Damned (Alastor x OC)

By whatevers_whatev

186K 6K 3.2K

Dropped into a world she was never meant to be a part of, Aria finds herself cold and alone. Aimlessly she w... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
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Ch 21
Ch 22
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Ch 31
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Ch 39
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Ch 51
Ch 52
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Ch 55
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Ch 59
Ch 60
Ch 61
Ch 62
Final Notes.

Ch 33

2.4K 76 39
By whatevers_whatev

Working on sumthn

Narrator POV

Ezekiel stood at the end of the alleyway, staring down at the small card in his hand.

On the card was the head of a hyena, its left eye replaced with a yellow crystal. It looked like an ordinary business card.

However, this card was special. One of these cards was the only way one could enter Xander's lair.

The angel took the card and slapped it against the dead end of the alleyway, cringing at the grime on the wall. The card stuck to the wall, staying there.

Then it began to glow brightly around the edges, sparking slightly. The edges of the card expanded, revealing a doorway.

Ezekiel walked through the door, which snapped shut upon his entrance, the card disappearing with it.

A bit away from him, Xander sat in his chair. His pets, per usual, sat at his sides. Attala was awake, her eyes narrowed on the angel.

Xander was smiling, but glared upon the entrance of the heavenly entity. He was not pleased with his night creature's report...

"You had her right there in front of you. All you had to do was kill her." He growled at the angel, who promptly glared back at the demon with a growl.

"You never told me who she was."

Xander smiled wider at this accusation, and shook his head, "you didn't ask, my friend. What does it matter, anyway?"

Ezekiel opened his hand, summoning his spear. When he had seen those eyes, and that face, he recognized the girl immediately.

The little girl that took the bullet for the demon.

"You want me to kill his mate before I go for him...are you insane?" He growled at Xander, who within the blink of an eye was inches from the angel.

Ezekiel nearly stumbled back, but hid his shock behind a stony expression.

"Yes, my friend, I am," Xander nearly whispered, "and it's no problem of mine that you were so eager you didn't ask me details before shaking my hand."

Ezekiel stood his ground, gritting his teeth slightly.

Xander took a deep breath and then stepped closer to the angel, closing the space even further, "and you still haven't answered me...why. Isn't. She. Dead."

The malevolent energy radiating off of Xander was intense. Ezekiel was trying his best to keep his composure, but he felt so drained.

He is quickly learning the hard way why you should never shake a demon's hand.

The angel shook his head, his grip tightening on his spear.

"I want out. I want out of this." He said, making Xander's smile widen before he started cackling.

"Out?" He laughed, "you—you want out?! My friend! That is not how deals work, you silly buffoon..." a few more chuckles sounded from the demon as he amusedly clapped his hands together.

Then his expression slowly turned darker, taking on a more wicked note. The hyenas behind him chuckled hauntingly, their glowing red eyes boring into the angel hungrily.

Ezekiel was slowly feeling more and more trapped, sweat beading on his forehead.

"The only way you can get out of this, my dear, is if either you fulfill your task...or I die."

Xander spoke the words slowly, narrowing his gaze on the heavenly creature. Ezekiel let his wings emerge, expanding them as a show of dominance.

"You have no power over me!" He roared at Xander, who watched with an amused glint in his eye.

How fun it is to see the holy being spiral as he stumbles over his mistake.

Xander chuckled, "yes, I do."

Ezekiel then realized what Xander said, he could get out of this if he died...being an angel, he has the power to kill him!

So his expression turned to a smile, and he pulled his spear back before shoving it through Xander's chest.

The demon didn't try to dodge the attack, or even really react after it happened.

Ezekiel's expression fell, fear quickly replacing the confidence as Xander slowly looked down at the spear in his chest and then raised his eyebrow and looked back at the angel.

"Betrayal? My, my, you are one interesting angel...unfortunately for you, to kill me your holy weapon would have needed to pierce my heart..."

Xander grabbed the end of the spear, slowly pulling it from his chest without breaking eye contact with the angel.

Ezekiel watched in abject horror. No. No. That's impossible...he hit his heart, he had to have, there's no possible way he missed.

"It's a shame they never told you in heaven why angels tend to avoid overlords..." Xander tsk'd, looking at the spear once he had it completely removed, "me in particular, my friend."

The air became suffocating, and Ezekiel began to panic, backing away as Xander approached him.

He's trapped.

His back hit the wall, and the demon got close to his face, his smile sickeningly wide.

"I don't have a heart." Xander said quietly, as if he were telling a secret.

Ezekiel barely had time to widen his eyes before he was sent flying across the room by a swift backhand. He hit the opposite wall, cracking it and letting out a gasp followed by blood being coughed up and onto the concrete floor.

Xander sighed and the spear clattered as he threw it to the ground. He was on Ezekiel in a split second, growling deeply before he lifted him by his neck.

"You made a deal with me." He growled, then slammed the angel back into the ground, "now you finish it."

Ezekiel sputtered and coughed, blood spraying the concrete once more. He held his hand up in surrender, but Xander was having fun teaching him a lesson.

A harsh kick sent him back into the wall, even harder than last time. Before he had the chance to fall back to the floor, the demon grabbed him by the throat and pinned him against the wall, holding him off the ground.

"How pathetic you creatures are, truly. You come to me with desires that you couldn't wait until the next extermination for...and then get upset when I desire my fair share in return."

He chuckled and tossed Ezekiel to the side, letting his body hit the floor with a sick thud.

The angel was far from dead, his advanced healing already having fixed most of his injuries. That doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt like hell.

Weakly he began to pick himself up, looking over at Xander who was simply glaring at him.

"Since you couldn't finish your task when it was blatantly handed to you, I guess I'll have to hold your hand," he spat at Ezekiel.

The angel wondered what that meant, staring at Xander with uncertain eyes. He has no choice but to finish this deal.

It's either that, or die by the hands of this monster. Plus, Ezekiel still desires the head of the radio demon.

He was slighted in his life, cut short by a burst of rage—from a demon of all things. How humiliating.

So his only option now is to listen to this demon's plan, and once he discards this girl...he will have his prize.

Slowly he picked his spear up, making it disappear along with his wings as the final scrape on his cheek healed.

"What did you have in mind?" He said bitterly.

Xanders smile widened and he chuckled.

"Let's take a little trip to their safe haven."

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