Jikook Oneshots 2

By Mikchimin

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Another compilation of stories where Mimmie loves Koo and Koo loves Mimmie right back. Hey~ I filled out an e... More

Classicalish (Part Two)
Adults (Continuation of Children)
ThE most ClichE Jikook Story evVer Part Too??? Yes!1!!!
Ice (Part Two)
Leather (Continuation to Bikers)
Koo The First
Koo The First (Part Two)
Koo The First (Part Three)
Mimmie His Love (Continuation of Koo The First)
Best Friend's Little Brother (Continuation to Big Brother's Best Friend)
Conference (Continuation of Electric)
Among Us
Reality (Continuation of First Sight)
Graduation (Continuation to Top Kinky and Dare)
Letters (Continuation to Servants)
Brothers (Part Two)
Brothers (Part Three)
Famous (Part Two)
Famous (Part Three)
Dog (Part Two)
Grudge (Continuation to Rebound)
Benefits (Continuation to Jeans)
Drawing (Part Two)
River (Part Two)
Awkward (Continuation to Birth)
Awkward (Part Two)
Bachelorette (Part Two)
Kingdom (Continuation to Swords)
Kingdom (Part Two)


530 26 51
By Mikchimin

Namjoon had gotten a wife two months ago. Since then, everything has changed. Millie was an amazing woman, and she set Jimin and his five brothers straight.

When it was just the men; Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and him, they didn't care as much. They were messy, their house was messy, and they didn't bathe much. Who had the time? They were mountain men, and they had a farm to run.

But when Millie came along, she turned them all on their head. Namjoon was doing okay with the hygiene part, as he was the one who did the trading in town, so he looked and smelled the part of townsfolk more often than not. Millie was more focused on the other five.

She taught the boys to clean, pitching in, but letting them do the bulk of the work—it was their mess after all. She taught them the proper ways to take care of themselves. "It's 1850 for goodness sake!" She had said to them. "You aren't animals."

When the house was finally clean, and they looked and smelled nice, Millie was adamant about teaching them manners. The boys were so isolated from the world—according to Millie—they didn't know how to act! So Millie would teach them how to talk to men and women alike.

Jimin really liked Millie, and the other boys did too. Namjoon was really happy with her, really in love. Jimin wanted to be in love...but he didn't know if he wanted a wife. His brothers all wanted wives—they talk about it frequently. But, with the way they talked...Jimin just didn't feel the same.

Maybe it's because he's only really known two women in his life—first his mother, and now Millie. But...he doesn't seem to feel the way everyone else feels. He must've just not met the right woman yet. Once he sees her...everything will change. He's sure of it.

He has to be sure of it.

The local barn raising in the nearby town was a month away, and they were working hard so they could all go as gentlemen. Millie said they'll get wives in no time with how they're learning.

"Now Seokjin," Millie laughs as she teaches him to dance. "Make sure to watch your feet!"

The boys heckle him. Taehyung yells, "Come on brother of mine, you can do better than that!"

"Boys!" She scolds, but not in a way that makes them feel bad. "Jin is trying his best! You wouldn't like it if I pointed out all your faults in front of everyone, hm? What if your faults aren't fixed before the barn raising? Well, perhaps I'll just tell Namjoon you can't go."

That shut them all up.

"Wonderful," She laughs, resuming the dance.

Taehyung leans over to whisper into Jimin's ear. "I'm trying so hard. I'm gonna get me a pretty town girl like Millie to be my wife."

"Yeah..." Jimin murmurs. "Me too."

He wants it, badly. But something just isn't sitting right.


"Look at all my handsome boys," Millie walks to every brother, straightening their colorful shirts. She walks up to Jimin, fixing the wrinkles out of his royal blue button-up. "I hope all the pretty girls see what gentlemen you are and fall right in love with the lot of you."

"You're the best big sister, Millie," Yoongi smiles when she gets to him.

She laughs, cupping his face with a hand. "I'm happy you like having a big sister. But you're two years older than me."

"You still know more than us," Hoseok shrugs. "Maturity-wise, you're years ahead of all of us."

"Oh, you're learning boys!" She finishes by the door, surveying her work. "You all look perfect. Namjoon is done hitching the wagon, so let's not waste any more time!"

The trip down the mountain was neither long nor short. They were lucky that the town was right at the base of the mountain. Jimin was buzzing with excitement. He hasn't been down to the small settlement since he was a boy, back when his parents were still alive. He doesn't remember it much, but oh Namjoon's stories have painted a picture for him in his mind.

Once in town, they ride through main street. Jimin's eyes widen at the multitude of salons, saloons, houses, even a bank! Towns were so odd, so squished together. Jimin much preferred the wide-open space where he lived, protected by a shelter of trees.

Off the main part of town was a long road, which they travel down on, to a plot of land. On it, was a humble house, smaller than Jimin's family's. Near it, was an already constructed foundation, that would later today have walls and a roof added to it. For now though, it was being used as a dance floor.

Many pairs were already busy. All the single women were in bright colors and full skirts, contrasting the men's drab suits. In fact, Jimin and his brothers were the only men in the vicinity wearing anything except gray, brown, or black.

As Namjoon halts, and the wagon stops moving, multiple women run up to assist them. Jimin looks from the girls to his brothers. They watch the women with interest...an interest Jimin still, quite disappointingly, failed to find in himself.

The first girl holds her hands out so Millie can hand her a dish. Seokjin is the first one to drop from the wagon, and the two stare at one another as a pie is placed in her hands.

"I helped bake this pie," He doesn't break eye contact with her. "Hopefully it's up to the standards of you townsfolk."

"Well it looks delectable...let me escort you to the table. I'm Dorcus."

Taehyung drops next as Millie greets, "Hazel! So lovely to see you again."

"Hazel," Taehyung repeats, taking a bottle of liquor from his sister-in-law. "A name that matches your beautiful eyes."

She giggles and takes his arm instantly. "Oh how you flatter me! You must ask me to dance later."

Hoseok is next, and Jimin continues to wait for the girl that excites him, that makes him moony like Alice did when she and her cheerful brother first made eye contact. The two were on the dance floor before Yoongi could even get a word out.

His shy brother stuttered, flustered by the pale redhead in front of him. The girl looks at him, equally wordless.

"My dear Yoongi, this is Elizabeth," Millie prompts, putting a hand on his shoulder. "If you could please show my brother-in-law where to put the cake, Elizabeth?"

"Y-yes," She nods quickly, freckled face turning red like her hair. "Right this way, Yoongi."

Hesitantly he jumps out, taking a deep breath when next to her. Quietly, but boldly, he murmurs, "You're the prettiest girl I've ever laid my eyes on."

Her face flushes even more, but she leads him away nonetheless.

Suddenly there were no women left.

"Oh dear. Go explore, Jimin," Millie gestures him away. "Your brothers simply got lucky I suppose. You'll find a wife. If not this event, then the next!"

But Jimin is increasingly becoming less convinced.

As he's about to get out of the wagon, a man walks up. And...and this time, Jimin feels something.

This man, Jimin realizes, is quite handsome. He's tall, with broad shoulders. His hair is dark, his eyes soft and bright. Jimin's not sure what he's feeling, but it hit him hard. Why is it this man who's gotten his attention? Is it some charm Jimin doesn't have himself that he wants to possess?

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" His voice is like crystallized honey, tough, yet so sweet. Jimin catches himself thinking these thoughts. What do those thoughts say about himself? He's becoming even more confused.

"Nope! The wagon's all empty!" Millie laughs. "Well, except for Jimin here."

"Ah, well I can help with him," The boy extends his hand, and they make eye contact for the first time.

Why can't Jimin stop staring?

"Let me help you down," The man offers.

"What?" Jimin snaps out of it for a second. "No, I'm a man. I don't need your help."

"Nonsense," But he backs away to let Jimin climb out. "We all need help every once and a while."

Jimin's face is hot. He doesn't know why.

He jumps out of the cart, next to the handsome man. "I'm Jungkook," He introduces. "Nice to meet you, Jimin."

"The pleasure is all mine," He finds himself saying, but it sounds awkward to him. Oh why is he being awkward!? He doesn't want to act foolishly in front of this man.

Jungkook chuckles. "Walk with me, Jimin? I would like to get to know you I think."

"Y-yes," Jimin curses at himself internally. He just wants to be put together and charming in front of him, like Millie had taught him to be. He's screwing everything up! "Let us talk."

Jungkook gives him a smile that he feels right in his chest. Ah but the question is why!

They walk to a deserted seating area off to the side of the property—still close enough to be within the party, but quite the opposite of crowded. Even though there are other people around...it almost feels like it's just the two of them.

"So, you came with Millie," Jungkook starts. "I assume you're from the mountains. I don't know you."

"Yes, I am," His chest is tight. Is he getting sick? "My brothers and I, and now Millie all live up there together."

"Do you like it?"

"It's lovely," Jimin smiles at him. "So much free open space, and yet you're protected by the mountains all around you. It's the only place I'd ever want to live." He clears his throat. "Pardon me if this sounds rude, but I don't understand how you could live so close to so many people."

Jungkook smiles. His smile is magnificent. "I don't know what to tell you. It's just how I've always lived."

"There's just no space to breathe," He complains. "Where do you go when you need to get away from people?"

"Ah, well," Jungkook looks down. "I guess that's difficult. Where do you go?"

"There's an infinite amount of space in the mountains," Jimin beams. He's slowly feeling better. "Millions of places to hide when you need to be alone. We're pretty far up in the mountains, but sometimes I'll take a horse and go up even farther."

"Ah," He nods. "That sounds wonderful. Your life is quite interesting."

"O-oh, well, it's actually quite routine," Jimin huffs out a laugh. "But I'm content. What do you do?"

"I just work in the store," Jungkook looks at him. "I don't even own any land here. I just live with the old couple who runs the main shop back in town. Unfortunately it's not too impressive."

"No, no," Jimin shakes his head quickly. "I wouldn't be impressed if you were mayor of the town! I think everyone here is odd."

Jungkook bursts out laughing. "Wow, it's nice to meet someone who isn't so quick to judge on town status. Do all you men in the mountains think you're better than us?"

"Well, I don't think I'm better than you," Jimin scratches the back of his head. "I just like my life better."

"Fair," Jungkook laughs a lot. Jimin likes that he's like that. "Your life sounds more interesting than mine at least."

"Maybe it is," Jimin smiles shyly. His chest is now so warm. "I don't know...we have no way to test it."

"I suppose we don't," And once again he chuckles. It's music to Jimin's ears, even more so than the music Hoseok and Alice—and now Taehyung and Hazel—were dancing to. "I'll just take your word then that your life is better."

Jimin can't make eye contact, bashful. "Well, alright."

They chat for quite a while, the time going by faster than Jimin can comprehend. It's just so easy to talk to this handsome gentleman.

Jungkook's bright eyes travel to the dance floor. All of Jimin's brothers are dancing now. Even Namjoon looks graceful with Millie on his arm. He's always been a clumsy one.

"Your brothers are good dancers," Jungkook notes. "Are you?"

"Millie says I am," Jimin says honestly. "She...she said I was the best out of everyone."

"Really?" Jungkook gives him an open-mouthed smile. "Then, do you want to dance?"

"Dance?" Jimin repeats, face brightening a bit. "Are there girls you know willing to dance with us?" Maybe Jungkook would introduce him to his future wife!

"Oh, no," He shakes his head, shy. "I meant...dance with me."

"What?" Jimin's heart speeds up. "We can't! What will people say? Two men dancing together is unheard of."

"I thought you might say that," There's a gleam in the taller's eye, despite his still soft demeanor. He grabs Jimin's hand and drags him away, behind the house where no one else was. "We can still hear the music back here. Let's dance alone, in secret. It'll be thrilling."

Thrilling. The word gets Jimin excited all of a sudden. "Okay, let's do it."

Jungkook beams—the wildest smile Jimin's seen from him. "Perfect. You lead."

With the dynamic fiddle, accompanied by various other instruments, they join together. They swing around, energetic. They kick their legs, and jump. The wind in Jimin's hair makes him laugh, his smile is so wide.

Jungkook looks at him the whole time, but Jimin can't do the same. He tries to maintain eye contact, but there's just something about him, something that makes him nervous. His eyes dart around against his will.

The dance was extremely animated, he was extremely happy finally getting to dance along to this song like he's dreamed of dancing to. Millie taught the choreography to him and his brothers. It was the town's favorite dance, she made sure to tell them all that, and teach it to them.

"You must've practiced," Jungkook compliments. "You dance like you were born and raised in town."

"I did practice," He was extremely happy his efforts were noticed. "I wanted to show off. I guess that's all for naught now though, hm?"

"You're showing off for me," Jungkook shrugs. "I hope that's enough."

Jimin can't stop smiling. "...I suppose it is."

The song ends, and the two end with their hands linked. Their arms are completely extended, but relaxed. Jungkook steps closer to him. Now Jimin is able to stare. Jungkook's own eyes still haven't wavered...for once he wasn't smiling.

Jungkook steps closer.

Jimin's breath hitches. He didn't know why.

He steps closer yet again, so their hands are pressed in between their bodies. Jimin is frozen. All he knows is that the close proximity is messing with his head. What is happening to him? What is it about this man that is making Jimin go crazy?

Then Jungkook kisses him.

Jimin falls into it, closing his eyes. His brain stops working, for just a second. But only a second. Quickly he comes back to his sense, pushing Jungkook away.

"W-what are you doing?" His eyes are wide.

Jungkook huffs out a small laugh. "I'm kissing you. Or, well, I was."

"But-but men can't kiss men," The shorter sputters.

Jungkook's eyes are warm as he looks at him, as if he knows something Jimin doesn't. "Well why not?"

"Because—well, because," Jimin stumbles over his words. "You kiss people you're in love with. And-and a man can't fall in love with another man! It's unheard of, impossible!"

"Oh but it's not," Jungkook steps closer once again. "You know how I know that?"

Jimin's going crazy. "...How?"

"Because I'm falling in love with you."

His skin is on fire. "T-truly? But how could you know?"

"Ever since I saw you, Jimin, I knew I wanted to get to know you, and to know you for a long time," Jungkook explains. "I wanted to dance with you, to hold you, to kiss you. They call it attraction. I am romantically attracted to you, Jimin."

"Oh..." A smile slowly spreads on his face, those words making him happier than he feels he's ever been. Things in his brain are suddenly clicking into place—hearing what Jungkook had said makes quite a lot of his own feelings make sense all at once. "Oh. Romantic attraction, to you. Me, to you. I...I don't know what to say, I'm sorry. I think you're gorgeous. I guess I might want to do all those things with you too. That's attraction, right?"

"Yes," Jungkook coos, grabbing his hands again. "You're adorable. Did you really not know about attraction?"

"It's my first time experiencing it," Jimin says simply. "I've only ever been around my family, save for a few rare occasions. I've heard there were books on love, but the only book I've read is the Bible. It doesn't really explain what attraction is like."

"Well, attraction is natural," Jungkook once again pulls him in. "I'll teach you everything else. What I know anyways...I've never actually gone past the, uh, initial attraction phase. The first person I've ever kissed is you. There's not too many men who like other men over here...oh but nevermind. We'll learn together."

"Yeah?" Now that he knows why he's feeling this way, he's relishing in it. "You wanna learn?"

"Do you?" Jungkook counters. "We may not be able to see one another often, what with where you live and all. And we'd have to keep it a secret, because people are hateful. But we have today...and the folks at the shop aren't there. We can talk freely with very minimal risk of getting caught."

"I'd really like that," This time, Jimin gets close to him. He timidly kisses his cheek, as he's seen Millie and Namjoon do to each other. Jimin's parents were never touchy, but Millie came into his brother's life, and showed the six of them the wonders of affection. Jimin wanted to do those things with his lover too...and maybe Jungkook would be his lover. "I'd like to learn. Do you really think we can sneak off without being seen?"

There's mischief gleaming in Jungkook's eyes. "I know a secret road."

The pair dash off together, riding the high thrill they're on. Jimin's heart beats fast—on adrenaline, and so much more. When they're on Main Street, it's like a ghost town. Everyone was at the barn raising.

Jungkook brings Jimin into the shop in town, then behind the counter where there's stools. There they sit, and look at one another once again.

As Jimin's breath goes from shallow to deep, his lungs tired from running, worry flares in his belly. "This isn't too sudden? Too fast?"

"By the time your family finds us, your brothers will be claiming they're in love with the girls who already have multiple beux in town," Jungkook gives him a look. "We're two people who feel things for one another and no one else. I...things are so fast-paced here. One minute Millie was here, and then within the day she met Namjoon they were married. I can't do that, even if two men could legally get married. I really want to get to know you first."

"Ah," Jimin looks down. "Me too. I really want to know everything about you, Jungkook. I'm so curious."

Said male takes his hands. "You're so cute Jimin."

"Oh stop," His face is a fiery red. "I'm not used to those words yet. I'm a man after all, we aren't called cute."

"I understand, I'll be slow with the traditionally 'feminine' comments," Jungkook promises. "Though I can't understand why those words are only allowed to be used for women when people can, for example, be beautiful in a non-feminine way."

"Like you," He says without thinking.

"Ah, Jimin," Jungkook tuts, shaking a finger. "I can't call you these words, but you can use them for me? So disappointing-"

This time Jimin kisses him.

Not for long—they could get caught at any second. But he does nonetheless.

Jungkook pulls away with a gleam in his eye. "You sly weasel."

"Well I didn't mean to say it," Jimin defends. "And I didn't want a lecture."

"I wish I could be angry at you," Jungkook sighs. "But oh it's too hard. Just wait until I kiss you for real. Someday...someday I'll sweep you off your feet."

Jimin's heart jumps. "I-I will."

"I hope your brothers won't come looking for you before the barn raising is over," Jungkook changes the subject. "If they see us alone together once, it's fine I suppose. If we run off again? That's when they'll think it's strange."

"Very true," Jimin sighs. "I just want to get to know you. But no, that's strange. Men are men, not to be truly known by anyone! Suppress your feelings, don't make close relationships with other men if they're not related by blood. All things my father taught me."

"Your father..." Jungkook frowns. "Will he be a problem?"

"Oh no," Jimin laughs, quite inappropriately. "A tree fell on him when I was a teenager."

"O-oh," The taller's eyes widen. "I'm sorry."

Jimin waves a hand. "I lived with him for fourteen years, but I never truly knew him. All the tears I wept for him were more from the shock of losing someone to death rather than actual sadness. My mother however, I was devastated when she died. She had fallen down the stairs, hit her head. That shattered me for a good year, and still hurts to think about."

"I'm sorry," Jungkook puts a hand on the smaller's shoulder.

Jimin shakes his head. "Don't be. I have my brothers, and now Millie..."

"And you have me," Jungkook tells him. "We just met, of course, but I'm here."

"You're wonderful, thank you," Jimin's gaze is warm. "Even if we were only friends, I'd appreciate having your support. It's nice not having to bottle things up for once."

"I agree," Jungkook mirrors his look. "You can always talk to me. Can we promise we'll be the ones to talk to one another about our feelings?"

"Yes! Please," Jimin beams. "I'd really like that. Thank you, Jungkook."

"Thank you, Jimin," He grabs both his hands once again. "Especially for being so open to this all."

"You turned everything I thought I knew around, in just a few minutes," Jimin drops his voice to a whisper. "I'm extremely grateful."

Jungkook leans in. "I'm grateful for you too."

And once again, their lips are together.

This time the kiss was longer, they weren't as afraid. Though they were sitting, they arched their backs to be closer to one another. Jungkook reaches to the back of his head, and Jimin puts a hand on his thigh, squeezing it slightly.

"Woah," Jungkook shivers backwards.

"What?" Jimin's eyebrows furrow, taking his hands back. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No!" He says, quickly grabbing Jimin's wrist and putting his hand back on his thigh. He gestures towards it. "This just surprised me. But I like it. It...it makes me feel like I'm yours."

"I'm confused," His laugh is breathy. "Are we going slow, or falling in love in a day?"

"I...don't know," Jungkook admits. "I just don't want to jump into things. I've seen too many couples get married so early, the woman gets pregnant, and half the time the baby isn't born yet before they hate each other. Obviously we'll never have a child to hold us down, or legal ties, but still."

"It can be slow, but passionate I suppose," Jimin smiles. "Promise no promises. We'll try this, with the intentions of finding someone forever, but, no pressure."

"Sound perfect," Jungkook puts his hand back on Jimin's hair. "You put exactly what I wanted into words. From the second I saw you, I feel we've just had a connection. We're just...compatible. I hope we continue to be."

"Me too," Jimin agrees. He pauses for a moment. "You know...we need to start being careful again. They're probably almost done."

Jungkook looks down, sighing. "You're right. We probably shouldn't even face each other. People find even that weird."

They both face the front.

"So..." Jimin starts again. "Manly stuff...fighting...muscles..."

"I like muscles," Jungkook smirks. "I bet you have really nice muscles, since you work in the mountains."

Jimin giggles, actually giggles. He extends his arm, gesturing.

Jungkook takes it, squeezing. "Oh wow."

Jimin takes his arm back quickly. "We're getting distracted."

The taller breaks into laughter. "You're the one who gave me your arm!"

"Well you're the one who made muscles flirtatious!"

"I can't help I like muscles!"


Said male's head darts up. "Oh no, that's Yoongi." He pecks Jungkook's lips. "I have to go." He stands, staring at him for a minute. "Goodbye, Jungkook. I had so much fun today. This was the best afternoon of my life."

He goes past Jungkook, but Jungkook grabs his hand one last time. "Promise me you'll come back to town as soon as you can."

"I will," Jimin nods, frowning. "Though, I don't have much control over that. I'll try to go with Namjoon every time he goes into town."

"Okay," Jungkook whispers. "Goodbye, Love."

"Bye," Jimin leaves, giddy.

He walks out of the store just as Yoongi walks up. "There you are! Where did you go?"

"Ah, I was feeling under the weather," Jimin scratches the back of his head. "A man took me to get checked with the doctor. Turns out I was just dehydrated. I drank some water, and was told I could recover in the store. It's cool and dark in there."

"Your face is really red," Yoongi notes. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," Jimin assures quickly. "I'm fine. I might dip my hands in the creek to cool down while we water the horses though."

"Alright," Yoongi shrugs. "Well then, let's go home."

He turns his back, and Jimin smiles.

The wagon was already rolling down main street when Yoongi found Jimin. Yoongi speeds up, but Jimin maintains a casual walk, getting into the wagon when he's close enough. He climbs forward, so his back is against the front of the cart.

"What's up with you? You look dazed," Taehyung nudges him. "You meet a good woman?"

"No," Jimin smiles despite it. "No woman."

"He's sick and delirious," Yoongi explains. "Don't mind him or his words. Just make sure he doesn't pass out."

"Poor Jimin," Hoseok frowns. "We all met mighty fine women at the barn raising. Alice was a lovely dance partner."

"Elizabeth was sweet," Yoongi adds.

"Well Hazel was better than all your girls," Taehyung argues. "She was the prettiest one there."

"Not prettier than my Dorcus," Jin counters. "I'm going to marry her."

"Fat chance," Jimin finds himself saying, slightly bitter he can't talk about Jungkook. "Didn't you see? There's four men for every woman out here. I'm sure they all have beux, if not multiple. If anything, you're better off going after other men."

"Gee, he is delirious!" Taehyung shouts. "Going after men! Goll-ee!

"Flirt with a man, and he'll get his gun and shoot ya!" Seokjin guffaws. The whole family laughs, but Jimin is silent. He's extremely content. He knows now, he really doesn't want a wife, not like he first thought...

He wants Jungkook. 

A/N: This is based on a movie from 1958, that's why a lot of the dialogue seems staged and unnatural :)

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