Door sufnic

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A first attempt at expressing my imagination. It is a story about a young aspiring politician and a headstro... Meer

😄 And we are Progressing
1. Characters (Edited)
2. Handsome Street goon (edited)
3. Beauty without brain (Edited)
4. The unwanted visit (Edited)
5.B'day surprise and lunch(Edited)
6. Dare you!! Mr. Rajveer (Edited)
7. Exams can't judge my excellence (Edited)
8. I am impressed! (Edited)
9. A Promising leader (Edited)
10. At your service (Edited)
11. She's y😍ur biggest fan (edited)
12. Mr. hotshot CM gets pranked??
13. Wedding vibes
14. Shopping spree and a shocking spree
15. Settling the thoughts
16. Marriage, who?
17. How to keep your husband interested?
18. Best friends forever
19. The Most Awaited Night
20. Getting closer
21. Intoxicated at Holi
22. Pre Wedding Rituals
23. The Wedding
24. The announcement
25. Life back home
26. Action packed Date
27. Heartfelt talks
29. Father isn't in the picture
30. Narrow Escape
31. Main Viah nahi krona tere nal
32. Seal the Deal
33. Come, Find me.
34. The Action begins
35. The Action continues
36. The devil's lair
38. Just like that
39. Just do it
40. Hospital visit
41. Night at Hospital
43. Stupid or Childish ?
Bonus: Sidelines
45. Angry and New
46. Brand New Beginnings
49. Trial marriage husband

28. Unannounced Visitors

191 20 39
Door sufnic

Let us start by pressing the ⭐. If you are too occupied to move your finger just ask the person beside you I'm sure it'll help😅.

Navneet's pov:

Last night was a total ruckus, and i decided that it was going to be better if i forget about it, and let the things settle at their own pace.

The thing i didn't understand was the eagerness of Rajveer behind the haste in his plans.
Is he desperate or he simply cares?

However he seemed to be hellbent this time and i hope he changes his mind miraculously and goes back to his earlier self. The gentleman one.

Keeping these thoughts aside, i tried to concentrate on dressing up decently hiding my hippi side, in a kurti and jeans and small studs in my ears to complete the look.

It was first time that i felt uncomfortable wearing my usual ripped jeans, so i wanted to hide it under my long kurti.

Settling the creases for last time i left the room with my overnight bag that i brought with me yesterday as i was going to leave as soon as possible giving a perfect excuse to avoid my future husband. It was
A pathetic attempt to avoid him.

Stepping down the stairs i felt like royalty, i tried to be as elegant as possible and at the same time attempting to not fall face first.
The house was so majestic and at the same time exuding modern vibes.
I was totally lost in silent admiration. Everything was pristine clean and arranged impeccably, whether it was pictures, antiques or furniture.
Screaming perfection. Giving me a sense of my future responsibilities.

The faint voices were clearly audible from the direction of dining room.
I was late.
And i wasn't going to eat either. Way to embarrass yourself.

Sliding the hands over the fabric to get rid of the non-existent creases i stepped to the view of a perfect family.

Bapuji sat at the head chair, uncle at the seat opposite to his, their respective wives at their sides with Ranbeer veerji and his wife and son on one side of the table and Rajveer at the other.
A seat was left unoccupied beside Rajveer for his better half and i had no intention to occupy it anytime soon. The glass table laid with various North Indian delicacies.

As soon as I was in the vicinity of their gaze, their questioning eyes landed on me and the bag i was carrying with me.

"Good morning, everybody."
I said pasting a sweet but nervous smile on my face.
A chorus of greetings fell on my ears.

"Come and have your breakfast first, Nivi.
You seem too eager to leave."
My MIL jokingly taunted.

" About that, i actually need to take my leave urgently. There are people awaiting at my apartment doorsteps for quite some time.
And i can have my breakfast later.
So If you will allow me."

I asked nervously as their eyes remain fixed on me.

" Well, if you will wait for a few moments Rajveer will drop you back, it's on his way to office."
Ravneet bhabhi asked smiling at me.

" That will be really nice of him. But my cab is already waiting."
I responded hesitantly.

"Cancel it. I'll just change and drop you."
Rajveer who was silent throughout spoke and left the room.

"I'll get you some breakfast packed."
Simran aunty said patting my arm, and i found myself nodding at her kind gesture, as she nudged me to take a seat meanwhile.

"Comeon, have a glass of juice atleast."
As the already filled glass was placed before me, i accepted it.
Discussions were resumed this time and i was dragged into it forcefully thus i had to share my opinions every once in a while.

The container was placed on the table.

"I'm sorry for being a bother. But I really enjoyed your company. I had best time here."
I stood up at once to escape.

"Nonsense, you are family now. And we were good to have you over."
Yuvraj uncle patted my head lovingly as i stood up to leave. Nobody was bothered with my leaving arrangements as if they didn't hear their son's commands earlier.

I made my way out the grand doors and walked through the driveway, as the family bid me their adieus from the threshold.

I was happy at my successful dodge, satisfied at the fact that i will no longer be persuaded through one sided conversations of his. The guards opened the gates at the sight of me and i acknowledged their greetings awkwardly.

The cab was parked right outside the villa, as one guard from earlier opened the door for me stepping forward and moving ahead of me.

Feeling greatful at his behaviour i thanked him politely. He asked for my bag and placed at the backseat just beside the place i was going to take the seat.

I was about to place my body on the seat when my arm was grabbed and i was pulled out of the vehicle.
"What the fuc.. What do you think you are doing?"

Flabbergasted i cursed at the culprit but the words died in my throat as i turned to see the person.
What does he want now?

" Cancel the ride."
He said at once taking out the cash from his wallet and picking my bag he turned me to leave holding my wrist in his now free hand.
He changed real quick from being in casuals to his business look.

"Hey, stop dragging me.
You stupid fellow.
I don't need your ride. Go and fuc.. yourself, i - i mean do your work.
I'm not going anywhere with you."

He rose an eyebrow at my blabbering and began pulling me more firmly and silently as if daring me to avoid him again.

"I told you to wait for me, didn't i?"
He complained.
As if he ever asks, it's always an order from his side.

Placing me and my bag on passanger and back seat respectively he rounded the car and settled on the driver seat. But I chose to stay silent.

The ride began with small chunks of traffic here and there.

"Why are you so silent today?"
He asked as he stopped the car at signal. I just diverted my eyes to the road.

"Navneet, talk to me."
He sighed at his futile attempts.
He needs to try harder for my forgiveness afterall I was bursting from inside to let out everything that was bubbled up inside me since last night.

"Alright I'm sorry.
Now tell me what did I do wrong?"
He said tiredly.

" Are you being serious?
You don't even know what is the matter with me, and you are still apologizing. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

" Where did that come from?
I didn't even say that."
He asked confused.

"Wow. Don't play innocent with me. Do you think I'm an idiot? Or that you are too good? Actually you think of me as a child incapable of deciding anything on her own.

The worse thing about you is that you are making me feel like those dummies who know nothing but play trophy wives for their rich husbands."

I was taking deep breaths reaching there, but it was nowhere the end.

"But Ranbeer bro suggested me to apologise first always, no matter who is at mistake."
He muttered under his breath.
But i heard him clearly.

"Well. You and Your brother are at wrong here. But i don't want you apologizing everytime just to break the ice between us. I want you to correct me IF I am EVER wrong, which i might add is NEVER going to happen. So please, stop playing the victim here. I am the one who is actually hurt by your actions. Understand."

I said poking my finger in his biceps, which i must say were very hard. Impressive.

" Okay fine. Now If you will help me to know the reason behind this stubbornness of yours."
He asked not sounding even a bit gentle.

"Whatever. I'm not talking with you."
I grumbled turning my head again to avoid him as he started the car again.
Though i could see the emotions that passed on his face at my ignorance.

His clenched jaws and white knuckles wrapped around the steering wheel were the clear indication of his annoyance.
I successfully riled him up again.

"Very well. Don't blame me for not asking about your opinions later."
He said sternly.

To be honest i was completely sure he will just do that if i let go of the chance to convince him about his notion on sudden marriage.

"You cannot expect me to not be mad if you will ask me to shutup at one moment and
talk my heart out at the next moment."

The direction of the conversation was diverted badly but as long as i can keep my point it was successful.

"What do you want me to do, Navneet?
I'm asking you what the problem is, ain't i?
Shall i go on my knees to beg you?
Or do you want me to leave everything and everyone behind just because you cannot understand a simple thing called care or concern?"

He said harshly banging his hands at the wheel as he parked the car at roadside making me jerk in my place. His attitude had me clench my fists tight that my nails were digging in my palms.

"Or do you want yourself to be on the headlines of everyday newspaper calling our relationship names, if I'm ever exposed at your side?

Or do you not understand how badly it is going to affect our families and our careers?
Just because you think you are not ready.

Hell, I'm not even asking you to compromise on anything.
And i confess that i like you as a man likes his woman but it does not mean that I'm asking you to sleep with me just because we are married.
Grow up Navneet. "

He was not yelling but his words were being imprinted on my mind the similar way.

A tear rolled down my cheek as he banged the door hard after leaving me inside the vehicle, probably to calm himself down.

I had never heard him talking so rudely specifically to myself. I was not bring stubborn but a little reluctant and a lot more hesitant about being enough.

First I want to become capable to stand by his side as his better half, but he was taking it all wrong. It is all so sudden for me.

I didn't realise when he came on my side and opened the door. He looked a lot more calmer as he proceeded to hold my small hand in his much bigger ones and began to talk softly this time.

"Stop behaving so childish, Navneet. Think like a mature human being.
I don't want you to fall prey to those power hungry people, who don't even think twice before hurting innocents.

I just want to protect you. If you don't want me near you or this relationship even, say it once and if you are happy with it, I'll gladly let you go."

I never felt so spellbound in my lifetime.
This man is mad and he will make me a mental case too.

A moment ago he behaved like he was desperate about marrying me and now talks as if he is least bothered about my existence in his life.
I was feeling mad, how can he even think about leaving me after taking advantage of so many situations. He needs a lesson and a good one at that.

Deciding to keep my trap shut this time I muttered a small i understand and he nodded unsurely at me, as if not unexpecteding me to say that.

Patting my hand softly he took his seat back and began driving again.
The ride went silent this time.

As we reached my apartment building, we unbuckled our seatbelts and he went to take my bag out and drop me at my doorstep.

Thinking of avenging for his early behaviour i took my bag from his firm hold.

"I hope you will visit me next time. See you soon."
Passing him a tight smile i sashayed inside the building leaving him in the parking.

Stepping inside the glass elevators i watched him run his hands on his face after he kicked the car wheel angrily.
And leaving the building finally.

Releasing a breath i was holding for so long i stepped out of the lift. And frowned not seeing the uninvited guests at my doorstep.

Nevertheless their call helped me in my futile escape.

Using my keys i entered inside my apartment, only to find my humble abode cramped up with so many people.

Amreen, Rubi, Nimrat, and Gurbaaz were all littered around my small space and a noise of vacuum cleaner was heard from inside one of the rooms.

"Ah, you are back, little sis.
Sorry for the interuption but Gurbaaz was hungover so we had to crash in here."
Amreen said apologetically as she engulfed in a hug.
I gave a never mind in response.

Ruby was half asleep on the couch and Gurbaaz was actually sleeping.

"Hey Nivi. You forgot about me."
"Long time no see, huh."
Me and Nimrat said simultaneously and laughed at each other.

"I came to drop your Keys that were with Simrat, didn't get any time earlier."
She explained as i unpacked the breakfast container Mrs. Randhawa had packed.
The quantity was enough to feed us all.

"You are distracted."
Nimrat shook me by my shoulders.

" Sorry, what were you saying?"
I asked hurriedly to cover my slip.

" It was me. I'm going to take bath and use your clothes later."
Amreen responded rolling her eyes at me and i motioned her to go ahead just to make her shutup.
They both looked at me with an undecipherable look which i ignored making Amreen stomp her foot in frustration.

Taking two plates i and Nimi settled in my room to eat.

"Share it Nivi. You will feel better.
And remember
Solve the problem or leave the problem, do not live with the problem.

There is nothing that can make you worry unless you think otherwise. Just give it a better thought from different angle."
I nodded at her wise words, giving her a small smile.

Her words had me thinking fiercely.
In my case there was only one way to solve the problem which consists the most important decision of my life.

On the other hand,there was no way i could just leave the problem, especially after the problem himself suggested me so.

So the only way left was to solve it, particularly when i failed to imagine myself leaving the problem.

Thanking her for her unsaid advice i kissed her cheeks while she looked at me bewildered at my sudden affection.

Now I was more than clear about my future plans. But not before Mr. Rajveer Singh Randhawa gets on his knees proposing me in front of our whole family to become my one and only future husband. That's a must afterall.

Good lord i was never into such romantic things. This man is changing me.
What a nice self exploration.

I bid the guests goodbye and laid for a nice little nap to restore my energy to confront the Mr. Ever Arrogant Randhawa.

Sighing exhaustedly i closed my eyes and drifted into sleep
with a small smile on my lips, feeling content in my heart after previous restless hours.

Few hours later,

I was soon disturbed by the frantic knocks on the door.
I closed my ears with the pillows lying on my side.
But the knocks were unending.

Who the hell is dying?
Groaning and cursing the intruder i wore my slippers and went to open the door with my sleep laiden eyes.

As soon as I creaked open the door a gush of force crashed into my body making me stumble a few steps back.
What the fuc..?

The sound of sobs coming from the person in my embrace had me thinking me otherwise.
Thankfully it was a woman or God forbid what would have i done if it was a guy. Totally inappropriate.

"Help me, Nivi.
P-Please save me."
Wait the intruder knows my name. I tried to pry her hands off but she held me tighter.
Atleast let me see your face woman.

Sighing i took her inside and closed the door behind us.
Unbelievable, i was letting a stranger inside.
Wait till Rajveer knows?

I rubbed her back as she sat on the couch and whispered soothing words to calm her down. Finally after her sobs died down she pulled away.

"Oh my god, Mani.
What have you done to yourself? Where is your husband?"
I was dumbstruck looking at her condition. She was so happy the last time we talked.
And now she looked terrible to say the least.

"Don't talk about that bastard. He betrayed me. I regret the day i met that vile man."
She went on sobbing again.

I moved closer to soothe her state, urging her to open up the reason.

"Nivi he s-sold me to some rich man. He was p-paid to lure me and come with him willingly. H-he left me there and ran away. "
That explains her condition.
She was in bad state to reminsce those bitter memories.

Thus for the sake of her mental peace i urged her to relax. Fixing some food for her i fed her a sleeping pill to soothe her anxiety and have a good rest.
But she was really terrified and pleading me to stay by her side. Giving in, i laid beside her as she slept holding me close as if afraid to let me go. Softly patting her hair i laid awake thinking hard about the circumstances that made a fierce girl like her become such a scaredy cat.
I hoped she will be in a better condition to talk about everything tomorrow.

I and her parents had entrusted that cheater ass. And it looks like we all were deceived. I was so angry that it was making my head burst.
I couldn't wait to get my hands on him if he was least bit involved in being the reason for my Mani's misery.
It was a silent promise i made to myself.

Rajveer's POV:

After dropping Tivali at her apartment i drove towards the CMO.

The work was piled up while i was staring at the wall at front blankly. My Assistant looking at me with confused
gaze. Perhaps it was the first time when he watched me being uninterested in work. My mind, body and soul were occupied by her thoughts.

I couldn't understand what was going on her mind. For god sake i was ready toay the world at her feet just to hear a yes from her.

I am desperate to have her by my side at every possible hour, in every possible manner. But i couldn't find it in myself to go against her will. This helplessness was all new for me and i didn't know what to do about it.

I had thought she will happily accept once i will propose the idea to her, but i guess i was too immersed in myself to understand that the prime purpose of her life is to surprise me.
She'll keep me on toes.

I thought and grinned to myself, but it vanished as soon as I remembered her stubborness to not marry anytime soon.

"Excuse me, sir."
I glanced at my nervous looking PA. Signalling him to go ahead.

"W-when shall i schedule your departure for election campaign, sir?"
I sighed at his question. It was my another plan to leave after my engagement with my Tivali.

"I'll see to that.
Where is the next meeting?"
After talking about my schedule for rest of the day i tried my best to stay focused on it.

**** ***** ***** ***** *****

Heya guys, a late and much awaited update for this week.

Hope you enjoyed it, as much as i enjoyed writing these words. Stay tuned for more.

And Huge thanx to the new readership.
Please Vote and comment in loads. It encourages me to write more, seeing your appreciate it. And follow the account for announcements.

Thank you.

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