The little genius (Fnaf Yande...

By Lexacoolfox

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Somebody commented this idea on one of my stories and it's been in my head forever. So now I'm writing this... More

Information chapter
chapter 1: new visitor
chapter 2: getting to know you more.
chapter 3: some fun lies hide the dark truth
chapter 4: curiousity
chapter 5: seeing you again
chapter 6: problems arising
chapter 7: new friend or new threat?
Chapter 8: more feelings
Chapter 9: VR experience
Ace Cash! (Information chapter)
Chapter 10: night terrors
Chapter 11: part-time?
Chapter 12: new employee
1,000 votes special
Chapter 13: first day on the job
Chapter 14: offer or temptation?
Chapter 15: are changes better or worse?
Chapter 16: Valetines special
Chapter 17: more mysteries but no answers
Chapter 18: rising tention
Chapter 19: confusion and frustration
Chapter 20: love and war
Chapter 21: endless fun and troublesome problems
Chapter 22: so many things are happening! I can barely keep up
Chapter 23: new co-worker!
Chapter 24: danger is always near
Chapter 25: almost the perfect day
Chapter 27: whats happening to my life!
Chapter 28: its time for a break
Chapter 29: welcome to court
Chapter 30: final goodbye?
Chapter 31: exposed!
Chapter 32: its good to be back
Chapter 33: an unexpected encounter!
DAY 1 of your vacation
DAY 2 welcome to Tulum Mexico
DAY 3: peaceful summer day
DAY 4: Troublemakers
DAY 5: after tomorrow
DAY 6: Final day
Chapter 34: you have no idea how much we missed you...
Chapter 35: planning
Chapter 36: slumber party!
Chapter 37: welcome back to your thrilling career!
Chapter 38: tragedy strikes
Chapter 39: what happened?
Chapter 40: security breach
Chapter 41: not alone
Chapter 42: sun and eclipse join the party
Chapter 43: My Starlight! You shine so Bright!
Chapter 44: release and steal
Chapter 45: when the truth is revealed
Chapter 46: the end is near.
Chapter 47: the time to make a choice
Chapter 48: I Always Come Back!
Chapter 49: new beginning, new life
Chpater 50: a bright future
Chapter 51: caught.
Chapter 52: meeting the higher ups
Chapter 53: money, young love, and trouble
Chapter 54: things are looking up
Chapter 55: Fame and future fortune
Chapter 56: back in town.
Chapter 57: Fireworks
Chapter 58: 11 months
Chapter 59: unpredictable occurrences
Chapter 60: legal rights to the glamrocks!
Chapter 61: hard work paying off.
Chapter 62: nothing
I caved

Chapter 26: who are you?

4.2K 162 228
By Lexacoolfox


I heard quiet glitchy sounds


I heard it more clearly


It sounded like it was right next to me.

I turn to see two purple eyes staring at me. I was ready the scream until I heard

"W̸a̶i̸t̷!̸ ̵I̶t̴'̷s̵ ̴m̸e̵!̴ ̴"


"Y̴e̴s̴!̸ ̷i̷t̸'̸s̶ ̴m̷e̵ ̷d̷o̵l̴l̶!̴ ̸"

I turn on my lamp on my nightstand. Now I could see him more clearly.

"S̷o̶r̷r̷y̴ ̶f̵o̷r̶ ̷s̶c̶a̶r̸i̶n̵g̶ ̸y̵a̴.̶ ̸"

I then punched myself in the face

"Y̵/̷N̵!̸ ̴W̸h̸y̵ ̸d̵i̵d̶ ̸y̶o̶u̵ ̸d̸o̸ ̴t̷h̷a̴t̵!̴ ̸"

" I'm not dreaming."

Glitchtrap then laughed at me

"How are you out of the game?"

"I̴'̴m̵ ̵a̶c̶t̴u̷a̶l̸l̸y̴ ̵s̶t̷i̶l̷l̴ ̴i̶n̷ ̵t̶h̵e̸ ̷g̵a̴m̴e̴ ̴I̶'̷m̵ ̶m̴o̷r̸e̶ ̴o̷f̴ ̶a̴ ̴h̵o̴l̷o̵g̸r̸a̷m̵.̸ ̸I̸t̴ ̶d̴o̷n̸'̷t̴ ̶d̴o̶ ̷i̸t̷ ̴t̷o̴ ̶o̸f̶t̶e̶n̵ ̷b̶e̶c̸a̷u̶s̶e̵ ̸i̸t̸ ̷t̵a̶k̶e̷s̸ ̵a̸ ̵l̸o̸t̷ ̶o̷f̸ ̷e̵n̶e̵r̶g̵y̶ ̵ ̷ ̴"

"You realize that if my uncle walks in we're dead right?"

"I̵ ̴w̷o̴u̴l̴d̵n̶'̴t̵ ̶w̶o̴r̷r̴y̵ ̶a̴b̵o̶u̵t̵ ̶t̷h̶a̴t̴.̷"

I stared at him with a glare. Which I've been told I have a pretty scary glare. The nervousness on his faces proved it.

"What do you mean..."

"D̸o̴l̶l̵ ̴h̶o̷l̷d̷ ̶o̷n̸.̸ ̷I̵t̸'̷s̸ ̶j̴u̷s̷t̵ ̵I̸ ̷h̶e̶a̵r̵d̵ ̶h̴i̵m̷ ̷l̸e̴a̴v̸e̷ ̷t̶h̵e̸ ̶h̵o̵u̶s̶e̷.̸ ̶I̶ ̵s̶w̸e̶a̶r̸ ̸I̸ ̷d̵i̷d̷n̴'̵t̷ ̶d̸o̷ ̷a̴n̵y̶t̵h̷i̶n̵g̸!̷"

I then gave him a confused look and I went up to see myself. Sure enough he wasn't anywhere in the house.

It was only 5:30 in the morning we never needed to get up that early

I went back to glitchtrap and started asking my questions

"So if I were to touch you would my hand just go through you?"

"T̵r̴y̶ ̸i̶t̷ ̸a̵n̴d̸ ̴f̵i̷n̴d̷ ̵o̸u̶t̴ ̵"

I touched him and at first it seemed it go through but then stopped. It was like touching an animal but the pixels were glitching and tickling me

"Woah this is the coolest thing I have ever experienced!"

"D̴o̷ ̴y̷o̷u̴ ̵k̶n̶o̴w̸ ̶w̶h̶a̷t̴ ̴t̴h̴i̵s̶ ̴m̶e̴a̴n̵s̷?̸"

I hummed in response then he pulled me to his chest with arms wrapped around me.

"I̷ ̵g̴e̸t̵ ̵t̴o̵ ̶h̵u̴g̷ ̸y̴o̷u̵ ̷a̴l̸l̸ ̸I̴ ̴w̷a̴n̴t̷~̶"

I sighed annoyed but was also fascinated

"Your actually quite comfy."

"O̵h̶ ̶I̸ ̷a̵m̸~̷ ̵"

Then we heard a car drive in.

"H̵e̴y̸ ̵c̶a̴n̷ ̷I̸ ̷g̴o̷ ̴i̸n̶t̵o̸ ̸y̷o̶u̷r̵ ̵p̷h̴o̸n̶e̶?̸ ̸"

"Yeah sure."

I connected him to my phone and then left to go down the stairs.


I heard my uncle's voice but about three more voices that I didn't recognize. I heard the door open

"Wow you weren't kidding when you said you were coming here today."

My uncle said to whoever annoyed

"Of course I want to see them"

I heard a women with a French accent

"I'm so excited to meet my cousin!"

Said a girl who sounded young still a child maybe 8 or 10 possibly 11

"Yeah where's the little squirt?"

That sounded like a really buff muscular man

"I'll go get them."

"Uncle what's going on?"

I said walking out from the shadow


My uncle said in shock


The girl yelled running towards me.

I ran behind my uncle, I didn't know this girl, or who these people were. The girl seemed hurt and disappointed

I was shaking I was so confused. 

"Y/n they are family members of ours."

The French lady walked up and said

"We'll aren't you just a gem! I'm your aunt Vivienne!"

"Her name used to be Emma..."

"Yes it used to be that ugly name. Vivienne just fit me so much better!"

"Oh and here! Is my lovely daughter charlotte! I'm sorry if she startled you, she's just so excited to meet you!"

"Hi cousin! We are going to have so much fun together!"

The girl said jumping up down

"And here is my darling husband clement!"

"Hey squirt. It's nice to meet you."

He said giving me a smile

"Um just out of curiosity which of is the biological sibling to my uncle and one of my parents?"

"Oh that would be me dear!"

My aunt said

"Oh okay..."

Your uncle noticed your confusion and came up with an idea

"Hey y/n why don't we go make some breakfast for everyone. Let's go."

He grabbed your hand and led you to kitchen.

After you two arrived in the kitchen. You immediately started asking your uncle questions

"Who are they?! Why didn't you tell me?! Why am I now just learning about them?! Why are they here now?!"

"Okay kiddo I know I have a lot of explaining to do. It all started after your parents funeral. The court was trying to decide where you should go. It was between me or your aunt. But she was on some stupid cruise so the court decided that you'd live with me. When your aunt found out she grew kinda bitterly towards me for having full custody of you. But it was decided by the court. She decided to start a new life in France. That's where she met her husband and had your cousin. They have never visited because I lost contact with her. I never told you cause I never thought you'd actually meet. But it seems I was wrong. I'm sorry for keeping this for you I'm so sorry y/n I just was trying to do what I thought was right."

You hugged your uncle

"I know. I know. I'm not mad. I just wish you told me sooner. I'm not a kid anymore. Remember uncle I love you and nothing will ever change that."

He ruffled your hair

"Thanks kiddo. Now let's get breakfast started."

I nodded my head and we started cooking


I sat down with my newfound family. It was really awkward. I almost lost my appetite.

You looked at the time and almost chocked on your food

"Uh uncle..."


You then showed him the time and his face grew shocked too.

"Oh no I completely forgot to call off!"

"What are you on about?"

Clement asked

"I forgot to call off from work and y/n didn't know about you all visiting so they didn't call off either."

Your Ickes explained your ant then shrugged

"Then just take us with you."

You and your uncle deadpanned


You both said in unison

"Just take us with you. It can't be to bad."

She said

"I guess."

My uncle said

Luckily ace would still be able to drive with us. The car has three front row seats and three back row seats.


We all got ready to leave. My cousin was awfully close to me and it was creeping me out.


I heard ace running towards but then he saw the people he didn't recognize which cause him to slow down. I quickly walked up to him and told him the situation. He nodded his head and pulled me into a side hug

"Hey! I'm going to be with you through this! Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks ace."

"Of course!"

When you walked back with ace your family seemed interested on who he is.

"Who this?"

"This is my best friend ace!"

"Hi it's nice to meet you all."

They all said it's nice to meet him too.

Ace sat between you and your cousins and you liked it that way considering how clingy your cousin was acting. It made you really uncomfortable. It's not that you have a problem with clinginess.

You spend most of you day with sun. He is the clinginess animatronic alive. Moon can be pretty clingy too actually. Eclipse he will have a death grip on you until the light go completely off or they are completely on or there are no longer any threats.

But you barely knew this girl so you weren't really comfortable with her being so clingy with you.


You all arrived. You walked with ace to the gift shop with your cousins clinging to your arm. How badly you just wanted it rip it out of her grasp but your too much of a pushover.

"Okay y/n I'll see you during break!"

"Yeah see you during break."

You started walking towards the daycare


We went inside the daycare and the light were on. So sun was out

You opened the door to the daycare

"Sun! Sun!"

"Who's sun?"

Your cousin asked


Then you got pulled away from charlotte and pulled into a hug from sun

"Good morning sun!"

Then sun noticed a girl there

"Oh who's your new friend?"

The thought of you having even more friends angered him to no end. That's more time you had to split for them.

"Sun this is my cousin charlotte. She's visiting from France only for the month though."

"Yup! then we go back home. With my cousin."

You turned as fast as a bullet to look at her. You started nervously laughing thinking she was joking

"Sorry charlotte. But I'm not going to France with you guys. I have to much here."

"But mommy and daddy said how that when we leave we are taking you with us."

You stood there in complete shock.

Then sun spoke up

"I'm sorry. but y/n isn't going anywhere especially somewhere so far away. The daycare wouldn't be the same without them! A lot of us love y/n. They are the best sunshine!"

Sun then started hugging you from behind really tight.

He kind of lost sense of his strength when the idea of you leaving and going somewhere far away like France. he was having none of it

'Over my decommissioned body! Our dewdrop isn't going anywhere!'

'I agree. They belong here. Forever. Forever. Forever.'

'Don't worry our sunshine isn't going anywhere. They wouldn't dare think of leaving us. After all they love us just the same!'

"But mommy and daddy said that your coming home with us! And mommy said she'd make sure you come home with us!"

"Charlotte listen. I barely know any of you, just because your my family doesn't mean I'm comfortable with going with you all. It will definitely take more than a month for me to even start to trusting your parents. Besides I like being here. I love living with my uncle and I absolutely love working here. I might visit one day but not of this moment."


~With your uncle~

"What?! your taking me to court for the the custody of y/n!"

"That's right I am!"

Your uncle and aunt were arguing about you in monty golf. Because there was a worker bot broken there. Monty was hidden in the water ready to scare your uncle. But now he was ease dropping on the conversation when you came in to it

"You haven't been in their lives for years! Why do you want them now! You will not take my child away from me!"

"Listen y/n, needs a father and mother figure! They also don't need to be living like this! Working at some pizzeria and living in some old neighborhood in a electronic shop."

"What are you talking about?! Y/n loves working here and y/n doesn't mind living where we are now!"

"I could give that child the high life! Anything they ask for I could get! I'm would obviously be a way better parent than you! I also got myself a good lawyer! I hate to do this to you (u/n) but when I leave for France I'm taking y/n back with me."

Your uncle finished fixing the bot but refused to get off his knees. He felt his heart shatter. His sweet child is being taken from him.

"Emma...please don't do this to me. Y/n is all I have left. I already lost (mother/fathers name). Don't take them away."

Your aunt put her sunglasses on while walking away saying

"Sorry (u/n) but I've already set up the date and I have my lawyer. Also it's Vivienne now. Get it right!"

She then walked out

Your uncle broke down and cry

Monty couldn't believe what he just witness. He didn't really care to much for your uncle. But he felt what he felt in that moment and he came out of the water

your uncle heard and quickly tried to hide his sadness with a fake smile but it feel apart when Monty said

"I saw and heard everything."

"When did my sister become so cruel?! She wasn't there for y/n! I was! What right does she have to take them away!"

Monty patted his back. He was already making murder plans but he was going to need help.

"Don't worry things will work out. Y/n won't be leaving."

Your uncle smiled thinking Monty was saying sweet lies to comfort him

"I hope so, I'm sorry I have to get back to work."

Then he left as the worker bot started working.

Monty then went to meet your aunt

"Excuse me lil lady."

She turned to him she kinda flinched when she saw a giant gator in front of her

"Sorry for scaring ya' I just came to have a little chat with ya."

She flipped her hair putting her hands on her hips

"Um sure what do you need?"

"Are you really y/n's aunt?"

"Uh yes. Of course I am."

"Oh! Well it's nice to meet you! Y/n's never talked about you before?"

"We'll today was our first meeting."

'It's gonna be your last if you dare take my cutie away!'

Monty thought then kept a fake nice persona

"We'll I hope you have fun here. I'll see you around."

He then noticed the tiny musics men

He then told them everything he knew. The news spread to everyone else pretty quick and nobody was having it! Even Vanessa was pretty mad. She swore if animatronic did anything that she would delete footage or cover whatever mess they make.


"What no way!"

Ace said as you two were walking to go sit and eat

"Yeah...I guess they are planning to take me back to France with bad for them...i am willing to chain myself to my bed then go anywhere with them."

You said, you got as much information as you can out of charlotte.

"They haven't seen me in forever and this is our first meeting. But they're only here to take me back with them having me leave everything I have built behind. My uncle, my friendship with you, the animatronics, the boss. They expect me to drop all of them to go live with them in France? No way!"

Ace then patted your back and gave you a hug

"I doubt they can do that. Doesn't your uncle have full custody of you?"

"Yeah he does. But my aunt could take him to court to fight against it. God only knows what will happen if he loses."

You started crying and ace hugged you comforting you

"I-I don't want that. T-this is my home! I don't want t-to leave it! I l-love everyone h-here so much! A-Ace what should I do?"

He wiped your tears giving you a smile

"Listen your not going anywhere. But even if you leave I'll call you everyday and we'll still be friends okay?"

You smiled and gave him a hug

Little did you know that a little someone had recorded the whole conversation and was planning on sharing it with your uncle to use in court.


You were doing your regular checkups on the animatronics. None of them had mentioned your newly arrived family. They just wanted to spend time with you like normal.

Hanging out with them did lift your spirits.

Moondrop also made you feel better cause when all
The kids, including your cousin; went to sleep you sorta had another mental breakdown. He said the right things and made you feel better. Moon was always good at comforting people much like sun. Even hide you in his room so you could take a nap.

~during that time~

Moon heard the door open and went to check it out.
He was quiet stealthy seeing who it is

"Who are you?"

Moon said behind her crawling on all fours on the desk ledge. She jumped back.

"I'm vivienne. I'm charlottes mother and y/n's aunt."

Moon then chuckled

"Oh. So your the aunt that wants to take starlight back to France with you?"

She made a face that was shock

"How do you know that?!"

Moon chuckled even more

"Your daughter it quiet the chatter box. She even said that in front of y/n so they know too. I just hope your ready for disappointment. Y/n prefers to stay here thank you very much."

The women crossed her arms and snarled

"Y/n needs a change of pace and an actual family. It's not my fault that their parents died while I was on a cruise and that they're uncle got full custody. Also what would you know about y/n?"

Moon was now really mad. His eyes turned red

"I know definitely more than you that's for sure."

She clicked her tongue

"Just go get them. I would like to have a talk with them."


Moon then jumped and went back to his secret room where you were sleeping peacefully. If moon was there any longer with her he was going to tear her apart.

He laid you on his lap while stroking your hair

"Don't worry starlight. I'll keep you safe."

Then with a dark lovesick expression he said

"Even if that means...I have to get rid of a few pests."


It was near the end of the day. You and ace snuck off and went to see Bonnie to start with the paint!

"Hey Bonnie!"

"Sup bonnie."

"Hello y/n. Hello ace."

"Look at what we got at store!"

Then you pulled out some spray paint.

"I made sure to get the right colors! And ace made some covers ups so we can cover certain parts to make sure not to accidentally make something the wrong color. Now it might take a day or two for us to finished painting. But after you'll be all ready!"

You said setting everything up.

"This is great. I have a lot to thank you both for. I really appreciate it."

"No problem bonnie!"

"Yeah don't mention it man. Hey if the boss finds out maybe we could convince him to reopen the bowling alley!"

You then gasp

"That's a great idea! My uncle loves bowling!"

Bonnie looked at you both and he remembered how he and freddy were like that. It made him very excited to see him again.

"Okay but that's for later let's get to work!"

So that's what you did ace was in charge of spraying the paint while wearing mask of course cause of the toxic fumes that you don't want to breath in.

Then you were tasked with painting the details cause you were more precise when doing something.

"Okay so tomorrow we'll do it one more time and I think you'll be good to go!"

You all chatted for a bit then you all split to do your own thing.


It was the end of the day and you all went home. After dropping off ace.

When your uncle went into the kitchen you were planning on going to your room but then you heard your aunt call you

"Y/n darling! Come join us in the living room. We are going to play game!"

As much as you didn't want to, you thought you should give them a chance. They were your family after all.

You went down and sat in a spot while you all played a board games all the while they were asking you questions mostly your aunt. You don't know why but you got a weird vibe from her. One questions did stick out to you though

"So y/n are you close with the daycare animatronic?"

"We'll yes I spend a lot of time with sun and moon."

"Oh is moon that one that comes out when the lights are off?"

"Yes. That's moon."

"You know when I talked to him he seemed kinda rude."

You nervously laughed

"Moon can come off that way sometimes. But I swear he's very sweet once you get to know him."

But then you started wondering why she even brought up moon it had nothing to do with your previous conversation.

Then your uncle called and said dinner was done then you all sat down and ate. You finished quickly and said you were going to do some homework then go to bed.

You finished up some homework for the next couple of days.

You then hooked glitchtrap back into your computer.

He then came out of the set in his hologram version of himself.

He hugged you from behind in your chair putting his head on top of yours.

"It still kinda amazes me that your able to do this."

You then grabbed his arm and squished it, interested by the feeling.

You two were chatting and doing your normal teasing but then you cousin bursted into the room

"Cousin y/n-"

She cut herself off when she saw the giant rabbit with purples eyes

You jumped from your chair covering her mouth with your hand as you saw her about to scream.

"Charlottes don't scream okay. when I take off my hand you will not scream and will give me a chance to tell you about this okay?"

She nodded her head.

She didn't scream when you took off your hand and you closed the door and started explain to an 8 year old about glitchtrap. 

"Charlotte this has to stay a secret okay? So no telling mommy, no telling daddy, no telling uncle (u/n), no telling anyone. You got that?"

She then held out her pinky

"I pinkie promise not to tell cousins secret!"

You then hooked your pinkie around hers


She then stared at glitchtrap

He stared back nervously

"I̴s̸ ̶t̴h̵e̵r̸e̵ ̶s̴o̵m̷e̵t̴h̴i̷n̵g̶ ̴I̷ ̷c̵a̶n̶ ̸h̴e̸l̴p̶ ̴y̴o̷u̷ ̵w̴i̸t̵h̶?̵"

"Can I pet your ears?"

Your cousin asked. The he grabbed onto his ears

"I̷'̶m̴ ̶I̸ ̵d̵o̵n̵'̸t̵ ̶t̸h̸i̶n̸k̶ ̵s̵o̸.̸ ̶"

"Cmon glitch just let her pet your ears. She is keeping our little secret after all. I'm sure she'll be gentle."

"U̴g̶h̶ ̷f̸i̶n̴e̶.̵ ̸B̴u̵t̶ ̷j̶u̴s̸t̴ ̵t̴h̵i̶s̶ ̴o̵n̸c̸e̵"

He sat down on the bed and you picked up your cousin holding her up to pet glitchtrap ears

He couldn't control his foot and it started going up and down.

You giggle at it and his embarrassed face.

Then you told charlottes she should get to bed and then she left going to the guest bedroom with her parents.

Glitchtrap sighed and you then snuck up on him Petting his ears.

His foot went up and down more rapidly. And You will also argue to your grave that he started purring

"You were so reluctant on letting my cousin pet your ears but when I do it. You don't seem to care?"

"T̴h̷a̸t̵'̶s̸ ̴b̴e̶c̴a̷u̶s̴e̵ ̸I̶ ̷k̷n̴o̸w̴ ̶y̴o̶u̴ ̵a̷n̵d̶ ̴w̸e̵'̷r̴e̸ ̸c̶l̵o̶s̵e̴"

You kept on petting his ear until you thought that his foot might wake someone up so you stopped.

You stretched

"I better get to bed myself I have work tomorrow."

You then went to the bathroom to do your nightly routine.

After you finished you saw glitch looking around your room

"Why are you snooping around my room?"

"I̸'̸m̵ ̵c̶u̴r̵i̷o̷u̸s̸ ̴"

"We'll I'm going to sleep try not to be seen or be loud."

"S̷w̶e̵e̶t̷ ̵d̴r̸e̶a̶m̷s̴ ̵d̵o̷l̶l̶"


-all the animatronics meet where the DJ resides to have a discussion about your new family members

-moon and sun didn't mind your cousin. She was just a child repeating things they heard from her parents

-ace told his family the news and now want to meet them for themselves

-bonnie has been frantically preparing what he was going to say when he sees his friends again

-chica was flabbergasted when she saw how good bonnie look. She loved how far he has come!

-glitchtrap looked some photos and saw you with your parents and you looked so happy. He honestly felt really bad for you. It reminded him what he felt when his kids died.

-your uncle got a recording of the conversation you had with chase during break from a unknown number. He couldn't track the number and the person wouldn't answer who they were. Or reply at all

-your aunt is kinda weary of moon. She doesn't like the way he looks at her, or the way he talked to her.
It really creeped her out

-Vanessa kept a close eye on your newly found relatives. She hated how this women wanted to step in a be your mother figure. Vanessa for some reason like the idea of her being your mother. When she switched to her alter ego vanny she squealed to herself when she imagined it.

-your uncle plans to do his best even if him costs him everything to keep you with him

-your starting to like your cousin. Your uncle-in-law seems like a good man. Your aunt gives you a weird feeling though.

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