Damned (Alastor x OC)

By whatevers_whatev

166K 5.4K 3K

Dropped into a world she was never meant to be a part of, Aria finds herself cold and alone. Aimlessly she w... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 22
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch 26
Ch 27
Ch 28
Ch 29
Ch 30
Ch 31
Ch 32
Ch 33
Ch 34
Ch 35
Ch 36
Ch 37
Ch 38
Ch 39
Ch 40
Ch 41
Ch 42
Ch 43
Ch 44
Ch 45
Ch 46
Ch 47
Ch 48
Ch 49
Ch 50
Ch 51
Ch 52
Ch 53
Ch 54
Ch 55
Ch 56
Ch 57
Ch 58
Ch 59
Ch 60
Ch 61
Ch 62
Final Notes.

Ch 7

3.4K 121 63
By whatevers_whatev

Rip Angel

Aria's POV

After breakfast, that little Niffty girl ushered everyone out of the kitchen. She said she needed to "deep clean".

I quickly figured out that Charlie wasn't bluffing when she said that Angel and I are the only guests.

As everyone meandered into the lobby, those who worked started settling into their duties. The cat demon that I didn't get to introduce myself to went over to the bar.

The lights flipped on, and he huffed before falling back into a chair. He grabbed a bottle off the rack behind him and flicked the cap off before beginning to drink it.

I decided I should probably go meet him.

Walking over, his eyes shifted to me momentarily before he rolled them.


I smiled at him, my ears lowering slightly from the glare he was giving me.

"What the fuck do ya want?" He grumbled as soon as I made it to the counter.

"Uh...I didn't get to say hi at breakfast. My name is Aria, I–"

"Do I look like I give two shits what yer fuckin name is? Fuck off," he growled at me, and my eyes widened. My lips were parted in surprise, and I wanted to be angry at the response.

Before I even had the chance, the sound of static caught my attention and I turned to see Alastor.

He just pops up out of nowhere, huh?

"Husker my good friend," he said with a little chuckle, "perhaps we should be a bit more hospitable to our guests, hm?" He said, but his eyes were narrowed on the cat, a growl behind his tone.

The cat...Husker, I'm assuming...glanced between Alastor and me. He looked confused for a second, but one look at the expression on Alastor's face had him yielding.

"Fucking Christ ..." he murmured, "fine, whatever, hello, I am Husk, it is nice to meet you."

He said this monotonously, and I glanced at Alastor.

He wasn't glaring at the cat anymore, but he was looking at me. His eyes were soft and I shook my head and cleared my throat.

"U-uh I'm Aria, I'm new here..." I said, and went to glance at Alastor again but he was gone. I blinked and shook my head again, then smiled at Husk and met his eyes.

"I just wanted to introduce myself...I hope we can be friends," I said, my voice sounding anything but confident. I didn't really give him time to respond before I walked off.

My brows furrowed and I glanced around.

Something about Alastor is so familiar to me, but I can't figure it out. I'm completely positive I've never met him before.

But every time he looks at me, I feel myself get caught for a second on his eyes. Those eyes look so familiar to me.

After a second, I sighed and shrugged it off. It's probably nothing.

I took my time exploring through the hotel. I was right, before, this place is huge. It has so many different rooms, most of them dusty and ancient looking.

Most of my afternoon was spent just finding my way around, getting familiar with all the floors and the area.

I was walking down the hallway leading back towards the lobby when I saw the moth, and I smiled at her.

She glared at me, and my smile turned a bit nervous. I stopped, and she took the cue and stopped as well, crossing her arms.

"Hey," I said quietly and she scoffed.

"Hi." She replied coldly and I put my hand out.

"My name is Aria, uh...it's nice to meet you," I said and she glanced at my hand, then back to my eyes.

"Oh, I think we already met," she said sarcastically, her tone overly honeyed.

I sighed, and lowered my hand. My eyes fell to my feet.

"Listen...I'm really sorry for how I reacted yesterday when you came in my room. I was scared, and I didn't know where I was. I know you were just checking on me, so I apologize for how I attacked you," I said, and looked up into her eyes...or...her good eye.

The other one has an eyepatch and an X over it.

She glared for a second longer before her expression softened slightly. She sighed and shook her head.

"It's fine...don't worry about it," she grumbled, and then continued on her original path.

I watched her walk off, and let out a breath that I'd been holding.

That wasn't so bad, I guess...

I continued walking, and once again found myself in the hotel lobby.

It was still quiet, and I looked over at the bar. The cat demon was still in his chair, but he was sound asleep.

I hummed softly to myself, wondering what else there is that I could do to pass the time. As I was thinking, I noticed a door towards the back of the hotel that I hadn't noticed before.

I made my way towards it, wondering where it could lead.

When I pushed it open, my eyes immediately widened.

A library. A huge, grand library.

It was stuffed with books, and I walked in slowly, letting the door close behind me. My mouth hung open as I looked all around me.

I spun around, looking at everything. The shelves went so high, and everything looked old. There was a small seating area with a couch, two chairs, and a coffee table.

Immediately I noticed that I wasn't alone.

Those red eyes looked up from the book they were focused on and met mine. Alastor was sitting casually, and I just blinked.

I wasn't so much staring at him as I was stuck on the fact that he wasn't even holding his book. It was just...floating in front of him. He was resting on one arm, and the other was in his lap.

However, upon him noticing me, he sat up straighter. I blinked again and shook my head, looking away from him.

"Hey," I mumbled softly, making my way over to one of the shelves. He hummed as a response, and I started searching through the books.

Then I startled when his voice spoke up from behind me suddenly.

"Sci-Fi mysteries are a little further down, take a left and they should be right there," he said casually. My eyes lit up and I immediately headed that way.

"Thank you!" I called, not thinking anything of it.

When I reached the section, I began happily looking through the books. Then my eyebrows furrowed and my soft grin fell, my lips pursing together.

How the hell did he know what type of book I was looking for...?

I was just standing silently, thinking about it. Then I shrugged and shook my head, sighing softly.

Whatever, it's nothing to ponder over.

I grabbed a couple of books. I'm just going to stock up in my room so I have something to do whenever I'm bored.

I wanted to grab one more...and I could see it, but I just couldn't reach it. It was just out of my reach, and I was on my tip toes trying to grab it.

My finger barely grazed the base of the spine, and I was ready to give up. Then someone else's hand came into view, easily grabbing the book for me.

The black glove and blood stained claws were a dead giveaway.

Quickly, I turned around. He was really close to me, and my heart started beating a bit faster at the close proximity.

He was so close I could smell him...he smells really good. Very expensive...very...familiar.

I closed my eyes for just a second, and saw a fireplace crackling in front of me. I was laying against someone, and all I could seem to focus on was that scent.


My eyes snapped open and my cheeks heated up.

He was holding the book out towards me with a tilted smile and quirked eyebrow. I blinked quickly a few times and took the book.

I smiled, chuckling nervously.

"T-thanks! I—I uh...I gotta...I'm gonna...see ya," I stumbled over my words and then quickly turned and walked away.

My heart is hammering in my chest right now.

He's like a walking manifestation of deja-vu for me. I don't know what it is about him that I just feel like...I know him.

Shaking my head, I made my way back towards the door I came in from. He probably thinks I'm so strange.

I glanced back just before exiting, but he was gone.

With a heavy push, I opened the door and left the library.

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