Uncertain (Baji x Reader x Mi...

By acutestick

71.9K 2.1K 444

Y/n L/n came to Tokyo for a fresh start, but that all changes when she saves a girl from a group of delinquen... More

New Beginnings
New Friendships
Who are you?
Who was he?
A new encounter
An unpleasant encounter
Unexpected Turn
Unexpected Connection
Time for a talk
Time for a Confession
A declaration to act
A declaration of love?
A fun date
A date to remember
I will protect you
I will follow you
A foggy past
A foggy future
Unexpected Surprise
A Pleasant Surprise
Where are you?
Where was she hiding?
Turning Point
Calm Before the Storm
The Eye of the Storm
Needless Sacrifice
Meaningful Sacrifice
What happens now?
What comes next?
For Better
For Worse
Boiling Point
Boiled Over
One Step Back
Two Steps Forward
Storms a Brewing
Storms Coming
A Woman's Vengeance
A Brother's Mercy
Truth Be Told
A Truth You Won't Believe
Undying Love
Undying Determination
Means to an End
The End
The End
The End?
Final words :)


1K 32 8
By acutestick

This next part will be written in Mikeys POV :)

I hope you guys enjoy!


It's been four days since the incident on October 31st, later named the Bloody Halloween. Resulting in one hospitalization and one arrest. (Y/n) was rushed to the hospital, and was forced into a medically induced coma. She had lost a lot of blood, her wounds had become infected, and she had a minor concussion from the fall she took. Baji and Mitsuya stayed at her side, day and night. They took turns watching her, as the rest of us worried over when she'd wake up. The doctors had told us that she would be given antibiotics to combat the infections. She was in a stable condition and it was now up to her to wake up. Emma was a complete wreck. When I came home on the night of Bloody Halloween, Emma asked about you.. Where you were.. and if you fought well.. It broke me to tell her what happened and where you were.. She cried for two days, before leaving the Sano house. She told me she would be staying at your house in an attempt to feel closer to you. You walked up to the hospital with sunflowers in your hands. You head inside as you walk to her room. The nurses all knew who you were now and didn't question where you were going. You softly knock on the door, as you hear Baji say, "Come in." You open the door as your eyes fall on (Y/n)'s motionless body. Baji was sitting right next to her, head slumped into his hand.

"How's our girl?" You weakly ask, as you walk over to Baji. He looked extremely tired, and whether you wanted to admit it or not, Baji and Mitsuya probably hadn't slept in days. "Same as before. She's resting up.." Baji sighs, as he rests his head on your bed. "I wish she'd wake up... I just wanna see her smile..." You walk over and place the flowers on her nightstand, as you brush her hair out of her face. "Always looking so peaceful." You smile as Baji's stomach growls. "Why don't you go get some food? I'll stay here with her til you get back." Baji sighs, as he gets up and stretches. "Do you want anything?" You shake your head as you sit on (Y/n)'s bed. You hear the door open and close as you lay down next to (Y/n). "Always worrying us.. God you have such a hold on all of us (Y/n).." You start to cry as you speak softly to her, "I-I can't bring myself to visit Kazutora... Not after wh-what he did to you... t-to Baji..." You bury your face in her arm carefully as you says, "Kazutora will be sent away for 10 years.. I know it's crazy.. (Y/n).. How can I ever thank you for saving him... For saving me... You.." You begin to sob, as you finish, "I almost did something so fucking terrible... B-but.. Yo-you saved me... You changed Kazutora f-for the be-better.." You sit up as you wipe your tears away. "I-It's because of y-you I-I... can forgive him.. for k-killing Shinichiro.." You smile softly, as you feel Shinichiro's presence in the room with you. "It's wh-what he would've w-wanted.." You look at her as you caress her check. "He would've loved you.. Probably would've tried to convince me to be with you.." You laugh softly as tears fall from your eyes, "Please.. Come back to us... Make more memories with us.." You hold her hand as you say, "Y'know.. Emma's a mess without you.."

As you say this, a knock is heard on the door, as it slowly opens. "Well speak of the devil." Emma stands in the doorway, unable to move. "C'mon. She's been waiting for you come and see her." Emma slowly shuffles over to you, as you notice the tears falling from her eyes. "(Y-y/n)..." She looses all composure as she falls to her knees, at the side of your bed. "YOU PROMISED!" She shouts, as she cries loudly, "You-you prom.. ised.... me..." She grows quieter, as you begin to cry with her. "Just... wake up... So I can yell at you.. So I can punch your arm... And tell you how much you infuriate me.." She sobs out, as you hold her hand. "Emma... I'm so.. so s-sorry.." You begin to cry as she looks up at you. "I-I couldn't pro-protect her... Sh-she.. protected me..." Emma stands as she pulls you into a hug. "Don't apologize.. She loves you.. all of you idiots in Toman.. She.. did this because she wa-was protecting what's mo-most pre-precious to her..." You hug her tighter as you sob into her arms.

"I miss her... Emma, I MISS HER!" You scream into her as you cry harder. "WHY COULDN'T I PROTECT HER?! WHY...why did she... sacrifice.. herself for.. me..." Your thoughts are cut off as you hear Baji's voice, "The same reason she sacrificed herself for me." He walks over, as he wraps his arms around both of you. "The same reason she saved Kazutora... She saw the good in us.. When we only saw the worst part of us.. She was protecting our happiness.. Because if we're happy.. She'd be happy too... That's all she ever wanted for us..." Hearing this made all 3 of you cry even harder. You stayed like that for awhile, until you all calmed down. "God.. The power this woman holds on us.." You chuckle out making Emma and Baji laugh. "She's incredible and has all of you wrapped around her finger." Emma says, making you and Baji smile as you look back at (Y/n). "God just wake up already!" You whine as Emma and Baji once again laugh.


[Somewhere in the US]

"Do you think she'll be excited Cam?"

He smiles at his girlfriend, as he looks out in the distance.

"I sure hope she will be. She's my little sister, I know her better than anyone. She's definitely gonna be surprised..

Just a little longer (Y/n).."


All 3 of you spend the day in (Y/n)'s room. Laughing, making jokes, doing whatever you could to make her feel at home.. even though she wasn't awake. A soft knock is heard on the door as Mitsuya walks in the room. "Hey guys." He softly says as he closes the door behind him. "Damn is it that late already?" Baji says as he checks the time. "We should get going.. Mitsuya has the okay to stay in her room overnight but he's the only one able to." Baji stands as he stretches. You and Emma follow suit. As all 3 of you leave, you stop in the doorway as you say, "Call me if anything happens." Mitsuya weakly smiles as he says, "I will, don't worry Mikey."

As you go to leave, you stop as Mitsuya calmly says, "I miss her like crazy too Mikey.. You don't have to be strong for us.. Make sure you take care of yourself too.. She'd want that for you..." Tears fall from your eyes as you close the door, and catch up to Baji and Emma. As you reach them, you hear Emma say, "Are you sure you won't come with us?" He shakes his head as he says, "No.. I have some things I have to get done tonight. But I appreciate the invite.." You smile at Baji as you say, "She'll wake up soon.. Don't worry Baji.." You take a deep breath as you say, "It's only a matter of ti-"

"WE NEED A DOCTOR TO ROOM 342 NOW!" A nurse shouts causing all of you to freeze. "(Y/n)'s room.." All 3 of you quickly turn as you see Mitsuya. He's panicking as he's being pushed from the room. "Sir we can't have you in here right now." All 3 of you run over as they shut the door. "MITSUYA WHAT HAPPENED?" Baji shouts. Mitsuya looks pale and is shaking like crazy. Emma walks up to him, as calm as can be, and takes Mitsuya's hands in hers. "Calm down Mitsuya.. It's okay.." He looks at her as he slowly focuses in on who's in front of him.. "I-It's (Y/n)... I-I was talking to her when I noticed her head drop down.. I-I thought sh-she woke up.." He begins to cry as he continues, "I-I took her hand, and placed the o-other on her face.. and wh-when.." He cuts off as he begins to sob. He hugs Emma as he cries into her shoulder.. "Sh-s... She was b-burning up.. I-It felt li-like sh-she was on fire..." He takes a deep breath as tears continue to fall from his eyes. "I-I thought sh... she might have a fe..fever.. so I called the nurse.. When she checked her.. she went pale.. she started calling doctors... Mi-Mikey.. I-I don't k-know wh-what happened t-to her!" Mitsuya becomes overwhelmed as he begins to sob again. You hadn't realized it, but you had slowly started to cry again. You hug Mitsuya and Emma as you softly say. "It's okay Mitsuya.. The doctors are with her right now.. Don't lose hope.. Our girl is strong.."

As you let each other go, you realize how quiet Baji's grown. You place a hand on his shoulder. "You have to go Baji.. It's okay.. We'll call you as soon as we know something. I know you're scared.." You gulp as you look down, "We all are.. I won't lie.. I'm scared to lose her too.. but we can't panic right now.." You hug him, as you say, "She'd want you to keep moving forward Baji.." As you let him go, you look at Emma and Mitsuya. You brush your tears away as you say, "She'd want that for all of us.." They all smile as tears quietly fall from their eyes. Baji sighs as he wipes his tears away, "As soon as you know something-" You cut him off as you smile, "Call you right away. I know. I'll go and ask the nurses right now, see if I can get any information." Baji weakly smiles, as he says, "Thank you Mikey.." He places a hand on your head as he says, "Always so strong.. It's okay for you to cry too.." He pauses before he says, "I know you miss her too.. You don't always have to carry the burden.." He looks at Emma and Mitsuya as he says, "You have a good support system right here..." You smile as tears form in your eyes. He nods as he turns and waves goodbye, leaving the 3 of you in the hospital. "Emma, call Draken.. Let him know what's going on." You pause as you turn away from them. "I-I need a minute.."

Before either Emma and Mitsuya can protest or offer to go with you, you take off heading outside. It was almost midnight, the moon shined brightly as the stars were clear as day. You find a small clearing, isolated from others. You stand with your head down, as tears begin to drip on the floor. You slowly collapse to your knees as the events of Bloody Halloween pass through your mind. "I-If I had been more focused on you.. N-none of th-this would've happened.." You punch the ground as you chuckle to yourself. "Shut up idiot. You know she's plenty capable of protecting herself.. I-It was her big heart... He-Her determination to save us... S-so w-we could be happy.." You begin to sob harder and harder. "You did a-all this.. so w-we could be h-happy." You slam your fists down on the ground, over and over again as you say, "WELL GUESS WHAT.. WE CAN'T BE HAPPY IF YOU'RE NOT HERE WITH US! (Y/N)!! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME. WHEREVER YOU ARE, PLEASE... Please... Just co-come back... I-I can't fo-forgive you if you die.." You eyes became irritated as you cried, something you didn't enjoy doing. "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU.. SO COME BACK TO ME.." You scream as fear overtakes your body. You don't know for how long you cried, or how long you sat there, but as you finally calmed down, you place your hands together, as you softly prayed. "Take care of her. Heal her. And most of all, bring her back to me.. Please.. I beg of you..." You stand as you take a deep breath and turn to walk back into the building

After about 4 long hours they were finally able to tell us something. The infection had spread into her bloodstream. Mitsuya was lucky. He had noticed her fever much faster than anyone else would've, even if it was by accident. Had it gone unnoticed it could've gotten much worse.. Possibly resulting in her death... Thankfully her stab wound hadn't hit her vital organs. Meaning they were able to give her antibiotics to stop it from spreading. They told us that there was a high chance she'd be alright, but for now she was in a critical condition.. At least until they could ensure that antibiotics were working. While this was good news, we were all very on edge because at any moment her condition could worsen. Draken had joined you all at the hospital. "Is she okay? How's she doing?" You stand as you hug him. "She's critical right now. Hopefully the antibodies will help her." He takes a deep breath as his eyes float over to Emma and Mitsuya who are asleep. "How is she doing?" You sigh as you look down. "She's struggling Kenchin... She's suffering the most.." He places a hand on your head as he says, "I doubt that.." He takes a step towards you, as he speaks so only you're able to hear him. "This isn't on you Mikey.. She did this because she loves us.. That means she loves you Mikey.. So please.. Don't blame yourself for this.. She wouldn't want that for you.. and I know you know that.." He steps away from you as he says, "I'll take Emma home. She needs her rest."

Mitsuya wakes up as Draken says this. "Morning Sleepy Head." Draken jokingly says, as Mitsuya asks, "What time is it?" You yawn as you say, "4:30 I think" Mitsuya sleepily stretches as he says, "Baji should be here soon, you guys can go if you want." You shake your head as you say, "You can go home. I have some things I need to talk to Baji about." Mitsuya begins to protest, but you cut him off. "You have slept at most 4 hours, you have Luna and Mana to think about. I'll wait for Baji than go home and sleep." You hold your pinky up as you say, "I promise." Draken and Mitsuya smile, as Mitsuya takes you pinky. You wave them goodbye as you sit back in the chair. You rest your head back as you softly close your eyes. When you open your eyes, you see Baji sitting next to you. "Oh.. Hey Baji.." You slowly sit up as you take in your surroundings. "When'd you get here?" He smiles at you, as he says, "7 hours ago." Your eyes go wide as you sit upright, "Wait what time is it?!" He smiles even wider as he says, "About a quarter to 1." You place a hand over your mouth as Baji bursts out laughing. "Why didn't you wake me up?!" You say as you rub your eyes. Baji shrugs as he says, "You looked so peaceful.. Besides.. Draken told me you probably haven't slept all night.." You slump over, knowing he was right. You let Emma and Mitsuya sleep, but you just couldn't bring yourself to fall asleep. "Is she alright?" He looks over at you as he says, "Her condition hasn't worsened if that's what you're wondering." You nod as you stand and slowly stretch. "C'mon." You tell him as you start to walk for the door. "Let's go for a walk."

You and Baji take a walk to the same clearing you visited last night. Baji stops before you, as he says, "What's this about?" You take a deep breath as you say, "Why did you leave Toman?" Baji's body stiffens as the color drains from his face. He hesitates before he says, "I... I can't tell you everything.." You raise your eyebrow as he continues. "But I think there's a traitor in Toman.." Your body stiffens as he continues, "I don't think.. Kisaki is on our side..." You relax as you say, "I see that's what this is about.." You punch his arm as you say, "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL ME?!" Baji looks shocked as he says, "WAIT YOU AGREE WITH ME?!" You laugh as you say, "Kisaki wanted a position as a captain in exchange to help Pah. He was using it as a way to get ahead, and while I wasn't for giving him 3rd division captain.. He's strong.. and he brought numbers.." You look at him as you say, "Which we needed if we were going to fight Valhalla." Baji takes a deep breath as he looks down. "She was right.. I-I didn't have to do this alone.." Tears fall from his eyes as you walk over and place a hand on his back. "What matters is you have us now.. I.. I know there's something your not telling me.. and that's okay.. I won't push you yet.. But now I have to ask.. Will you come back to Toman?" Baji looks up as he weakly smiles, "Of course I will." He stands tall as he faces you. "Toman is my home. We built it to protect one another. And I'll make sure to protect it from that idiot, but I'll do it with your help." You smile as you hug Baji. "I will make one request. You have to be civil with Kisaki." Baji practically pouts as he mumbles, "Fine.." You laugh as you say, "You can investigate all you want, I will too, but to do so, you have to make him less suspicious of you, idiot." Baji lightly punches your arm, as he says, "I'll do my best for (Y/n)'s sake." He looks off in the distance as he says, "I think I love her Mikey.." You smile, seeing the growth your childhood friend has gone through. You start to walk back to the hospital, as you say, "I love her too, too bad she's my wifey not yours." You chuckle, as Baji yells, "SHE SAID THAT WASN'T SERIOUS!" You look at him, as you say, "Who said she was telling the truth?" You wink as you take off towards the hospital. "MIKEY!" Baji screams as he runs after you.


[3 days later]

It took 3 days for (Y/n) to finally reach a stable condition. All of you spent most of your time at the hospital, waiting for her to finally wake up. It was late afternoon as you, Draken, Emma, Takemichi, and Hina walked over to (Y/n)'s house. Emma hadn't been there in 3 days, and she wanted to go and clean up. Not only that, you all had something important to discuss. "We have a problem." You say as your about 3 mins from the house." Takemichi turns to you as he says, "What's going on?" You take a deep breath, as Draken says, "Kisaki is asking we let Hanma into Toman." All 3 of them stop and turn to face you and Draken. "WHAT?!" Emma shouts, as Hina says, "You're gonna sa-say no.. Ri-right Mikey-sama..?" You and Draken look at each other, discomfort in your eyes. "Listen.. We don't really have a choi-" Your cut off as Emma slaps you. "No choice?" NO CHOICE?! MIKEY YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID TO HER." Draken steps between you two as he says, "Emma that's enough. Look at him. He's not happy about it. He doesn't want to let him in, but we have no choice." You walk ahead of them, as you say, "The Black Dragons are starting to resurface.. They could prove to be a problem for us.. Right now.. Hanma has power over 300 guys.. With him in Toman, we sit at 450.." You stop as you clench your fist. "The last thing I want is for that monster to be around her. But I don't have a choice. The Black Dragons will come after Toman.. and (Y/n) may be their first target.. I have to protect her." You release your fist as tears fall from your eyes, "I couldn't during Bloody Halloween..."

All 4 of them remain silent as Emma slowly walks over to you, pulling you in his arms. "I'm sorry big brother. I want to protect her too.. I shouldn't have lashed out like that.." She lets you go as you look at her, seeing the tears in her eyes as you smile. "I'll protect her Emma.. No matter what it takes." All 4 of them smile, as Emma says, "We trust you Mikey. We'll find a solution.. a way this can work.." Takemichi steps forward as he says, "I'll help in any way I can." He rubs his neck, as he says, "Even if it's by holding her down when you tell her he's a member of Toman.." All 5 of them laugh, as they continue their walk to (Y/n)'s house. You finally reach the house, as Emma pulls the key from her pocket and opens the door. All 5 of you walk in, as Emma closes the door behind her, locking it. "Make yourselves at home. I'll go grab some cleaning supplies from her closest." Hina smiles as she says, "I'll help!" Takemichi and Draken head into the kitchen to check the fridge, as Takemichi says, "We should go and get her some groceries. She's been gone for a week now." Emma and Hina return a second later, with cleaning materials, as they set it down on the table. "Alright how are we gonna split up the cho-" Before she can finish, the door handle rattles, startling all of you. "Wh-Who the hell.." Emma starts to ask, but is cut off, as the door unlocks, and is thrown open. You place a hand in front of Emma and Hina, as Draken runs up besides you. "(Y/N)?! IS THAT YOU? ARE YOU-" A man about Draken's height walks in, a girl about (Y/n)'s height following right behind him. He looks frantic as he searches the room and takes in the faces before him. He places a hand in front of the girl as he say, "Who the hell are-"

Almost as if they realized it at the same time, Emma yells "Cameron!" As Cameron yells, "EMMA!" He tries to rush to her but Draken steps between them. "Emma.. Who is this?" Draken asks, as you realize who's standing before you. "It's (Y/n)'s older brother.." You and Emma say at the same time. Draken relaxes as Emma walks around, and in front of Draken. "It's great to finally meet you." Cameron pulls her into a hug as he says, "Thank god.. Who are these guys?" He asks as he lets her go. Emma smiles as she says, "This tall guy is Ken Ryuguji, but you can call him Draken. He's the childhood best friend to my older brother here, Manjiro Sano, but you can call him Mikey." You smile as you wave. "I remember you! You claimed to be (Y/n)'s boyfriend!" You weakly chuckled, as the realization slowly ate at you. Cameron had no idea (Y/n) was in Toman.. He had no idea you were in a coma... Emma continues, as she says, "Back there we have Takemichi Hanagaki and his girlfriend Hinata Tachibana, but you can call her Hina." They wave as Emma says,  "Everyone, this is (Y/n)'s big brother, Cameron (L/n)." Cameron smiles as you realize how alike him and (Y/n) look. "Hi everyone! I'm Cameron but you can call me Cam! And this.." He motions to the girl behind him, as he says, "Is my girlfriend Lilah Moore." She had long, straight black hair, with blue tips at the end. She had a kind smile, as well as purple eyes, and plump lips. She was slim but muscular. Everyone says hello, as Emma asks, "What are you doing here? When did you get here?" Cameron smiles, as he says, "We've been here for 3 days, I came to surprise (Y/n)! I wanted to introduce her to Lilah, but she hasn't come home.. I was so worried.. but now you guys are here! She's with you right?" All of you fall silent as Cameron looks to each of you. "Right...? Why.. Why the long faces.. Where.. Where's my sister...?" You can hear Cameron begin to panic, as you look back at your friends then at him. "I-I don't k-know how to s-say this..." You slowly begin, as the realization hits everyone else in the room. Cameron raises his voice as he says, "What do you mean.. by that.. why.. why won't you tell me.. WHERE THE HELL IS RAY?" Lilah walks up behind him, placing a hand on his back as she says, "Cameron calm down... Being frantic won't help..." You take a deep breath deciding to bite the bullet and just say it.

"She's in the hospital Cameron... She's in a stable condition.. but she's been in a coma for a week..." You take a deep breath as you watch Cameron fall to his knees. "We... W-we.." You choke out, as you begin to cry. "We d-don't know wh-when she'll wake up..."


AN : Yes, THAT'S how it gets worse :)


See you Wednesday ;)

Also go check out my pinned announcement LOL thank you :)

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