Jikook Oneshots 2

By Mikchimin

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Another compilation of stories where Mimmie loves Koo and Koo loves Mimmie right back. Hey~ I filled out an e... More

Classicalish (Part Two)
Adults (Continuation of Children)
ThE most ClichE Jikook Story evVer Part Too??? Yes!1!!!
Ice (Part Two)
Leather (Continuation to Bikers)
Koo The First
Koo The First (Part Two)
Koo The First (Part Three)
Mimmie His Love (Continuation of Koo The First)
Best Friend's Little Brother (Continuation to Big Brother's Best Friend)
Conference (Continuation of Electric)
Among Us
Reality (Continuation of First Sight)
Graduation (Continuation to Top Kinky and Dare)
Letters (Continuation to Servants)
Brothers (Part Two)
Brothers (Part Three)
Famous (Part Two)
Famous (Part Three)
Dog (Part Two)
Grudge (Continuation to Rebound)
Benefits (Continuation to Jeans)
Drawing (Part Two)
River (Part Two)
Awkward (Continuation to Birth)
Awkward (Part Two)
Bachelorette (Part Two)
Kingdom (Continuation to Swords)
Kingdom (Part Two)


602 14 131
By Mikchimin

Jimin walks off the ship, a large suitcase in his hands. The ride to Zerion was easy enough, stormy weather not a problem in the least bit. He was just happy to be on land.

He loaded the suitcase onto a nearby carriage. "For the prince," He tells the driver. He carries his own bag on his back—small in comparison. All he needed was a change of clothes to sleep in, and basic hygienic tools. Anything else he might need would be supplied for him at the palace.

Jimin was the personal servant of Prince Namjoon of Rahasa, a thriving country in the North. The prince was very kind to him, and while their relationship was quite professional, Jimin did see him as a friend of sorts, and they talked like friends when alone.

But right now, they didn't talk. In the public eye, he was meant to be invisible, not to speak unless spoken to. Instead, he watched Prince Namjoon walk off the ship, finally coming down once everything was in place for him. Namjoon gets in the carriage first, then Jimin follows him. He needs to make sure he's ready by his side any second the prince might need him.

"How was the trip for you, your majesty?"

"Call me Namjoon," The prince smiles, dimples poking out. "We're alone."

Jimin can't help but chuckle. "Fine then. How was the trip, Namjoon?"

"It was good, the waves kept at bay," Namjoon nods. "I heard the only one who got seasick was the pregnant chef. Did you end up checking on her for me?"

Jimin beams. Namjoon had such a kind heart. "Yes, and she's doing fine. She won't leave this ship for anything, you know. She loves her job."

"Good," He nods once again. "It's so nice for Prince Taehyung to let us come and stay a week early."

"Well, you two are close," Jimin reminds.

"He's one of my closest friends," Namjoon confirms. "Since we're staying so long though, I've decided to give you Thursday off, so you can explore the country a bit. We go to so many places for so little time. I always feel bad you never get to see any of it."

"It's my job, Namjoon," Jimin assures. "And a good one at that. I'm happy to serve you. If not for you, I wouldn't be seeing the world at all."

"Still," he cocks his head to the side. "I want to give you something. So I won't be needing you Thursday."

"...Well, okay, since you insist...Wow," Jimin's eyes light up. "Thank you so much."

"You've been my loyal servant for years," Namjoon remarks. "It's the least I can do."

They continue down the road, making their way to the castle. The palace gates open as they approach, letting them onto the grounds. The carriage circles around the long driveway, stopping at the front entrance. Jimin steps out, waiting for the tall prince to walk out as well.

He does so regally, and Jimin bows. Once he's walked past, Jimin stands up. He grabs Namjoon's suitcase, and follows him a couple paces behind, keeping a reasonable amount of distance between them.

The prince of Zerion was waiting for them at the entrance. "Namjoon," He grins, coming towards him to shake his hand. "How are you?"

"I'm doing just fine," Namjoon mirrors the look. "It's so good to see you again."

"I'm so glad you reached out to me," Prince Taehyung shrugs. "You're one of my closest friends, of course I'm going to let you stay."

"The ball is going to be amazing," Namjoon complements. "I'm so excited for it."

"Well, we're going to have a week of fun leading up to it as well, so get ready," Taehyung's smile is big and boxy. "But for now, that suitcase looks heavy," He looks at Jimin. "I have my personal servant to show you around. Why don't you go off with him?"

"Yes, your majesty," He bows.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung calls to the man behind him, whom Jimin had just noticed. The two servants make eye contact.

And wow.

He was constantly surrounded by monarchs. Beautiful women, dashing men, people of different races, from different cultures. Jimin has seen his fair share of gorgeous people.

And yet not one of them compared to him.

"I'll see you later," Namjoon dismisses him, breaking him out of his thoughts. Slightly flustered, he bows once again, and goes to follow the servant.

They walk in silence until they're out of earshot, then the taller starts, "I'm not sure if you heard, but my name is Jungkook. You are?"

"I'm Jimin," His voice is small, heart racing.

"Jimin," He repeats. "It's a lovely name."

"Thank you," He doesn't want to be bashful—he fears he'll make a fool out of himself. "Jungkook is quite a nice name too."

"I'll first show you Prince Namjoon's room," Jungkook looks down with a smile, deflecting the complement. Oh...he's shy. That'll make it a bit easier for Jimin. If he were loud and confident, Jimin was sure he'd melt into a puddle.

But for now, this unbelievably attractive man...was pretty cute.

"That sounds good," Jimin nods. "Please lead the way."

And so Jungkook does. About half a pace ahead of Jimin, he brings them up to the second floor, to one of the many identical doors. It would be intimidating for most people, having to find a room like this on such a short notice, but Jimin has already memorized the way to get here. It's part of his job, after all.

"Here we are," Jungkook opens the door, and the two walk in. Once Jimin puts the suitcase down in the closet, he looks up at Jungkook, to see he was staring right back. His face goes pink against his will.

"Um," Jungkook doesn't break eye contact. "I can wait here while you unpack, and then I'll show you where you'll be staying. My old roommate left the castle just a few weeks ago, so you'll actually be staying with me."

"Oh," Jimin's eyes widen slightly. "Alright. That sounds just fine."

He internally curses himself. He can't be this awkward! He needs to be professional, to play it cool. He'll act until he doesn't need to anymore. Jimin will not be foolish in front of someone so beautiful.

And so he makes small talk. "How long have you been working for Prince Taehyung? I've never seen you before today."

"Oh, um," Jungkook stumbles over his words. Jimin finds it cute. "About a year and a half or so, I'd say. The man in my position before retired, so they had me do it because we were close in age. What about you and Prince Namjoon?"

Hearing Jungkook talk so much gave him a bit of confidence. "Ten years this past September. I've been with the prince since I was almost 14 years old."

"Wow," Jungkook's eyes widen. "When I was 13 I was scrubbing kitchen floors and running errands no one else wanted to do. This job is luxury compared to what I used to do."

"It is," Jimin agrees with a laugh. Jungkook was really easy to talk to. "With that I'm assuming Prince Taehyung is kind to you?"

"Absolutely," Jungkook nods. "And Prince Namjoon to you?"

"Very much!" Jimin hangs up another jacket. He hesitates. "Well...don't tell anyone, but I think he considers me his friend. I consider him mine. He lets me call him Namjoon."

Jungkook's mouth hangs open. "Oh wow. The prince of Rahasa is amazing."

"He is," Jimin was really happy the two of them were getting on so well. "Anyways. I'm finished."

"Okay, good," Jungkook walks up and closes the closet door for Jimin. This is the closest they've stood, Jimin notices. The fact he even noticed it in the first place causes him to sigh internally. He was so terribly whipped already. "Let's go to my room."

"Yes," But Jimin maintains his composure. "Let's."

They walk back down to the first floor, this time side by side. The two enter a small hallway near the back that led to the kitchens, and maintenance closets, and everything the palace staff would need to keep the palace clean and running. Further down the hall were servants' quarters. Jungkook's room was quite far down. He was young—he could walk faster and farther than other servants.

The room was small, but Jimin didn't mind—even though his was bigger. There were two beds on opposite sides of the wall, both crisply made. You could tell, however, that the left side of the room was more lived in—it was obviously Jungkook's side.

"Here it is," Jungkook shows the space off. "It's not much, but within these four walls, are the only things I can really call mine."

"It's just fine for me," Jimin's eyes become crescents. "I'm glad we're sharing living quarters for a week. Since our jobs are so similar, I believe this will help me tremendously. I really appreciate your help."

"Oh, it's nothing," Jungkook waves a hand. "I'm happy to help."

"Well, okay. I'm glad I'm not a bother then," Jimin's heart feels light. "So what do you do when you're not helping the prince? I have my own things to do at home, but no tasks I was able to bring with me."

"Ah, mostly I sew," Jungkook scratches the back of his head.

"What? Really?" Jimin perks up. "But I thought only maids made the clothing."

"Ah, no," Jungkook shakes his head. "I enjoy it, so I make all of Prince Taehyung's outfits."

"That's so cool!" Jimin praises. Everything he was learning about this man he really liked.

Jungkook melted into a surprised smile. "Oh, good," He looks at the ground. "I'm glad you think so. Most of the time I'm afraid when people find out about my hobby—but, if I'm really being honest my passion—they'll think I'm too feminine, because typically making clothing isn't something men love."

"Oh but it isn't feminine at all!" Jimin argues. "Fashion shouldn't be gendered. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, if you can create beautiful clothing out of essentially nothing, you are so talented and wonderful in my book."

"That's great," Jungkook makes eye contact again. "I'm really glad."

Jimin hesitates. "...If it's not too much to ask, may I stay with you after my duties with Namjoon are over tomorrow? I'd love to see more of what you do." And more of him, if Jimin were to tell the whole truth.

"Really?" Jungkook can't help but smile. "You want to spend the day with me?"

"W-well yes," When he puts it like that, Jimin almost feels exposed. "I would."

"Then I'll make sure to make your day worthwhile," Jungkook promises. "You're going to have a fun day while with me, I'll make sure of it!"

Jimin laughs. He couldn't believe how cute this man was. "Thank you, for the effort. You do this for all the servants of our status that come through?"

Jungkook was silent for a moment. "...No, just the ones that are interested in the things I do. Which only happens to be you so far."

It was as if Jimin could feel the endorphins bouncing around in his brain. "Oh, well then, I'm glad we were able to make this connection."

"I'm glad we even speak the same language!" Jungkook shrugs. "Many monarchs are multilingual. Servants? Not so much."

"Oh I understand that completely," Jimin chuckles. "It's also hard when there's such a big age difference. You have nothing to talk about then."

"I know!" He nods quickly. "But us? I think this is as perfect as it'll ever get."

"Yep," Jimin stares at him. "You're perfect."

Jungkook gives him a confused look. "What?"

Jimin realizes the mistake he's made. "I-I mean we're perfect! This situation is perfect. I misspoke, sorry," He puts his face in his hands. That was an extremely embarrassing thing to say. Why did his tongue slip like that?

"Ah, no worries," Jungkook timidly puts a hand on the smaller's shoulder. "Getting mixed up in our words is only normal."

Jimin was very aware of Jungkook's touch, his mind couldn't think of anything else. "Ah, okay. Good."

Jimin didn't know what was going on...he was starting to believe love at first sight actually existed.


"You're antsy."

"What?" The prince breaks Jimin out of his thoughts.

"You have plans for the day?" Namjoon guesses.

"Oh, well, yes," Jimin looks down. "I'm spending the day trialing Prince Taehyung's servant, Jungkook. He sews, so I'm going to watch him make clothing. I'm very excited for that."

"That's good," Namjoon nods. "I'd hate for you to be bored and end up cleaning or something. I know you're working for me at the beginning and end of the day, but unlike at home, you have no other duties. Think of this as a vacation of sorts."

Jimin forces down a smile. "You're too kind to me."

"Because you've been good to me, you've done a good job, and you're great company," The prince lists. "I hope you choose to serve me for many years to come."

"I'll serve you for as long as you want me to," Jimin promises. "Until my drying breath if it's what you wish."

"You're so loyal," Namjoon remarks. "More than most. What causes you to be? Besides the standard obligation."

"I...I've never had a friend," Jimin confesses. "You're the closest thing I have. And...and now I think I may have another one, in Jungkook. But obviously I won't be seeing much of him. I never knew my family, and...I hope this isn't disrespectful when I say this, but you're the closest I have to it. That's why I'm so loyal. Because not only are you my prince, but you are all I have right now."

"Jimin, why haven't you ever told me any of this?" Namjoon furrows his eyebrows.

"It's overstepping boundaries to say these things," Jimin shrugs. "I apologize for even bringing it up now. My personal life doesn't matter while doing a job for my prince."

"I don't believe that at all," Namjoon stands up. "Your life is important, Jimin. Just as important as mine. I guess I'm glad you told me now. I like knowing your feelings. Well then, I'm done with you for now. Go make another friend, Jimin. I believe in you."

Jimin bows. "Thank you, Namjoon," He didn't miss the word 'another'. So Namjoon did consider him a friend...with a smile he went, "I'll try my best."

Quickly he walks to where Jungkook said they'd meet the day before. He was already gone when Jimin woke up that morning, so Jimin was more than ready to see him. That man was the closest thing he'd ever seen to perfect.

When they make eye contact, Jungkook smiles. Jimin already loves his smile. So much so that he's rendered speechless. They stare at each other for a few seconds, Jimin not able to think straight.

"Hello," Jungkook says, voice soft.

"Hi," Jimin smiles, trying his hardest to regain composure. "How has your morning been?"

"Very nice," Jungkook answers. "You've found your way around the castle well?"

"Yes, I'm finding everything just fine, thank you," Jimin nods.

"That's good," The taller walks closer to him. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me."

"I won't," He assures.

"Good," The smile comes back. "You ready?"

"I am," Jimin beams. "I'm so excited to watch you work."

Jungkook looks down, bashful. He looks beautiful like that. "I'm so glad you're excited."

"Well then let's go, shall we?" Jimin tips his head to the side, hiding his very strong emotions with his words. "I don't think I can wait another minute."

Jungkook's face was glowing. "Let's."

They walk side by side, not at a leisurely pace, but not at their normal quick work pace either. Jimin just enjoyed the presence of this man...he really liked him.

All of a sudden, he hears a distant rumble. Then the ground shakes slightly beneath his feet. Before he even has time to process it enough to ask any questions, Jungkook grabs his arm, pulling him close to him. Jimin doesn't even realize Jungkook's hands on his arms, for a bunch of children—ages ranging from probably four to thirteen—run past.

"W-what-what was that?" Jimin stumbles over his words as the kids round a corner. Only now does Jimin notice Jungkook's hands, and his skin tingles in the places the taller has touched.

But Jungkook helps him up, out of his awkward bent position he got put in when he got pulled so quickly. "Were you ever informed Prince Taehyung was the oldest of nine children?"

Jimin's eyes widen, now facing Jungkook. "Prince Namjoon never told me. I didn't know."

"Well," Jungkook's kind eyes are filled with subtle amusement. "In that case, just know the second eldest is eleven years younger than Taehyung. They're all very rowdy, so watch out. If you hear that noise again, just move to the side as fast as you can. I wouldn't want you getting trampled."

"O-oh," Jimin looks past Jungkook, where the children all left towards. "Thank you."

"Sorry for pulling you so harshly," Jungkook scratches the back of his head. "I hope I didn't hurt you."

"No, not at all," He assures. "I'm grateful you helped me." He wanted to be in those arms again. 

Oh he had it bad.

"Well I'm just glad you didn't get hurt," Jungkook brushes it off. "I'm happy to help. Now, the sewing room is this way."

Jungkook leads Jimin down the underground level of the palace, where many work rooms were for various different tasks. As they walke through a narrow hallway, Jungkook places a hand on Jimin's shoulder, guiding him to walk in front of him.

The tingling sensation came back.

Finally they made it to the sewing room. It was messy, covered in fabric from floor to ceiling. Shelves contained materials and patterns that Jimin had never seen before. He looks around in awe.

"Wow," Jimin breathes. "This place is wonderful."

"Yeah?" Jungkook looks at him, a smile melting onto his face.

"Absolutely!" Jimin turns to the taller. "This room is a space full of creativity and wonder. It's amazing."

Jungkook scrunches his nose with the smallest chuckle. "I'm happy. It's nice to see someone so excited over something I do every day."

"Oh," Jimin's smile drops. "Am I overreacting?"

"No, not at all!" Jungkook shakes his head quickly. "I...I think the reaction is nice. It makes me feel proud."

"Oh," Jimin's emotions have been so strong these days. They're moving so fast—Jimin can barely keep up. "Okay, well then I'll keep it up."

Jungkook sits down in front of the sewing machine. "Great."

"So what are you working on?" Jimin looks over his shoulder. "Is that a dress? Do you make dresses too?"

"Suits are easy to make," Jungkook explains, turning around to face Jimin. "I can make many outfits for Prince Taehyung quickly, and while he does like to experiment with patterns and color, it can still get a bit boring. So I design and make dresses for his sisters as well, just because I have the time."

"Oh, that's so cool!" Jimin praises. "How do people like your designs? May I see some of them?"

"Oh, sure," Jungkook grabs some papers. "As for people liking them...well, I don't want to brag."

"Oh?" Jimin smirks. "Please tell. I promise I won't consider it as bragging, especially if you're simply stating facts."

"Well, in that case..." Jungkook takes a deep breath. "Two of the prince's sisters like my designs the best. I make dresses for all his sisters—and one of his brothers too, actually—but those two are the ones I make the most for. Their maids come to me often, wondering if it wasn't too much to ask, but by that time, I've already made new ones for them."

'Babump.' There was Jimin's heart again. "Oh wow, that's lovely."

"It wasn't too much?" The taller frets.

"No not in the least bit!" Jimin assures. "It's so amazing what you do." He looks down at the designs he was handed as Jungkook spoke. "And these designs...they're breathtaking. I swear if I had the money I'd hire you for myself."

"Really?" Jungkook full-on beams. "What kinds of things do you like?"

"Well, if I were to hire you...pink, I like the color pink," Jimin thinks. "I'm not afraid of frills, or any embellishments really. And...and gold accents, to make me look like royalty."

"Interesting..." Jungkook strokes his chin. "Pretty and pink. It suits you, I must say."

"Really?" Jimin blushes a deep shade of red. "I was just sprouting what came from my head."

"Yeah," Jungkook nods. "You have good taste, Jimin."

Jimin gets chills. His own name sounded so lovely on Jungkook's lips. "Th-thank you, Jungkook. May I see you work please? I'll be quiet, I promise."

"No, you can talk," Jungkook tells him. "Silence is awkward."

"Okay, well then..." Jimin thinks of what to say. "How did you become a servant? Good, bad, I love to hear everyone's stories."

"Jimin, the one who's thoughts are filled with wonder," Jungkook labels, beginning to sew. "You're simply curious about everything, aren't you?"

"Well, not everything," Jimin looks at the fabric-covered ground. "Just...most things."

"I think that's wonderful," Jungkook says timidly. "A very refreshing thing to see."

"W-well I can't help it I suppose," The blush is strong. He's so glad Jungkook is focused on his work. "Tell me your story."

"I was born in this castle," Jungkook tells him. "My mother was a maid, my father was a guard, my entire life starts here. My parents took me to the village nearby often, so I'd get to meet others my age in a fun setting. But I started working at eight or nine."

"Where are your parents now?" Jimin questions, invested.

"Oh," Jungkook's voice deflates. "There was an attack on the castle a couple years ago...I think I was about seventeen. There aren't any more attacks, by the way. The organization that used to try so often got destroyed, so we're completely safe here. But...my parents were together when they got the news. So my father quickly tried to run my mother to a safe room. A guard that witnessed said a man was aiming at my father, but she jumped in front of him. He was the guard, but she still wanted to protect him. He didn't last much longer though—the shock impaired his judgement."

"Oh..." Jimin frowns. "I'm so sorry."

"I miss them every day," Jungkook sighs. "I'm so sorry I thrust this all upon you. We were having fun...I ruined it."

"No, you didn't, I promise," Jimin denies. "I said I wanted your story, this is part of your story. Welcome to the no parents club."

"You too?"

"Yep," Jimin nods sadly. "I was abandoned as a baby. It was probably because they couldn't afford to take care of me, I-I know that. But I still carry the fear that they simply didn't want me."

Jungkook pauses his work to look up at Jimin. "But who couldn't want you?"

"W-what?" Jimin was caught off guard at the statement.

"W-well, what I mean is," Jungkook breaks eye contact, going back to his work. "You're hard not to like...as in I'm sure many people admire you for who you are. I for one really appreciate who you are as a person. It's hard not to like you, um, in that context."

"Oh...thank you," Jimin smiles bitterly. "Say that to all my non-existent friends."

"Am I non-existent?" Jungkook huffs out a laugh. "I'll be your friend, Jimin."

"Really?" Jimin stares at him—he can't help it. "But we've only known each other for one day."

"But you're likable," Jungkook says once again. "And maybe you don't like me at all, but just know...I'd like to be your friend."

"Oh," His smile becomes much less bitter. "Well then I do have a friend after all. Two, if you count Prince Namjoon."

"I would, with how kind he is to you," The taller shrugs.

"Then I have two friends," Jimin's eyes become crescents. "Thank you."

"For what?" Jungkook looks into his eye. "It was you who made the friend."

When Jungkook looks away, Jimin puts a hand over his mouth. He was falling in love with Jungkook. He was sure of it by now.


"Is this boring for you at all?"

Jimin's head—which was previously resting in his hand propped up by his elbow as he stared at the younger—shot up. "What? No!"

"Oh, good," Jungkook puts his foot back on the pedal, starting the sewing machine up once again. "I was just wondering because for the past two days all you've done is sit here with me as I work. And you seemed lost in thought. I was worried you were bored."

"No, I'm not!" Jimin denies quickly, eyes big. "I just got distracted...it's not your fault."

That was a lie.

Jimin was just really busy staring at Jungkook. His mind was wild with countless fantasies. He wanted to brush his fingers through the taller servant's hair. He wanted to dance with him under the moonlight.

He wanted to kiss those pretty lips, the ones with the little mole sitting right under.

So Jungkook wasn't trying to distract Jimin...it was just that him existing made Jimin go crazy.

"Okay, good," Jungkook smiles a small smile. "If you ever get bored, we can do other things. Or-or you can do other things. I of course won't be offended if there's something you'd like to do alone."

"Not at all! I'd be lost on what to do if I were alone, so I'd much rather stay here with you," He pauses. "...Unless you don't want me to, of course!"

"No, no, stay for as long as you like," Jungkook assures. "I just didn't want you to feel like you had to stay."

"I don't feel that way at all," Jimin promises. "I want to stay. I want to watch you work. And I want the both of us to continue to tell stories too. Because I really value people's stories."

"You're a very thoughtful person," Jungkook complements. "Remind me why you've got no friends?"

"I'm not sure," Jimin shrugs. "Perhaps I'm simply too busy for any good friendships. But anyways, that's not important. The prince said to think of this as a vacation. I wouldn't have anything else to do except this. But I really like this, so it's okay. More than okay."

"Good, I was just checking," He hesitates. "...Would you like to try sewing?"

"O-oh, I don't know," Jimin shakes his head, flustered for some reason. "I'd be no good at it. I wouldn't want to ruin anything."

"Nonsense," Jungkook looks at him with a smile. "We'll start something new. I'll help you make a simple shirt that you can take back to Rahasa with you."

"I-I don't want to distract you from your work," Jimin continues to excuse, not wanting to be a burden.

"I'm ahead of schedule," Jungkook's eyes, to Jimin, almost seem to be filled with little stars. "There's nothing for you to worry about. Just pick a fabric, and I'll help you make a shirt."

"Oh...well, okay then," Jimin walks to the wall with a built-in shelf, the whole thing from floor to ceiling filled with different fabrics. He touches a fluffy pink material, amazed by its softness.

"That fabric's a little hard for beginners," Jungkook calls from behind. "You like it?"

"I've never seen anything like it," Jimin breathes. "I wish all clothes were made to feel like this."

"We usually use it for blankets and pajamas for the younger royals," Jungkook explains. "But I see no reason why adults can't love it either."

"Well I do," Jimin stops rubbing the material between his fingers. "But I'll pick something else."

He instead walks to a smooth black material.

"Oh that's a good one," Jungkook tells him. "It's a material that keeps you cool in the summer."

"Oh well then I'm going to have to wait six months to wear it," Jimin huffs out a laugh. "It's freezing cold in Rahasa right now."

"Wow, it never gets cold in Zerion," Jungkook gapes. "Even now, in late December, you haven't any need for a coat."

"Then thank goodness Prince Taehyung has a December birthday," Jimin walks back over to him, fabric in hand. "I needed a break from the endless snow."

"I've never seen snow," Jungkook's voice gets quiet. "I find you quite lucky."

"Well...well maybe one day Prince Taehyung will need to go to Rahasa in the Winter," Jimin hopes. "And I can show you around the palace, and bring you out into the snow."

"Oh I hope so," Jungkook beams. "I've never traveled with the prince before, but he was saying he wanted to explore the world more. I hope we get to go to Rahasa."

"Really?" Jimin's chest feels lighter at the though of seeing the taller servant again.

"Absolutely," He nods. "The way you speak of it sounds so exciting!"

"Well...good," Jimin breaks into a smile. "I hope to someday see you in my home too."

"But for now, let's start working on your shirt," Jungkook stands up, grabbing a pair of scissors. "First we have to cut the fabric. I'll help a lot with this part because you can't really trace on this kind of thing. Would you like an oversized shirt? They're very comfortable."

"Oh, sure," Jimin nods. "Except for when I was young, all my clothes have been fitted. It would be fun to have something new."

"Okay, then I'll save you the stress of cutting out a pattern," Jungkook spreads the fabric out on the table. "And then I'll teach you how to use the machine."

"Great," And once again, Jimin watches him work.

Once he quickly cut out the pattern, he gestured for Jimin to come over.

"Now we have to pin the fabric together," He explains. "Which is simple. You just go like this." He maneuvers the pin through the fabric, as Jimin watches intently. "You can try if you like."

"I would like to try, thank you," Jimin grabs a pin, walking up next to him.

"Be careful not to poke yourself," Jungkook's voice is gentle, watching the smaller.

"I won't," His voice gives Jimin chills. Any closer to Jimin's ear and his whole body would be set on fire with electricity. "I'll be careful."

He pins the shirt to Jungkook's approval, and the taller servant walks it over to the machine.

"Okay, sit down," Jungkook instructs. "I'll lead you through it."

"Alright," Jimin sits at the sewing machine. He suddenly feels Jungkook's presence behind him.

"Is it okay if I get closer to you?" Jungkook asks him. "To guide you?"

"Uh, y-yes, sure," Jimin nods, heart speeding up.

His breath hitches silently as Jungkook leans over him, placing his hand next to Jimin's. "Okay, you first have to put your foot on the petal gently. That's what'll start the machine."

Jimin does as told, and the machine starts up. He continues to pump it so it keeps moving.

"Now guide the shirt through like this," Jungkook puts his hands on Jimin's, slowly leading the shirt through. Jimin is very aware of their hands together, staring straight at them. "Are you okay? You haven't spoken since I went behind you. I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I?"

"No not at all," Jimin's voice is breathy. I'm very comfortable."

"You're sure?"

He nods. "Absolutely."

In all honesty, all Jimin wanted to do right now was close his eyes, and lean back into Jungkook, while the taller wrapped his arms around him and peppered his hair in kisses.

But that was just his fantasy, so he used all his brain power to not do what he wanted to do so badly. He keeps his eyes open, and sits tall, and tries his best to sew the fabric properly.

"Alright, take your foot off the pedal," Jungkook speaks again. "We're done."

Jimin does so, the resident servant's voice bringing Jimin back to reality completely. Jungkook picks the shirt up, turns it inside out, and hands it to Jimin.

"Wow...my goodness, I made this!" He beams. "I can't believe I actually did it! Thank you so much for helping me." He stands up and hugs Jungkook without much thought.

"Oh!" Jungkook hesitates, before hugging him back. "...No trouble at all. You should wear it to bed tonight."

"I will," Jimin rests his head on Jungkook's shoulder, closing his eyes. He's not sure what's come over him, but it doesn't really matter.

Because Jungkook holds him just as close.


"Thank you for another marvelous day Jungkook."

"All you did was watch me work," Said servant starts unbuttoning his shirt after taking off his vest, a t-shirt underneath. "It was hardly an exciting day, just like every other this week."

"Yes but...you make excellent company," Jimin looks down, blushing. He had already changed for the day—in the shirt he and Jungkook made together a couple days ago. It was so comfortable. Jimin wanted to live in it. "I've really enjoyed spending time with you."

"I have too, Jimin," They make eye contact. "If I make excellent company, you're that times a thousand."

"Oh," Jimin was glad the room was slightly dim, because his face was a fiery red. "Thank you, Jungkook."

Jungkook waves a hand to deflect. "Will I be enjoying your company tomorrow as well?"

"Oh!" Jimin remembers. "No, actually. The prince has given me the day off. He's urged me to explore a bit of your country, and so I'm going out."

"Ah..." Jungkook frowns. Jimin notices with curious eyes. "Any plans?"

"No," Jimin shakes his head. "I know nothing of Zerion—I'm not sure where to start."

"Well...maybe I could take the day off," Jungkook proposes. "I could show you all the best places around here. I-if you want me too take you, that is."

"Really?" Jimin perks up. "Prince Taehyung won't mind?"

"I've never taken a day off," He tells him. "Hopefully he'll let me just this once, out of the goodness of his heart. I'll ask him tomorrow morning. You can stick around the castle for that long, right?"

"Yes, of course," Jimin breaks into a smile. "Thank you so much, Jungkook."

"It's no big favor," Jungkook brushes it off. "It's a day of fun in a town I love, with you. I'm excited for it."

"Good," Jimin was so giddy. "I am too."

"Perfect," And Jungkook turns off the dim light, putting the room into complete darkness. "Well, I guess we should sleep now. Goodnight, Jimin."

"Goodnight, Jungkook," He whispers. And he closes his eyes, thoughts bombarded with the two of them, tomorrow. Of talking, and laughing...and then of them kissing. He thought of kissing Jungkook, and the two of them dancing.

He thought about falling asleep in Jungkook's arms.

That lulls him to sleep.


Jimin paces in the hallway as he waits for that certain someone who has stolen his heart. He anxiously waits, hoping the results from the taller servant were in his favor. Because the more he thought about it...the more he realized he would have no fun being alone.

Finally he sees him. Jungkook walks towards him at a brisk pace.

"So?" He asks as Jungkook approaches him.

Jungkook grabs both of Jimin's hands, spinning him around in an excited manor. "He gave me the day off!" He tells Jimin, beaming. "I get to show you the town!"

"O-oh," Jimin blushes looking down. "That's wonderful."

"Oh! Sorry Jimin," He lets go of his hands. "I just got so excited. I haven't been to town in a long time. And, I'll be in good company, so I can't wait for the day to begin."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Jimin laughs. "Lead the way!"

"Right, let's go!" And they head for the exit.

The two go out a side entrance and down to the castle gates. As they approach, they see a cart heading out. Jungkook runs forward.

"Hey, Hoseok!" He calls to the driver. "Room for two more?"

The driver stops. "Oh, sure! The whole cart is empty after all, you didn't even have to ask!"

"Thank you," Jungkook beams. "Come on, Jimin."

"Oh," Jimin's heart races with excitement. "Okay."

Jungkook hops into the car first, then holds out his hand to help Jimin. His heart skips a beat. It's just to help him get into the cart, Jimin knows he shouldn't focus so much on meaningless touches like this...but he doesn't think he can stop.

They scoot to the front of the cart, back facing the driver. Their shoulders brush up against one another, Jimin can't help but notice, as they talk more about themselves.

"Here is good," Jungkook tells Hoseok, and the cart driver stops. Once again, Jungkook hops out first to help Jimin. He holds out both his hands, which Jimin takes, jumping out. Sure he didn't need the help, of course he didn't.

But he wasn't about to tell Jungkook that.

"Thank you Hoseok!" Jungkook waves as he drove away. "Ah, here we are, our beautiful village by the sea."

"It is beautiful," Jimin agrees. There were unlit strings of lights hanging about in the nearby plaza by the docks. Flowers hung from lampposts, and colored stones created mosaics on the ground. The rising sun made everything glow softly. It was a quaint village, much different than the ones he has at home. "So warm too. In December!"

"I told you you wouldn't need a jacket," Jungkook looks over at him. "But you might want to change your clothes."

Jimin turns to him. "What?"

"We shouldn't go around in servants' clothing," He tells him. "Let's find a shop."

"Oh..." Jimin looks down. "But I haven't any money."

"That's quite alright," Jungkook assures. "I'll cover everything today."

"What?" Jimin's eyes widen. "N-no, I can't have you do that-"

"I have plenty of money," Jungkook presses. "I don't have a family to send it to—I'm sure your financial situation is similar."

"Well yes, but-"

"Jimin," Jungkook puts his hands on his shoulders. "I want to treat you today. I'll finally be able to spend my money on someone worthwhile. Will you please allow me to fulfill my wish?"

"...If you ever come to Rahasa will you let me spend my money on you?" Jimin asks.

"If that's what you want," Jungkook chuckles. "But only if I get to spend money on you first."

"...Fine," Jimin sighs. "But I don't want to take advantage of your kindness."

"You won't," Jungkook promises. "If it makes you feel better, go into this thinking I'll only do what I want."

"...Okay, that's fine," Jimin nods. "Thank you."

Jungkook smiles at him warmly. "Don't worry about it."

The pair find a small clothing shop on the corner, walking in. Jungkook holds the door open for Jimin. Once again the action was simple and meaningless, but Jimin couldn't help but over-analyze.

He just wanted Jungkook to love him too.

For a few minutes they browse. Jimin heavily relies on Jungkook's opinion—he does design clothes after all. Jungkook tries to get Jimin to pick out a few things himself, but Jimin doesn't really know where to start. He was handed clothes his entire life—he was never given free will.

"This looks good," Jungkook pulls out a dark green sweater. "It's breathable, and Zerion is warm, but still a bit breezy. It'll keep you at the perfect temperature."

"Oh, okay," He takes the sweater from him. "It is nice. I really like it."

"Pair it with these pants," Jungkook hands those to Jimin as well. He grabs an outfit for himself too—a black sweater with jeans of the same color. He pays for the clothes at the register, and they leave.

They find a public restroom to change in, and put on their new clothes. Jungkook buys a backpack, so the two can easily carry their uniforms.

When Jimin comes out, uniform folded neatly in his arms, Jungkook is already outside. He stares at the older, not saying a word.

Jimin suddenly feels nervous. "Oh...does it look bad?"

"What? No!" Jungkook quickly shakes his head. "You...I...I guess I'll just have to put it simply. You look beautiful."

"R-really?" Jimin's face flushes a rosy color.

"Yes, absolutely," Jungkook becomes a bit shy. "I'm sorry if that comes off as weird."

"No not at all," Jimin walks up to him. "I really appreciate the compliment. Thank you."

"Of course," Jungkook beams. "It's true what I say."

"Well, if we're complementing one another," Jimin looks him directly in the eye. "Your outfit very much suits you. You look really good, Jungkook."

"Thank you, Jimin," Jungkook brushes his fingers against Jimin's arm. "I really appreciate the compliment too. Now, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah," Jimin nods. "I am. I'm so excited to see everything."

"Great," They walk side by side. "Because I want to show you everything."


"I think this is the most fun I've ever had in my life!"

"Well I'm glad I get to be part of that memory," Jungkook smiles warmly at him.

The two were walking back to the plaza after a fun day. The sun was setting over the water—it was almost nighttime. Jimin loved Zerion, he loved seeing it all with Jungkook. He never wanted it to end.

And it seems it didn't have to just yet.

"Is that music?" Jimin questions, hearing a noise softly in the distance.

"I don't know," Jungkook's eyes gleam. "Let's go find out."

The closer they get to the plaza, the louder the music becomes. When they turn the last corner, Jimin gasps a happy gasp. People are dancing, people are laughing. It's fantastic.

"What is this?" Jimin breathes.

"A Winter festival," Jungkook tells him. "Surprise~"

"Surprise?" Jimin turns his head to look at him. "You knew about this?"

"It happens every year," Jungkook explains with a smile. "I knew you'd like it, so I kept it a secret. And the look on your face? All worth it."

"O-oh," Jimin stares at him, face warming up for the billionth time. "I didn't realize we were close enough for you to want to do such kind gestures."

"Yes, I'd like to think we are," Jungkook's voice gets quiet. "Do you not want to be? Because if it makes you feel uncomfortable, I'll step back."

"N-no! Not at all. I'm happy you wish to be close," Jimin looks down bashfully. "I'm so happy with how close we've grown too."

"Wonderful," Jungkook smiles warmly. "Now let's head down. I remember you saying you liked dancing?"

"I do," Jimin nods. "I really do."

By the time they got down there, the sun had fully set, and the only light left were the strings of lights above the square. Jimin looks at it in wonder. How amazing it was that they could have a warm festival like this, with flowers everywhere, even in the middle of Winter.

"Jimin?" Said male turns his attention to the one that said his name. "May I have this dance?"

"What?" Jimin's heart speeds up. "B-but why me?"

"Who else would I dance with?" Jungkook still held out his hand.

"W-well," Jimin starts. "There are so many pretty girls-"

Jungkook cuts him off. "But I want to dance with you."

Jimin couldn't function for a moment. "...Really?"

Jungkook chuckles. "Yes, Jimin."

"...I'd love to dance with you, Jungkook," He finally says. This couldn't be real, it had to be a dream. This is all he's wanted this entire trip, ever since he met the taller servant!

Jungkook's smile widens. "Great."

Jimin takes his hand, and with that, they're off. The song was fast, so they spun and bounced around. Jimin was elated, his smile was so wide. He loved this so much—he doesn't remember a time he's been happier.

They dance for hours, through fast songs and slow. They talk, and they laugh, stopping occasionally to buy food, or to rest their feet. The moon was high in the sky when they finally decided to stop for good. Jungkook leads him to an empty boardwalk, lit up by street lamps, where the music could still be heard as quiet background noise.

Jimin leans against the railing, staring at the calm waves colliding with the wooden beams below. It was so peaceful, his heart was so light, becoming even lighter when he felt the presence of the younger next to him.

"I've never had a day better than this. "Jimin's voice breaks the silence. "Every single second of this day was perfect."

"I was just thinking the same thing," Jungkook turns his whole body to face him. "You know, you're a fantastic dancer."

"When I was young, I would sneak into the ballrooms during parties, and watch people dance," Jimin stares at the stars above him. "I'd practice in my room for hours when I could. I've always loved dancing, but this was the first time I've danced in public, and with a partner. So thank you, Jungkook. For giving me this opportunity."

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to visit the village," Jungkook counters. "It was a truly magical day."

And Jimin turns to look at him. Jungkook was breathtaking. He was kind, generous, charming, funny. Jimin couldn't help but fall for him. He wanted to kiss this servant boy from Zerion.

His heart beat fast at the thought, skin on fire. He should do it. He should just kiss Jungkook, because oh how he wanted to. He...he was leaving in a few days anyways. If Jungkook hated him for it, Jimin would simply just avoid him for these next few days. The palace was a big place. Yes...that was a good plan.

And so he speaks up. "...Hey, Jungkook?"

"Hm?" He turns to Jimin, full attention on him.

So Jimin connects their lips.

But he quickly chickens out, pulling back. "Oh I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I just-"

"Shh," Jungkook puts a finger on the smaller's lips, stopping him. He then moves it from his mouth to his cheek, cupping his face. "Thank you, Jimin. I wasn't brave enough to take the first step."


Jungkook kisses him again.

Surprised, Jimin melts into the kiss, stepping closer, putting his hands on Jungkook's tiny waist. He deepens the kiss, so excited. He loves this, he's doing everything he's wanted to do this whole week. Jungkook feels the same about him! He can barely believe it.

"Jungkook," Jimin murmurs between kisses. "I think I'm falling in love with you."

Jungkook pulls away to look at him. "I...I think I'm falling in love with you too."

"Oh...perfect," Jimin breaks into a smile. "Should we...should we talk about this?"

"Later, back at the palace," Jungkook whispers. "For now...kiss me more."

"O-okay," And Jimin does so, a huge smile on his face.

This was amazing, he was so happy. Jungkook's lips were perfect, they fit his beautifully. He never wanted it to end.

But it did, and they slowly realized they needed to walk back so they could get some sleep. There were no carts to ride back on, so they walked. It wasn't far, but their feet were hurting as they made it back to their room.

Jimin changed into more comfortable pants, but stayed in his sweater. It was so comfortable...and Jungkook had bought it for him. He lays on his bed, looking at Jungkook.

Happy to see he was staring right back.

"So..." Jimin starts.

"So," Jungkook repeats. "You're a good kisser."

Jimin laughs. "You are too. I...I wish we lived closer so we could kiss more."

"If..." Jungkook hesitates. "If we lived in the same country, would you want to pursue a relationship with me?"

"I would," Jimin nods right away. "I've had more fun with you than I've ever had in my life. And it was because I was with you. I don't like to think about the fact that in a few days I won't get to enjoy your company."

"I feel exactly the same way," Jungkook beams. "So...in that case, what if we do get into a relationship? A long distance one?"

"Long distance?" Jimin questions. "That's a lot of trust and commitment for someone I just met."

Jungkook looks down. "I-I know that. But I still would really like it. Either of us will be able to break it off at any time if we feel uncomfortable. I just...I really like you. We don't even need a commitment right now, just...promise to exchange letters with me at least."

"Letters?" Jimin whispers, a smile dusting his lips. "I'd love to exchange letters with you."

"Great, wonderful," Jungkook stares at him. "So I won't be letting go of you completely when you go back to Rahasa."

"You won't be," Jimin shakes his head.

After a moment of silence, Jungkook speaks up. "Jimin...will you come here?"

"Oh?" Jimin sits up. "What for?"

Jungkook does the same. "Just come here. Please?"

"Oh alright," Jimin chuckles lightly as he stands up, walking over.

Jungkook grabs Jimin's hand, pulling him down into a warm embrace as they lay down. "Is this okay?" He whispers. "May I hold you like this?"

"It's what I've been dreaming of lately," He looks at Jungkook's lips. They were so close to his. "It's completely okay."

"Good," Jungkook holds him closer. "I'm glad. I've been falling asleep to thoughts of this as well."

"I didn't think love at first sight existed," Jimin confesses. "Until I met you."

"I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic," Jimin feels Jungkook's breath on his face. "And yet I never expected to come across an experience like this, with someone as perfect as you."

Jungkook kisses him, and Jimin holds him closer, so that their bodies are pressed together.

"Fall asleep in my arms," Jungkook nuzzles his nose into Jimin's hair. "Please, Jimin."

"Okay," Jimin smiles with a yawn. "I will. I can't wait to fall in love with you, Jungkook."

Jungkook closes his eyes. "I can't wait either."


"This week has been so fun, Taehyung," Namjoon's dimples show as he smiles. "I'm so glad we got to spend time together."

"I am too," Prince Taehyung returns the look. "We must do this again in the future."

"Yes, absolutely."

Jimin stood behind Prince Namjoon as he spoke. Jungkook was behind Prince Taehyung. The two stared at each other as the princes said their farewells. Jimin's heart sinks looking at him. He wouldn't see Jungkook for a long time. He met him a week ago...but he knows he'll miss him dreadfully.

"I'm so sorry, but I can't do this," Jungkook suddenly bows at the princes. "I can't watch him leave without saying goodbye one last time."

"Oh?" Namjoon's eyes widen slightly.

Jungkook walks down to Jimin, grabbing both of his hands gently. Jimin quickly gets caught up in his eyes, forgetting about his job, about the rules, about the princes standing so close to them. "Have a safe trip," He says softly, his words meant only for Jimin.

"I will," Jimin murmurs.

"It's windy at sea, bundle up," Jungkook continues. "Don't catch a cold."

"I won't."

"I," Jungkook lets go of his hands, shrugging his small backpack off his shoulders. Jimin had wondered why he had it. He pulls out a fuzzy sweatshirt in a soft pink, made of the material Jimin had previously pointed out he liked. The zipper was golden colored. Additionally, there was gold thread making intricate designs in the fabric. "I made this for you. I wasn't able to make the frills like you wanted, but since it's so cold in Rahasa, I chose the fabric you said you liked instead." He puts the jacket in Jimin's hands. "I hope that's okay."

"Jungkook..." He's practically rendered speechless. "Thank you so much." Against his better judgement, he hugs Jungkook, going on his toes to wrap his arms around him. "I love it so much."

The two princes exchange glances, surprised. Their servants had only met a week ago, after all. They didn't expect this to happen.

"Great," Jungkook pulls away to stare at him. "I'm so glad."

"I...I'm going to miss you so much," Jimin confesses.

"I am too," Jungkook whispers. "I'll write you tonight. I'll send it so it'll be there for you by the time you get back."

"Okay," Jimin nods. "Great."

"Well, the carriage is waiting for us," Namjoon speaks up. "Zerion has been lovely."

Jungkook bows again quickly and goes back to his spot as Taehyung says, "Goodbye Namjoon, we'll have to see each other again. It still snows in Rahasa in February, right?"

"It does," He beams.

"Well I think I'll come to Rahasa in February then," Taehyung returns the look. "Bring my servant. It seems to be more efficient working with someone I'm used to, especially overseas. You've shown me familiarity is useful."

Jimin perked up at that.

Namjoon seems to have noticed, wearing a coy smile. "Yes, that's a great idea. February it is."

They say goodbye once more, and Jimin and Namjoon get into the carriage after the servant loaded Namjoon's bags.

The prince smirks. "Someone's found someone they really like, hm?"

"I..." Jimin looks down with a smile. "I found someone really special in him. I really like him."

"I'm happy for you," Namjoon stares at him fondly. "Jungkook seems really great."

"Oh," Jimin's eyes widen. "You know his name?"

"Taehyung and I talked about you two a bit," Namjoon shrugs. "He said Jungkook is the most attentive, most respectful person he's ever met."

"He is," Jimin's smile is so wide. "He's all that and more."

"And he's willing to break the rules for you," Namjoon teases. "It was sweet. You must've had a magical week."

"I did," He nods. "Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity."

"I'm just really glad you enjoyed yourself," Namjoon pats his knee.

Jimin was so excited to get home. These days at sea would be full of thoughts of Jungkook. He already wanted the letter, he was sure Jungkook's handwriting was so pretty.

He felt so hopelessly in love. 

A/N: Ah...home sweet home :)

And bringing an almost 9,000 word oneshot with me as a gift isn't that wonderful~

I missed you guys ^^

How are you all? It's been a long time. I haven't touched this book in so so long, and I missed it so so so so so so much

I'm on vacation right now so I thought it was the perfect time to upload~

My brother is being annoying though that sucks.

But yeah. I'm Jikoook deprived, you're Jikook deprived, we're all Bangtan deprived, I miss them all so much, so here we are~

Probably short author's note today? I know I always say that but I don't know, I haven't eaten dinner and it's almost 8pm. Lol

So...what's new about me?



I've been buying books like they're all gonna be burned if I don't, I can't stop. I bought two today. That being said, I can't read as quickly as I'd like, so they just keep piling up, and I'm trying to stop but like...how can I go to a bookstore and /not/ buy a book??

Today I bought a book I've wanted for a long time, called Cinderella is Dead, and it just sounds so so cool, and is right up my ally. Like I love royalty stories (if you couldn't fucking tell by this and many other fics of mine-) and I love fairytale retellings, or folktales, or anything like that. I love reading that stuff from all around the world.

I don't think I've uploaded since before Christmas, have I? I got a ton of books for Christmas that were on my reading list. Lots of classics, and this book called Maus, which is a graphic novel written by the son of two Holocaust survivors, and it's beautifully written and doesn't sugarcoat anything. If you want a factual, detailed account of the holocaust, that shows not only the struggles of those who went through it, but the emotions a child of a survivor feels as well, this is a perfect book. Every survivor who writes a book deserves to be heard, I want to hear everyone's story, I want to let them know they're listened to, but Maus was really well-done and I will always reccomend it.

The Last Days is another really good piece of media. It's a documentary. However, it is extremely graphic, with real photos and videos of gruesome things that happened. If you're sensitive to that, it is not a good option for you.

But yes, I've gotten a lot of books. Anything from Five Nights at Freddys to Animal Farm to Alice in Wonderland to Warrior Cats.

Yes Warrior Cats. With how I read now, my pattern is, book, warriors book, book, warriors book, book, warriors book. I'm reading them in chronological order, revisiting characters I've loved, it's very very nostalgic. I'm also writing down the deaths, as I have mentioned before, and /wow/, Erin Hunter kills a lot of cats. Like do the six authors not talk about this when they write? 

"Hey Victoria, Moonflower and Sweetpaw have already died in this book, maybe we're good-"

"No Kate listen, kill Mistkit and Nightkit and Tawnyspots and Featherwhisker and Mumblefoot and Larksong and-"

No joke look at this list for one book;

Moonflower-Killed by Hawkheart

Sweetpaw-Food Poisoning

Nightkit-Weak from Birth

Mistkit-Weak from Birth

Snowfur-Hit by Monster

Mumblefoot-Old Age

Weedwhisker-Old Age

Mosskit-Froze to Death

Sunstar's 1st Life-Killed in Battle

Sunstar's 2nd Life-Killed in Battle

Sunstar's 3rd Life-Killed in Battle

Sunstar's 4th Life-Sickness

Sunstar's 5th Life-Sickness

Sunstar's 6th Life-Unknown

Sunstar's 7th Life-Unknown

Sunstar's 8th Life-Killed by Dog

Tawnyspots-Chronic Illness

Larksong-Old Age

Goosefeather-Old Age

Pinestar's 9th Life-Old Age





Thistleclaw-Killed by a RiverClan Warrior

Bluestar's 1st Life-Unknown

Bluestar's 2nd Life-Unknown

Bluestar's 3rd Life-Unknown

Bluestar's 4th Life-Unknown

Bluestar's 5th Life-Unknown

Bluestar's 6th Life-Unknown

Bluestar's 7th Life-Greencough


Granted not every death was on paper, but if it's referenced, it is on my list.

And yes that is 183 total deaths.

So far.

I am not even at the first published book, I am not at the main series. 

Warrior Cats is older than me. It was published on January 21st, 2003, a year and a half before I was born, over half a year before I was even conceived. As Jungkook and Taehyung would say, I was still with my dad-

Such an odd thing but maybe it's normal for them I don't know-

Anyways, that book series has been going on for a long time. There are currently 102 published books. Erin Hunter has started a new series. This series is almost two decades old, and she still has more books coming out for at least a couple years. 

I'll have to read the new books completely, but I feel the main series is tied to the life of one character. When he died, the whole book series died with it. Not in a bad way, but more like, the first four series, or, any books that are chronologically in between Into the Wild and The Last Hope, are like the main story, the Grey's Anatomy if you will. Any other book, the origin story of the clans, any story after, are spinoffs. They're the Private Practice, and Station 19 of warrior cats. 

New stories are being added into that chronological part, and I would perhaps add any of the characters that existed in the first series' super editions, such as Bluestar's Prophecy, or Yellowfang's Secret, or Tallstar's Revenge. Those would be the occasional backstory episodes. But they would mainly be within Into the Wild, and The Last Hope.

I understand you have no idea what i'm talking about, but bear with me, I'm on a tangent-

Out of every book, so far there are 63 books that fall into the main story category. That means there are 39 books that are not. It makes sense, however there will be more books coming out. A new one is going to be in April of this year. They have announced a second book, the cover art has been released. There are always six books in a warriors series, there will be at least four more. Erin Hunter releases a new Super Edition book every year, which is a standalone book, typically highlighting one cat's life from birth to death. Out of the nineteen years Warriors has been around, there are fourteen super editions. The first one was in 2007, here are all of them;

You can see an obvious change in covers. Warriors did a whole rebranding, I'm not the biggest fan of it, especially the one of Bluestar's prophecy, because that is not Bluestar. She is not a long-furred cat who did that-

Butttttttt anyways, as you can see, there have been consistent publishes after 2009. Google is already bracing for a 2022 book even though it isn't coming out until September, called "Onestar's Confession." There's not even cover art, there is no offical summary out, but it is happening. There will be more books. 

And I will read all those books. 

I love these cats with my entire being like you don't understand. When the cat I grew up with finally died after 63 books?? I cried for an hour. I will always love all these cats.

People have fictional characters they bond their souls with, it's not uncommon, I have these cats. They are wonderful and I love them. And they're still so so interesting, even if the age range is 4th to 8th grade. I will still read these as an adult. I love love love them. 

I type too fast, my computer can't comprehend. Like I can't see what I'm typing right now, I haven't been able to since the beginning of this paragraph, but here I am.  

Anyways. That's all I have energy for. Please read my nerdy talk on the warriors books with love, I appreciate those of you who actually read what I had to say. The next warrior cats book I'm reading I haven't read yet. It's called Leopardstar's Honor, as you can see above it's the newest super edition. I haven't really read any of the books released after 2016, so it'll be fun to read new books. She's released two new series and then some since I rapidly read thise so I'm excited~

Anyways real quick I'll do the insta post and the song so we keep our streak, then i'll be done, wihtout even talking about Yeo.

Oh! ATEEZ toured America while I was gone, and Yeo was breathtaking!!!!! He was a total prince, I love him.

And now I have talked about Yeo.


Insta post;

So hot what an icon


This song is so so so good, like the amount of shit I find just letting Google and Alexa autoplay, perfect, mwah~!

Anyways, that's all folks, I'm gonna go watch Markiplier play cuphead while writing, and then I'mma read The Great Gatsby

I love you guys!

I'll start uploading more consistanly again!


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