The little genius (Fnaf Yande...

By Lexacoolfox

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Somebody commented this idea on one of my stories and it's been in my head forever. So now I'm writing this... More

Information chapter
chapter 1: new visitor
chapter 2: getting to know you more.
chapter 3: some fun lies hide the dark truth
chapter 4: curiousity
chapter 5: seeing you again
chapter 6: problems arising
chapter 7: new friend or new threat?
Chapter 8: more feelings
Chapter 9: VR experience
Ace Cash! (Information chapter)
Chapter 10: night terrors
Chapter 11: part-time?
Chapter 12: new employee
1,000 votes special
Chapter 13: first day on the job
Chapter 14: offer or temptation?
Chapter 15: are changes better or worse?
Chapter 16: Valetines special
Chapter 17: more mysteries but no answers
Chapter 18: rising tention
Chapter 19: confusion and frustration
Chapter 20: love and war
Chapter 21: endless fun and troublesome problems
Chapter 23: new co-worker!
Chapter 24: danger is always near
Chapter 25: almost the perfect day
Chapter 26: who are you?
Chapter 27: whats happening to my life!
Chapter 28: its time for a break
Chapter 29: welcome to court
Chapter 30: final goodbye?
Chapter 31: exposed!
Chapter 32: its good to be back
Chapter 33: an unexpected encounter!
DAY 1 of your vacation
DAY 2 welcome to Tulum Mexico
DAY 3: peaceful summer day
DAY 4: Troublemakers
DAY 5: after tomorrow
DAY 6: Final day
Chapter 34: you have no idea how much we missed you...
Chapter 35: planning
Chapter 36: slumber party!
Chapter 37: welcome back to your thrilling career!
Chapter 38: tragedy strikes
Chapter 39: what happened?
Chapter 40: security breach
Chapter 41: not alone
Chapter 42: sun and eclipse join the party
Chapter 43: My Starlight! You shine so Bright!
Chapter 44: release and steal
Chapter 45: when the truth is revealed
Chapter 46: the end is near.
Chapter 47: the time to make a choice
Chapter 48: I Always Come Back!
Chapter 49: new beginning, new life
Chpater 50: a bright future
Chapter 51: caught.
Chapter 52: meeting the higher ups
Chapter 53: money, young love, and trouble
Chapter 54: things are looking up
Chapter 55: Fame and future fortune
Chapter 56: back in town.
Chapter 57: Fireworks
Chapter 58: 11 months
Chapter 59: unpredictable occurrences
Chapter 60: legal rights to the glamrocks!
Chapter 61: hard work paying off.
Chapter 62: nothing
I caved

Chapter 22: so many things are happening! I can barely keep up

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By Lexacoolfox

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was ace calling me

"What's up ace?"

I said then yawning and getting out of bed

"Hey so can I drive with you and your uncle or do you need my brother to drive me?"

He said I was walking down stairs to meet my uncle

"Let me ask."

Then I didn't bother being quiet

"Uncle...can Ace come with us? He has a job interview at the pizza plex."

I called to him dragging out the 'uncle'

"Sure kiddo. He just has to be here when we leave."

My uncle said sounding like he just woke up

"How fast can you get over here?"

"I'm finishing up breakfast and I'll get dressed. I'll be there in 15 minutes tops."

"That sounds good."


As me and my uncle walked out. I saw ace running towards us. When he reached me and hugged me while also picking me up


Then he quickly put me down while blushing a bit

"Sorry! Sorry...I'm just really excited."

"It's okay. Come on! We don't want to be late!"

Me and Ace got into the back.

Me and Ace were chatting about different things. But mostly what he might do at the plex if he gets hired.

"Man you even got more dressed than usual. I'm guessing you really want to impress the boss."

He was wearing a red button up shirt with a black tie while also wearing black dress pants. He had ordinary black tennis shoes though.

"We'll first impressions are everything. I just really want to get a job here."

"Yeah, it would be nice to have someone who is around my age working at plex."

We felt the car stop and we were in front of the plex.


As we walked in I took ace to the bosses office. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Y/n sir."

"Come on in."

I grabbed Ace and took him with me.

"Sir this is ace cash. you know the boy I mentioned yesterday?"

"It's nice to meet you sir."

"It's nice to meet you. Y/n you may start your shift, while I talk to mr. Ace here."

I nodded and walked out but giving ace a thumbs up.


As stressed as I was for Ace. I had a job to do! I looked at my board and saw that the animatronics were scheduled for some maintenance except moon and sun.

But at different times. Freddy was first before the doors even opened. Since he was the main animatronic of the four. People would definitely notice if he was gone.

But before I bring him down to parts and service I have to check the others.

I visited roxy and she was actually powered down but as I took a step into the room she turned on. She turned her head and I saw her tail wagging

"Good morning roxy!"

"Good morning lil cub!"

I grabbed a brush from her vanity and started my usual brushing. I then checked to make sure everything was fine and did a bit of her makeup after cleaning her.

"Perfect as always, lil cub!"

"I'm glad! I need the best keytar player looking her best!"

She then did a dramatic hair flip and said

"I am the best!"

I giggled and then went to check on Monty


I check around me just in case Adeline or Curtis try to push me in

I was in the clear.

I knock and said

"It's y/n!"

I walked

"I'm going to turn on the light"

Then I walked in and turned on the lights. Then he covered his face with his hands

"It burns!"

then he rolled off the couch he was on

I walked over to him and petted his Mohawk.

"Can't really clean or check ya if I can't see."

We then went back to the couch and I started checking his joints.

At one point when I was checking his mouth he semi closed his mouth. But I thought he was going to close his entire mouth on my hand. So I pulled it back but I also started falling back.

But luckily he caught me with his tail. We both then let out a sigh of relief. Then I laughed and playfully said

"You're such a jerk."

Then he laughed

I then cleaned him and combed his Mohawk. I even polished his glasses

I had a bit of time to spare so I watched him play his bass a bit and he played a nice little tune until had to leave.


I went into chica's room and saw her fixing her bow.


She then turned and let out a happy gasped 


She then pulled me into a hug while lifting one of her legs up

"I can see your doing fine this morning."

"Yeah I am! Oh and look what I found yesterday!"

She pulled out a box she had hidden. It had scrap animatronic parts!

"This is great! Bonnie is getting closer and closer to being fixed!"

I grabbed the scrap pieces and put them in my bag.

Then I check chica's joints and made sure they were working. Some needed a bit oil cause she had gotten a bit stiff. Then I cleaned her.

Now I had to take Freddy to get his systems checked.


I entered his room and he was just humming a song I recognized and then he started singing.

" Fly me to the moon~ let me play among the stars~ let me see what spring is like on... A-Jupiter and mars~ In other words, hold my hand~ in other words, baby kiss me~

Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore~ you are all I long for all I worship and adore~ in other words please be true~ in other words~"

He didn't notice me sneaking up behind him and on the last part I sang

"I love you~"

He kinda freaked out and backed away. Until he saw it was me.

"Oh good morning superstar! You gave me quite a surprise. How are you this fine morning?"

"I'm doing great! Mind heading down to parts and service with me? We got to do some maintenance. You know, like checking your systems, your programming, seeing if anything is broken, etc, etc."

He nodded his head and we started heading down to parts and service. But on the way I passed by Ace.



We both hugged and asked

"So did you get a job here?"

He nodded his head and I started bouncing up and down on my heels

"Oh what is it?"

He then booped my nose! I kinda blushed

"I want it to be a surprise. You'll see tomorrow!"

He then walked away to probably go home

I crossed my arms and puffed my cheeks

"Aw man I really want to know!"


Freddy's POV:

Who is this boy? What are they to y/n? They seem like really good friends. Y/n seems to be really happy to see him. Why do I feel this pain in my chest, like something aggravating? I don't like it. 


I snapped out of my thoughts upon hearing my superstar's voice.

"Huh yes superstar?"

"Are we heading to parts and service? Or are you going to space out all day?"

They jokingly asked.

I laughed and said

"Sorry about the superstar! Let us head to parts and service!"

They then grabbed my hand. But they were so gentle when grabbing it.

"I hope you don't mind. This is just in case you decided to space out again."

"Oh I really don't mind."

I really didn't mind. I actually wished we could more often.

So many things has changed when they arrived. I've never seen the others so happy or get so angry, but they only get mad when they are gone.

Moondrop has also changed a lot since they started coming here. I know that the two of them are really close. He doesn't seem as aggressive as he usually does, he seems more calm and gentle. Sun has never been better. He hasn't changed that much, but he seems less scared of leaving the daycare to go to parts and service as long as he knows y/n or their uncle or working on him.

I have definitely also experienced some kind of change since meeting them. I care and love all the guests. But I seem to have a stronger care and love for y/n, I hate when I don't know where they are or if they're safe. I've seen y/n's uncle experience this feeling too. He said it's a father's instinct even though y/n isn't his biological child. I asked him to elaborate.

Then he went on to tell me what a fatherly instinct is. I then realized these are the things I feel for y/n. All I want to do is to make sure they are safe, I don't want them getting hurt, I want them to be happy and always smiling, I want to try my best to help them with anything, and can also sense when something is wrong.

"We're here! Let's get you checked freddy!"

I nodded my head and stepped into the protective cylinder and sat on the chair.

"Okay freddy I'm going to shut you down for a bit. But after I'm done I'll turn you back on."

"Okay superstar! Do what you have to do!"

*powering off*


You started your check up on Freddy. You checked him programming and system. Everything was is working order. Then you had the computer check to see if anything was broken. The computer didn't detect anything was broken. But to double check you went inside the cylinder and made sure nothing was broken. 

Everything was just fine. But a couple of screws were loosened so you tightened them back up.

Then you were done with your check up. Right on time too, the plex was about to open in five minutes. You cleaned him up gave him a quick polish. Then you powered him back on

He sat up and for out of the bed

"Am I all good?"

"Yup your good to go!"

He walked out and gave you a pat on the head

"Thanks a bunch superstar!"

"Don't mention it. I'll see you later."

As You were walking out you saw a small blowtorch and you decided to take it with you to fix up bonnie when you went on break. You could use it to mend some parts of the skeleton and casing you have in your bag.


I stopped at the daycare to make sure everything was okay. The kids seem to love the new sun.

I put my bag away considering it has a device that can easily start a fire.

Some of the regular kids that visit the daycare often. noticed me and ran over to me and started attacking me with hugs begging me to play with them.

Sun came over and laughed

"Now let's all calm down. I'm sure we are all very excited to see y/n but let's not crowd them too much."

All the children got off me and I dusted myself off

"Thank you. I'd love to play a game with you all."

"Yay! Tag your it!"

A boy named Alex said then poking me.

All the kids and sun started running away from. I started to chase them. I actually caught sun and tapped while yelling



After a long game of tag it was time for naptime. So I got all the sleeping blankets and pillows out. Then I turned off the lights

Moon came out and the children absolutely love the way he looked now

"Wow! Mr. Moon looks so different!"

"I love the yellow color in his eyes!"

All the children were giving him compliments. Moon looked really confused and he looked to me for help.

I laughed at his confusion.

"I'm sure moon appreciates all the compliments. But it's naptime, let's all go to sleep."

Me and moon started leading the children to the sleeping area. Then we put them down for a nap. It was easier to put the more rowdy kids to sleep with moons new hand heating system.

We walked out of the nap room then me and moon started chatting.

"It was weird getting all those compliments. I've never heard so many at once."

"That's a good thing though that means the kids really like your new design. Also we put the kids much quicker than usual. So that hand heating system was a really good idea!"

Then we sat in silence for a minute

"What does it look like out there?"


"The moon. what does it look like out there?"

He was asking me about the moon outside.

"It's kinda hard to describe, sometimes it looks different. Cause there's a shadow that goes over it casted by the sun. But sometimes the shadow is gone and it shows the whole moon. It's normally a pretty white color."

"Is it big?"

"It is big but it's so far away that it looks small but it's still really pretty. But why are you so curious about the moon all of a sudden?"

"We'll I've always wondered what it looked like. I just remembered to ask. I wish I could see it for myself. But I could only survive outside the pizza plex for a couple of minutes at best, without a recharge station I would eventually run out of power.  But it doesn't hurt to think about it. Besides I'd doubt I'd be able to leave the doors without somebody stopping me. "

That honestly surprised me. I've never realized how much this place is kinda like a prison for the animatronics. They couldn't leave because they'd rather get caught or they'd run out of battery.

"I'm very sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what it must feel like."

He then coiled his arms around me and pulled me into a hug

"It's not so bad nowadays. Because I have a starlight that makes me very happy. As long as I have my starlight, I'm happy."

He then placed his head on top of mine. Then I felt his arms heat up and I got very sleepy and I couldn't stay awake and feel asleep


When nap time was over moon woke me up and had me turn on the lights. Then me and Sunny went to wake the kids up.

Once the kids had woken up, they were full of energy and ready to play.

But then I was called to do chica's scheduled maintenance check.

I told sun and then I left.


I found chica sitting on something swinging her legs.

"Hey chica!"

She jumped off and gave me a big hug

"Cupcake! I'm so happy to see you!"

"I'm happy to see you too! But can you get into the cylinder for me so I can start the maintenance checkup?"

She vigorously nodded her head and went into the protective cylinder sitting on the bed.

I did my usual, but I did have to slightly fix her beak cause the computer showed that her beak was opening and closing properly. So after fixing it a bit I put it back in and she was all done. I did mention after I'm done I'm going on break and going to see Bonnie. I asked her to get me some food cause it would look suspicious if she followed me right after maintenance.

After she was done we both wink at each other.


I got into the daycare and grabbed my bag. I told sun I was on break and was going to grab something to eat real quick

I snuck into Bonnie bowl and got into the curtain

"Y/n! Your back. I'm so happy to see you!"

"Happy to see you too pal! Look, I got a blowtorch! So I can mend some of your endoskeleton and some casing pieces chica found."

As I said that I saw chica come into the curtain with some pizza and some water

"Well speak of the devil! I was just mentioning how you found some casing pieces for Bonnie."

She laughed and put the food down. I grabbed the water and took a sip.

Then I took some gloves I had with me and a pair of safety glasses. Then I got to work

I mended some endoskeleton that looked like it might be breaking apart. Then I mended on some casing. It was a different color so there was another problem that I thought of a solution to already. But I wanted to get him fully repaired before trying to redo his design.

After I finished I then took off my safety glasses, then my gloves, then I put hand sanitizer on my hands. I wanted for my hands to dry and then started eating my pizza. We all were chatting as quietly as we could. Bonnie looked really good, I thought how far we've come and how much better he looks now. I can't wait to see the looks on everyone's face when they see him again.

I just really hope nobody like the boss, or even worse Adeline finds out. The boss might not get mad at me, probably just disappointed. I will have to take full responsibility because if I involve chica I don't doubt she might get decommissioned. But if Adeline found out, that would surely make things even worse! Because seeing what she has done so far, there's no doubt she'd stoop down as low as to use blackmail.

When my break was over it was time for me to check monty and so I said my good to Bonnie and chica. Then I headed towards parts and service.


"Hey monty!"

"Heya cutie!"

"Ready to do some check ups. Anything I should know before I start?"

"We'll my tail has been feeling a bit different the past couple of days."

"I'll be sure to check that out. But can you step into the cylinder for me?"

He nodded and got into the protective cylinder and I check his systems. Everything was fine but the computer did detect problems in the his tail.

I walked in and took off the casing to his tail. His wires were all tangled up.

"Okay monty so I have to shut you down, cause your wires in your tails are tangled up."

"You can't do it with me on?"

I shook my head

"Unfortunately I can't. Because there is a chance that your body can do something involuntary that could harm me or I could also accidentally electrocute myself."

"then go right ahead. I don't want ya getting hurt."

"Thank you for understanding."

I powered him down and then went back in and started working on his tail. It required a lot of untangling. But after I untangled them I lined them up neatly and put them in their proper place. Then I did a cleaning of the tail casing then I put the casing back on the tail.

I then looked around and made sure no one was around and put the blowtorch where I found it.

Then I turned on monty

He sat up and got out of the protective cylinder

"How that tail doing pal?"

"It feels great! It moves the way I want it to now!"

"I'm glad. Go out there and rock out!"

"You got it! See ya later lil cutie!"

He then went on his way to monty golf. Then I went back to the daycare


As I was walking to the daycare, somebody tripped and I look to see it was Kayla with a couple of her friends.

"Opps sorry. Your just so quiet that I didn't see you! But I'm sure your used to being seen as invisible by now."

They all laughed and I just scoffed

Then I got up only to get kicked back down

"I believe doormats stay on the floor."

Then I felt water being poured on me

Now I wasn't getting my feelings hurt. I was actually getting pretty annoyed.

I got up again she tried to kick me back down bout I moved out the way

She then went for a punch I once again dodge.

Playing with rowdy kids along with sun I've been very good at dodging things that are coming at me.

She kept trying to punch me until she said

"Someone hold them in place!"

Two girls started coming my way. That's when I grabbed my walkie talkie

"I need security near the stage floor."

They all froze and just stared at me

"Uh Kayla we should get out of here-"

"Oh I don't think so."

It was Vanessa

I went over to her and gave her a hug


She softly smiled and then gave the girls a glare

"You three are in some serious trouble. Not only did you bully another kid. you bullied an employee, my favorite co-worker."

I felt so loved at that moment I was her favorite co-worker

"So I'm not letting you all off lightly. So you three are to leave and not come back. You three are banned for a month!"

Kayla crossed her arms

"You can't do that! My daddy will complain about you! You'll get fired! You old hag!"

Oh no...


'Old hag?!'

Vanessa thought angrily.

"You're on thin ice kid! Keep acting like that! You're next on my list!"


Kayla said scared not knowing what she meant by list

You were confused you tilted your head

'List? What does she mean next on my list?'

"Y/n how about you head to the daycare. I'll take care of these three."

You nodded and started walking back to the daycare.


"Hey Sunny."

"Hello sunshin- oh my! Sunshine your all wet!"

"Yeah some girls kinda bullied me on the way back here. But they didn't do anything too bad or had the chance too. Vanessa stopped them quickly."

"Hold on, I think we might have some spare clothes."

"You kept spare clothes here?"

"We'll yes, some kids get a bit messy so we always have spare clothes just in case. Aha! I found something that should fit! Here you go sunshine! Now go get changed somewhere."

"Thanks sun! I'll be back when I'm done."

~10 minutes later~


"Sun Im back!"

You were wearing some gray pants along with a black button up shirt.

"Do those clothes fit fine?"

"Yeah yeah, they're fine. Thanks again Sunny."

"Anything for my sunshine!"

"I can see most of the kids have left."

"Yup only Alex is still here."

I walked up to Alex

"Hey Alex!"

"Hi y/n!"

"Do you know when your parents are coming to get you?"

"I don't know."

"If you don't mind telling me, who dropped you off?"

"My mom dropped me off." 

"Let's hope she appears soon. But until then you look a little sleepy. Would you like to settle down for a nap."

I picked him up. Then we went towards the light switch it off

"Hey moon."

"Hi mr. Moon"

"Hello you two, is it naptime?"

"Yeah Alex is a bit sleepy."

"We'll then let's head to the nap room and take a small nap"

We all headed to the nap room and decided to take a nap

But then I heard a knock on the daycare

Me and moon went to see who it was

I saw a boy around my age maybe a one year older

Black hair, black ripped jeans, was wearing black eyeliner, a black shirt that said 'get lost.' Wearing a black jacket with tones of pockets, he was wearing a lot of rings, he had a spiked choke collar, I also noticed his nails were black. He also a very sour expression

"Can we help you?"

I asked

"I'm here to pick up my little brother Alex."

Moon looked at him and was doing a quick scan.

Moon gave me a nod letting me know he's telling the truth

"Oh then we shall go get him. Moon."

Moon then went to get Alex.

I looked at his rings and they were kinda nice.

"Whatcha lookin' at nerd!"

I backed up 

"Um, I was just admiring your rings. They look nice."

He just looked at me for a second then scoffed looking away

"So what's your name?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"We'll since your Alex's brother and your somebody who's somewhat responsible for him or somebody who we can contact. I can tell security, who to call for on the speakers if any things were to happen."

"Derek Montoya. My friend calls me dark."

I just smiled

"Nice to meet you then. I'm y/n."

I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to laugh. I was also  kinda scared of him. He was really tall. Taller than the average teenager should be, but he was also super skinny.

He then flicked my forehead

"I think I'm just gonna call you a nerd."

" I haven't heard that one a thousand times already."

He then put a arm against the wall and stared down at me because of the height difference

"What? Not good enough. Do I need to get creative? How about geek? Yeah geeks has a nice ring to it."

Then something coiled around him and pushed him away from me


Moon a few minutes before

I had woken up Alex and was walking back to my dear starlight to give Alex to his brother

But when I got back. I saw this boy very close to my starlight and he had the smuggest grin on his face. I didn't appreciate how close he was to my starlight.

I extend one of my arms and pushed him away

They both looked in our direction and I walked towards them with Alex.

Alex then stood next to your brother

"And when things were just getting fun."

This older kid whispered. Man I hate teenagers, especially emo goth ones. They have the worst attitudes.

"While you're at the daycare. I ask that you stay a reasonable distance away from our staff, especially my starlight here."

I told him and then he smirked. Then he started walking towards my starlight. I step in front of them and put a hand on his chest

"I believe I asked you to remain a certain distance from my starlight."

"I heard you. I just don't care."

Before anything else happened the announcement for guest to leave had came on there speaker

"Shame. Well I guess we should go. I don't need mom nagging my ear off if he arrived home late. See ya later geek."

I hear starlight let out a annoyed sigh

"Looks like it's just you and me starlight."

"Actually I have to go check on Roxanne."

"Can I come along?"

"I guess."

Then I picked up my starlight, we'd get there much faster with me on wire travel


Me and moon arrived to parts to service since he carried me on his wire. Then I wondered I've only ever seen moon and eclipse use the wire. I've never seen sun use it. I guess that's question I'll ask tomorrow.

"Thanks moon. That was actually very efficient and fun."

"Of course starlight."

We then went to were Roxanne was waiting for us

"Hey lil cub! Hey moon."

"Hi Roxy!"

"Hello Roxanne."

We then hugged each other

"Are you ready for a checkup?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. But I don't see why I need one. I'm always perfect inside and out."

I heard moon scoff and I could practically imagine him rolling his eyes.

I had Roxanne in the protective cylinder and I checked everything. Apparently some joints were a little loose and rusted.

I cleaned them up, tightened them up and added oil.

"Alright we're all done!"

She got out a did some stretches

"Man, I could really go for a race! What do ya say lil cub! You still owe me a rematch."

She then picked me up and held me under her armpit. Then she ran with me to the raceway

But when she started running I could hear faint yell



You two reached the raceway. Moon was a few ways away definitely enough for at least one race.

Roxanne got you all geared up. Then she got in a go kart herself. Then you both started racing, you were in the lead but near the end she passed you and won. 

She jumped out and celebrated and then you got out and walked over to her.

"You did great Roxanne! awesome job out there!"

She then ruffled your hair

"You weren't so bad yourself."


You both saw moon come down from a wire looking pretty mad

"You can't just take y/n! Then leave me all alone!"

"Take a chill pill. I just wanted to have a nice little race."


You quickly caught on that moon was jealous

"While that was a really good race Roxanne. I need to head back to the daycare and get my stuff. But hey let's race again sometime. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay see you lil club. I will also win the next race!"

You wave each other off. Then picked you up and brought you back to the daycare. Then you sat on the counter giving moon a smug grin

Moon noticed

"What's with that smug grin?"

"You were jealous weren't you?"

"I was not jealous!"


"I wasn't!"

"So you wouldn't mind if I left to go hangout with Roxanne?"

"...maybe I was a little jealous."

You then held moons face

"Aww moony~ you don't have to be jealous. I make time for all of you. Even when I'm busy."

Moon looked everywhere but your eyes. 

You reassure him with a small kiss on his cheek

He was quiet for a minute in a strange pose and he looked like he was comprehend what i did

"That was...nice."

You laughed and then you got a text from your uncle saying it's time to go.

"Okay moony. I gotta go."


"Do you have to go?"

Moon whined as you walk towards the front door of the pizza plex

"Yes. I'm not allowed to stay at the plex after 12. Don't worry I'll be back tomorrow."

He followed you to the front until you saw your uncle.

"Alright moony I'll see you tomorrow."

You then walked to the car with your uncle.

You were more tired than usual so you actually fell asleep in the car.

When your uncle pulled into the garage he saw that you were sound asleep. He softly smiled, he got you out of the car then carried you to your room, took off your shoes and put you on your bed. He then tucked you in and put his forehead against yours

"Sweet dreams y/n."


-glitchtrap was kinda upset he did t get to talk to you

-Monty's made sure to check his tail to make sure it works properly

-moon and sun are getting more desperate for you to stay every time you leave

-when you woke up in the middle of the night and looked outside and saw the moon. You felt a bit of sadness. Remembering how moon wants to see it.

-you didn't see Adeline cause she actually had off that day

-Freddy asked more about fatherly instincts when he saw your uncle when he came to check in Freddy cause his arm was a bit stiff

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I have no idea why I wrote this. Very 18+ though more due to language and themes rather than horny sex. If you don't like it, don't read. Don't repor...
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βŽΎπ€π•π€πˆπ‹π€ππ‹π„!⏌ Fanf Security Breach x Gender Neutral Eclipse Reader. _______________________________________ ❝𝑰'π’Ž 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔�...
12.2K 308 24
Hello this is the first time I write a story hopefully everything goes smoothly while making this. Sun x Moon ship so if you don't like the ship don'...