Damned (Alastor x OC)

By whatevers_whatev

166K 5.4K 3K

Dropped into a world she was never meant to be a part of, Aria finds herself cold and alone. Aimlessly she w... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch 26
Ch 27
Ch 28
Ch 29
Ch 30
Ch 31
Ch 32
Ch 33
Ch 34
Ch 35
Ch 36
Ch 37
Ch 38
Ch 39
Ch 40
Ch 41
Ch 42
Ch 43
Ch 44
Ch 45
Ch 46
Ch 47
Ch 48
Ch 49
Ch 50
Ch 51
Ch 52
Ch 53
Ch 54
Ch 55
Ch 56
Ch 57
Ch 58
Ch 59
Ch 60
Ch 61
Ch 62
Final Notes.

Ch 22

3K 102 90
By whatevers_whatev

I would like to start this with a thank you to TheDarkEmperor for letting me use the character that I'll be introducing this chapter! Please go check out their stuff if you write hazbin works or just stories in general.

Above is their design of their character that I transferred into my art style.

Alastor's POV

My heart felt heavy watching her hurry towards the curtain. She bumped into Charlotte, and they exchanged a short look.

Then she slipped out into the loud bustle of demons.

Charlie immediately turned towards me, her look morphing into confusion as she approached me.

"Alastor what happened?" She asked me, and I sighed heavily, putting my hands over my face momentarily before running them both back through my hair.

"She's starting to remember..." I said, my voice sounding somber. Charlie got a look of excitement, and smiled.

"Oh, well that's great!" She said and I shook my head, causing her excitement to fizzle.

"No...she's remembering slowly, so she's confused...and frustrated. She thinks we're lying to her...by the way, miss Charlotte, she included you in that," I said, narrowing my eyes.

She got a guilty look on her face, and tapped her fingers together nervously.

I bent forward, meeting her eyes that she'd averted, only for her to avert them once more.

"What did you do?" I asked her lowly, and she seemed to be debating whether or not she should be truthful.

For hers, and every other demon in this building's sake I hope she chooses honesty.

Finally she folded, sighing and throwing her hands at her sides, "I- I may have told her to ask you out—"

"What?!" I growled, knowing my eyes probably flickered. Quickly I took a deep breath.

Charlie flinched and gave me a timid smile, "just a little push, y'know?" She said, and I glared at her.

Then her smile faded, "but I let something slip when I asked her...and I'm sorry because that may have aided in the disagreement you two had—"

"How did you know about that?" I questioned her, and her eyes widened.

"Charlie, were you spying on us?" I asked her, disbelief coating my voice. Angel Dust I'd fully expect this disrespectful behavior from, but Charlie?

She looked down in shame, and I scoffed, then I spoke, my voice sounding hard.

"Charlotte look at me."

She looked up, looking pitiful. I can't be too mad at her, but this behavior is unacceptable. Especially from her, she knows better.

"Like I told our spider friend, my love life is none of your concern. Leave us be, and it will happen when it happens," I growled, narrowing my eyes.

"Do I make myself clear?"

She nodded, guilt all over her face.

I tried to keep my gaze cold as I stared at her, but she looked up at me with big eyes and whimpered a little, "I'm sorry..."

Somehow effectively making me feel like a prick.

I sighed heavily and looked away from the heart wrenching expression on her face, "oh, I forgive you..." I grumbled, "but I am serious, don't ever—"

My sentence cut short when a feeling of dread set into my chest. My eyes widened, my breath catching in my throat.

Dark magic.

Darker than mine.

My head swiveled to the curtain, a tingling anxiety rising up my back.


"She's in trouble," I said, barely above a whisper. Then I wasted no time in teleporting outside the club, barely hearing Charlie yell at me to wait.

I stood outside, the music thumping from beneath the door directly to my right. I looked around frantically, trying to keep my composure.

Where are you, where are you...

I was trying desperately to find her scent, or her energy, or anything. All I could feel was this dark magic. Black magic stronger than my own, ultimately frightening me just slightly.

"Aria!" I called out, my voice coming out panicked.


Her voice coming from my left made my head snap towards her, and I broke into a sprint. The alleyway her cries were coming from was pitch black, and I was wondering what on earth she was doing over there.

"Aria! What are you—" my question cut off when I finally reached where she was.

My steps came to a halt at the sight of her seemingly at a standoff with...the source of this magic I was feeling.

A demon, who was around my height...adorned in black and purple...and wearing a smile that matched my own.

Upon my arrival, he laughed.

Then after him and I made eye contact, I looked to the gemstone he wore where his left eye should be.

I wanted to do something, to attack, to get him away from my Aria...but I know when to pick my battles.

If I were to pick a fight with this entity, I would undoubtedly lose. I'd need a strategy.

That of which I do not have.

In that agonizing moment, those seconds of eye contact, he narrowed his gaze and tilted his head before bowing deeply.

"Let the games begin." He said lowly before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.

I stood, dumbfounded.

Who the fuck was that.


Aria's POV

I stormed out of the club, furiously wiping tears from my face.

I was fully aware that I was probably overreacting, but his refusal to tell me about my own life subsequently pissed me off royally.

Reaching down as I walked, I sniffled as I took these heels off my feet, tossing them aside as I got them off.

My arms wrapped around my middle, my eyes trained forward as I walked. I don't know where I'm going, but I just need some time to clear my head...

Suddenly, I got that feeling again. That feeling like someone's eyes were on me.

A chill ran up my spine, and a breeze blew by, blowing my hair into my face. I tucked it back away, and slowly turned to face where the feeling was stemming from.

I came face to face with a darkened alleyway. It was across the street, and just as I'd suspected, two glowing eyes were staring back at me.

Bright yellow, unlike anything I've ever seen before in hell.

Currently, I wasn't in a very lucid state of mind, and my first thought was to confront this stalker.

I began my way across the street, and the eyes disappeared back into the alleyway. I continued forward, walking into the dark crevice.

"Hey!" I called out, walking deeper into the space, "that's the second time tonight I've seen you!" I said, accusation dripping from my tongue.

My steps came to a slow, then to a halt as I reached the end of the alley. No one, not one demon was back here.

Am I losing my mind?

My eyes scanned the alleyway, and I narrowed them. Then suddenly, all the confidence drained from my body when a sick laugh bounced off the walls, surrounding me.

It sounded as if it were coming from every direction, the disembodied noise striking fear into my heart

I turned around, wondering if they were behind me, but nothing was there still.

My hands started to shake slightly, and I swallowed, my throat feeling dry suddenly.

However, what I wasn't expecting when I turned back around was to be met face to face with the man from earlier.

He was incredibly close to me.

Like, Alastor type invasion close.

Our noses nearly touched, and I squealed in fright, hopping back away from him quickly.

Instinctually my ears laid back, and my heart started pounding.

I turned to run, but a quick snap of his fingers left me immobile. My body went rigid, frozen in place as all I could do was stare ahead of me at this stranger.

He wore a wide smile, and up close he was far more intimidating. Slowly he stood up to his full height, now looking down at me.

He chuckled, letting his arms settle behind his back before he tilted his head curiously.

"This is the woman he's found himself so enamored by...?" He mumbled amusedly to himself.

My eyes narrowed slightly, but I couldn't speak.

He realized this and laughed again, "oh! Pardon my manners," he said before snapping, releasing me from his hold.

"Don't run, I'll just do it again," he said simply and I just stood, staring at him. Then I opened my mouth to scream and he held up a finger, narrowing his gaze on me as his smile grew.

"And no loud noises, love, or that club with your friends inside goes up in hellfire," he added casually.

I'd love to call his bluff.

But I don't think he's bluffing.

He summoned a staff and leaned forward onto it, humming slightly.

"You're very small, even up close," he mused, "like a flea," he added with a chuckle. Then he stooped down dramatically, throwing his hand out towards me.

"Hello, darling, I am Xander William Fink," he introduced whimsically, and I tilted my head, cocking an eyebrow.

I glanced to the side, and then to his hand.

Very slowly I reached forward, taking his outstretched offer. Something about him is making a sick feeling settle in my chest.

I should have never left Alastor's side.

I shook his hand timidly, "I'm—"

"Aria!" He finished for me, taking my hand into a firm grip and giving it a rough shake. My entire body nearly shook with it.

"How do you know my name?" I asked him, and he yanked me forward, pressing our foreheads together.

"I know a lot of things, sweetheart! Many, many things," he said, his voice distorting slightly.

Quickly I pulled myself away from him, watching as the cracks that appeared in his skin momentarily slowly disappeared.

My heart was racing and I was looking for any way out of this. That is, until he spoke his next words.

He stood back up, looking over his claws nonchalantly, "I heard through the grapevine that you're having a bit of trouble with your noggin, is that correct?" he asked me casually, sending me a smirk.

I furrowed my brows, and then nodded, "yes..."

"I know, I'm never wrong...however, it's not everyday one has me coming to them," he said, his voice holding an edge to it.

He twirled his cane and it disappeared before he clapped his hands together and pointed at me, "you need my help," he said simply, and I scoffed.

"I do?"

"You do."

I rolled my eyes, then, and crossed my arms, "and what do you have to offer? So far you seem like a knockoff of the red jackass I came with," I said, lowering my eyelids.

He scoffed amusedly, then chuckled, then just started laughing like I'd told a joke.

Okay, this guy has completely checked out upstairs.

"While it's true, Alastor brings me quite the bit of inspiration in my work, I can assure you," suddenly the air grew thin, that sinking feeling of despair grasping me suddenly.

I was struggling to breathe, and his eye turned black, blackened cracks slowly crawling from his eye socket.

He turned into something terrifying, his teeth sharpening and claws lengthening.

And it was then I fully registered I'm not dealing with any typical demon...

Panic set in, and I struggled for breath.

"Him and I are completely different, love."

Just as soon as it started, it went away, and I sucked in a desperate breath of air. His appearance returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

He took slow steps towards me, and I shrunk away from him, whimpering softly.

He tsk'd, and then put his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm not going to hurt you," he cooed, and then smiled wider, "yet."

All I could do was look up at him helplessly.

He sucked on the inside of his cheek for a second, just looking down at me, then clicked his tongue.

"I'm going to be nice," he started, "and offer you a little deal."

My eyes widened and he stepped back away from me, crossing his arms behind his back again.

"You," he started again, "can have it all back. After all, it was my magic that took your memories to begin with," he chuckled, "the witch I allowed use of my powers was unfortunately a half wit, however," he grumbled.

My eyes widened and I opened my mouth, ready to scream at him for taking away part of my life, but he held his finger up.

"Hush. I will give you your memories...but at the cost of you never," his voice lowered, "ever seeing Alastor ever again. You've hindered his works for far too long, my, hell has lost one of its greatest sources of entertainment!" he feigned despair.

I stood, confused.

"How have I hindered him? I hardly know him!" I spat, and Xander only chuckled.

"Wow, he hasn't told you a single thing? Not one bit? How delicious, that makes this so much more fun," he said with an amused smirk.

What is he talking about!

He held his hand out suddenly and I flinched, looking at it.

It began to glow a bright yellow, a sudden wave of power emerging from him that blew my hair back.

"Deal?" He basically growled at me, his gaze narrowing.

In the moment, I felt...allured. I get to get my life back...and I never have to see that prick again?

Win win.

But also, touching this demon in front of me brings me great distaste. Furthermore, making a deal with him seems...like a bad decision.

But I'm just a little desperate.

I went to shake his hand.

Right as we were about to shake, his smile widened and I felt anxious. He went to grab me, but then suddenly it was like he hit a force field.

His eye widened and he hissed, pulling away from me quickly. My eyes widened at the sight of the now blistering flesh on his hand.

He does not look as happy anymore.

"What do we have here?" He growled out, eyes trained on my hand, "I should've expected nothing less from him. Truly a remarkably smart man," he said sourly, and I followed his gaze.

Right to the golden ring situated on my finger.

What does my ring have to do with this?

He sighed heavily, "of course he's given you a protection talisman. Foolish me."

Protection...? I've had this ring since...since...I've...I can't remember.

I've never thought about it, but now that I am, I can't remember.

And is he talking about Alastor?


Speaking of, that static voice called my name from somewhere in the distance. Then, more frantically, sounding panicked.

Quickly I felt relief flood through me. I might be pissed at him, but boy do I prefer him over this guy.

"Alastor!" I called back happily, and Xander tsk'd.

"Fun's over," he sighed, summoning his staff again.

"Aria! What are you—"

Alastor skidded into the alleyway, looking relieved for only a second until his eyes landed on the mysterious man across from me.

He stood, staring at him.

Why isn't he...killing him?

Xander laughed, the noise sending a chill down my back. Alastor's eyes darted between Xander and I, his look growing more and more distressed.

Then Xander spoke, making me look towards him.

"Let the games begin." He said, bowing deeply.

Then he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

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