Damned (Alastor x OC)

By whatevers_whatev

166K 5.4K 3K

Dropped into a world she was never meant to be a part of, Aria finds herself cold and alone. Aimlessly she w... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 22
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
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Ch 27
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Ch 30
Ch 31
Ch 32
Ch 33
Ch 34
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Ch 37
Ch 38
Ch 39
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Ch 41
Ch 42
Ch 43
Ch 44
Ch 45
Ch 46
Ch 47
Ch 48
Ch 49
Ch 50
Ch 51
Ch 52
Ch 53
Ch 54
Ch 55
Ch 56
Ch 57
Ch 58
Ch 59
Ch 60
Ch 61
Ch 62
Final Notes.

Ch 21

2.9K 99 102
By whatevers_whatev

Alastor's POV

The table roared as I won my 8th straight game of poker.

Some men were abrasive and accusatory, some were just amazed and laughing heartily.

I simply gathered my chips, picking up one of them and running it through my knuckles before tossing it into the air and catching it.

"Rematch, anyone?" I asked, my eyes narrowing on the crowd of drunken miscreants.

Every single one of them backed away.

I chuckled, going to collect my chips, but then someone slammed their hand onto the table.

My eyes trained onto my challenger, my smile immediately widening.

"Ya think ya can beat me in poker, ya smilin' bastard?" Husk said gruffly, a rare smile on his face.

I glanced at the small girl seated next to me, watching the event intently.

She was staring at the chips on the table with wonder filled eyes.

"I do believe I have a chance," I said, my eyes lingering on her for a moment. I snapped and a hand appeared in her fingers.

She blinked and looked at me quickly, her eyes wide.

Her lips parted to speak but I cut in.

"But I believe it's this little lady who'll be beating you!" I exclaimed, and Husk laughed.

"Aria?" He chuckled, sitting across from us and forging a hand of his own. He shook his head.

"Ya just set the poor girl up for humiliation," he said, and my smile widened.

"She's rather good, Husk, I'd watch your words...you may end up eating them."

Just then there was a very frantic tug against my sleeve, and I looked over at her. My expression was calm, but hers was the polar opposite.

Suddenly my eyes widened when she grabbed me by the collar and yanked me down to her level, getting incredibly close to my face.

"I don't know how to play fucking poker!" She hissed quietly, her eyes flashing a deep red for a split second.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't frighten me just slightly.

But I chuckled, removing her hand from my collar and ignoring the curious stares we got because of that outburst.

I simply grabbed her chin and faced her forward.

"No speaking to your opponents, my dear," I said, narrowing my eyes on Husk.

I trailed my hand over her shoulder, brushing her hair back and running my claws gently down her back.

A touch I've done many times to make her feel safe. None of which she remembers.

However, it seemed to hold the same effect. The tension in her body let up, and she let out a soft breath.

Then she sent me a glare, a "you better not embarrass me" glare.

Don't worry, darling.

With that, the game began.


"How the fuck!" Husk growled, slamming his cards on the table.

I'd folded very soon into the game, solely focusing on the woman by my side.

And with each turn, I used a bit of magic to change the hand she held, making it the exact one she needed for the situation.

This, successfully winning her very first poker game.

Husk's anger wasn't trained on Aria, however. His glare was focused on me, and me alone.

I simply shrugged.

"I told you, Husker my friend!" I laughed and he rolled his eyes. He then smiled slightly, looking back at Aria.

"Next time ya wanna learn t' cheat, come to a real professional, kid," he said to her, taking a drink of his beer, "not this pansy ass magician," he finished, pointing to me before walking off.

She giggled, and looked at the chips in front of her. She seemed confused.

"Dear, you won them, they're yours to cash in," I said, and she looked at me.

"Oh...but...we chea—" quickly I put my hand over her mouth, shaking my head.

"Ah ah! Don't tattle on me, darling," I said quietly and her eyes widened.

"Oh," she mouthed at me and then collected the chips in front of her. She then just put them into my pile.

"I didn't win that game," she chuckled, "you did."

I rolled my eyes, but snapped, making the chips transfer into the correct amount of money. The money faded away and I stood up, sighing.

"Well, dear, now that you've seen me play every single casino game, and win might I add, what would you like to do?" I asked her, and she hummed softly.

She mindlessly took my arm that I had silently offered her, hooking her hand around my bicep casually.

"Can we head back to the party room? I'm kinda hungry," she said, and I nodded.

"Of course, peu d'amour," I replied, using her nickname. After the reaction it got in my office, I've been subtly using it more often.

It seemed to help her memory...so...

"Oh...actually, I need to use the bathroom," she chuckled slightly, letting go of my arm, "go on, I'll be there in a second," she said, waving me off.

Reluctantly, I let her go. I had to remind myself she's a grown woman who doesn't need my supervision all the time.

I watched her as long as I could before she was lost to the sea of people, and then sighed and headed towards the party room.


Aria's POV

After washing my hands, I checked my appearance in the mirror. I was pleased to see the makeup holding up well, although my lipstick was mostly gone.

I'd been drinking a little.

Not a lot, but I felt slightly tipsy.

Satisfied, I turned and left the bathroom. The loudness bombarded me immediately and I felt the need to find Alastor.

Quickly I wove through everyone, just wanting to get into the back room and chill for a second.

But then a strange cold feeling ran down my back, and then the feeling of being watched set in...

I tried to ignore it, but it was so strong. Just to ease my nerves and convince myself I'm making it up, I turned to where the feeling was coming from.

But I froze in place when across the room, seated perfectly in my line of sight was...a man.

Dressed nicely, almost like an overlord, wearing a hat that covered his eyes. That is, until he tilted his head up, looking me directly in the eyes.

I gasped, and he narrowed his eye...the other one was some sort of gemstone...then smiled at me before a demon passed in front of my line of sight.

Once they passed, the man was gone.

I blinked, shaking my head and looking closer. Where did he go?

Who was that?

Quickly, I started my pursuit towards the party room once more, weaving my way through the crowd a little more frantically.

I had that feeling in my chest, like something was just on my heels the entire way there. When I finally made it to the curtain my heart was pounding.

I threw it back and nearly stumbled in. The room was completely empty, and quiet.

My heart was beating so fast and I had tears in my eyes from how scared I was. It felt like dread had completely taken over my senses for a brief moment.

Suddenly there was a touch on my shoulder and I screamed, stumbling back away from whoever it was.

When I met Alastor's wide eyes, I put my hand over my chest and took deep breaths, my ears pinning back.

"Sweetheart, what's the matter?" He asked me softly, approaching me cautiously. He had his hand out towards me, and I looked at him, my lip quivering slightly.

His expression turned concerned and he was very close to not smiling.

Before I could stop myself, I threw my body into his torso and wrapped my arms around him. I sucked in a shaky breath, squeezing him and pressing my face into his chest.

I just needed his scent, I needed that comfort...

He stood motionless for a second, seemingly stunned, before he wrapped me up in a very warm hug.

I hiccuped softly, trying to fight off the tears. I don't know why I got so upset, it hit me out of no where. As soon as I saw that man, it felt like I was about to...


Alastor ran his fingers through my hair, hushing me softly. Then he lowered to his knees, making me have to look down at him slightly.

"Oh, ma chérie..." he mumbled, tsk'ing softly as he wiped my tears away. He looked at the foundation left over on his gloves, and then simply removed them and snapped his fingers.

I felt the makeup leave my skin, leaving my skin feeling light and breathable again. It felt nice to not be wearing that mask anymore.

Once that was done, he placed his now bare hands against my face, wiping away my tears gently with his thumbs.

I put my hands on his wrists, holding him there just a little longer. He paused for a moment, looking into my eyes. His expression was calm, but I could tell he was confused.

After that brief moment, he gently swiped my cheek with his thumb before pulling his hands away. He rested his arms on his knees, just crouching in front of me.

"What happened, sweetheart?" He asked me softly, and I sniffled, wiping away the excess tears on my cheeks and then laughing slightly.

"Oh, it's stupid," I said, "I just got a little scared is all...I don't know why..."

My mind went back to that man, and I debated telling him. Ultimately, I figured it wasn't important...plus he just disappeared.

Alastor would probably think I'm crazy.

My head shifted to the side, my eyes going to the floor out of habit. I felt his warm fingers gently grab my chin and he made me look at him again.

"Are you sure?" He asked me, and I couldn't help but blush.

"Y-yes..." I said, managing to keep eye contact.

He gave me a very intense stare, like he was giving my brain a CAT scan with his mind.

"Okay..." he finally said after an agonizing staring contest, "but, if I need to kill someone, just let me know," he added and I giggled.

"Ok, I'll be sure to give you a heads up," I said, and he stood up, ruffling my hair out.

"Hey!" I whined, smoothing it back down as he laughed at me.

My eyes shifted over to the large table full of food and my mouth watered. I made my way over to it, Alastor following me.

After debating briefly with myself, I decided I wanted deserts. I walked over to the sweets and picked up a small brownie bite.

"Dear, you haven't even had any regular food yet," Alastor said from beside me, and I paused, pulling the treat away from my mouth.

"What're you, a cop?" I questioned, and then ate it.

He blinked, giving me a disapproving head shake before he chuckled.

We stood there in the dimly lit party room, talking quietly with one another. I was just eating anything that looked good off the table, and then I glanced at the chocolate fountain.

I grabbed a strawberry and put it under the warm chocolate, quickly popping the fruit into my mouth. I did a small dance because of how amazing that tasted, earning a laugh from Alastor.

"Was it good?" He teased me, and I nodded up at him, still chewing. I grabbed another strawberry, putting it under the chocolate.

"Here, try," I offered him, holding the treat towards him. He looked down at it, and then back to me.

"I'm not too fond of sweets, honey," he said, and I tilted my head.

"You won't even try it? C'mon," I held it closer to him, "for me?" I added, not really thinking it would have any weight behind it.

But after hearing those words his cheeks gained a bit of color and he glanced back to the food. Then he sighed, and opened his mouth.

I happily put the treat into his mouth, placing the stick down after he removed the fruit from it.

I was smiling wide, watching as he chewed slowly. He gave me a small smirk and shook his head.

"Yea, my distaste hasn't changed," he said after he finished it. I blew a raspberry at him, giving him a thumbs down.

"Boo!" I said, and he rolled his eyes.

Then I noticed he had a bit of chocolate on the corner of his mouth, and without giving it a second thought I stepped forward and got on my toes.

I put one hand on his shoulder so I wouldn't lose balance, and with the other I gently wiped my thumb over the corner of his mouth.

Only when I saw the look on his face did I realize what I'd just done. My face flushed and I quickly let go of him, stepping back.

"I-I'm sorry you had chocolate on—" he cut me off by grabbing my hand and leading me onto the dance floor.

He chuckled and shook his head, "oh dear, the silly things you apologize for..." he mumbled, and I felt confused.

Anyone else who did that to him would've been his dinner.

Why not me?

He snapped his fingers and soft jazz started playing. I could still hear the club music from outside, but it was faint. Everything seemed to melt away.

He took my hands in his, and wrapped them up around his neck. He's a bit taller than me, by a bit I mean like a foot and a half, but I'm wearing heels so it made it easier.

Then he placed his on my waist.

My face felt warm, and I smiled up at him. He led me slowly around the dance floor, and we were alone in the room.

Not even the bartender was present.

Looking up at him, I felt safe, and at home. He feels so familiar, like a warm security blanket.

His look softened as he stared down at me, and he twirled me suddenly. I gasped, and before I could regain myself he dipped me.

When my eyes that had closed opened, I was stunned to find myself staring at a man with warm brown skin and hair...straight flat teeth lining his mouth in a charming smile.

I blinked and the image before me returned to the Alastor I knew.

What was that...?

I held onto him tightly, feeling as if I were going to fall.

But he had me...There was no need to worry.

Our eyes met, and in that moment that piece of me that's felt so lost since I fell seemed to disappear.

"You feel so familiar..." I whispered, and he stood me back up.

"Like...like I've met you before...I feel like I know you..." I continued softly, and his fingers held mine tightly. Not too tight...but just enough.

He gave me a long look...a thoughtful look.

It was then I realized he feels the same. The look in his eyes, that longing behind them...

"Do...you know me...?" I asked him, and he hesitated.

Then he nodded.

"How?" I wondered, and then his look turned cautious.

"...I can't tell you," he said after a brief silence.

I froze.

Why the hell not?

The frustration I'd pushed aside bubble up quickly, and I scoffed.

"Why not?" I asked him, and he shook his head.

I felt tears unexpectedly prick my eyes as I stepped away from him.

I shook my head, "you and Charlie...especially you, both of you know something about me that I don't and you're keeping it from me...why!" I nearly yelled and he flinched.

He stepped towards me and reached for me, "Aria I—"

"Don't touch me!" I snapped, pulling away as my ears pinned back.

I bared my teeth at him and hissed.

The hurt in his eyes made an ache form in my chest, but the frustration was stronger.

I turned away and stormed towards the curtain, shoving it open. Charlie just happened to be coming back at the same time and we bumped into each other.

She chuckled, "oh, sorry Ari—" she saw my tear filled eyes, falling silent and freezing. I quickly looked away and brushed past her.

I need some fresh air.

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