The little genius (Fnaf Yande...

By Lexacoolfox

330K 10.3K 8.6K

Somebody commented this idea on one of my stories and it's been in my head forever. So now I'm writing this... More

Information chapter
chapter 1: new visitor
chapter 2: getting to know you more.
chapter 3: some fun lies hide the dark truth
chapter 4: curiousity
chapter 5: seeing you again
chapter 6: problems arising
chapter 7: new friend or new threat?
Chapter 8: more feelings
Chapter 9: VR experience
Ace Cash! (Information chapter)
Chapter 10: night terrors
Chapter 11: part-time?
Chapter 12: new employee
1,000 votes special
Chapter 13: first day on the job
Chapter 14: offer or temptation?
Chapter 15: are changes better or worse?
Chapter 16: Valetines special
Chapter 17: more mysteries but no answers
Chapter 18: rising tention
Chapter 19: confusion and frustration
Chapter 20: love and war
Chapter 21: endless fun and troublesome problems
Chapter 22: so many things are happening! I can barely keep up
Chapter 23: new co-worker!
Chapter 24: danger is always near
Chapter 25: almost the perfect day
Chapter 26: who are you?
Chapter 27: whats happening to my life!
Chapter 28: its time for a break
Chapter 29: welcome to court
Chapter 30: final goodbye?
Chapter 31: exposed!
Chapter 32: its good to be back
Chapter 33: an unexpected encounter!
DAY 1 of your vacation
DAY 2 welcome to Tulum Mexico
DAY 3: peaceful summer day
DAY 4: Troublemakers
DAY 5: after tomorrow
DAY 6: Final day
Chapter 34: you have no idea how much we missed you...
Chapter 35: planning
Chapter 36: slumber party!
Chapter 37: welcome back to your thrilling career!
Chapter 38: tragedy strikes
Chapter 39: what happened?
Chapter 40: security breach
Chapter 41: not alone
Chapter 42: sun and eclipse join the party
Chapter 44: release and steal
Chapter 45: when the truth is revealed
Chapter 46: the end is near.
Chapter 47: the time to make a choice
Chapter 48: I Always Come Back!
Chapter 49: new beginning, new life
Chpater 50: a bright future
Chapter 51: caught.
Chapter 52: meeting the higher ups
Chapter 53: money, young love, and trouble
Chapter 54: things are looking up
Chapter 55: Fame and future fortune
Chapter 56: back in town.
Chapter 57: Fireworks
Chapter 58: 11 months
Chapter 59: unpredictable occurrences
Chapter 60: legal rights to the glamrocks!
Chapter 61: hard work paying off.
Chapter 62: nothing
I caved

Chapter 43: My Starlight! You shine so Bright!

2.9K 94 72
By Lexacoolfox

"good news the doors will open in five hours."

Freddy said while we all walked to our next destination. Sun was carrying me in his arms. he refused to let me walk even though i could walk perfectly fine.

"Good?! Five hours?! I'm not going to last 5 minutes!"

Gregory yelled inside Freddy's stomach hatch

"Do not panic. if we are to get separated again, you can always call me on your Fazwatch - as long as I have power - and I am able to reach you."

"besides that interesting fact; where should we go from here?"

I asked as we got on a elevator

"you two can access the main atrium with your new security badge. I have identified two possible exit points. the main loading dock is located under the food court on the first floor. There is also a fire escape in the third floor prize counter. Check your fazwatch Gregory. I will mark both locations on your fazmap...oh it appears you have no fazmap. you should be able to obtain one from the greeter on the center balcony."

the elevator opened and we walked out and I was caught off guard and getting scared by the map bot

"Hi! please take this map."

I grabbed the map


"You're welcome. have a nice day."

then it drove away

"welp we got a map."


while you all walked around you heard the other animatronics lurking around one of them being Roxy. she was surprised to see sundrop walking around outside

"Why are you out of the daycare? I thought you were on lock down?"

"um well there's no guest around and I got bored so I walked out!"

sundrop said, though roxy didnt fully believe him. but she had other things to do. she quickly chatted with you and sundrop then went to find gregory.

sundrop started fiddling with the bells on his wrist. it's a nervous habit of his.


"Sun its okay we'll be fine."

"i hope so... im more worried about what will happen during the recharge cycle. what if moon hurts you again! I couldn't live with myself if my sunshine got hurt because of me."

"well sun that wouldn't really be on you, it would be on moon. But even then it wouldn't be on him either. Since he has a glitch in his system."

then Freddy contacted us telling us to come near a vent near the salad bar. me and Gregory were going to crawl through it to bypass security.

when we got there sun was speaking nervously and stuttering

"Are you sure sunshine? I-I think our friend Gregory will be just fine by himself. Y-you are slightly injured so I don't t-think you should be crawling through vents."

I smiled at sun

"sunny i'll be just fine. we'll be back before you know it. come on Gregory, start crawling"

"I' m going, I'm going."

we started crawling while Gregory lit the way. but then he stopped and yelled


then he started crawling crazy fast I then started crawling fast too but then I heard symbols clashing together. I turn to see one of the tiny music men. I laughed and turned to it

"geez... i thought Gregory saw something else. you gave me and him a scare. well I gotta go, tell the DJ I said "hello"".

I went to the part of the vents leading to a certain area that I started sliding down and ended up meeting up with Gregory.

"Alright lets get moving. we don't have much time before moon comes back and catches us."

he nodded and we started walking, we heard chica nearby so we moved quickly but quietly. but she caught sight of Gregory and we started running to the security office. we got the pass.

"Y/n. What are we going to do? there's only one security door!"

I look at the tablet in the office. it was an online fazbear delivery system!

I walked up to it and clicked order now.

"Y/n! we are trapped in the office and chica is right outside the door! this is no time to be making a pizza!"

"Now is the perfect time to be making pizza! this will lead chica away from us. trust me I know these animatronics very well. this will work."

I finished the pizza and the camera turned towards chica and the camera cut off when chica attacked the bot.

I bowed

"Thank you brave pizza bot. your efforts will not be in vain. come on Gregory that will only keep her distracted for a little bit!"

we exited the office and started walking around, we ended up in the laundry room. there were security bots everywhere and chica was roaming around

I decided to distract chica

"hey chica!"

she ran up and gave me a hug spinning me around

"hey cupcake! is there something you need?"

"oh I just wanted to see if you knew where my pizza went? I had a staff bot go make one but it's been awhile and I cant find the staff bot that I asked to make the pizza?"

I could see the nervousness on her face. I saw Gregory sneak out

"Um...I unfortunately don't know...maybe you missed the bot?"

you nodded your head

"maybe I did. I'll go look. see you later chica. stay out of trouble now."

I was trying to find Gregory but I had no clue where he was. I decided to check in with Vanessa. I picked up my walkie talkie.

"hey Vanessa found the kid yet?"

I was expecting her to say no

"yeah I found the brat. he's in lost and found right now! he's going to stay there until his parents or the police arrive."

I almost shouted out something that would have made it clear that I was helping him but I kept my cool

"Oh! good, The pizza plex overnight is not safe for a kid."

"yeah... sorry you got stuck here because some brat decided cause some trouble."

"It's honestly fine. I'll check back in with you later."

I put my walkie talkie back on my belt.

I started running to lost and found to get Gregory out of there. on the way I ran into sun and Freddy. I told them where Gregory is then we all headed to the main entrance to get him. while walking there I heard weird whispering. it sounded loud but also quiet. that's the best way I could describe it. it was getting so loud it was almost unbearable.

Freddy suggested we split up and look for him. Freddy said that he'd go out on his own and search around Roxy raceway and me and sun would look around the food court and Gator golf.

I was getting really nervous because it was getting close to 2 AM and I was not looking forward to that recharge cycle. I was stressing out and sun seemed to notice

"are you okay sunshine?"

"no. I'm super stressed and worried about Gregory. I don't think I could live with myself if he got hurt cause I wasn't there to protect him. he's just a kid."

"there's something more to it. isn't there?"


he was right there was right there was more to it. You didn't want anything bad to happen to Gregory because he might end up like the Charlie, Cassidy, or the Afton siblings. but you couldn't tell sun because he'd never believe it.

"I just have a very strong protective instincts for kids."

that's the best lie you could come up with at the moment.

"well you always were very close with kids!"

he said walking next to you and grabbed your hand.

"he'll be fine and we'll get him out of here!"

you smiled at sun. he was always so good at cheering you up. suddenly you got a call

it was your uncle you clicked the answer button


"Y/n?! where in the name of all that is holy are you?!"

"what do you mean? I'm at the pizza plex? Vanessa said she called you and you said it was okay if I helped her tonight. there's a kid running around that she needs my help catching."

"WHAT?! I never discussed such a thing with Vanessa! Y/n you walk through those doors right now and come back to the house. i need to have a talk with you!"

"I can't."

"Y/N M/N L/N. you walk out of those doors and come back home right. now."

you started sweating like crazy, you've never heard your uncle say your full name in years, now you knew you were in serious trouble.

you decided not to hide it and told him the full story besides the part where the animatronics are trying to kill Gregory or how you got a large scratch by moon. sun even vouched for you over the phone.

you heard your uncle let out a heavy sigh

"y/n...please be careful...I love you... a lot...sun please watch over y/n for me. Please."

"I love you a lot too uncle. I promise to try and not get hurt."

"I promise to protect Y/N with my life Mr. U/N!"

"alright. i'll see you at 6 am y/n."

"see you at 6 am uncle."

then the call ended. you almost fell down cause you felt so weak. sun picked you up and started carrying you. that call emotionally drained you so much.

sun went into one of the areas with drinks and got you some water. you both sat down as you drank your water.

Suddenly the sun said an alarm was going on and he transformed back into an eclipse. eclipse told you that Freddy was heading to get Gregory out the security office where he had set off the alarm. so he picked you up and ran to meet up with Freddy so you three could get Gregory together. We met up with Freddy and Gregory had to open the doors to let us through. we made it to the vent and Freddy opened it.

"Jump down!"

freddy yelled to him

Gregory jumped down and Freddy caught him. eclipse turned back into sun since there was no longer an emergency.

Gregory found  a program disk which could be used in a sound booth that will cause the stage to run a showtime program which will turn on the lift.


we all followed Freddy to the main stage area. we had to go to the third floor balcony and insert the disc. freddy's systems were failing and it was almost the end of the hour. so we had to be quick. monty was looking for gregory  with a spotlight on top of the party check-in booth.

this was going to be rough all the animatronics were out in the mainstage area. but gregory had me and sun.

Sun distracted Monty and I distracted Roxy.

Sun can be very distracting and Roxy was easy to distract, just talk about anything evolving her and she loses focus on everything else just to tell you how great she is.

I saw Gregory wave his hand signaling that he put the disk in. I then told Roxy that Vanessa needed my help with something she nodded, gave me a hug, and quick head pat then telling me to come back so we can go back to her room so i can brush her hair while also playing the keytar. i nodded and ran back to the main stage area. sun ran away since it was near the end of the hour. he told me when it's near the end of the hour he'll run as far away as he can so moon can't hurt us.

such a sweetheart. He promised my uncle to protect me with his life.  

me and Gregory made it back to the mainstage area where Freddy was waiting for us. I pushed the button and we started heading down to parts and service. I looked at the time 2:00 on the dot hopefully sun got far away enough in time. that hope was quickly shattered when I felt Gregory grab on my arm hiding behind me and I looked to see moon right in front of us. he gave us a wave.

moon always did like to tease people especially when they're scared of him.

when the stage lift stopped me and Gregory ran to the recharge station. Freddy wasn't far behind us I went back and helped him while Gregory got inside the recharge station. we almost made it but moon attacked us. since Freddy was on basically no power he couldn't do much against moon.

he captured me by coiling one of his arms around me. I tried kicking and even biting but he just squeezed me tighter.

he saw Gregory looking at us through the charging station he let go of Freddy's leg and waved then he started taking us somewhere. the entire time I was yelling at him.

"Moon let us go right now!"

he didn't say anything

"I don't know what your problem is but I swear you better let us go!"

"shut up."

"Moon what happened to you? you used to be so sweet."

"Stop talking."

"Moon I think-"

"JUST SHUT UP! SHUT UP! You sound just like them! shut up! please...It hurts. anytime I hear your voice I remember them, I miss them so much."

his eyes switched to yellow and back to red while talking. I swear I think I even saw a hint of purple.

"...who are you talking about?"

" starlight..."

he was talking about me. couldn't he see that he was talking to me right now.

"is there something wrong with your vision?"

"...when I look at you I cant see your face It's a big blur...why?"

"ah! that explains it. cause if you could see me you would know your talking to y/n right now."

"nice try! if you really are starlight tell me something only starlight would know."

"I know about eclipse."

"Too easy."

"You hate teenagers except for me."

"Anybody could guess that."

"...You once asked me what does the moon look like, and I told you what it looked like. I then apologized and you told me it wasn't so bad as it used to be because you had a starlight who made you very happy. As long as you had your starlight you were happy."

He stopped and looked at me


He let go of Freddy and hugged me really tightly while he cried loudly


"There's my sweet moony."

He then remembered what he did and started apologizing over and over again.

"It's okay moon you were just defending the plex. But why did you attack gregory?"

"Starlight believe me when I say that I wasn't in control. It was me but my body was moving on it's on and I was saying things that I didn't think about saying."

"Aww. Moon I think theirs a glitch in your system. Before anything else where were you planning on bringing freddy?"

"Vanessa wants me to bring him to the protective cylinder."

"Does she know you also got me?"

He shook his head 'No'

I wanted to see what Vanessa is up to.

"Okay moon. Listen I want to help. Everybody besides sun, eclipse and Freddy seem to have sometime of glitch that makes them very violent when they see gregory. So I'm going to go get him, keep bringing Freddy to Vanessa, I'll work on this from there."

"Okay starlight I'll trust you. Please. Help me."

"Always moon."



Shouted from joy when he saw you. he practically ran into your arms and hugged you.

"you escaped! did Freddy escaped too?"

You then explained the whole situation

"Y/n! you can't trust that moon thing. he slashed your arm and tried attacking us."

"Gregory I know this seems like a bad idea. but I'm always careful and always think about things before making a decision. so trust me when I say I know what I'm doing. I will protect you Gregory that's a promise."

you held out your pinky to make a pinky promise

"okay y/n. I'll trust you."

he said hooking his pinkie around yours


you both continue to find Freddy. it wasn't easy though there were many twists in turns you had to take. also the endoskeletons were moving on their own and trying to get Gregory. you both had to go through a vent and more tiny music men were in there. They stopped chasing Gregory when they saw you were with him. while walking through you both ended up in a security office that looked like a mini version of the daycare. he got a security card and you both then went to parts and service. you had to book it out of there though cause the endos were chashing you both.

you both make it to the room that freddy was kept in. moon was near vanessa just standing there. you and gregory looked through while also listening to thier conversation.

"...I found him earlier and locked him up in Lost and Found."

vanessa said telling freddy how she found him.

"that is great news. he can be returned to his parents."

freddy said even though he knew that gregory was indeed not in there.

"He can't. Turns out, there's no record of him."

that made your eyes widen.

"how unfortunate. If you re-attach my head I will go look for him now."

freddy said so he can come back and help you two

"His name is know how I know that? His fazwatch kept reapeating it. In your voice..."Gregory? Are you there? Gregory?""

vanessa said with intent of letting freddy know she thinks he is helping him

"Vanessa, all the Fazwatches sound like me. It is the default voice option."

freddy said trying to convince vanessa that she shouldn't be suspicious of him.

"If you're part of this, you're scrap. monty will run the shows, until Parts and Service can slap your casing on a new Endo. Hang out here for a while. I gotta go find that kid."

vanessa threatened then started leaving but stopped and turned to moon

"moon watch him. that kid might come in here to get him."

she ordered, moon just nodded his head

"yes officer vanessa."

then she continued walking away

"Vanessa! Do not leave me like this!"

Freddy yelled


after Vanessa was long out of sight you both walked in. moon turned and got into a stance ready to fight. until he saw it was you. your face was still blurred but he knew it was you. he saw Gregory and he held back the urge to attack him.

"Gregory! Superstar! I'm so glad you two are safe and alive! Moon please don't hurt them!"

"Don't worry I'm on your guys side."

you walked over to the console and clicked the power upgrade. the voice came on and you entered the protective cylinder.


then I proceeded to re-attach his head. I've done it plenty of times before so i did it pretty quickly.

I connected the correct wires and did the diagnostics just fine. It was always so easy to remember.

After I finished I clicked the finished upgrade on the computer. Then Freddy was released.

"thank you very much superstar!"

"your welcome freddy. Moon?"

moon came over to you

"yes starlight?"

"I might be able to fix your programming and take out the glitch. please step inside the cylinder."

he did go in without any problems and I strap him down on the table. then I walk back out and go into his programming. it was going to be difficult. whoever put a glitch in moon did a very good job of hiding it. I found a couple and got rid of them but I knew there were more but I couldn't find them.

but then a voice spoke to me

"ʜᴇʏ ʏ/ɴ! ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ꜱᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴏꜰ ʜᴇʟᴘ! ᴘᴜᴛ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀꜱᴋ! ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʟᴘ!"


I did what she said and grabbed the mask out of my bag then I put it on.

I noticed that some of the coding is purple. they told me that the coding that was purple was part of the glitch.

"superstar? why do you have that mask on?"

freddy asked confused

"oh it um...helps me concentrate and helps me think better."

I already knew he didn't believe me but I also knew he wasn't going to push it

so I started removing the glitch from his system. then after triple checking I released moon

I took off my mask and put it back in my bag.

"moon do you have the urge to attack gregory?"

moon looked at Gregory and shook his head.

"No. No i don't"

he then looked at you and felt an explosion of emotions he was able to see you. it wasn't a blur anymore. he ran and gave you a hug.

"I-I-i can see you again! I can see my starlight! My Bright Starlight!"


-your uncle kinda broke down after the phone call

-the voice that was loud but quiet was vanny. Sun and Freddy couldn't hear her

-eclipse knew where Freddy was because he was hooked up to the security camera system

-the spirits knew where the glitch was cause one of them watched vanny do it.

-moon had a feeling that it was you the entire time but he wanted to make sure

-through pure will power moon was able to block out the glitch until you got rid of it

-moon, sun, and eclipse can communicate with each other again.

-you also plan on removing the glitch from the others


So no fanart but some news.
First I have a TikTok account: @lexi_lovelies13

I have a sun and moon series going on with 2 of my ocs I made. But I do request that you don't mention my wattpad on there. My family sometimes sees my videos.

Also happy Easter!
Have a good days lovelies 💞

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