I'll always want you!

By Freckles08

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(Book 1 in the wanted series) Verbally abused by his mum for years, 18 year old Niall Horan always believed... More

~*Chapter 2: Liam*~
~*Chapter 3: Niall*~
~*Chapter 4: Liam*~
~*Chapter 5: Niall*~
~*Chapter 6: Liam*~
~*Chapter 7: Niall*~
~*Chapter 8: Liam*~
~*Chapter 9: Niall*~
~*Chapter 10: Liam*~
~*Chapter 11:Niall*~
~*Chapter 12: Liam *~
~*Chapter 13: Niall*~
~*Chapter 14: Liam*~
~*Chapter 15: Niall*~
~*Chapter 16: Liam*~
~*Chapter 17: Niall*~
~*Chapter 18: Liam*~
~*Chapter 19: Niall*~
~*Chapter 20: Liam*~
~*Chapter 21: Niall*~
~*Chapter 22: Liam*~
~*Chapter 23:Niall*~
~*Chapter 24:Liam*~
~*Chapter 25: Niall*~
~*Chapter 26:Liam*~
~*Chapter 27: Niall*~
~*Chapter 28: Liam*~
~*Chapter 29: Niall *~
~*Chapter 30: Louis* ~
~*Chapter 31: Harry*~
~*Chapter 32: Liam*~
~*Chapter 33: Niall*~
~*Chapter 34: Liam*~
~*Chapter 35: Niall*~
~*Chapter 36: Liam*~
~*Chapter 37: Greg*~
~*Chapter 38: Niall*~
~*Chapter 39: Denise *~
~*Chapter 40: Liam*~
~*Chapter 41: Niall*~
~*Chapter 42: Liam*~
~*Chapter 43: Niall*~
~*Chapter 44:Liam*~
~*Chapter 45: Niall*~
~*Chapter 46:Louis*~
~*Chapter 47: Harry*~
~*Chapter 48: Liam~*
~*Chapter 49: Greg*~
~*Chapter 50: Niall *~
~*Chapter 51:Liam*~
~*Chapter 52:Niall*~
~*Chapter 53: Liam*~
~*Chapter 54: Louis *~
~*Chapter 55: Niall *~
~*Chapter 56: Liam*~
~*Chapter 57:Liam*~
~*Chapter 58:Niall*~
~*Chapter 59: Liam*~
~*Chapter 60: Niall*~
~*Chapter 61: Liam*~
~*Chapter 62: Greg*~
~*Chapter 63: Liam*~
~*Chapter 64:Niall*~
~*Chapter 65: Niall *~
~*Chapter 66:Niall *~
~*Chapter 67:Liam*~
~*Chapter 68:Louis *~
~*Chapter 69: Harry*~
~*Epilogue:Niall *~

~*Chapter 1: Niall*~

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By Freckles08

AN: I know Niall's not from Dublin but I wanted him to still live in Ireland and he that was the best I could do.🇨🇮

*Two Years Later*

Two days before I was set to graduate, here I stood against my locker in a state of shock. People were walking by and going to class, not knowing the hell I was going through. Or at least not caring.

Memories of what my mother said to me when I was seven had come back to me right at that moment.

My whole body started to shake.

Why? I wanted to scream out as loud as I could. Why?

Maybe my mother was right, no man would ever want me or would ever truly love me. I needed to just give up on men for good.

I just wanted Greg, when would he get here? I had to tell him what happened or he'll know something's wrong the moment he sees my teary red eyes. Greg will know what to do to take away the pain before I have to go home to mother. I can never let her know what happened. She'll never let me forget this, just like she always brings up Landon. Gosh, I was having a trouble getting air in my lungs. I just needed Greg.

Greg's my older brother by three years. He's been the only person in my life to be there for me. He goes to the university of Dublin and studying Architecture Engineering. He worked his arse off in school to get perfect grades and of course he kicked arse playing footie. He received a scholarship to play football at the University of Dublin. He could have gone anywhere, but he stayed in Dublin to help take care my mother and me.

He wouldn't leave me all alone to deal with her. He's all I have in this world. Well him and my best friend Harry, but Greg is my brother and we're really close so theirs things I can tell him that I can't talk to Harry about.

My father left when I was three. He came back to see us only once after he left. It was right after Greg got his scholarship to the university. He showed up on our doorstep acting like a proud father. I thought Greg was gonna beat the shit out of him. He only stayed long enough to give Greg and I part of an inheritance from a grandmother neither of us remembered. He also caused our mother to go into another drunken fest and loose another job.

Greg made me put the money away for college and he bought his truck and paid off what was owed on our mother's house. My mother is nothing but a drunk who half the time doesn't even knows she has two kids. I'm nothing but a reminder of the man who left her alone and unwanted. She told me how much I looked like him when I was younger. Her hatred for him drives her problems, or at  least she attempts to drink them away.

Greg is another reminder of our father but my mother pretty much just ignores him more than she does me. As long as he puts money in her account each month for her alcohol she's happy.Greg's worked since he was fourteen to help keep food on our table. I stopped counting how many jobs  she'd had. Sometimes she'd be gone for days at a time, which was fine by us. How Greg managed to work, study and get to football practice all while taking care of his little brother is beyond me.

I love my brother so much for all that he does, even for our mum. Greg is the only person in my life who has been there for me.

I only needed two people in my life... Greg and Zayn. Well shit... at least up until thirty minutes ago, I thought the only two people I needed in my life were Greg and Zayn.  Zayn has been my boyfriend for the last eight months, pretty much all of my senior year has been spent with him... what fooking waste.

I guess I should say he was my boyfriend. The fooker! My body started to shake again as the image came back into my mind. I felt the tears threaten to come again. No! I wasn't going to cry over him anymore.

I had gotten a text message from Zayn asking me to meet him in the auditorium during sixth period. I was the office monitor and it wasn't uncommon for me to meet him during sixth period before he left campus for the day. I could've sworn he told me he was leaving right after fifth.

Today something was different and I knew it the moment I walked through the door of the auditorium. I heard moans coming from behind the stage. I slowly walked up and found Zayn behind the stage having sex with Gigi Hadid. I thought I was gonna throw up. I stood there like an idiot watching them for  probably a good minute before my brain started to work again.

I finally was able to turn myself away from one of the worst moments in my life only to walk into a prop for the stupid Wizard of Oz play the drama class was putting on tonight. It mad a loud crash as it hit the floor and I turned just in time to see Zayn look up at me with a stunned look on his face and to see Gigi give me the most evil smile I'd ever seen. I mean really... that bitch could throw daggers at her mother while singing a Disney song. At that moment, I knew this was all her doing, she set it up for me to be here and see this.

I turned and jumped over the prop to run out the door. All I knew was that I could hardly breathe and I really needed to get out of there and fast. I heard the bastard calling out for me.

"Let me explain! Niall! Please let me explain!" He kept yelling out. Really... how could he possibly explain why he was having sex with someone else a cheerleader who hated my guts.

Every since Zayn asked me to the fall dance, Gigi has made it her mission in life to hate me and take Zayn away. With her perfect blonde hair and perfect body and let's not forget daddy's money. I guess she's accomplished her goal of taking Zayn from me.

After I spent the last twenty minutes in the boy's bathroom ugly crying with my best friend Harry standing outside the bathroom stall begging me to tell him what was wrong, I was ready to find Gigi and tell her she won nothing. Because Zayn would just do the exact same thing to her. So I hope she'd enjoys it.

I was finally able to somewhat speak to Harry once the sobs settled a bit.

"Oh my gawd, Haz, that fooker ... that no good for nothing." And there it was... another round of endless sobs

"Please Niall, you're really scaring me. Please tell me who and what the hell you're talking about before I scale this fooking door and beat it out of you." Harry screamed over my loud cries.

"It's...it's Zayn. I saw him having sex with... Gi..Gi..Gi.."

I can't breathe... oh my god! Why?

"I just saw Zayn fooking Gigi Hadid behind the stage!" I screamed out with such a force even I was waiting for someone to come see what hell was going on.

For a few minutes, I thought Harry had left me in my misery alone. I was alone, sitting in the boys bathroom crying over some jerk, crying all alone.

I would always end up alone.

How stupid was I to think that Zayn would wait to be with me until I was ready? I just never felt like Zayn was "the one" I was saving myself. We had barely even kissed and he never really tried to go any further. My mother told me the first and only time she met Zayn that I was only arm candy for him.

I'm always gonna be alone. I shook my head... that's not true... I had Greg. I'd always have Greg.

"Holy hells bells...Jesus,Mary and Joseph... that dirty rotten son of a bitch cock-sucking motherfooker! I'm gonna cut his balls off and..."

God, I loved this guy. Harry had been my best friend since we were ten an he moved here from Holmes Chapel. He was handsome, funny and smart as hell. He was graduating as valedictorian of our class. He was taller than me he's 5'10" and weighed around 154lbs. He had luscious curls that came right below his chin. He had green eyes anybody would kill for. His only downfall was he was too nice. If he wasn't careful people would push him around. That is until someone messes with someone he cares about.

"Haz, please, if anyone is gonna cut his balls off it sure as hell is going to  be me and not you. But thanks for the love." I said as I walked out of the stall more composed than I really should've been.

Somehow in the last sixty seconds it hit me. I wasn't meant to be happy or find love. Just like my mother told me when I was younger. I'll never be wanted.

Not by anyone, let alone by one of the most popular guys in school. What a fool I'd been. Argh, I just needed my brother to get here. He'd take me away from this disaster, just like he always has.

Once Harry made sure I was ok, he hightailed it out of the bathroom before the bell rang to let Mr. Corden know I wasn't feeling well. He was planning on telling our science teacher I was coming down with something and was in the loo.

He was right in a way... I was in  terrible pain but it had nothing to do with a stomach bug. It was my heart breaking and nothing more. Mr. Corden wouldn't care. It was the last day for seniors anyways and all we were doing was playing stupid games or watching dumb movies we've seen a million times.

I had sent Greg a text right when I walked into the loo, asking if he could pick me up early. Harry had seen me running from the auditorium and came after me. I had managed to avoid Zayn by hiding out on the other end of school for the last few minutes. I was silently hoping he just left school once he couldn't find me. It was now between classes, and I was just praying my phone would chirp with "I'm here honey" and I could just get the fook out of here and in the safety of Greg's Truck. If I can manage that and not see Zayn, I should be ok.

"Ni... please let me talk to you."

Fook a duck...yep... it was true... my life will never go like I wish for it to. Holy hell!

"Go away Z-Zayn." Oh hells bells keep it together Niall, keep it together. Don't cry in front of him.

"Please Ni, I made a terrible mistake. Gigi was saying all this shit about how she'd heard you telling Harry you had no plans of getting closer to me and how you were going to break up with me before summer. And well shit! Niall, I just wasn't thinking straight, Ni. I've been trying to be patient with you, Niall, but for fook sake, all we ever do is kiss and well... I just broke. A guy has needs and well um... She just broke me, Niall, with her bullshit and I had a small moment of weakness. I promise you it'll never happen again. I promise. I'll NEVER betray you again, Niall. I promise you, Ni. Let's just forget about this ok? And move on. We can move on, right Niall?"

Oh my god, I think I just threw up in my mouth. A guy has needs? Is he insane!" He had a small moment of weakness? You've gotta be fooking kidding me! Did he really just say that?

I got the the courage from somewhere deep inside and turned to face him.

"You've gotta be kidding me, right? That's your reason for fooking Gigi? Because I was hoping you'd at least make it worth my while, Zayn."  I managed to spit out even with the tears I was holding back and the pit in stomach that was growing.

"Make what worth your while? Niall, I'll do anything!" Zayn pleaded.

At that moment I summoned all the deep-down empowering man bullshit Harry's mother is always preaching to us. "Boys, you're stronger than you know...if you don't like being treated like a doormat then get the fook off the floor." Oh, and my all time favorite. "If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." That one was a quote by Katharine Hepburn. Harry's mother adored  Katharine Hepburn and I swear she's made us watch all her movies.

Yep! Once I had all that empowering shit boiled up in my small 5'8" one hundred eighteen pound body. I balled my fist up and hit that motherfooker as hard as I could in the face. Ok, I'm not gonna lie when and say it didn't hurt. It hurt like a son of bitch, in fact I think I screamed in pain when my fist made contact with his jaw. But seeing his head snap back and everyone stop and stare. Jesus it was worth it!

Even if I did think I just broke my hand. Shit!

"For making that worth my while you arsehole, shit!" I yelled at Zayn. For just one second I felt so good, until I felt my hand start to throb harder.

Oh shit...

"Niall, what the hell is going on?"  It was Greg. I was pulled out of the daze I was in as stood there and looked at my ever-increasing swollen hand.

"I got your text, what's going on?"

Greg looked at me, then down to my hand, and then over to Zayn, who was nursing his jaw, and must've all clicked in that moment. Greg had Zayn pinned up against the lockers in two seconds flat.

"What the fook did you do to my brother you arsehole? I'll kill you if you've hurt him!" Greg hissed between his teeth.

I walked over and tried to grab Greg off of Zayn before he hurt him or worse, got in trouble for beating the shit out of a high school student. I forgot about about my hand, and lurched back in pain and let out a small gasp when I grabbed at his shirt.

Just then I felt a warm strong hands on my shoulders and my whole body started to tingle and feel warm inside.

What the hell? What was happening?

"Stand back here, Niall, so you don't get hurt, sweetheart." I looked up and was looking into the most beautiful brown eyes I'd ever seen. I'd never seen a guy as good looking as the guy who was standing in front of me. He must have been at least 6'2" 230lbs. I know this because Greg was 6'1" and 220lbs.

My eyes traveled up and down his body quickly. Holy shit this guy was built! I always thought my brother Greg was the most handsome man I'd ever seen. Greg has light brown hair and emerald
green eyes. He worked out every day for as long as I can remember. He said it was his was to release his stress. We couldn't go anywhere without every girl tripping over herself to get his attention. The thing I love most about my brother is he's clueless to all of it. Just take my brother to the pool and have him take off his shirt and BAM... girls everywhere. He had a beautiful body and part of his chest and upper arm covered in ink. He had the Irish flag tattoo on his upper left arm and a tribal tattoo on his right chest and shoulder that went down a little ways onto his back. He and a few friends went last summer and got the tribal tattoos.

But this guy standing in front of me was breathtaking... I couldn't tear my eyes away from him.

I heard a small laugh escape from his beautiful mouth and noticed he was still holding onto my shoulders. I snapped out of yet another daze.

He smiled down at me and at that moment everything sounded muffled. I barley heard Greg yelling at Zayn, or Mr. Cowell screaming and asking Greg why he was on campus and to let Zayn go. I only saw the magnificent smile looking down at me. My whole body felt weak, and I had to really think about breathing. I managed to look around him to see what was going on with Greg.

I saw Louis mine and Greg's childhood friend trying to get Greg to calm down and off of Zayn.

"Yeah Greg, take it easy man. Calm the hell down , dude. He's not worth going to jail for."  The mysterious man said in calming voice.

Yep , I'd never heard a voice so sweet in my life. Can your body physically melt from a voice? What was going on with me?

"I'm gonna kill that fooker if he hurt him in anyway, Liam. I.Will.Kill.Him!" Greg shouted as he looked at Zayn. As Louis tried his best to pull Greg away from him.

So, this was Liam, huh? My brother and Louis' best friend from college. They talk about Liam all the time but I had yet to meet him. I've seen him plenty of times at games. They all play footie together for the university and they were both majoring in Architecture Engineering.

Liam let out a laugh that moved through my whole body like a warm blanket. What was happening to me? I just stood there and staring, I couldn't move. What is it about this guy that had my insides melting? I mean, I just saw my boyfriend screwing someone else I was never... let me repeat myself...I'm never going to fall in love again. All men were pure scum. Evil bastards that just wanted one thing from you, sex. Let them know your a virgin, and I guess they'll invest months of their lives to say they took that away from you.


I looked at Liam again. Their was something about him. I was shocked by my immediate intense feelings for him, especially after what had just happened. I looked his body up and down as I licked my lips after my mouth went dry in an instant. I try to tear my eyes away from him but couldn't. He was built just bit bigger than Greg. He had brown hair that had that perfect messy look only a guy this hot could pull off. I looked up to his eyes... holy shit... those beautiful brown eyes. I could see myself getting lost in those eyes. I drug my eyes down away from his face and they went right to his large muscular chest. He had a tattoo, yum. I could see part of it on his arm, just sticking out from under his tight white t-shirt. You could almost see his black tribal tattoo under his shirt if you looked hard enough and I sure as hell was looking hard. It appeared to start on his chest and moved up his shoulder and back down onto his arm. What I wouldn't give to get peak at that and run my fingers along...

Okay! Wait... hold the fooking fort Niall. Good god what am I doing? I had to shake my head to clear my thoughts. I was practically undressing my brother's best friend in my mind.

No! I'll never let myself be hurt by another man. My mother was right, no one would ever want me, and Zayn was proof of that. I was never gonna let another man into my life to hurt me me ever again.

Just then I was brought back to the real world by Harry asking to let him see my hand. When he got there I have no clue.

"Oh fook...Ni! Greg! Louis! We need to get Niall to the hospital like RIGHT NOW!" Harry was screaming trying to get their attention.

"Dude, listen to me, your brother's hurt. We need to get him to the doctor. Don't worry about this fookwad Greg. We can take care of him later." Liam said as he gave Zayn a look that oozed out hate and disgust. If I hadn't known better, I would've thought he  wanted to kill Zayn more than Greg did.

Greg released his body in an instant. Greg walked over to Zayn and leaned in close enough so that Mr.Cowell didn't hear, but I sure as hell heard it.

"I'll be back you bastard!" Greg hissed.

"Let's go, Greg." Louis said as he guided Greg away from what Harry was now calling "the crime scene."

We started walking down the hall to go outside when Harry started some what panicking.

"They're for sure not gonna let you walk now Ni... oh my god, what the hell were you thinking hitting him and doing it right here in school in front of everyone? I mean, I know you're third in the class but they might not let you walk! I can't be up there giving a speech knowing my best friend isn't going to be walking with me on the same stage. Haven't you learned anything during high school?  I mean damn, you needed to wait..."

"Harry! Please, shut the fook up, will you?" Louis ask

"Oh, gosh I don't know if I deal can with you two." Greg says rolling his eyes

Even though my hand was swollen and hurt like hell, I had to giggle. Harry and Louis had a love/hate relationship. Harry loved Louis and Louis seemed to hate Harry. It wasn't always like that though.

When I was like ten years old Harry became my best friend after he moved here from Holmes Chapel to Dublin. Louis had moved here a year earlier and him and Greg instantly hit off. When Harry first moved here Louis and Greg were both thirteen and used to play with us and tease the shit out of  us. Then something changed when we were in ninth grade and he was senior. He'd barely look at Harry. He never wanted to be around him, and that made life a bit difficult for me. I know he cares for him like a brother though. When Luke Hemmings bragged that he was gonna take Harry out to his parents' lake house one weekend and take his virginity Louis found out about it and beat the shit out of Luke. Harry of course took that as a sign of undying love for him. I took it as Louis is also my friend and didn't want my best friend to get hurt like that.

Harry and Louis continued to bicker back and forth all the way out to Greg's truck, I just tuned them out because my hand was hurting so much, otherwise I would've been annoyed with their  bickering.

Greg helped me up into the back seat of his Ford  F-250. Liam ran up behind him and handed me a bag full of ice. Huh? Where and when did he get that?

"Thank you ah, um, Liam," I stuttered out.

Jesus what's wrong with me? I couldn't even talk right. Why did he give me such weird feelings? Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, he smiled at me.

Fook me... those beautiful beautiful chocolate brown eyes and perfect white straight teeth to round out the most  beautiful smile I've ever seen.

"No problem, Niall. Try to keep it up above your heart, sweetheart, and here take these Advil." He says handing me Advil and water.

Gulp, I couldn't even speak. Harry leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Breath Ni, breath." I sucked in a long breath and managed to thank him for the ice, water and Advil.

"Hey, I'm Harry by the way, Niall's best friend," Harry said.

Liam gave him the sweetest smile then leaned in a bit closer to me.

"Let's get you to doctor, what'd ya say?" Liam whispered against my ear. The feel of his hot breath against my face caused my body to start to shake.

"Ahhh, yep ok, doctor sounds good, yep  let's go , let's roll, let's do this thing."

Ok. Why was mouth still talking when clearly my brain has checked out the moment he smiled at me? He shut the door and got in the front passenger seat, with me in back between Harry and Louis. Greg started the truck, and of course Tim McGraw's "Truck Yeah" started up. I swear if I hear one time I'm  gonna hurl.

I looked over at Harry , who had shit-eating grin on his face. He lean over and said low enough where I would only hear him. "Ok that boy wants in your pants!!!"

I just gave him my best shut the hell up look, and said "Pesh ... you're crazy! Have I told you lately you seriously need therapy? Seriously...you do Harry I'm beginning to get scared for you." I bit back at him.

Harry threw his head back and laughed. "Bitch, you can't tell me I'm wrong on this one. Matter of fact, I would bet you those white Nike shoes you've been eyeing the last three months that, that boy wants you."

I had to let out a laugh, which caused my hand to start throbbing even more and my heart to break.

You'll never be wanted by anyone...

"Even if I could afford to take you up on that, I know for fact you're dead wrong about this one."I stated just a little too loudly.

"I didn't think their was much more Harry could get wrong." Louis
jokes, "What is it now?" Louis ask

"Nothing he's, just delusional, that's all. He's seeing things there that are clearly NOT there" I say. "Well ya know I love you Ni, but what's new?" Louis ask making Harry shoot him a look and roll his and I'm pretty sure I heard "dickwad" come out of his mouth.

"Louis, Harry you two shut up I could care less about you all fighting with each other right now. I wanna know what happened between you and Zayn!" Greg demands as we pull in at doctors.

Shit... here we go. I have to tell Greg what happened and pray to god that he doesn't kill Zayn. Yeah Zayn's a son of bitch but I don't wanna him dead. Yeah I'd love to see someone kick his arse but not Greg.

Greg had to think about his scholarship and his future. Not about what some arsewipe had just done to his brother, who probably deserved it. Liam turned and gave me a smile that melted my heart, not to mention my boxers. It was almost like he was giving the courage to start talking.  I gave him a small smile back, and my body actually felt like it was humming. I thought I was gonna have trouble breathing again but his smile seemed to make me forget about it.

What the hell? I've never had a guy affect me like this guy did. What was going on with me? I needed to focus here. I shook my head again to get these crazy thoughts out.

"Well, it all started when I got a text from Zayn to meet him in the auditorium..."

AN:Please vote and give me some feedback I love to hear your comments.

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