By cierakay_

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SPIN OFF BOOK (coming soon?)


315 7 0
By cierakay_

"Remake the World"

"Well... I'll see you when I come back" Ashton states, promising that he will make it back. Ivy smiles and leans closer and closer to Ashton before turning and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "You better come back" Ivy whispers in Ashtons ear making him nervous and red start to rise to his cheek.

"Jane" Ivy called out as Jane started to leave, making her stop in her tracks. Ivy gets close and at first she looks friendly and means well until, "If they don't come back, I blame you" Ivy states and Jane watches as Ivy's friendly demeanor drops as she talks about Ashton and Silas but Jane knew Ivy cared deeply for them, they were her family...

SCRAP SCRAP SCRAP; Ivy sits by a fire among the night sky that darkens Hilltop. She uses her blade or sharpen the ends of sticks to amuse her before she tosses the stick in the fire. Ivy decided to stay at Hilltop with Maggie instead of going to the commonwealth with Jane and Silas. She felt betrayed and beyond upset. She was still grieving from the lost of a friend... a friend she cared about deeply. A friend she may have loved more than a friend, did love more than a friend.

"I thought we were doing this in shifts" Lydia says as she takes a seat next to Ivy who stares at the fire, not wanting to move. "I told Maggie and Elijah to rest. I can't sleep anyway" Ivy says softly before tossing another stick into the already lit fire.

"I get your pain, I've lost people too" Lydia says, trying to reassure Ivy that she can get through this. "I shot my sister, dead. My best friend, who I lov—" Ivy rants before she stammers over her words. "He came back wrapped in a bloody white sheet because he was shot in the head over some dumb deal" Ivy explains, looking over to Lydia with tears forming in her eyes. Ivy felt as if no one understood her and that her pain was different.

"I'm sorry" Lydia says softly, not knowing how to deal with Ivy's anger. "Yeah, everyone's sorry" Ivy mumbles, looking back at the fire as she continues to scrap another stick.

"Ivy, I'm so sorry" Jane starts off before Ivy looks behind Jane seeing Silas walk in, carrying a body wrapped in a wipe and cloth and that's when Ivy knew. "No.. please. No! No!" Ivy shouts...

The car door opens and Jane exits out of the vehicle. She walks towards Aaron who was ready to meet Pamela Milton, leader of the commonwealth. Pamela originally didn't want to take a look at all the communities because thinks incorporating new communities would stretch Commonwealth resources too thin while Lance Hornsby, commonwealths second in command, argues that Alexandria, Hilltop, and Oceanside are perfect for his vision.

"Nice to see you" Jane greets, wrapping her arms around Aaron, embracing him in a friendly, loving hug. One of the commonwealth soldiers walk up to Aaron before they take their helmet off. It's Silas. "Nice to see you man" Silas greets, shaking Aaron's hand before stepping behind Pamela to be somewhat of her bodyguard while Aaron speaks with Pamela Milton and gives her a tour and run down of Alexandria.

"How are Roslyn and Magna?" Daryl asks, walking with Jane while Aaron continues to give his speech. Jane smiles at the thought of their names and can't help but think of the amazing moments they've had at the commonwealth. "They're great. Magna just taught Roslyn how to throw knives. She's actually not that bad" Jane answers, reliving the moment in her head.

"That's nice, I just bought Judith this record player and all she wants to play is like rock music" Daryl admires making Jane chuckle at the thought of the story. While Aaron continues to give Pamela a brief history of Alexandria, Mercer asks how they keep Alexandria safe. Daryl says they fought many battles to protect it.

"Were you guys leaders here?" Mercer wonders. "Uh, not really me. I didn't come back here for awhile. I ran Hilltop with Maggie and a bunch of other leaders" Jane answers as she clears her throat, remembering the one reason that kept her away from Alexandria for years.

Continuing the tour, Pamela recalls crossing paths with Deanna, Alexandria's founder, at a time in her life in earlier days. "What was she like as a leader?" Pamela wonders. "A good one. She brought people in who really needed it and when you got here she even wanted to learn more about you. She wanted to get to know you" Jane answers, recalling the time she first arrived at Alexandria and it was the one of the best moments in her life because she had found a safe place. Daryl says Deanna always rebuilt Alexandria every time it fell.

To Hornsby's chagrin, a walker breaches the wall. "It's just one" Jane says as she watches from the window inside the home, Daryl kill the walker outside. Quick and easy. "I think I've seen enough here" Pamela declares. Jane looks over at Aaron who still looks flustered but it soon turns into a face of disappointment because now he thinks he has failed... and maybe he has.

After their tour of oceanside, the group was now on their way to Hilltop, Hornsby admonishes Aaron for failing to keep walkers out of Alexandria and for not knowing about Maggie's decision. Hornsby warns that if Maggie opts out, he will no longer help Alexandria. Jane and Silas look to each other since they're in the same vehicle as Aaron and Hornsby, shocked to hear the words leaving his mouth before their convoy suddenly stops.

"Ugh!" Ivy groans as she swings her blade into a walkers head, killing it instantly and watching as its body drops to the ground. "Help!" Maggie shouts as she's up against the tree, struggling to put down a walker. Ivy grabs the walker by the neck and stabs it in the head, pushing the dead walker onto the ground.

Jane and Silas rush over and kill the last two walkers. Their dead bodies drop to the ground harshly and they lift their heads, Jane looking to Maggie while Silas looks to Ivy. Maggie catches her breath and walks towards Jane, pulling her into a hug. Jane sunk into the hug and wrapped her arms around her tightly. "It's been awhile" Jane says before she and Maggie pull away. "I was beginning to think you left for good" Maggie jokes, patting Jane on the shoulders. It was just like old times.

"Hey" Silas greets, not knowing what to say to Ivy. Ivy scoffs and slams her body into Silas's, wrapping her arms around him. "Shut up and hug me" Ivy begs as Silas drops his gun on the ground, causing it to clink on impact but he didn't care. He put his arms around Ivy and didn't want to let go. She was like his little sister and he knew how much Ashton meant to her even if she never admitted it.

Pamela Milton walks up as her soldiers go at ease. "You must be Maggie Greene" Pamela says while Maggie looks to her and her group with slight worry in her eyes.

"Hey, Roslyn made this for Hershel" Jane says as she grabs a drawing out of her pocket that made Roslyn made in art class. "She's been really into art at school. She mostly draws pizzas because of Glenn but she made an exception" Jane jokes, handing the drawing to Maggie, watching her grab it delicately and admire it, knowing Hershel will love it.

"How are you and, uh, Magna?" Maggie asks as she puts the drawing in her pocket and proceeds to clean off her hands with water the commonwealth provided. "We're great. She moved all her stuff into my place but her taste is very different from mine but we're trying to make it work" Jane answers as she leans up against the vehicle her and Maggie are by. Maggie chuckles at Janes response and shakes her head making Jane knit her eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" Jane asks, crossing her arms over her chest. "Is just— you sound like a normal person... like someone before the fall. It's weird" Maggie confesses as she locks eyes with Jane, looking at how clean her face is and how smooth her hair looks. Janes different. Janes adapting to her environment. Maggie doesn't recognize her.

"Here, I tried my best to make it like Ashton did" Silas as he hands Ivy a plastic bowl, with a lid on it, and soup in it. It was soup with veggies he was able to buy at the local garden back at the commonwealth. "Thanks... let's hope it taste just a tad better" Ivy jokes, setting the bowl next to her as she sits down on a log, looking around at the storm troopers that walk around the area with their weapons in hand, keeping their identity secret.

"You like wearing those outfits?" Ivy asks, pointing to Silas's outfit that looks uncomfortable but fits him like a glove. "Hey, it's apart of the job" Silas says, making Ivy laugh and it was rare to see her smiling and being happy because for the last couple weeks Ivy hasn't been happy and Ashton's death didn't help. The group she had at the start was gone and her and Silas were the only ones left. She felt lonely and just wanted to escape this world but she also wanted to keep on living for Ashton... for Willow and for Sydney.

"I miss him too" Silas says as he rests his hand on Ivy's shoulder. "Yeah..." Ivy sighs as she sniffles in her tears, leaning into Silas, allowing him to hug her. This time it was tighter and had a strong meaning. He was the only one left of her family and she didn't want to let him go.

Maggie asks Daryl, Jane and Aaron why they trusts the Commonwealth. Daryl says he doesn't necessarily trust them but admits it's nice to have resources to rebuild Alexandria. "Yeah, my daughter didn't get to see the world before this and commonwealth is that. It's different than anything we've built or seen" Jane says, resting her case before Aaron makes a case for the Commonwealth and asks if Maggie will join them but before she could answer, Lance Hornsby walks over, kind of interrupting the conversation and proposes an impromptu hunt.

In the woods, Pamela suggests she, Jane and Maggie hunt together. "How did things get so bad?" Pamela asks as the three women walk through the woods. "You make enemies with the wrong people" Jane answers as she looks around the woods, holding a rifle in her hand, almost forgetting what's it like. "I've met so many communities and I still can't figure out what makes some lucky and able to fight off the world while others can't" Maggie admits as she rest her hands on the strap of her backpack while Pamela states she doesn't believe in luck.

"You don't believe in luck?" Jane asks. "Yeah, that's interesting" Maggie adds. "I mean luck is about opportunity. Look at the place we live in" Jane says, referring to her and Pamela.

Pamela then admits to Maggie that she was initially skeptical of visiting Alexandria, Hilltop, and Oceanside. However, she acknowledges that numerous city states fighting each other for resources is not beneficial for anyone but she promises to protect Hilltop. Not knowing what to say, Jane and Maggie look to each other while Pamela walks a little bit ahead of the two of them.

"You think luck is about opportunity?" Jane asks and Maggie shrugs her shoulders but nods her head, agreeing in a sense. "Then take this opportunity because I promise... it's the only one you'll get" Jane states, knowing that if Maggie doesn't accept this offer of protection, Pamela won't help Alexandria or Oceanside and Jane cares about both communities equally but Hilltop will always be her top priority. She led it once and although she isn't leading it now, it deserves to be helped along with the people living there.

Pamela, Jane and Maggie stopped hunting and sat on a log together, looking out at the water source in front of them. It wasn't the prettiest sight but the sun beamed down on them, making them feel a hint of normal. Maggie then accuses Pamela of running an autocracy jokingly and Pamela argues that Maggie is the sole leader at Hilltop, but Maggie insists that Hilltop is run more fairly than the Commonwealth.

Jane hears a walking approaching in the distance and stands to her feet, about to reach for her knife, not wanting to use the rifle because it'll cause noise and draw more attention. But Jane forgot that ever since she joined the commonwealth she hasn't held a blade in weeks. Maggie stands up and proceeds to hand Jane one of her blades before looking over at the second walker approaching.

Maggie and Jane approach the two and stab the walkers in the head, killing them instantly. Jane pushes the walker onto the ground and turns to look at Maggie who does the same and turns to look at Jane. "You two seem like great leaders" Pamela admits. "We were" Jane says as she cleans off the blade, handing it back to Maggie before grabbing the rifle that she set up against the tree near the log they were sitting at.

Maggie returns to Hilltop with Pamela's convoy. Commonwealth troopers deliver supplies to the community. Hershel and Ivy help Daryl and Silas unload supplies.

Hornsby asks Maggie if she's made a decision about partnering with the Commonwealth. Maggie asks what he gets out of the deal. Hornsby describes his vision of a thriving network of communities that citizens can travel between. Meanwhile, Ivy was listening. Listening to it all and she admired what he was saying. She understood what he was saying and she wanted to understand more...

"You think she'll accept the deal?" Aaron asks, walking over to Jane who watches Hornsby and Maggie's conversation from a distance. "Want my honest answer?" Jane asks, looking over at Aaron who sighs, nodding his head, ready for Jane's answer. "No. I think being around all those communities and leading one herself has made her to headstrong. I don't think she'll accept it" Jane answers honestly before she hears gunfire outside the walls of Hilltop.

Hilltop citizens race outside to ward off a walker attack. Jane grabs a weapon out of one of the supply cars and rushes to help Maggie and the citizens of Hilltop take out the walkers. "Ah!" Jane groans as she swings the hammer against one of the walkers head when suddenly a mother walker comes up beside her but she quickly slams the hammer into its head and kicks it to the ground.

She rushes to three more walkers and stabs one in the head before grabbing another one by their neck and slamming their head into a tree, hard enough until it was dead. The third walker, sneaks up on Jane but is quickly gunned down by Silas. Jane looks to Silas and nods her head thankfully before Silas turns and kills the rest of the walkers, one by one, hitting every head shot. Everyone looks to him and watches his breathing pick up and realize he's been holding so much anger inside that he took it out on the walkers with no hesitation.

A walker on the ground that wasn't quite dead yet, raises it head and starts reaching Silas but Ivy walks over, slamming her boot on top of the walkers head. "You okay?" Ivy asks, kicking the walker brains off the bottom of her boot. "Just great" Silas answers coldly as he reloads his gun and pushes past Ivy.

After the get back to Hilltop, Maggie walks up to Pamela and formally declines the Commonwealth's offer. When Pamela asks why, Maggie says everything always costs something and it's clear Hornsby is upset... very upset about her answer. Jane locks eyes with Aaron after she helps put some supplies away and he shakes his head. Jane sighs and slams down one of the containers she was holding as she watches Maggie walk away from Hornsby and Pamela.

"What the hell, Maggie" Jane whispers to herself as she shields her eyes from the sun before meeting Maggie over at one of the cars. "Why'd you say no?" Jane asks. "Because everything cost—". "The real answer" Jane interrupts, raising her hand. "Because. Everything costs something. I don't need protection from people I don't trust" Maggie answers honestly. "But you need food. You need medical supplies. Maggie— you need a democracy. Yes, you're a great leader but if you make the decisions for everyone... they'll only hate you" Jane confesses, looking to Maggie who sighs.

"I'm sorry I didn't do what you would do—". "No, Maggie. I'm upset you did what I would do. I know you've seen communities fall and never get back up but you're declining an offer that is way to good to pass up" Jane says before Dianne walks over and tells Maggie that she and some other Hilltop residents are going to live at the Commonwealth. Maggie warns her against trusting the Commonwealth, but Dianne says she can't live this way anymore.

"I told you... democracy" Jane says as she looks over at Maggie who shakes her head in disappointment, not believing that some people from her community have chosen to leave the place that has yet to be built again.

Hornsby enters the woods and shoots his gun into the air. One by one, he shoots walkers attracted to the sound. "You need help?" Ivy asks as she steps behind Hornsby, watching as he shoots the walkers one by one. "Nope" Hornsby says, shooting one more walker before another one appears but he doesn't shoot it this time.

"Get ready" Hornsby declares as Ivy steps beside him, watching the lone walker get closer. "We are going to remake the world" Hornsby vows before he turns in front of him, seeing  the walker was shot right in between the eyes and watches as its body hit the ground. Hornsby looks over, seeing a gun in Ivy's hand that she stole from one of the guards. She reloads and looks over to Hornsby who has a mischievous smirk on his face. "How does a partner sound?" Ivy asks as she lets out a sigh of relief while looking over at Hornsby...

WORDS: 3123

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