Hiccstrid Daily Book 2

By Plastik_Dollz_4312

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*waving hands around* GUYS ITS ME AGAIN! ANOTHER (very late) 2021/2022 BOOKAROO! That's not a word, is it? Oh... More

Protective Part 1
Protective Part 2
Dragon T or D
Windshear's Report Day 1
The Switch Part 1
Fanfic Snippets #1
Windshear's Report Day 2
The Switch Part 2
Windshear's Report Day 3
Idk what to call this
Windshear's Report Day 4
Idk what to call this Part 2
Viggo's Return Part 2
Modern- Fire
Running Away
Dont Leave me Hanging
Which one?
"I- I am?" Part 2
Meet Azubah
Just some memes and fanart or whatever
Azubah's Tail(get it? Tail? 🤣)
Fanart #1
Song Stories #3
Mini Stories #1
Fanart #2- *sigh* oh Hiccup...
Guys 🤩
Little Hiccup
Modern- Perfect
Australia day
Dragon Shifting
Happy Birthday to Me
Isolation A/N
Fluff, fluff, and more fluff
Little Hiccup Part 2
Oh Snotlout...
Modern- Missing
May The Fourth Be With You
We'll Meet Again
The Talk
A/N - Wrapup

"I- I am?" Part 1

108 0 21
By Plastik_Dollz_4312

So I reckon this will be the only oneshot of this in this book but idrk tbh. Forgot to say but I'm not taking requests for a while bc I have tons of chapters I still need to publish. If u have an idea, feel free to tell me but it will probs be a couple months before u get the actual chapter.

Anyways, enjoy! Also let's just pretend the dragons didn't... u know... *makes the shooing gesture*... yeah... OH I ALMOST FORGOT! In most of my post-httyd 2 oneshots, Stoick lived, k? Just to make it a little more... less depressing... *silent crying*

No hate ✌️


No ones POV.

Astrid sat with her legs crossed on the bed, fiddling with her fingers as a million thoughts raced through her mind. It had only been a month and a half and already... were they ready? Was she ready? And what about Valka? What would she say? And then there's the village... would they criticise them? They were only 22 after all...

Speaking of Valka, Astrid was snapped out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. "Astrid dear are you in there?" The woman asked, not wanting to intrude on her privacy. The young blonde took in a deep breath and nodded to herself.

"Yes, you can come in" she replied, trying her best to sound as if everything was perfectly fine. Sure she had been looking forward to this moment for a while, it's just she didn't know it would be this soon. Valka slowly creaked open the door to see the young Chieftess sitting crossed legged on the bed, head in her hands.

"Astrid? What's wrong?" She asked as she came and sat down next her, the bed slightly shifting with the extra weight. The younger Viking murmured something inaudible, and Valka just cocked her head slightly with confusion. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want, but I think I have an idea of what it could be" She concluded, standing up again to walk out the door, but Astrid grabbed her arm.

"No, I- I need some help..." she admitted quietly, and Valka sent her a soft smile as she sat back down. "Um... I- I have some news to tell you..." She said hesitantly, looking up from her hands for a second before turning away.

"Which is..?" The older woman pushed, wanting to confirm her suspicions.

"I- I'm... well... you're going to be a grandmother..." The young blonde stammered, unsure of what her reaction would be, although if she were anything like Stoick, then-

"Why Astrid that's great! Congratulations!" Valka exclaimed, pulling Astrid into a hug which she half returned, and the older woman then pulled away and gripped her gently by the shoulders. "Now tell me what's bothering you" She ordered with a stern look. "Are you not excited?"

Astrid took in a shaky breath "Of course I am! I'm thrilled, but..."


"But... I- I'm just scared... what if something goes wrong? What will Hiccup say? What will the village think? It's only been a month and a half since we got married and we're still only 22. I- I don't know... are we ready for a child yet?" She eventually blurted out, and Valka just chuckled, getting sent a confused look in the process. "What is it?" Astrid asked plainly, a clear look of confusion lacing her face.

"Oh nothing" The older woman replied before continuing. "I remember when I first found out that I was with child with your now husband" she said, getting Astrids attention as she turned to looked up at her. "Oh I was terrified. I was only 21, and had married the chief of Berk just a week before. But once the news got out, Stoick along with the rest of the village was thrilled at the news of an heir coming their way. If I've learnt anything, it's that everything will be just fine. No amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future" she continued, making the younger blonde think for a minute. She was right. Suddenly, Valka stood up again, clasping her hands together cheerfully.

"Why don't we go for a little flight? It'll help clear your head. Believe me, your generation is so lucky to have dragons as your friends. Things weren't so easy in my day" The older woman continued, reaching a hand out, which Astrid took and they both stood up and walked outside to their dragons.

*time skip*

Astrid laid back in the saddle, thinking quietly. She enjoyed the comfortable silence. It had only been 2 years, but her and Valka had grown quite close during that time and were perfectly capable of having silent conversations, much like her and Hiccup could(and would). Suddenly a question popped into the young Vikings mind, and she was genuinely curious to know the answer.

"So... how did you tell Stoick?" She asked, sitting up and turning to face the woman on the back of the giant four-winged dragon that flew beside them. Valka chuckled at the memory.

"Well it's an interesting story..." She began, travelling back to the event that took place almost 23 years ago...

"Stoick had had a tough day on the job and just wanted to go to a place where he could escape from the busy day, so we decided to head down to our special spot- a little cavern hidden within a network of caves and fake entrances which only we could decipher as we had left secret little indications along the way so we knew where we were headed.

This one time though, whilst we were enjoying a picnic inside the little cave, a storm must have hit as water started trickling in from every crack. Shortly afterwards, we decided to pack up and leave before the cave system got flooded, because we could have been in some serious danger. However, the markers must have gotten blown away by the wind and rain from the storm weaving through the caves, because soon, we had hit a dead end. We just shrugged it off and turned around, thinking we just took a wrong turn. Boy, we were wrong" She chuckled, admitting that both her and Stoick the Vast had gotten lost before.

"Soon we were trudging through almost 3 feet of water, and it was rising quickly. Eventually after hitting our 25th dead end, Stoick just turned to me and shrugged. I can recall him saying that we were lost, and if we didn't find an exit quick, we would drown. He acted calm, but I could certainly hear a note of panic in his voice. I began panicking and paced back and forth, the water rising up to just above my waist. He began hitting the rock, seeing if there was anything on the other side, but failing. He turned to me and shook his head, biting his lip in panic. He exclaimed that he couldn't find a way out, and it was too late to go back through the maze of tunnels. By this time, the water was up to just under my arms- around Stoicks waist seeing as he was much taller than me.

I remember pacing back and forth in a panic, muttering 'oh my Thor, we're gonna die' and I then gripped Stoick shoulders and shook him back and forth. I may have been small, but I was surprisingly strong. 'Oh my Thor Stoick! We're going to die! WERE GONNA DIE! We're too young to die! Will they ever find our bodies? Would Spitelout be claimed Chief seeing as our heir is still a couple months away? Will the name die out? Will they ever find out what happened to us?' I half shrieked, the water now up to my neck. Suddenly, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. Was that... sunlight? I showed him where I was looking, now treading water, so it was a little tricky, but he got the message, and began pulling rocks out, me holding onto a ledge to keep afloat. I wasn't a great swimmer at the time.

Then all at once, he pulled a rock out that made the entire wall collapse, and the water came rushing out, pulling us along with it as we came to a stop on a patch of wet grass. We laid there on our backs in shock for a second before bursting into fits of laughter. I started making grass angels as Stoick stood back up and brushed himself off. 'We survived! We... we survived!' I had exclaimed in shock. Suddenly Stoick sent me a confused look. 'What was that earlier about an heir?' He asked, and I rubbed the back of my neck nervously before explaining the entire thing in the way home. He was thrilled at the news! Although I don't suggest you break it to him that way, I'm sure he will be just as supportive" She eventually finished, leaving Astrid with a flabbergasted look on her face and her mouth hanging wide open.

"Wait so... the entrance to the cove back at Berk was there because... you guys got lost!?" She asked, absolutely bewildered. Maybe that's why there was a rope winding through the maze rather than little markers...

"Interesting, huh?" Valka agreed, chuckling visibly. "So, when do you think you'll be ready?" She asked the young Viking, who began playing with her hair.

"Well I think maybe I'll wait a couple more days just to get my head around it and to make sure nothing is wrong, and then I'll tell him" she decided, letting go of her hair again and looking forward. Valka nodded.

"Good plan" She replied.

Hi so this was pretty short and I forgot a line break but I'm busting for the toilet and this is the last time I will be posting for a day or two bc today w are supposed to be driving 11(yup, 11) hours into QLD unless something changes suddenly. I should still be online for a couple hours tho 😁

No hate ✌️

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