The Killing Curse!

By LindseyUdall

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Welcome to my story of my 7 years at Hogwarts, it's a weird one i'll tell you that. It's filled with love, la... More

Year 1- Chapter 1-First Steps
Chapter 2 - Confrontations with Malfoy
Chapter 3- Quidditch Try-outs
Chapter 4- Trolls in the Dungeons
Chapter 5- The Return.
Chapter 6. The Philospher Stone
Chapter 7- End of Year 1
Year 2-Chapter 8- Diagon Alley and a Book signing
Chapter 9-Howler
Chapter 10-The Chamber of Secrets....
Chapter 11- Polyjuice Potions
Chapter 12-Crabbe and Goyle 2.0
Chapter 13- Follow the spiders
Chapter 14- Heartbreak and a shoulder to cry on
Chapter 15- It's Time
Chapter 16-The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 17- Goodbye Tom Riddle
Year 3- Chapter 18- The start to another year.
Chapter 19- An unexpected explaination
Chapter 20- Riddikulus
Chapter 21-In the wrong
Chapter 22- INJUSTICE
Chapter 23- Turning Time.
Chapter 24- Forgivness
Year 4- Chapter 25- The Holidays
Chapter 26- It's the World Cup
Chapter 27- Aftermath
Chapter 28- Champions are chosen.
Chapter 29- I love a Blackmail
Chapter 30- The First Task
Chapter 31- Yule Ball Prep
Chapter 32- Dress Shopping.
Chapter 33- Yule Ball- Lindsey's POV
Chapter 34- Yule ball-Regan's POV
Chapter 35- Underwater Secrets
Chapter 36- Second Task
Chapter 37- Third Task
Chapter 38- In Mourning
Chapter 39- Things get better for me.
Year 5- Chapter 40-Summer Break
Chapter 41- Year 5
Chapter 42- I'm not telling lies
Chapter 43- Secrets unfolded
Chapter 44- Dumbledore's Army
Chapter 45- Expelliamrus
Chapter 46- Revenge
Chapter 47- Expecto Patronum
Chapter 48- The death of Sirius Black
Chapter 49- End of another Year
Year 6 - Chapter 50-Summer Break- Regan's POV
Chapter 51- Close Call
Chapter 52- Summer Part Two
Chapter 53- Weasley's Wizards Weezes
Chapter 54- Liquid Luck.
Chapter 55-Errors Of His Ways
Chapter 56- Exciting Times
Chapter 57- Gryffindor VS Slytherin
Chapter 58- Date Night
Chapter 59- The Dark Truth
Chapter 60- Alliance
Chapter 62- Death Of Dumbledore.
Year 7 part 1- Chapter 63- It's Initiation Time
Chapter 64- A summer to forget.
Chapter 65- Another Death to Mourn
Chapter 66- Who crashed the wedding?
Chapter 67- On the run...
Chapter 68- Closure I needed...
Chapter 69- I missed you.
Chapter 70- The Dealthy Hallows
Chapter 71- Tired of Death.
Chapter 72-Surprise
Chapter 73- The Hufflepuff Cup
Chapter 74- Back in Hogwarts
Chapter 75- Reunited with our boys.
Chapter 76- The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw
Chapter 77- Saving lives
Chapter 78- IT'S OVER.....
Chapter 79- Meeting the Parents
Chapter 81- Ordered to Court
Chapter 82- It's time
Chapter 83-A baby......
Chapter 84-House of memories
Chapter 85- New home
Chapter 86-A new Family Member.....
Chapter 87- 3 Moments
Chapter 88- 19 years later- sort of

Chapter 80- You're going to be.....

8 1 0
By LindseyUdall

Lindsey's POV

Everyone had dispersed and had started up the cleaning of Hogwarts, I was so overwhelmed with so many different emotions that I needed to take a seat and calm down for a moment. I was sitting there when Draco came over to me with a cup of tea in his hand, I smiled at him and thanked him as he sat down next to me. "So what's next for us and for you?" I asked him, he just shrugged his shoulders "I guess I go home and try to fix the mess my parents have left me, we do need somewhere for the baby to live and there is enough space at the manor for us, would you want to live there with me because if not we can find a place of our own?" I thought about what he said for a few moments before responding "I honestly don't care where we live as long as we are together and happy, i do think it's a good idea using the manor as its secure and it's your childhood home, I know there are many bad memories there but we can re decorate and take away those memories and replace them with new ones, I will have to speak to my parents and let them know about everything, meaning you will need to meet them if you are ok with that of course" he laughed and nodded nervously. "You two seem happy." Regan said, pulling us away from each other's gazes.

"Relieved mostly, we can finally be together without hiding anything." Draco replied with a big smile on his face.

"Yeah I feel it too. So what are you two going to do now? I think people are heading out, there isn't much more we can do today and I bet you are as tired as I am." she yawned.

"I'm going with Draco back to the Manor, we have a LOT to talk about. What are you going to do? Is Tae still here, I haven't seen him for a few hours?" I asked, she looked around the room for Taehyung but he wasn't there.

"Umm I haven't thought about that to be honest. I'll leave with Tae if he's still here and figure it out. I'll go find him now so I'll say my goodbyes now" She gave me a big hug and said she'd see us either tomorrow or the next day at the manor.

We apparated out of Hogwarts and to the manor where we will be potentially spending the rest of our lives. The manor has definitely more than enough space for us and our baby and maybe more in the future. Once we settled in and our ears stopped ringing we made our way round the house and discussed which rooms we would like to use and for what and rooms we wouldn't use. We retired down stairs in the living room after walking the whole Manor, a Manor in which I've only seen a few rooms even though I spent a whole summer here. " Bon Bon, do you have a phone? I'm going to call my parents, let them know I'm fine and to get them to come round tomorrow to talk about everything." I called the home phone number as it rang a few times. I was nervous but excited to hear my parents' voices. "Hello " my heart skipped a beat as I heard my mother's voice on the other end of the line "Mum, it's Lindsey" The line went dead before I heard my mum shout for my dad. "Darling, it's so nice to hear your voice, we heard about what had happened at Hogwarts and we weren't sure who had made it out safe and who didn't, we feared the worst, Where are you staying?"

"It's so nice to hear your voice too mum, I hope you are both safe and well. There is so much to tell you and catch you up on, are you free tomorrow for lunch, at the Malfoy Manor and before you say anything, I'm safe and well and I'll explain everything tomorrow when you arrive, I love and miss you both" I said back down the phone to my mum, I knew she wouldn't be happy about where i am but it's my home now. "Ok sweetie, I'm not happy about where you are but as long as you are safe that's all that matters, we will see you tomorrow. Love you" We hung up the phone and I walked back into where I left Draco.

"My parents are coming round tomorrow at lunchtime to tell them everything, especially that they are going to be grandparents and about you of course." he simply nodded, I can tell he is struggling with so many memories by being back here. I decided to leave him and go have a nice relaxing bath, clean myself up. By the time I had cleaned myself off and gotten dressed it was time for bed, Draco had already had a shower and was getting into bed in the one room I know very well.

I fell asleep pretty quickly as you can imagine, but was woken up in the night after having a nightmare or flashback to yesterday's events, when I looked around I realised that Draco was no longer beside me, so I got out of bed and went to see if I could find him also to grab myself a drink. I walked downstairs to the kitchen after I had checked all the rooms surrounding our bedroom. I was walking to the kitchen and noticed out of the corner of my eye that Lucius' office door was slightly open and there was a light on. I slowly opened the door and saw Draco sitting in his fathers office chair with his head in his hands and shoulders slightly moving indicating he was crying. I rushed over to him taking his hands in mine, forcing him to look at me. The sight before me broke me.

"Bon Bon, what's wrong, has something happened?" he just looked at me and said "I can't do this, I can't be like him" it didn't take me long to figure out what he was on about. "Listen to me Draco, you are and never will be anything like your father, you have already proven to me and our baby that you are going to be exactly what our baby needs in a father. You want to know why I know this?" He looked into my eyes and nodded. " because you have proven to me that you are exactly what I need in a boyfriend and one day a husband. You know right from wrong and you have a heart Lucius lacked one of those. You just choosing me, our baby and Hogwarts was enough to see that. Regan can see and so will my parents. I love you and always will. I've loved you since the first year. I just never wanted to admit it to myself I guess. You are my everything now Draco. Please come back to bed, we will close this room off and we can forget about him, ok" I stood up, held my hand out, which he grabbed gently and we walked back to our room and fell into a deep slumber wrapped in each other's arms.

We woke in the morning refreshed and I could tell Draco was more relaxed and not so worried. We spent the morning getting things ready for my parents to turn up, I guess you can never really be prepared to tell your parents that you are pregnant at 18 and the first introduction to the boyfriend. We got everything ready, made some sandwiches for lunch and waited for my parents to turn up. I jumped in my seat when I heard the knock on the door, I was nervous on how they would react. I stand up with Draco and walk to the front door opening it to reveal my parents standing there. I hugged them both and invited them in. We made ourselves comfortable in the living room and sat in silence before I decided to just rip the band aid off and tell them. " Mum, Dad this is Draco, you probably know that, has is my boyfriend and has been since the end of year 5, I know that was a while ago just with everything going on I just didn't have the time to tell you. I also know you're going to think badly of Draco but I promise you he never wanted any of what happened to him, he is a good person and he cares about me. I love him and he loves me" I looked over to Draco as I said this and he nodded in agreement. "Now that we have that out of the way I can tell you the real reason why I called you here today. Before you say anything once I've told you please know that we have thought long and hard about it and it is something we both want and are ready for. I'm pregnant and I'm going to stay here and raise the baby under this roof, once we've redecorated. I hope you understand and can be supportive of our choice" I look between my parents and Draco as silence fills the room. We was sat in this silence for about 5 minutes before my mum said " of course your father and I will support you both, we wasn't expecting to be grandparents so early but I guess everything happens for a reason, it's clear that you have thought about everything and how you'll provide. We are so happy and excited for you both" they stood up and hugged us both. She then turned to Draco and said "it's clear you care for our daughter and love her so please take care of her" just as she said that the doorbell rang again, I excused myself to answer the door. When I opened it I was shocked to see Regan and Tae standing there looking exhausted and like he had been crying, I invited them in and pointed Tae in the direction of the bathroom so he could clean up. I took Regan into the kitchen where I gave her a glass of water and pulled her into a hug as I could just sense she needed it and I was correct because as soon as she was in my arms she cried. Once she was ready she pulled away and said " is it ok for us to stay here for a while until we get situated, my parents didn't really take too well to Taehyung having the death eater mark and kicked us out" I looked at her with sympathetic eyes and said back " of course you can, don't be silly, you can stay here for as long as you need, both of you, I have my parents here right now as I've just told them about Me, Draco And the baby and they are super supportive about it. Actually I better get back to them as I've left Draco alone with them. Once they have gone I'll show you to your room. I love you Reegs" we hugged again as she walked in the direction of Tae and I walked back into the living room to see them all laughing and joking around with each other. I placed my hand on my belly and said to myself "you are safe baby and so loved already".

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