My Snippets: Part 2

By bbarnes93

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Since I ran out of room on my other fiction, I'm going to continue my snippets here! Please note: It will b... More

The Huntress and Her Prey
🩸Making a Hybrid 🐺
Doctor Uchiha 🩺
First Kiss: Blank-Period
πŸ”ž Pineapples 🍍
Under the Grove Trees - Part 1 πŸ”ž
Under the Grove Trees - Part 2 πŸ”ž
The Awkwardness of a New Romance
Miss Haruno
Doctor Haruno
Rejected Mate - Part 1
Rejected Mate - Part 2
The Bloody Mist Clan
His Past Reincarnated: Part 1
Left for Dead - Part 1 πŸ”ž
Asylum πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž Chosen not Fated πŸ”ž
Life and Death
Sakura the Healer
In Sickness and In Health
One Drunken Night
Don't Kiss and Tell
Secrets at the Museum
The Fae: Part 1
A Cyborg Named Sasuke: Part 2
A Cyborg Named Sasuke: Part 4
Little Red: Part 1
The Climb
Defiance of a Princess
Runaway Prince
Preparing to Wed
Chosen Sacrifice for the Alpha
Goosebumps (the good kind)
Luna Moon
Betrayed by Who: Part 1
The Crimson Devil
Sworn Enemies πŸ”ž
Death Song: Part 1
Death Song: Part 2 πŸ”ž
Death Song: Part 3 πŸ”ž
Stubborn Woman
Death Song: Part 4
Death Song: Part 5
Parent Day
Conflicted Feelings and Misunderstandings
πŸ”ž Fantasy: Hers πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž Fantasy: His πŸ”ž
Master of Seduction
The First Dance
πŸ”ž Deadly πŸ”ž
Dating Woes
πŸ”ž Insanely Toxic πŸ”ž
Accidental First Kiss
πŸ”ž Tension πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž The One and Only πŸ”ž
Animal Instincts
Eager to Win
Drinks with...
Shattered Hearts πŸ’”
Fueling the Flames
Talk Dirty to Me πŸ”ž
Possession πŸ”ž
His to Possess πŸ”ž
Papa's Cuddles
Behind Bars
New Puppy Troubles
πŸ”ž Carriage Ride πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž My Brother's Best Friend πŸ”ž
Unlikely Pair
πŸ”ž Begging to Forget πŸ”ž
It's Fate
Healing Wounds
The Treasure Hunter and His Familiar
On My Darkest Days
My Jealous Valentine
The Power of Healing
πŸ”ž One Night πŸ”ž
Wandering Mind πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž Dragon Mates πŸ”ž
The Hunter and the Hunted πŸ”ž
Loyalty Undone
Unwanted Bride
Unwanted Bridesmaid
Fury in Pink
Dinner with Family
Going Home - Uchiha Edition
Temporary Arrangement (It Was Only Ever Temporary)
Happily Never After
Battle for Alpha
πŸ”ž Dreaming of You πŸ”ž
Kidnapped by his Reincarnation
πŸ”ž Ignite the Flames of Burning Desire πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž Bachelorette Party πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž Silent Flirtations πŸ”ž
Nobility and Deceit πŸ”ž
Covert Intentions
Unfair Judgement
An Unorthodox Response
Morning Training - πŸ”ž
Mending a Torn Heart - πŸ”ž
From the Beyond
Devil's Little Flower
The Blood of my Kin - πŸ”ž
Lost Love
Distractions in Battle - πŸ”ž
The First Letter
Resting on the Road
"No Touching my Wife"
The Great Flood - πŸ”ž
The Orange Shirt
Hot Springs- πŸ”ž
Goodbye for Now - Part 1
Black Magic
The Lycan's Little Wolf
Mission Gone Awry
Estranged from the Duke
The Runaway Mate
Calling for a Lifeline - Part 1 πŸ”ž
Mother's Day
May I Have This Dance
In Sickness
Honeymoon Phase - πŸ”ž
A Blast from the Past
Yours to Design
Fevered Heat: Inevitable πŸ”ž
Unfinished Business

A Cyborg Named Sasuke: Part 3

31 2 0
By bbarnes93

Scientist Sakura Haruno has finally done it. She is the first human in history to build a real-life cyborg completely from scratch! She decides to name him Sasuke.

Sasusaku AU snippet.

Part 1:

Part 2:


A few weeks later...

"N-no... NO... don't, please. NOOO!!!"

Sakura Haruno was shaken awake, a cold sweat covering her body as she sat up swiftly in bed. The time of morning was 6:45am and a minuscule sliver of light penetrated her window through a small slit in her curtains. She blinked the haze of sleep from her eyes before meeting the dark gaze of her companion. She ran a hand over her forehead and down her messy braid before sighing. "I'm so sorry I woke you," she whispered as he took a step back.

"It's alright, Sakura. There is no need to apologize to me. I was finished charging on my dock. Actually, I was about to get the coffee started for you when I heard you screaming. I've been trying to wake you for a few minutes now. Can I get you anything?"

"No, no," she dismissed with a wave of her hand. "Only the coffee would be nice, black. I'm not really that hungry yet." He nodded and after a few more seconds of just observing her, he walked away. The pinkette let out another loud sigh before flopping back onto her mattress, her arm coming up to shield her bloodshot eyes from the increasing morning brightness. Sakura didn't sleep a wink last night and when she did finally manage to succumb to slumber, nightmares consumed her distraught mind. 'That lady seemed off,' she thought. 'If she truly is a scientist, then is her interest in my cyborg really strictly due to "scientific reasons" or does she have OTHER things in mind? Either way, I can't let her get her hands on Sasuke. I must protect him, no matter what.'

"Sakura, your coffee is ready," his voice sounded from her kitchen and she could hear the tell-tale sounds of pots and pans clinking together as the cyborg shuffled around in the opposite room. She smiled to herself as she rose from the bed, knowing full well that Sasuke wouldn't have listened to her about not being hungry yet.

"I'll be there in a minute," she called as she reached for a small, silky robe and made her way down the hall to greet him properly... the scent of breakfast food permeating the air around her as she went.


Later in her office...

"Sasuke, stay here and charge. I need to go to lunch with Tsunade and where we are going, you can't follow. I'm so sorry."

"It's alright," he insisted while rising from his position next to her desk. "I understand." He sidled over to his wall dock before pressing a few buttons on the holographic screens and once the button began to flash an iridescent red-color, the cyborg stepped into the pod and turned to her. "I'll see you soon?"

"Yes, I won't be gone for too long."

He nodded then and closed his eyes before the doors slid shut. Sakura gathered several of her belongings and took them over to a safe. She then made sure that Sasuke was fully situated (and truly charging) before locking her office door and heading down the hall. A sinking feeling began to make way to her gut, but she ignored it the best she could and continued on with her afternoon... as normally as she could.

She was in the middle of lunch with her master when they got the call. Someone had broken into the facility... and a few things had been taken.

One of which... was Sasuke.


"Don't be so hard on yourself, Sakura. We will find him... I promise you that...," her mentor vocalized once again, her hands gripping the young woman's shoulders as a sign of comradery, while the pinkette furiously typed away on her keyboard; her eyes scanning the computer screen in rapid succession. "Any leads," Tsunade called over her shoulder but everyone shook their heads in the negative.



"Where," Sakura screamed, jumping from her seat to rush over to the woman's side who had called out to them from across the room. A few more buttons were pressed before she pointed her index finger at a small dot flashing on the screen.

"There!!! But he's moving really fast!!! I would say he is in some sort of vehicle... because even he doesn't have that type of speed."

"Send me the link," the pinkette hissed, eyes narrowed on the screen, particularly on the small moving dot, while her hands rested on the desk and the back of the lady's seat.

'I'm coming for you, Sasuke. Don't worry... I'll save you.'


"Come on... almost there... almost—"

Sakura was speeding, her car weaving in and out of traffic as she careened down the freeway; eyes shifting between the road and the monitor sitting atop her dash, keeping an eye on that little red flashing dot as it continued to advance down the road. The pinkette thanked the gods above for her attention to detail and her own brain for coming up with the brilliant idea of imbedding a tracker deep inside of his mainframe.

She was almost very close to catching up, when something struck the side of her car... sending it flying and then everything went dark.


A strong jolt brought him awake, his eyes blinking open as he tried to figure out what was happening. He couldn't see a thing, being trapped within the suffocating confines of his charging pod (he had already tried the lock and it wouldn't budge), but he could hear what was going on around him.

The sound of tires scratching pavement...

... muffled clicks as a turn signal was switched...

... the hum of a car engine...

... a soft melody playing on the radio...

... and a voice. A voice that he did not recognize.

"How did she find us already though? She's not that smart, is she?"

"Shut up, Ayumu. Just drive," a female hissed from in front of him. Now that voice... it sounded familiar to him. It was the same one from the other day... one of those scientists that came to visit their facility. The same one who Sakura had a bad feeling about, he was almost certain.

'Why is she here? Where am I? Where is Sakura?'

"She's gaining on us, ma'am," the man, Ayumu stated, his voice slightly shrill with concern. "What should I do!?! How can I shake her!?!" The scientist (Sasuke forgot her name) made a sound in the back of her throat.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Sasuke felt an uneasiness begin to grow in his belly, and the feeling boiled over when he heard her next words. The sound of a phone, then—

"End her. Now!"

Red-hot rage filled his system and after one more attempt at opening the locked pod, he decided to simply break out. His fist pressed against metal easily smashing through the flimsy material, and startled screams sounded around him as women (and men alike) surrounding his prison began to scatter as far away as they could in such a cramped van.

His eyes shifted from their natural black... to a blazing red and his teeth clamped as he staggered out of the broken pod. "Get him!!! Don't let him escape," the woman up front screamed, (obviously the one in charge) while she tried to open the divider between them. Sasuke didn't even spare her a second glance before turning to fight off several of the larger men who tried to contain him.

They didn't succeed and soon after knocking them out, he had broken open the back of the van, facing the oncoming traffic with a strategic, venomous gaze. His eyes zeroed in on Sakura's car once he located it and brief relief washed over him, until he saw a truck gaining on her.

It was as if he was watching a movie—

Tires spun...

... metal cracked...

... then, her car flipped.


"GET HIM!!!"

Too late.

He bent his knees, grasping onto the end of the van before leaping into the air, torpedoing himself forward like a bullet, past the oncoming cars until he had reached hers. The act took all of two seconds it seemed before he was slamming against her roof. He held on the best that he could with his fingertips, using his left hand to rip the broken door from its hinges. The cyborg stuck his head in, everything moving in slow motion around him as he acted on impulse and saw that his maker was currently unconscious, with a trickle of blood dripping from her temples.

"Sakura...," he whispered before reaching in, snapping her seatbelt in pieces in order to pull her from the continuously tumbling vehicle. He had her in his arms swiftly after that... and leaped from the car before it rolled onto its top. But he quickly realized that he wouldn't be able to land properly... without causing injury to one of them; so, he twisted their body's seconds before his back slammed onto the side of the road.

When his head hit the ground, everything went black.


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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