The little genius (Fnaf Yande...

By Lexacoolfox

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Somebody commented this idea on one of my stories and it's been in my head forever. So now I'm writing this... More

Information chapter
chapter 1: new visitor
chapter 2: getting to know you more.
chapter 3: some fun lies hide the dark truth
chapter 4: curiousity
chapter 5: seeing you again
chapter 6: problems arising
chapter 7: new friend or new threat?
Chapter 8: more feelings
Chapter 9: VR experience
Ace Cash! (Information chapter)
Chapter 10: night terrors
Chapter 11: part-time?
1,000 votes special
Chapter 13: first day on the job
Chapter 14: offer or temptation?
Chapter 15: are changes better or worse?
Chapter 16: Valetines special
Chapter 17: more mysteries but no answers
Chapter 18: rising tention
Chapter 19: confusion and frustration
Chapter 20: love and war
Chapter 21: endless fun and troublesome problems
Chapter 22: so many things are happening! I can barely keep up
Chapter 23: new co-worker!
Chapter 24: danger is always near
Chapter 25: almost the perfect day
Chapter 26: who are you?
Chapter 27: whats happening to my life!
Chapter 28: its time for a break
Chapter 29: welcome to court
Chapter 30: final goodbye?
Chapter 31: exposed!
Chapter 32: its good to be back
Chapter 33: an unexpected encounter!
DAY 1 of your vacation
DAY 2 welcome to Tulum Mexico
DAY 3: peaceful summer day
DAY 4: Troublemakers
DAY 5: after tomorrow
DAY 6: Final day
Chapter 34: you have no idea how much we missed you...
Chapter 35: planning
Chapter 36: slumber party!
Chapter 37: welcome back to your thrilling career!
Chapter 38: tragedy strikes
Chapter 39: what happened?
Chapter 40: security breach
Chapter 41: not alone
Chapter 42: sun and eclipse join the party
Chapter 43: My Starlight! You shine so Bright!
Chapter 44: release and steal
Chapter 45: when the truth is revealed
Chapter 46: the end is near.
Chapter 47: the time to make a choice
Chapter 48: I Always Come Back!
Chapter 49: new beginning, new life
Chpater 50: a bright future
Chapter 51: caught.
Chapter 52: meeting the higher ups
Chapter 53: money, young love, and trouble
Chapter 54: things are looking up
Chapter 55: Fame and future fortune
Chapter 56: back in town.
Chapter 57: Fireworks
Chapter 58: 11 months
Chapter 59: unpredictable occurrences
Chapter 60: legal rights to the glamrocks!
Chapter 61: hard work paying off.
Chapter 62: nothing
I caved

Chapter 12: new employee

6.7K 214 221
By Lexacoolfox

I woke up and got ready for the day. As I finished getting dressed my uncle called me down and told me to get into the car.

While we were driving we decided to get food from a fast food place real quick to get breakfast. My uncle got a breakfast sandwich with an iced coffee and I got (insert breakfast food order). We ate while we drove to the pizza plex


When we got there for the first hour and a half I watched my uncle work and he explained certain things to me. At one point Sundrop actually came in because his eye fell out.

Even with one eye he saw me and wrapped me up in a hug. I sat next to him the entire time while my uncle placed his eye back in. Watching him remove his face plate and looking at the wiring and endoskeleton was definitely a interesting experience. It brought a new light to sundrop but not a bad one. It made me appreciate the thought and structure of sundrop even more.

After my uncle replaced his eye and face plate. He turned him back on.

"Thank you mr. (U/L/N)! I can see with both eyes!"

"Your welcome sundrop now you can return back to the daycare! I'll call someone to take you back-"

"Can sunshine here take me back pretty please?"

"Um as long as y/n is okay with it. What do you say kiddo?"

"Sure. I'll take him back."

Sundrop then wrapped his extendable arms all around me into a hug again.

"Um sun I need to be able to walk to take you back to the daycare."

"Oh I'm sorry sunshine."

He let me down and we started following me back to the daycare

While we were walking to the daycare he grabbed my hand. I turn to look at him with a questioning look.

"I hope you don't mind. I've barely ever been outside the daycare. So I get nervous walking around here."

I softly smiled

"It's okay, if that's what makes you more comfortable."


Then I pulled away from sundrop and was pulled into a hug by chica who also started spinning while hugging me.

"It's nice to see you too chica. Your still as energetic as ever I see."

"I'm just so excited to see you!"


Me and chica look at sundrop who was standing there kinda awkward

"Sundrop? I've never seen you outside the daycare?"

"Well I had to go in for repairs because my eye fell out. Sunshines kind uncle put my eye back in place. Now they are taking me back to the daycare!"

"Yeah so I better take him back. But I'll see you later alright?"

"Of course. We still need to work on you know what."


Then chica walked off. Me and sundrop continued back to the daycare. On the way I brought up what happen yesterday

"So yesterday..."

"What about yesterday?"

"Did you know there's a third animatronic besides you and moon?"

"Oh you mean eclipse."

"Did someone mention it to you?"


"If nobody mentioned it, how do you know about it?"

"Um I just know."

"Now that's a lie if I've ever heard one. I would like the truth please."

'Moon what do I do!'

'Tell them the truth.'

'I agree.'

'Since when can you talk?!'

'I could always talk in here but you two didn't have any idea of my existence so I just kept quiet'


"Um yes s-sunshine?"

"Are you going to tell me? Or are you not?"

'Listen there is no way they are going to react badly. If anything it's going to make them really excited and fascinated. I heard from Freddy that they have a really beautiful sparkle in their eye when they learn something interesting.'

'So there's no way this could end bad? Alright I'll do it!'

"Okay so, I hope this doesn't freak you out but when me, moon, or eclipse is out we can still see through the same eyes and hear the same things. We can also talk to each other telepathically. So basically when moon is out he can control the body and speak but I can talk to him inside the mind space, see what he sees, and hear what he hears."

When sundrop look at you you had the brightest sparkle in your eyes. He burned the image into his mind along with moon and eclipse.

'If I knew sunshine eyes shine like that I wouldn't told them a long time ago!'

'It shines brighter than the stars!'

'I could die happy right now.'

"That's absolutely incredible! No! That's absolutely astonishing and mind blowing! To think that three entities are in one body! I would've never think I would hear something so unreal! And I thought that the design and the way you change forms is out of this world! But this! This is something! I don't even have words!"

Before you could continue you both have reached the daycare.

"I suppose we have to save this for another time. Well it was nice talking to you sunny. Hopefully I get to see you later, you too moony. Also eclipse I'm sure that we'll meet again when the light dim again."

You waved and walked away

'How much trouble do you think we get into if we kept y/n at the daycare forever?'

'Definitely enough to get us decommissioned.'

Sun answered as he entered the daycare


You walked off to meet up with your uncle. But when you found him you saw him talking to Samuel the manager.

You hid behind a corner and heard they're conversation

"So did your kid make a decision?"

"Y/n is still thinking about it."

"Well I do hope they say yes. I see talent in that kid. They could make a fine repairs person."

"But aren't they a little young to be working with theses animatronics?"

"Nope! The kid is smart and the animatronics seem to have a certain fondness towards them. So they could be a very valuable asset to have apart of the fazbear team."


"Just talk to your kid about it? Try to convince them."

"Yes sir."

"Alright. well I'll let you get back to work."

He left and your uncle called out to you

"Y/n. I know your there. It's okay to come out."

You walked over

"What how?!

"I saw your hair slightly in the doorway. Your lucky Samuel didn't see it. I'm guessing you heard what we said?"


"So what do you think? Your pay here would be 12 dollars an hour."

You started thinking about what wonders that could do for not just you but your uncle, Plus the money you both make from the shop, You get to do what you love, you get to see the gang, Miss Vanessa, sundrop, moondrop, possibly eclipse, and probably will be able to get into areas and find more parts for Bonnie. So many pros and only one con. You decided that you could get past the manager Samuel.

"I think I'd like to work here. Thinking about it, it seems like a dream."

Your uncle ruffled your hair

"I'm glad. Don't worry about Samuel I made promise to your parents to take care of you. I intend to keep that promise."

You leaned on your uncle shoulder

"What did I do to deserve such a great uncle?"

"The real question is what did I do to be able to take care of such a great kid?"

You both then laughed


After awhile my uncle said that while I'm here I should go enjoy myself even though I was enjoying watching him work.

I decided to go golfing. I didn't see Monty so I thought maybe he was getting ready for a show or charging.

I was golfing and looking around for possible Bonnie parts. Then all the sudden I heard a sound. I look around and thought I saw something in the water

When I looked close enough to see into the water monty jumped out yelling


And I screamed so loud that anybody nearby might of thought I was being murder.

Once I realized it was monty I calmed down and I crouched down and laid on the ground groaning

"You trying to scare me to death monty?"

We heard somebody run over

"Hey! Monty I heard screaming what happened?"

It was Roxy

"Hey lil cub! you okay? why are you lying on the floor?"

"I'm coming down from my adrenaline high...don't mind me."

"I jumped out of the water and scared lil cutie here. That's their scream you probably heard."

After that whole ordeal we were able to laugh at the situation. After a while I just chilled with monty. I played with his Mohawk and tail. Something monty showed me was he was able to control his tail. While I was playing with his tail he wrapped it around me and carried me with it. It was actually quite comfortable.


After that I hanged out with Freddy. This was different because he was completely free for like 3 hours. In those 3 hours I wished I could talk to him more often, he was such a delight. I can see why he's everybody's favorite.


I met up with chica. We ate and did a bit of dancing before we went to see Bonnie.

We snuck of to Bonnie bowl and went into the curtain.

I told the two them that the eye should be arriving soon. Chica brought a casing for Bonnie's foot.

So before I put the casing on I checked and make sure it works properly and no part we're missing. Everything seemed fine so I put the casing on and then we just chatted with them for an hour

"Hey who's in here?"

We instantly shut up

"I know somebody is in here! Come out before I get security!"

Chica then walked out

"Chica what are you doing here?"

"Manager Samuel I'm sorry I do not know how I got here."

"We'll get back out there. You know this area isn't in operation right now."

"Apologies. I will head back out now."

I heard both of them walk away.

"That was close..."

"You should probably get back out there too. I'll see you later alright?"

"Yeah see ya later. Hopefully with more parts."


I walked out and looked around to make sure nobody was watching.

I walked around having no idea were I was going

"Hey kiddo!"

I felt a pat on my shoulder. That voice made me sick. It was manager Samuel

"Good evening sir."

I said trying to shake his shoulder off me put he just tighten it

"Ha! Let's just drop the formalities. Just call me Samuel!"


I was alone and I had no idea how to get away for him. No excuse came to mind.

"Hey kid why don't you chill, your shaking like crazy. Do I make you nervous?"

"Oh n-no...I-I'm just generally s-shy..."

"Well you can trust me."

I felt him rub my back and I felt my stomach twist

"Manager Samuel!"

We turn to see miss Vanessa.

"Vanessa is there a problem?"

"Yeah a customer wishes to talk to you."

"Those da- darn Karens..."

Samuel followed Vanessa. But before they left Vanessa gave me a wink and I mouthed thank you.

I went to see Roxy and we decided to do some races. We did three rounds I won one and she won two

"I win!"


"Now what do i win?"

"What do you want?"

"I want you to brush my hair and tail."

"Let's go to your room then."

We went to here room and I brushed Roxy's here hair as well as her tail like she wished. She then for some reason started playing with my cheeks squishing and stretching them

"Why are you doing this?"

"It's fun. I like doing it."


It was near closing time so I went to find my uncle I found him fixing one of the helper bots

"Hey uncle."

"Hey kiddo. Did you have fun today?"

"Yeah! It's was pretty fun."

"Great! Okay so we will staying in the building a little bit longer than the guest. So you can go hangout with one of the animatronics if you want."

"Okay! Also what did the manager or Samuel say?"

"He said you can start working tomorrow! So I hope your ready kiddo!"

I jumped for joy.

After that I left to go to the daycare


I slide down the slide and noticed it was dark in the daycare

"Moon! I'm here!"

Then I felt myself be picked up



It was moondrop

"Geez. You scared me."

"Sorry about that. Did you come in here for a nap."

"Nah. I came in here to hangout with you."

"As much as I would love to put to sleep instead, I have to clean."

"I can help. Since I'm a worker here starting tomorrow. "

He put me


"Yeah! I don't know what I will be working as but I'll be happy either way. I just hope Samuel doesn't do anything since I work here now."


Moon doesn't like that your scared to work here because of Samuel

'We should find a way to get Samuel fired!'

'But we nobody has any reason to fire him! And what are we supposed to do?'

'What if we frame him?'

'I supposed we could.'

'Hold on you two! Framing him isn't the best idea. What if we get caught. Maybe it would be better if we caught him doing something. We all know that he's up to something.'

'We can't exit the daycare that often! It would take sheer luck to catch him doing something!'

'Maybe for us...but I know a somebody who can.'

You two finished cleaning the daycare. And moon drop took you too the nap room.

Moondrop and you sat next each other and you leaned your head on him as he sang a lullaby.

(This is the lullaby I think he would sing. You don't have to listen to it.)

After you were fast asleep moon took you to his room and put you on a bed and covered you with a blanket. After what happened last time he was taking extra precautions to make sure your safe.

He waited for the lights to go off in the entire pizza plex and went to tell the monty a plan.


The gator looked to see moondrop.

"What did you do?"


"I know you didn't come out here just to see me. You only ever go to one of us if you did something. So what did you do?"

"Well it's true I do, do that but this is about something or someone. Do you know a guest names y/n."

Monty then walked over to him. Basically towering over him.

"What did you do to them?"

"So I see you two are close! We'll me and sun are very close to them to. They are starting work here tomorrow but there's a problem."

Monty crosses his arms

"What might that be?"

"Manager Samuel is the problem."

"Right. I don't like that guy. He makes them uncomfortable."

"He snuck into the daycare yesterday and almost got to them in the nap room."


"Luckily he didn't get a step in there. we got him out of the daycare before he could."

"Speaking of where are they now?"

"Oh their sleeping in my room. Samuel doesn't know how to get in their since he manages you guys not me and sun. Anyway we have to catch Samuel doing something to get him fire. So I want you guys to keep an extra eye out. I've already have a memory of him doing something suspicious but we need more. Tell the others, I have to head back to the daycare."


~with officer Vanessa~

"Excuse. Officer Vanessa."

Vanessa saw y/n's uncle walking up to her

"Yes mr. (U/N)?"

"I'm so sorry to bother you but can you help me find y/n. I have no idea where they went."

"Sure thing."

She took him into one of the security officer and looked on the cameras to see y/n going into the daycare.

"I'll go get them for you so go wait by the entrance."


"Hey moon can I ask you something?"


"Your hat! Can I-"


"But I didn't even-"

"I already know what your going ask. The answer is no."



"Pretty please?"

'C'mon moon let sunshine try it on'

'Hey let dewdrop try it on! I bet they look super cute! Even though they look cute all the time!'

"What are those two saying moon?"

"What? How did you know they were talking to me?"

"I noticed you and sun tend to space out sometimes. Though it's not spacing out it's you listening to what they are saying."

He was surprised that you picked that up so quickly.

The two voices in his head were now chanting

'C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!'

"Alright fine!"

He placed his hat on top of you.

"There happy?"

Surprised at first but then you smiled and laughed.

Moon felt as if a arrow had pierced is non existent heart.

'Sunshine is so cute! I can tell you agree moon! Our system is starting to heat up!'

'Aww~ my little dewdrop~ that smile is so precious!'

As you two were in the room Vanessa entered the daycare.

She didn't see neither you or moon

"Hey! Is anyone here?"

Vanessa yelled in the darkness.

You and moon heard her then went to see her shining her flashlight around.

Moon figured that you had to go home no matter how bad he wanted you to stay.

He attached himself to his wire and picked you up. Then he jumped down near Vanessa.

"Miss Vanessa!"

You called as you both landed

"Y/n. Your uncle asked me to get you so you two can leave. He's by the entrance."

"Oh okay. Oh moon here's your hat back."

You placed it on top of his head and then he placed you down

"Bye moon!"

"Bye y/n."

She grabbed your hand and started leading you to the entrance of the daycare. Then you two walked out the entrance of the pizza plex where your uncle was.

"I'll see you around okay lil bunny"

"Yeah see you tomorrow."

You walked quickly and caught up with your uncle. You both got into the car and drove home.

When you both got home he started preparing dinner while you spent the time talking to ace telling him about your day and how much fun it was. He was also telling you about how things over at his house is going. He and his family were still locked down, his mom is extra paranoid. Soon your uncle called you down

"My uncle is calling me. Chat with ya later?"

"Yeah we'll chat later. Oh y/n!"


"Remember. Don't play that game."

"Yeah ill remember that."

You both hung up and you went to have dinner.

During the silent part of dinner your mind wondered to the game

'Maybe I should play it. No you know what ace said. Maybe it's fine now and it was just a glitch. But we how could it know our name? Maybe I imagined it? How could you imagine that, listen to your intuition. The game is dangerous.'

After dinner you went to your room and did your nightly routine. While laying in bed your eyes looked at VR headset. Then you groaned and turned over looking away from it.

Eventually you were able to go to sleep but the idea of going back in was placed in your mind. Soon it will grow to the point when you can no longer ignore it.

That curiosity may lead to your own demise...or will it lead to someone else's?


- Vanessa actually lied about a customer wanting to talk to him. When they arrived to where the "customer" was. She made up an excuse "I guess they left."

-monty internally laughed when you screamed

-freddy was in the greatest mood after hanging out with you and for such a long time too

-your going to be a technician as well as a daycare helper. Some days you'll have to help your uncle take care of bots and animatronics. Another you may help sun and moon take care of kids

-working as a technician you could get blueprints for Bonnie and possibly get more parts for him.

-during your time working depending on how much the boss trust you. You may earn cards to get into different areas

-monty told the gang about sun and moons plan. They all agreed when they heard about the recent events. Roxy was on board. Chica was kinda worried about it. Freddy didn't exactly agree but he wanted you to feel safe and happy, so he complied

-dɐɹʇɥɔʇᴉlפ isn't the slightest bit worried about you not coming back. He know that your curiosity will lead you right back to the game. No matter how much you know you shouldn't. He knows that you will come back. You will follow him

🌟so a storm is about to come through my town, so I may lose Wi-Fi and power. So if you don't see me posting for a while that's why. Thank you all for so much love and support. You guys don't know how happy it makes when I read those nice comments. Really I mean it. Stay safe, eat food, drink water, stay healthy.

see ya around superstars!

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