked the way I looked in it.

"Jenna seriously, this dress has a cleavage that almost goes to my belly button. I really don't have the body for this." I take it off again, because I want to feel confident in my clothes and this one definitely doesn't.
"You do, but if it's too much I understand." Jenna gives me one more dress, this one is a bit longer and is very fitting, it's a gorgeous red with also quite some cleavage, but not as much as the other one.
When I walk out of the dressing room I notice there's a split going all the way up to halfway my thigh.
"Ok that one has to come with you as well." Jenna says as I look at myself in the mirror. "Wait I'll take a picture of the back, you'll love it." She grabs her phone and takes a picture of the back of the dress.
It's closed on the top, then it has a massive open back that goes al the way down to my lower back.
"Ok these two then, I don't know if I will be able to wear them, but they are too gorgeous not to get them." I end up getting some shirts, two pairs of jeans and the two dresses, then we quickly go home to pack my suitcase.

Brianna also came over to help out and they both promised me they would take care of the mail and the few plants that I have in my home.
As it's almost 4 we go outside to wait for Daniel, I check my purse again to see if I didn't forget my passport and wallet. "You've checked your purse about 5 times now, you have everything." Brianna rolls her eyes as she sees me going through my stuff again.
"I know I was just making sure, I won't check it again. I think." I probably will, but she doesn't need to know that.

I see the same amazing car drive into the street as yesterday. He pulls up in front of us and Daniel gets out of the car. "Hey beautiful, are you ready to go?" He asks as he gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah definitely, I'm really excited to see where you live." I answer as he takes my suitcase from me and puts it in the car.
"I'm Daniel by the way, you must be Jenna and Brianna?" He introduces himself to my friends, as if they don't know who he is.
"We are, I'm Jenna. You better look after our girl, because if you hurt her, we will find you." Jenna warns him.
"Jenna seriously, I love you, but don't scare him away just yet ok." I give her a hug and we say goodbye. I also hug Brianna and she whispers in my ear:"have fun, but be careful, protect your heart, we don't want to see you get hurt again, you deserve to be loved and happy.
"I will, I promise. I'll stay in touch. I love you Bri."
Daniel shakes hands with both of them and promises he will take good care of me.

We get in the car and before he drives off he turns to me and gives me his wonderful smile.
"I kinda missed you when I went to the hotel, it felt so natural having you around all day yesterday. Luckily we will have plenty of time together this week." Then he puts one hand in my neck and pulls me towards him as he also gets closer to me. He gives me a warm sensual kiss on the lips. We hear a knock on the window and it's Jenna, I open the window to find out what's going on.
"Go you two, you'll have plenty of time for that." She smiles and waves and we finally drive away to get to the airport.

"I thought you would take this car back to the factory today." I ask him as I put on some music.
"Well I was, but then the boss told me I could use it today and somebody from the office would pick the car up at the airport." He answers. 
"That's nice. I'm not complaining, I love this car." I check my bag again, everything is still in there.
"Oh I haven't told you, we are flying in the McLaren company plane so Lando will be joining us. He lives in Monaco as well, so he decided to go home for a few days also." Daniel tells me.
"Ooh that's nice, I really liked talking to Lando yesterday. It will be fun getting to know him a bit better also. He's such a sweetheart, he is like the little brother I never had." I smile as I think about meeting Lando yesterday.
"I do have some questions though. I mean you said you wanted to show me around in Monaco, take me out and everything. I'm just wondering, you are in the public eye, so I can imagine if you go anywhere there will be people taking pictures. Not that I mind at all, I don't really care, but if people will see us together, I'm sure they will speculate and knowing how the world works these days, social media will blow up. What do you want me to do with that. If you prefer to keep things private, I can just stay in your apartment. Then nobody will see me and you won't be bothered by any of it." I'm pretty curious to hear his thoughts about this.

"Well to be honest I have been thinking about this as well. But I'm not going to keep you hidden. Let people speculate, we don't have to respond to it. I really wish that this was something we didn't have to think about. But you are right, everywhere I go there will be people that know who I am. And yeah as soon as they spot us together, there will be pictures and there will be speculation. If we really want to respond to it we can say we are friends hanging out, that wouldn't be a lie. Nobody needs to know that we have shared a few amazing kisses." He smiles and makes his way onto the motorway.
I think about this for a second and I have to agree with him: " I think you are right. We have no idea where this is going, as we are just getting to know each other. So yeah if we have to respond we will tell them the truth about being friends and then we'll see. After all it's really our business what we are for each other. Nobody else's."

"True, but that's not what those people will believe. They think because I am a public figure they have the right to know everything about my life. I love my life, but that is the one thing I would trade in a heartbeat. To get my privacy back again. I really want to protect you from all the haters out there. People claiming to be a fan, but then when they see me with a woman I get hate thrown at me. I always thought my fans would want to see me happy. But not all of them do." He looks a bit sad as he is telling me this and I put my hand on his leg.
"Hey, you don't need toxic people in your life. You're an amazing person and I know that true fans will want to see you happy. But you always have some negative people out there. I guess that's just how the world is these days. And with social media, it's even easier to act like an asshole. Behind a screen and keyboard it's so simple to burn somebody down to the ground.
Just know that there are more people out there who support you, then there are negative people."
"I know, but it's hard to keep seeing that sometimes when everybody has an opinion about me even though they don't even know me. I try to stay positive and smile through it, but it just sucks sometimes." He places his hand over mind and intwines his fingers with mine. "I'm so happy I've met you Sky, I am really looking forward to everything we are going to do this week."
"Me too honey badger" I tease him a bit and I can see the signs of the airport already appearing on the side of the road.
"Almost there, with time to spare" he leaves the motorway and after a short drive we reach the airport.

He parks the car in a private garage and leaves the keys in a locker.
After that we take our bags and Daniel also takes my suitcase. What a gentleman.
We don't have to walk far, very soon we reach the lobby of the airport. I'm guessing this part is for private jets only.
In the coffee corner I spot Lando, I decide to pull a small joke on him. So I take out my phone and open Spotify. I find the song about him 'Let's go Lando' and put it on full volume. I sneak up on him and when I'm close enough I press play. Lando jumps up and turns around, "what the fuuu, oooh hi Skylar."
I almost drop to the floor laughing so hard. "I'm so sorry, but you should have seen your face, it's hilarious."
"Ha ha yeah I'm sure. So this is how it's going to be huh. Well then. This means you can expect revenge." He tries to look tough, but he fails terribly.
"How can I make it up to you?" I give him my biggest smile.
"Damn you, when you look at me like that I can't pretend to be mad at you." He pulls me in for a hug, unfortunately a bit too rough so when I bump into him pain shoots through my side and I can't hold back a soft AUW.
He immediately let's go and gives me a worried look. Daniel rushes over to me, "what's wrong, are you in pain?"
Shit! I didn't really want to talk about my injury yet.
"No everything is fine, I just didn't expect it, but I'm alright, don't worry." I try to reassure both of them.
"So when do we have to get into the plane. I can't wait to see Monaco as I have never been there. It's not a really long flight I think?" I quickly change the subject and hope they forget about it for now. I'll tell them what happened, but just not right now.
"It's about 2 hours, so we will be there before you know it. Ah look there is the pilot so we will be boarding the plane soon." Daniel answers, I can tell from the look on his face that he will definitely get back at the subject, but for now we are getting ready to board the plane.

I've never been in a jet like this, only the normal ones to go on holiday.
The inside looks really comfortable. Nice big chairs and a lot of space for your legs. There is only one flight attendant. Not that we will need anything, it's only 2 hours.
I pick a seat next to a window and Daniel takes the seat next to me. Lando sits on the other side of the path also near the window.
I put on the seatbelt, I'm not really afraid of flying, but it's also not my favorite thing in the world. It always feels strange being in the air in something so heavy and actually staying in the air. Because we are the only people on the plane we are on our way to the runway very soon after we boarded.
I grab Daniels hand as the pilot makes speed and suddenly the front of the plane lifts up and we take off.

"Are you scared?" Daniel asks me.
"No not scared, just a bit nervous. I like to keep control, but as I can't fly a plane I don't have any control now. That makes me a bit nervous." I admit.
"I understand. Don't worry it's only a short flight and I'm right here." He gives me a kiss on the cheek and I instantly feel a lot better.
The seatbelts lights go off and I try to open it, but for some reason it won't work.
"Are you kidding me, this weird thing won't come loose." I tell Daniel and I can see he has his one off already. "How on earth did you do that?" I ask him.
"Well there's a little button you have to press, otherwise it won't open, wait I'll do it for you." He shows me what button he is talking about and within a second mine comes off as well.
"I didn't see it, thanks for helping me." I want to give him a kiss on the cheek to thank him, but he turns his head and catches it with his mouth.
"Ooh you are cheeky aren't you?" I laugh as I press my lips against his.

It amazes me how good this feels. His lips on mine, his tongue playing with mine. He drives me insane and turns me on like crazy. How I would love to just crawl on his lap, take all of our clothes off and fuck his brains out.
But Lando is sitting only about 5 feet away, so I'll have to restrain myself.

"Guys, seriously get a room. Damn you are cruel, I have to wait for Luisa until we will be in Italy, she couldn't make it before the weekend." Lando complains, but with a smile on his face. "I'm kidding, it's amazing seeing our Danny looking all lovey dovey, it's about freaking time."
"Aaw you poor thing, well if you do get lonely this week just let me know, we can hang out, right Daniel?" I tell him as I look at Daniel and try out my puppy eyes on him.
"Don't you look at me like that, it won't work I promise you." He tries to act tough but at the same time I see him smiling.
"Lando can hang out whenever he wants. As long as I get to spend time alone with you." He gives me a kiss on my forehead and I instantly feel my heart skip a beat.
"Don't worry, we will." I put my head on his shoulder and even though I didn't think I was tired I doze off.

Daniels POV:
I love the feeling of Skylars head resting on my shoulder. She becomes really quiet all of a sudden. "Sky are you ok?" I ask, but she doesn't respond.
"Mate can you check her, she doesn't answer and I think she might be sleeping, but I'm not sure." I ask Lando and he comes over to check.
"Yeah she's out, so you'd better not move or you will wake her." He whispers because he doesn't want to wake her up.
"Ok thanks mate, I guess she was pretty tired then." I turn my head to kiss her hair.

"By the way Daniel, I didn't mean to hurt her at the airport. I didn't think I hugged her that tightly, but I guess I don't know my own strength." He actually apologizes to me.
"I'm sure she knows you didn't mean to hurt her. I'm just wondering what happened, yesterday she also had a few moments when I thought she was hurting, but she kept telling me she was fine. So I have no idea what's going on, but I'm going to try to figure it out really soon." I tell Lando.

"So can you tell me what this is between you and her. I mean you hardly know each other, but you guys act like you've been together for months." Lando asks.
"I don't know man, when I first called her to tell her she won, she didn't believe it was me, so we FaceTimed and when I saw her I was immediately interested in getting to know her. And then spending yesterday with her. Man that was more than I expected. You and I both know how difficult it can be to figure out if people are genuinely interested in us or only because we are in the spotlight." I try to explain.
"I know, she doesn't seem like somebody who is only interested in the fame part. I think she doesn't care about that at all." Lando tells me.
"Me neither, she did tell me she has been a fan of me for quite some time, but yesterday she also told me she was really glad she could get to know the real me and not the Daniel she knows from tv. So either she is an amazing actor or she is honest and actually interested in me as a person and not as a F1 driver." I'm still keeping my voice down, because I don't want to wake her up.
"I guess you'll find out soon enough. But honesty, I think she is the real deal. And I also just met her yesterday, but it's so easy to be myself around her. I would be absolutely shocked if she was faking it." He says.
"Yeah same here and it would definitely break my heart, because I really think I could love her. Heck I'm already falling for her." Suddenly it hits me that I am actually falling for this girl who is sleeping on my shoulder. I look at Lando and he shrugs his shoulders.
"You're fucked mate. Welcome to my world."

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