My Snippets: Part 2

By bbarnes93

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Since I ran out of room on my other fiction, I'm going to continue my snippets here! Please note: It will b... More

The Huntress and Her Prey
🩸Making a Hybrid 🐺
Doctor Uchiha 🩺
First Kiss: Blank-Period
πŸ”ž Pineapples 🍍
Under the Grove Trees - Part 1 πŸ”ž
Under the Grove Trees - Part 2 πŸ”ž
The Awkwardness of a New Romance
Miss Haruno
Doctor Haruno
Rejected Mate - Part 1
Rejected Mate - Part 2
The Bloody Mist Clan
His Past Reincarnated: Part 1
Left for Dead - Part 1 πŸ”ž
Asylum πŸ”ž
Life and Death
Sakura the Healer
In Sickness and In Health
One Drunken Night
Don't Kiss and Tell
Secrets at the Museum
The Fae: Part 1
A Cyborg Named Sasuke: Part 2
A Cyborg Named Sasuke: Part 3
A Cyborg Named Sasuke: Part 4
Little Red: Part 1
The Climb
Defiance of a Princess
Runaway Prince
Preparing to Wed
Chosen Sacrifice for the Alpha
Goosebumps (the good kind)
Luna Moon
Betrayed by Who: Part 1
The Crimson Devil
Sworn Enemies πŸ”ž
Death Song: Part 1
Death Song: Part 2 πŸ”ž
Death Song: Part 3 πŸ”ž
Stubborn Woman
Death Song: Part 4
Death Song: Part 5
Parent Day
Conflicted Feelings and Misunderstandings
πŸ”ž Fantasy: Hers πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž Fantasy: His πŸ”ž
Master of Seduction
The First Dance
πŸ”ž Deadly πŸ”ž
Dating Woes
πŸ”ž Insanely Toxic πŸ”ž
Accidental First Kiss
πŸ”ž Tension πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž The One and Only πŸ”ž
Animal Instincts
Eager to Win
Drinks with...
Shattered Hearts πŸ’”
Fueling the Flames
Talk Dirty to Me πŸ”ž
Possession πŸ”ž
His to Possess πŸ”ž
Papa's Cuddles
Behind Bars
New Puppy Troubles
πŸ”ž Carriage Ride πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž My Brother's Best Friend πŸ”ž
Unlikely Pair
πŸ”ž Begging to Forget πŸ”ž
It's Fate
Healing Wounds
The Treasure Hunter and His Familiar
On My Darkest Days
My Jealous Valentine
The Power of Healing
πŸ”ž One Night πŸ”ž
Wandering Mind πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž Dragon Mates πŸ”ž
The Hunter and the Hunted πŸ”ž
Loyalty Undone
Unwanted Bride
Unwanted Bridesmaid
Fury in Pink
Dinner with Family
Going Home - Uchiha Edition
Temporary Arrangement (It Was Only Ever Temporary)
Happily Never After
Battle for Alpha
πŸ”ž Dreaming of You πŸ”ž
Kidnapped by his Reincarnation
πŸ”ž Ignite the Flames of Burning Desire πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž Bachelorette Party πŸ”ž
πŸ”ž Silent Flirtations πŸ”ž
Nobility and Deceit πŸ”ž
Covert Intentions
Unfair Judgement
An Unorthodox Response
Morning Training - πŸ”ž
Mending a Torn Heart - πŸ”ž
From the Beyond
Devil's Little Flower
The Blood of my Kin - πŸ”ž
Lost Love
Distractions in Battle - πŸ”ž
The First Letter
Resting on the Road
"No Touching my Wife"
The Great Flood - πŸ”ž
The Orange Shirt
Hot Springs- πŸ”ž
Goodbye for Now - Part 1
Black Magic
The Lycan's Little Wolf
Mission Gone Awry
Estranged from the Duke
The Runaway Mate
Calling for a Lifeline - Part 1 πŸ”ž
Mother's Day
May I Have This Dance
In Sickness
Honeymoon Phase - πŸ”ž
A Blast from the Past
Yours to Design
Fevered Heat: Inevitable πŸ”ž
Unfinished Business

πŸ”ž Chosen not Fated πŸ”ž

167 4 0
By bbarnes93

Sasuke doesn't want to admit that he was a rejected mate. I mean who has ever heard of an alpha wolf being rejected before? But the heart works in mysterious ways and when he meets another rejected omega wolf, who's beauty rivals that of his fated mates... the pair act on impulse and mate. Then, the next morning after a restful sleep next to his new bride, his fated mate comes crawling back to him, begging him to take her back. Too bad it's too little, too late; for his wolf has already chosen another.

A werewolf au!


Sasuke was in a funk that evening, downing one beer after another as he sulked in the shadows next to his best friend and beta. But the Uzumaki wasn't about to let him sink any lower into depression as he placed his left arm around his friend's shoulders, missing the downward turn of Sasuke's lips as he gave him a harsh squeeze. "Listen dude, it's not that bad. She was a damn slut anyway." The Alpha shoved the intoxicated wolf away from him harshly with a scowl on his lips.

"Watch your tone, beta."

Naruto lifted his hands in a surrendering gesture, but his mouth continued to move on its own accord. "Hey, it's not my fault that she was caught fucking the ENTIRE security team and the perimeter guy, man. Besides, I know you can do way better than her. She isn't even worthy of your time or energy. In fact, I could try to set you up with my cous—"

"No." The alpha shoved his wooden chair away from their table roughly (nearly toppling it over) and grumbled under his breath as he turned his back and made his way to the bar's counter, ready for a much stronger drink.

He had been waiting for his beverage all of three minutes when he smelt it, a scent so sweet it nearly caused him to cover his nose in revulsion; and the next thing he knew, a young female wolf had sidled up to him, pressing her front against his left arm as she eyed him hungrily. It took every ounce of control he had not to shove her away from him as his nails bit into the countertop and his jaw clenched tightly shut. "Get away from me," he growled, but the girl seemed to not sense the danger she was in as she giggled girlishly and wrapped her arm around his.

"Don't you want to take me home? I saw you looking at me earlier."

'When? Who is this bitch?'

"I would never look at you... unless forced to do so. Now... go away." His words seemed to have zero effect on the girl and Sasuke was about to give in to his earlier instincts and shove her away when another scent hit him. This one was more flowery and sweet, but not as revolting. In fact, he found himself stirring as he turned his head to see another she-wolf sauntering towards them.

Her beauty struck him mute as she eyed him closely and her vibrant pink hair swayed against her back where it was pulled into a loose braid. When she stopped, she placed a hand on her hip and gave the woman a stern look. "Come on, Mai... this is just sad. The guy clearly wants nothing to do with you... so why don't you just move along now." Her voice did things to him, but he had little time to react when the girl (Mai) released her grip on him and took a decisive and defensive step closer to the newcomer.

"Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, mutt." This insult caused the pinkette to chuckle and her green eyes shined with both mirth and something else that he couldn't quite place. She took a large step forward and he saw the other girl pause in her strides, her right leg shaking slightly.

'Hmm, interesting.'

"You might be 'higher-ranking' than me, but we both know who would win in a fight, Mai." Her eyes flashed and there was a small, slight tilting of the other girl's neck... inclining her head in surprise submission to the young pinkette who grinned wickedly at this show of cowardice. "I told you so," she growled. "Now, leave." She didn't have time to repeat herself as Mai walked away in an angry huff, only to sidle up to another wolf just mere seconds later, as if nothing had happened.

Sasuke rolled his onyx-colored orbs at her risqué behavior, before giving the pinkette a brief nod of thanks. He had a hard time keeping his eyes off of her however... when she took the bar stool next to his. Her scent overwhelmed his senses and he had to take deep breaths in order to try and keep his wolf pacified. "I will take a Tequila Sunrise please, Asahi... with extra ice," she hollered at the bartender who gave her a thumbs up and began to work on her order. He couldn't help himself but to ask—

"Come here often?"

She turned to him and considered him for a brief moment before shrugging her shoulders. "Sort of, it's complicated."

"I have time."

The she-wolf sighed. "Fine. My father was alpha, but was killed in a war against another pack. Mai's father took over and they shunned me and my family from the pack house."

"That's rough."

"... yeah. Oh, and my mate rejected me," she added when her beverage was placed directly in front of her. Sasuke's head snapped towards her... and she lifted it towards him with a forced smile. "Cheers."

"... cheers."

"What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Sasuke. I'm Sakura."

An hour later...

Sakura's breath was hot and heavy against his neck as his grip on the headboard tightened, wood splintering beneath his hand as he pounded roughly into her tight little sex. He hissed in pleasure when he felt her sharp nails rake down his spine and growled when she ran her tongue and teeth along the sensitive column of his throat... where his mate mark should be.

His hold on the curve of her left hip tightened as he pulled back a little bit to gaze down at her. "That is a dangerous move, woman." He saw her wolf looking back at him while a wicked smirk pulled at her plump, kiss-swollen lips. She was doing this shit on purpose, huh.

'Damn this she-wolf. Such disobedience...'

"If you keep it up...," he continued. "I just might mark you."

She wrapped a hand around the back of his neck while her legs slid further up his thighs. "...and what if I want you to," she half-whispered, half-moaned when a particular thrust hit her most sensitive area within. Sakura's emerald irises practically rolled as he did it again, and again, and again... her wet tongue coming out to swipe across her dry lips. "I w-want you... to m-mark me, S-Sasuke! Please!!!"

His teeth clenched tightly shut as he felt his fangs descend and his wayward wolf fought to be released... in complete agreement with this she-wolf's wish.

But the alpha hesitated.

He was just now dealing with a rejection; this she-wolf had also felt this pain. So... if they did this... were they moving too swiftly? Would they regret it in the morning? What if—

'No. I want this too. I can feel it. I know she would be good for me. But... I need to ask her... to make sure this is truly what she wants.'

"Sakura," he said on a huff, his movements growing slower as he tried to gather her undivided attention. But when her eyes remained firmly shut—

"Sakura, look at me."

Finally, she did.

"Are you certain of this? Is this what you truly want to do," he asked and when she nodded, he continued. "Because we can't go back from this once we mark each other, that's it. You will be mine, forever. As I will be yours."

"I know you feel it too," she said suddenly, her eyes firm. "I feel something... and maybe it's not like the mate bond we would have had with our fated mates... but I still think that it's a good idea. I want this with you. But if you really want to wait, we—"

He silenced her with a kiss, before his lips trailed lower.

Teeth sank into flesh...

... moans carried across the night...

... before finally sleep consumed them.

Sasuke woke up the next morning satisfied and happy and his heart felt lighter, thanks to his mate. 'Mate.' Speaking of...

He turned onto his side carefully and gazed at the sleeping woman beside him. His mate was lying on her stomach... sprawled out across the mattress... with the sheets up to her lower back. Her arms rested beneath the pillow, while her pink hair was a tangled mess around her shoulders.

Sasuke reached up (careful not to wake her) and tucked a strand behind her ear before leaning over to plant a gentle kiss to her temple. She stirred slightly but remained asleep as he rose from his side of the bed and pulled on a pair of shorts next to it, forgoing his underwear completely. After he did his morning business, he headed to the kitchen to make some coffee. Right before it was ready however... a knock could be heard at his front door. Thinking that it was just his beta (and without using his sharp senses) he went to answer it and opened it fully. But the greeting died in his throat when he came face to face with the one person that he wished to never see again. His fated mate.

"What are you doing here...," he asked through clenched teeth, while his one-handed grip on the door tightened... threatening to break it in half. The she-wolf looked up at him with a sheepish, weary smile as she tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Her fragrant, fruity perfume encompassed him, causing his stomach to roll in turmoil.

"Hello, Sasuke. Can I come in? We need to talk."

"About what? I'm busy."

She bit her bottom lip and averted her eyes to the floor as if in shame and began to play with the hem of her skirts. "I want you, Sasuke. I want you back."

It was at that exact moment that Sasuke heard movement behind him and his body tensed as the two women made eye contact for the first time. Sakura decided to speak up first as she moved to lean against the doorway, effectively blocking the other she-wolf from entering and dressed only in his white button-down shirt. The alpha felt desire cripple him briefly when his irises trailed slowly down his mate's toned legs, but he physically shook his head to help clear it.

Now was certainly not the time for those types of thoughts.

"Who are you," the pinkette asked as she eyed the woman meticulously. His fated mate's hazel-brown eyes narrowed dangerously and she placed her hands on her hips as she held the intense stare of Sakura's with one of her own.

"I could ask you the same thing, mutt! Sasuke, who is this bitch?" Sasuke bristled and his wolf growled in his mind at the insult to his new mate, but before he could respond to his fated's accusatory question, the pinkette beat him to it. Sakura wrapped her arms around his waist and planted a soothing kiss to his jaw, before tossing her hair to the side; revealing his mark to the now stunned female.

"Who am I?? I'm his mate, sweetheart and I think it's about time for you to leave." With that, she slammed the door in his fated mate's face, before turning to him with a curious gaze. "Care to explain?"

The Uchiha let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair and down his face before motioning for her to follow him. "I will explain everything over coffee."

She smiled brightly at him before following. "Sounds good to me!" He wasn't really looking forward to it, but he had to admit that they did have a lot to talk about and he needed to clear some things up first... before introducing her to his pack as their new Luna. Sasuke just hoped that he had the strength to endure the inevitable storm that was silently brewing... because of him and his spontaneous decisions.


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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