Jikook Oneshots 2

Od Mikchimin

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Another compilation of stories where Mimmie loves Koo and Koo loves Mimmie right back. Hey~ I filled out an e... Více

Classicalish (Part Two)
Adults (Continuation of Children)
ThE most ClichE Jikook Story evVer Part Too??? Yes!1!!!
Ice (Part Two)
Leather (Continuation to Bikers)
Koo The First
Koo The First (Part Two)
Koo The First (Part Three)
Mimmie His Love (Continuation of Koo The First)
Best Friend's Little Brother (Continuation to Big Brother's Best Friend)
Conference (Continuation of Electric)
Among Us
Reality (Continuation of First Sight)
Graduation (Continuation to Top Kinky and Dare)
Letters (Continuation to Servants)
Brothers (Part Two)
Brothers (Part Three)
Famous (Part Two)
Famous (Part Three)
Dog (Part Two)
Grudge (Continuation to Rebound)
Benefits (Continuation to Jeans)
Drawing (Part Two)
River (Part Two)
Awkward (Continuation to Birth)
Awkward (Part Two)
Bachelorette (Part Two)
Kingdom (Continuation to Swords)
Kingdom (Part Two)


441 24 75
Od Mikchimin

Jimin walks down the hall, head high. He's aware of people's stares, he relishes in them. In fact he waves at everyone he makes eye-contact with, saying hello by name if he knows it. There's no reason to be mean just because he's pretty.

To the leadership classroom he went, where the ASB cabinet members were. He walked straight to the senior president, Namjoon.

He taps his fingers on the desk, fidgeting. "So? What are the results!?"

"Calm down," Namjoon laughs. "You're obviously a nominee for prom king Jimin. The first one on the list, it was unanimous."

"Obviously!" He exclaims, though relief floods through his body. "Who else is in the running?"

"Let's see," Namjoon looks down at the list. "Choi Jakyung, Pi Youngho, Jeon Jungkook-"

"What!?" Jimin's eyes go wide. "Jungkook!? What made that kid want to do it? I never thought he was the type!"

The taller shrugs. "He's popular, people like him. And he actually seemed really excited about it."

"You've already talked to him!?"

"Yeah, he left a couple minutes ago."

"Damn it," He would have to work even harder now. Prom royalty was a popularity contest...and Jungkook was really popular. "That dumb asshole."

"Jungkook? An asshole? He's actually really nice-"

But Jimin is already storming away.


"Hey Jungkook!" Jimin finds him in the hall the next morning. He wears a cheery smile. "I saw you were nominated for prom king."

"Yeah," He beams. "It's pretty cool. I'm excited."

"Well, I'm a nominee too, if you didn't know," He scratches the back of his head. "It's been a dream of mine to win, ever since I was little."

"That's awesome," The taller nods. "Good luck then."

"While we're on that topic," Jimin speaks quickly, so he doesn't walk away. "You're not...actually planning on running, right? Like actually trying?"

"What?" Jungkook furrows his eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I try? I'd love to be prom king."

"Y-yeah, but it's my dream."

"Yeah but it's not your title," Jungkook started getting angry. "Why would I just let you win?"

Jimin's muscles tense. "Because you respect the fact that it's what I've wanted since I was a kid!"

"What the fuck Jimin," He glares. "Did you really think asking me that would work? Fuck that. You know what? I wasn't even that invested in this. But now? Because you're being an asshole to me, I'm gonna become king and watch your dreams get crushed. Because you don't deserve it."

"Hey wait a minute-"

"I'm completely invested now, and I'm ready," Jungkook cuts him off. "Park Jimin, you're going down."

And he storms away.

"D-did you see that?" He asked, to no one in particular, simply anyone that would listen. "How Jungkook just treated me? Surely you want a king that represents all the good things in this school, and it is not that."

Jimin's best friend walked up, he had seen the whole thing. "Come on Dork," Taehyung drags him by the sleeve. "Let's not make a scene."

"Did you see what he did to me!?" Jimin's eyes were wide. "That fucking asshole!"

"I know," Taehyung enables, trying to get him to calm down. "But if you curse him out like that, everyone will think you're the asshole. So don't slander him, stop being obnoxious for the love of God. Beat his ass in this prom thing, and then gloat afterwards. Stop acting like a mean girl. You're popular because you're nice, remember?"

"And hot," He grumbles. "But fine. I'll show everyone I'm better than him."

"Good," Tae slings an arm around his shoulder, walking to the library.

"Hey, why weren't you nominated Taebear?" Jimin's mood completely shifts. "You're gorgeous. The prettiest boy I know."

"Oh I was, but I didn't want to run," Tae shrugs. "I don't care enough to. And you do, so that's even more reason to take myself out."

"Aw, I love you Bubs," Jimin taps the taller's cheek with the tips of his fingers.

"I love you too Dork, just don't do that shit again," He chuckles. "Now come study with me until 6th."

"Why are you so into studying these days?" Jimin giggles. "You've never been the type."

"Well...can you keep a secret?"

"Obviously Dumbass."

"I'm gonna ask Namjoon to prom," Taehyung blushes as he speaks. "We've been talking for a little while now, and...I dunno, I really like him. But I don't want to be the stupid to his smart."

"What!? Taebear," Jimin drags him to a couch in the library, wrapping his arms around his best friend. "You're the most unconventionally intelligent person I've ever met! No one thinks like you! Namjoon will find it fascinating!"

"Namjoon finds everything fascinating," Tae looks down with a small smile. "It's beautiful."

"You're beautiful," Jimin reminds him, cupping his face. "You don't need calculous or physics or anything to win him over."

"Okay fine," He gives in. "I'll ask him within the next couple days. He's probably a better study buddy than you anyways."

"Hey, rude!" Jimin hits him playfully. "So many rude people trying to ruin my day."

"I wish I could say it wasn't fun."

"You're so mean to me," But he's smiling despite it all.

Tae gives a goofy grin right back. "I'm the best best friend, huh?"

Jimin only ruffles his hair. "Of course."


"I just think I'm a good representation of our class, you know?" Jimin spoke to a girl before second period. "I have a 4.0 GPA, and I'm in four AP classes. I'm the senior representative of our school's honor society. I'm the best choice. Better than say-oh hey Jungkook. I was just about to talk about you."

"What are you doing?" He inquires.

"Just talking to..."

"Sungyeon," Jungkook finishes for him, making Jimin seem like a shallow asshole. "I hope I get your vote."

"Um, uh, yeah..." She looks between the two sheepishly. "Sorry Jimin..." She hurried away with her eyes to the ground.

Jimin whips his head to face him with a glare. "What the hell Jungkook!?"

"I told you," Jungkook shrugs. "I want to win this. And if it means I have to beat you at your own game? So be it. If I can get it done without slandering you? Even better, people will think I'm a saint."

"Fuck you," The shorter grabs the collar of Jungkook's shirt so he doesn't lose eye-contact.

Jungkook smirks. Their faces are close. "You wish."

Jimin pushes him away by the chest and storms off.

He's vaguely aware of the whispers around him.


The whispers had gotten worse.

Everywhere Jimin goes now, all around school, he hears the hushed murmurs, that stopped whenever he made eye-contact. There was only a week left to vote for prom royalty. It was getting crazy.

Jimin and Jungkook were at each other's throats these past few weeks. Maybe it was petty, what they were doing, but Jimin truly didn't care. Jungkook was an asshole, he needed to pay.

These days, the difference in winning because it was his dream, and winning because he needed to rub it in that stupid kid's face, was harder to recognize. It had become a raging competition, one the two tried their best in.

They were on their best behavior, acting like angels to students and teachers. They did student-to-student campaigning, showing off their positive attributes. Jimin even got sent to the principal's office because he threw candy over the cafeteria railing to the floor below, and hit a kid in the head with a tootsie pop.

And guess what? He even won the principal over, leaving her office with nothing from her but a half-hearted warning and a smile.

"Hey Daebyeok," Jimin walks up to a girl. She's one of the top contenders for prom queen, and they've been keeping in touch. "Have you figured out who you're voting for?"

"You of course," She beams.

Jimin scrunches his nose. "Aw, you wanna dance with me? Sweet." It was tradition at their school for the elected king and queen to have a dance together. Every senior class looked forward to it.

"Actually, I don't think I'm gonna win," She shrugs. "Though I'd be happy to dance with you if I did."

"You don't?" Jimin furrows his eyebrows. "But I thought you were above all your competition."

"I thought so, but I can't shake the feeling," Daebyeok laughs. "Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe people'll change it up last minute. I'm not too sad if they do, it'll be fun I'm sure."

"Well, just know I'm voting for you," Jimin's extremely confused by her attitude. "And I totally think you'll win. We're friends after all, I'm rooting for you."

"Thank you Jimin," She smiles before walking away. "I really appreciate it."


Said male turns around, just in time for Taehyung to slam into him, in a warm embrace.

"Hey," Jimin chuckles. "What's going on?"

"He said yes!" Taehyung cheered. "I procrastinated, but I finally asked Namjoon out and it wasn't too late! He's my date to prom!"

"Ah Taebear!" Jimin starts walking with him, arm slung around his shoulder. "That's so great! I'm surprised he didn't already have a date though, you got lucky."

"He was so focused on preparing prom he forgot to ask anyone," Tae's face turned pink as he spoke. "He told me he was so happy I asked though. I was the one he wanted to go with."

"Aw!" Jimin gushes. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Yeah I'm totally voting for you Jungkook."

Jimin's eyes widen. What did Daebyeok just say?

He stalks up to her as Jungkook starts speaking. "Good, I was hoping so. We'll be very regal together."

"Daebyeok, what the fuck?" Jimin questions, pushing Jungkook out of the way. "You said you'd vote for me."

"What?" Jungkook grabs Jimin's arm, pulling him so they're side by side. "Daebyeok, you have told me for weeks you'd vote for me."

"Shit, I did promise both of you..." She puts a finger to her bottom lip. "I'm so sorry you two. You guys are both my friends...I guess I'll just have to find a way to vote for both of you."

"You know you can't do that," Jimin says quickly. "Come on Daebyeok, this is my dream."

"But I'm more deserving of it!" Jungkook argues. "You have to know that."

"I'll figure it out, I really can't choose," She cocks her head to the side. "I'm equally close to both of you. Maybe I'll vote twice."

Jimin sighs. He was so sure things were going well. What if there were multiple people like this!? Telling the both of them they had his vote? That can't be happening, he has to become king.

"If you can only choose one," Jimin huffs. "I hope you remember which one is the right choice."

"For once, I agree with Jimin," Jungkook nods.

"I will, I promise," Daebyeok's glance goes between them. "And that is the truth."

"It better be," Jimin turns around, making sure to bump Jungkook in the shoulder as he walks away.

He had almost forgotten Taehyung was there. "You're nasty when you're angry. You really gotta work on that."

Jimin hugged him. "I know, trust me I know. I'm just scared Taebear. I wanna be king so bad."

"I know Dork," He comforts. "You've got my vote."

"Yeah, I know. And you're enough for me, but not for ASB."

"You'll win."

"Yeah I will," Jimin agrees, deflated. "At least I hope so."

He just wants the day to come.


Jimin walks into the banquet hall, in a crisp white suit. He even brought it in to get tailored, so it fit to his body perfectly. He came in alone, he didn't want to intrude on Tae's date, but he was thrown right into the party, as multiple people came to greet him immediately.

"Your king is here!" He announces with a laugh, only half-joking. "Now the party can really start!"

In the middle of the crowd is Jungkook. They stare at each other, unsure of what to say. Jungkook is wearing a sparkly dark purple blazer with fitted black pants. Jimin can't help but feel relieved the votes were already in, because...well, if he had to be honest, Jungkook looked really good.

"Jungkook," He greets, extending his hand. "It's been a long, aggressive journey. May it all be worth it."

"Oh it will be," Jungkook takes his hand, shaking it. "May the best man win."

"I will," He smirks. "You better bow down to me when I win."

"Sure Jimin," Jungkook chuckles sarcastically. "If you win, I'll bow down to you."

Realizing their hands were still linked, Jimin yanks his own back, not breaking eye-contact. "You better. Bye loser."

Jungkook can't help but laugh.

Within moments he finds Tae near the front of the room, sitting with Namjoon. Taehyung's leg is shaking, antsy as he converses.

"Please Joon! I don't care if you're clumsy or awkward. I really want to dance with you!"

"I'll dance with you Taebear," Jimin walks up to him with the biggest smile. His best friend's suit is royal blue, Tae's boyfriend is in navy. They were adorable.

"Jimin!" Taehyung jumps out of his seat, grabbing his hands. "Yes! I'm not done with you," He points at his date. "I'll get you to dance with me yet!"

So the pair run into the middle of the crowd, bouncing around, getting others to join in with the shenanigans. Jimin is having the time of his life, all with the lingering butterflies in his stomach.

He just wants prom king to be announced.

Around the second slow song of the night, Namjoon finally intervened. Jimin happily stepped aside. Taehyung was so happy, and that's all Jimin wants for his best friend.

Besides, he quickly found a partner in Daebyeok, who's boyfriend was sick at home. Still peeved at her, he said he'd only dance if she voted for him. Not only did she promise she did, but she pulled up a picture of her ballot as proof.

"See!?" She points. "It's in pen, I can't erase that."

So they slow danced together, casually conversing in the middle. Jimin was grateful to her as a friend...even if she was also friends with Jungkook. Besides, it was Jimin she decided to dance with, and to vote for. It was obvious he was the better friend.

Once the song was over, Namjoon walked away again, and Jimin was back next to Tae, this time bringing Daebyeok along. The song was fast and upbeat once again, so they laughed as they bounced around aimlessly. Jimin is having so much more fun than he thought he would.

Once the song is done, a voice comes on the mic. "Hey everyone!" Namjoon greets. "Who's having fun?"

The crowd cheers.

"Ah that's so awesome, all of us on the board tried really hard to make this night the best it could be," He beams. "Now, enough small talk. I'm sure you all know why I'm here."

More cheers. Jimin made sure to make his voice loud.

"Will the nominated monarchs please come up to the stage?"

With a small fidget to shake his nerves, Jimin walks up the steps with Daebyeok. Against his will she drags him so she's in the middle of the stage, Jimin on one side...Jungkook on the other. She takes both their hands, squeezing them, as Namjoon speaks in front of them.

"Alright, everyone's up here, perfect," Namjoon resumes. "This year we had some strong competition, with passionate nominees. You know you I'm talking about." The crowd laughs, agreeing. "But I shouldn't stall any longer, hm? You ready for me to announce prom king?"

Even more cheers.

"Okay," Namjoon pulls out an envelope. "Without further ado, the prom king is..."

Jimin holds his breath.

"Park Jimin!"

Said male gasps, quickly rushing up. He doesn't even pause to give Jungkook a prideful look, he's simply too excited. This was his dream!

Once next to Namjoon, a crown is placed upon his head. The crowd is extremely excited, bringing Jimin even more joy. He's elated, more than that. His hard work paid off!

"And now, to announce your queen," Jimin turns his attention to the ASB president. "I...i think it would be better if our king reads it. Jimin?"

"O-oh," He takes the envelope from the taller, as well as the microphone. "Okay. Let's see here..."

He opens the envelope, and his eyes widen.

Quickly he turns to Namjoon, mic at his side. "I-I think someone's playing a trick. This is definitely the wrong name."

"Nope," Namjoon shakes his head. "We counted all the votes. This was overwhelmingly the name we saw on the ballot."

"You're not serious. Are you really serious?"

"As a heart attack Jimin," He laughs. "Read the name out loud."

At his moment he stares into the darkness, just barely making out people's faces. The excitement in the crowd made things even worse. Suddenly the whispers, what Daebyeok said a week before, began making sense.

With a shaky voice, he reads into the mic. "Jeon Jungkook."

The crowd erupts, as Jimin looks back at his rival. Jungkook looks equally shocked, stepping forward. He watches Namjoon place a tiara on Jungkook. For some reason, it was that that made everything feel so real.

Jimin would have to dance with him. And after the dance? Jimin didn't want to think of it, how could he? He'd be only doing it with anyone else if it meant not doing it with Jungkook.

"Let's have a round of applause for our king and queen!" Namjoon's voice brings him back into reality. The audience was loud with cheers, Jimin and Jungkook's name peppered throughout. Jimin didn't dare make eye-contact with the taller until he absolutely had to. "And let's clear the floor for the couple's first dance!"

Couple. Jimin could vomit.

But the two walked down the steps, Jimin extremely tense. Everyone had moved to hug the wall, leaving a large amount of space for the two to dance.

Jimin and Jungkook face each other, finally looking one another in the eye. After a second, Jungkook moves to put his hand on Jimin's waist. Jimin slaps it away.

"I'm the king," He reminds. "I lead."

Jungkook only sighs and complies.

He puts his hand on Jimin's shoulder just as the music starts. Jimin holds Jungkook's left hand with his right, and they're off.

"So..." Jimin starts. "This is weird."

"It is."


A few seconds later Jimin tries again. "You know you're a good dancer."

"Would you believe me when I say I took ballroom dancing lessons in middle school?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow.

"No, not at all," Jimin huffs out a laugh, he can't help it.

"Well I did," He laughs along. It's odd how cordial they're being now that it's all over, albeit a bit awkward. "I wanted to be graceful, to get better at sports. Nothing better than grace and power on the field. And grace in basketball? So important."

"Wow, okay," Jimin blinks a few times. "I wouldn't have expected that from you."

"You don't know me Jimin," Jungkook shoots him a look.

"You're right," Jimin realizes. "I don't. But you don't know me either."

"...I guess I don't."

They're quiet for the rest of the dance. After all, they're not friends, not even acquaintances. They were just forced into some school tradition because they were popular...Jimin tried to rationalize it. But the more he thought about it, the weirder it was.

As the song came closer and closer to the end, Jimin became increasingly nervous. He didn't want the song to end...he knew what was coming.

But the last note played, and the pair paused.

And the crowd started chanting.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

It was school tradition, just as the monarch's dance was. The students loved it, it was entertaining to them. Sure, chaperones and staff weren't' too happy with the idea, but the students were too passionate to stop. It was a tradition that was almost as old as the school itself.

Jimin and Jungkook stared at one another for a few seconds, as the crowd continues.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Millions of thoughts ran through Jimin's head. He wanted to make those who voted for him happy, and he was prepared to kiss whoever the queen was! But...Jungkook?

Yes, he was extremely attractive, but Jungkook hated him. Jimin was not prepared for this, how could he do it? But, on the other hand...he looked like a good kisser? Jimin kind of wanted to kiss him, just to find out of course.

But...he couldn't decide, that was too much pressure. He would let Jungkook choose, and Jungkook would choose not to. So he goes, "You know, you don't have to kiss me-"

Then somehow their lips were together.

Jimin's heart sped up, but he melted into the kiss all the same. Before long he realized Jungkook was in fact a really good kisser, and he reached up to cup his face with one hand.

The kiss was not long though, for Jungkook pulled away with a red face. "Um," He ducks his head. "Yeah." And walks off, rushing once he reaches the door to the hall.

Jimin just stands there, his fingers delicately traveling to his lips.

Taehyung has to walk up and drag him to his chair.

"I don't really know what happened," Jimin mumbled. "I told him he didn't have to, but he kissed me anyways." His voice raises to a yell. "What the fuck does that mean?"

Tae tries to speak, but Jimin hops up.

"I gotta go talk to him," He continues. "That was so weird. He literally walked out of the room! I gotta go."

And he rushes into the hallway.

"I told you he liked him," Taehyung looks at his date. "No one puts that much energy into someone they don't want to at the very least fuck."

Jimin has to walk a ways before he finds him. Jungkook is sitting at the bottom of the stairs to the second floor, where the offices were. His eyes are on the ground.

"Hey," He gets the taller's attention.

Jungkook looks up briefly, before looking back down. "What do you want?"

"You didn't bow down to me you know," Jimin tries to break the tension a little bit. "You said you would."

Jungkook sighs, rolling his eyes. But he stands up nonetheless, giving Jimin a dramatic bow. "There you go. Happy?"

"Very," He can't help but smile. But he forces it down. "Though, that's not why I came here." He watches Jungkook sit back down. "I came because I don't like having rivals," He walks up to him, telling him his true intentions. "So let's hash it out now. I...I think with what you just did, you maybe don't see me as an enemy?"

"Don't say that," Jungkook shakes his head. "But yeah." He gestures for him to sit. "Let's not make enemies, let's just talk it out."

"Good, thank you," Jimin sits on the stairs next to him. "So..." He starts, slightly awkward. "Why don't you like me? A-and that's not an accusatory question, or like, 'you should like me, so why don't you?' I just want to know, so I can grow from it."

"Wow, okay," Jungkook blinks a few times. "Um, if I'm being completely honest, you acted really entitled the first time we talked. That was really shitty."

"It was," His face goes red, embarrassed. "I see that now. I wanted it badly and I used it as an excuse to treat you poorly. I'm sorry Jungkook."

"Oh, I wasn't expecting that," Jungkook stares at him. "Thank you Jimin."

Jimin only nods. "Since you were honest, can I be honest too?"

Jungkook hesitates. "...Sure."

"You were petty," Jimin gives him a look, but there's slight humor in his eyes, he's not so angry anymore. "You fought so hard because you didn't want me to win. You told me you wanted to crush my dreams."

"Oh, yeah, I did say that," His eyes widen. "I'm so sorry for that. Though, you were petty too."

"We were just assholes to each other, huh?" Jimin huffs out a laugh.

"Yeah I guess," Jungkook joins in. "I don't know what came over me. I'm not usually like this."

"Me neither," Jimin leans as he laughs, brushing shoulders with Jungkook.

The laughs die down, and it's quiet again. Jimin clears his throat. "I'm surprised your date hasn't come to find you yet."

"Oh...I don't have a date," He confesses. "I figured I'd just hang out with the prom queen."

"Same," There's a gleam in his eye. "I win."

"Yeah, yeah, that's already been said and done, I know," Jungkook shakes his head. "But what about your boyfriend? Why hasn't he come to get you?"

Jimin furrows his eyebrows. "My boyfriend?"

"Taehyung," Jungkook deadpans.

"Oh!" Jimin burst out laughing. "He's not my boyfriend Jungkook. I love Tae, I would do anything for him. But I could never be in love with him. He feels the same way. In fact, Namjoon is his date."

"Ah...okay," He shifts a little bit, so he's closer to Jimin. "I guess I didn't know that."

"Again," He leans in closer to him. "You don't know me."

"...I don't," He doesn't pull away. "Maybe I should get to know you."

"Maybe you should," He beams. His eyes dart upwards briefly. "That tiara looks good on you Princess."

"Hey, it's queen, get it right!" The taller jokes. "I...I'm actually really happy to be queen, and I'm glad you're king. In hindsight, I'm really glad I didn't crush your dreams."

"Thank you Jungkook," The tone becomes less playful with his genuine voice. "I dunno, just...thank you."

"It's nothing," Jungkook's voice is soft, their faces are kind of close. "Don't worry about it."

The purple jacket was doing things to Jimin's head, that's how he rationalized it anyways. For some reason, right now, Jungkook looked really pretty. "Hey..." He whispered. "About the kiss..."


"I don't know," He admits. "Just, um, kiss-"

Jungkook once again leans in.

Jimin immediately responds, both hands moving to hold Jungkook. He feels one of Jungkook's own hands on his waist, the other in his hair. Their lips move, hungry. If Jimin thought Jungkook was a good kisser before, he wouldn't be able to describe what he felt now.

Dizzy and dazed, he still continued on, he was high on the feeling. Suddenly Jungkook takes a fistful of Jimin's hair, puling. Jimin's body quickly becomes electric, because oh it feels good for some reason.

"Oh Jungkook," The moan came out on accident.

Said male pulls away, eyes softly wide, before chuckling. Then full-on laughing.

"Stop it!" Jimin hits his arm. "It was an accident. You pulled my fucking hair!"

"Does your 'Taebear' know you have a thing for hair-pulling?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow.

"No," He grumbles. He didn't even know it himself. "I'll get you back for this Jungkook."

There's a glint in his eye. "I'd like to see you try."

That took Jimin by surprise. "O-okay. I will."

"Good," Jungkook looks down with a small smile. Jimin now realizes how cute the boy is. "You...you wanna get out of here?"

Jimin's face is pink. "What?"

"You wanna go to Dairy Queen?" Jungkook asks. "The two of us?"

"Oh," Jimin needs to get his mind out of the gutter. "Yes, absolutely, I'd love to go to Dairy Queen, my queen~"

Jungkook laughs a sweet laugh. "Awesome."

"Let's take my car," He takes his keys out of his pocket, holding them up. "I just got it detailed."

So they walk to Jimin's car, Jungkook's arm slung around Jimin's shoulders (after making sure no one could see them of course). The drive to Dairy Queen was short, and they chat a little. It was still sightly awkward, but not too much. This was definitely not how Jimin expected the night to go.

But he really liked it.

They bought a large fry to share, and a blizzard each. Jimin sat down with his Reese's blizzard, Jungkook with his Oreo treat. The fries are in the middle of the table, and they pick at them while talking and flirting.

"My first impression of you was terrible," Jungkook smiles at the table. "I should've listened to what people said about you. That you were friendly, and sweet."

Jimin giggles, embarrassed. "Yeah? That's what people say?"

"It is," He nods. "I should've listened."

Jimin smirked. "Yeah you should've."

"Brat," Jungkook scolds. "You're sassy too."

"You may not have noticed, but I wear my emotions all on my sleeve," He gives him a look. "Can you handle it?"

"Yeah I can handle you," Jungkook gives him a look that makes his skin feel hot. "I like a challenge."

"Wow," Jimin pretends to be offended. "I see how it is. I'm a challenge?"

"Yep," Jungkook provokes. "A real brat."

Jimin, for some reason, really liked it when he called him that.

"Okay then," He stands up. "Have fun walking home."

"No," Jungkook giggles this time, grabbing his hand. "Come back Jimin. You're cute, I want you to stay, I was lying. Don't play games. Games make people ugly."

"Fine," Jimin fake sighs, sitting back down, this time next to Jungkook. "I'll just be myself. How does that sound?"

"Great," Jungkook can only stare at him. "As...as long as I see it all, I'll be happy. The good and the bad. I'll be myself too."

"Well, with how I saw everyone jumping to defend you every time I called you an asshole," Jimin shrugs. "Maybe I'll like who you are."

"You totally will~" Jungkook sings. "Everyone falls in love with me after all."

"But you changed your tune so fast, and chose me," Jimin counters. "I must be hard to resist. I mean the way you kissed me before we even made up? You wanted me."

Jungkook broke eye-contact, face red. "I hate that you're pretty. Distracted me."

"i could kiss you again," Jimin threatens. "But...we should limit pda, be respectful. Besides, what if someone saw us? Just us hanging out will make the entire senior class believe they won at something. They messed with us. We can't let them know it did something."

"Shit, you're right," Jungkook's eyes widen. "Get out of here. Drive me home. We...you'll have to come to my house soon. We'll have a date there, so no one sees."

"Yeah," Jimin's eyes light up. "And, and we'll reveal it all the day after graduation, on Instagram. I can't wait to watch the world burn."

"I like your spirit," Jungkook smirks. "We'll talk about it later, but for now, make like ATEEZ and take me home."

"Okay, good music taste I see," Jimin stands up. "Let's go home."

Jungkook gives Jimin directions home, and Jimin follows intently. Their voices are soft, their growing crushes on each other making them feel fuzzy and tired. It was past midnight when Jimin pulled in front of Jungkook's house, so all was quiet.

The taller gets out and shuts the door behind him, but he lingers. Jimin rolls down the passenger window. "What do you want?"

"I dunno, just..." His gaze softens. "Drive safe, okay?"

"Of course I will," Jimin snorts. "What made you say that? Fucking softie."

"You know what?" Jungkook runs in front of Jimin's car to the driver's side. He knocks on the window. The smaller can barely hear, "Roll down the window Brat!"

He does with a laugh.

Jungkook leans in and kisses him, again, taking Jimin by surprise. He pulls away just as fast. "That's what you get."

"You just can't get enough, huh?" Jimin sticks out his tongue.

"I can steal what I want, right?" He challenges.

Jimin can only stare at him. He's so pretty and innocent at this moment, like a little bunny. He's adorable. "...I guess."

"Good. Bye Brat," Jungkook stares right back, the word usually used as an insult sounding unusually warm. "See you on Monday."

"See you," Once again, Jimin's tone is warm. "Let me come over soon."

"Trust me, I will," Jungkook ruffles his hair. "This week. I don't care that it's finals week, I...just come over. We'll find a day. Bye Jimin," He says one last time, and dashes away.

Jimin drives away with the biggest smile on his face. What a sweetheart. Who know Jungkook was like this? Well...everyone except him it seemed. If only he had listened!

Oh but Jungkook was so hot when he called him names.

With butterflies in his belly, he drives home, crown still on his head. He'll always be grateful for this night. His dreams came true, and then some.

What a magical night. 

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