Gryffindors princess

By athenaflorence

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Astrid Orla Clearwater, Wizarding royalty and well known all over the world. You grew up listening to stories... More

ₖₙᵢgₕₜ bᵤₛ
En Francé
Arresto momentum
Old friends, new enemies
In your defence
Stars of Eumoiriety
A long awaited win
Victories & broken hearts
Money n power
The family map
Home is where the heart is
G E O R G I E' S G I R L
Fool of myself
Snakes + Lions
Desk set
C U P A' T E A
1 step forward, 3 steps back
Always an angel
Hate to hate you
Sweet Pea
B r o k e n h e a r t s
Khirad's donair
Mornin' star
P e r c y
World cup
C'est la vie
Forbidden apple
Hoggy woggy hogwarts
We are the champions
Teddy n Blaze
The other woman
Best dressed
ced + strid
R o m a n c e
b e t r a y a l
You bring me hone
Partners in crime
Remus lupin
Stranger things
Too soon
Once a badger...
my hero
Diary entry 1
Diary entry 2
Letter to cho
see you later
Diary entry 3
Save harry
The Hearing
Wolf + star
Another year
Walk away
Off Guard
Out me
Homles and Watson
Happy Granger Day
Slytherin's beaters
Dumbledore's Army
The first meeting
Please stay
Always a badger
A cold
Cell no 7
Lions vs serpents
Oak n honey
New start, old mistakes
Nothings new


155 5 0
By athenaflorence

November 24th 1994
Song: From Now On by The Features
📍Forbidden Forest

Astrid quite liked sleeping in the carriages just outside the castle—much too her own surprise—it was rather nice sticking her head out the window and breathing in the crisp autumn air

Stepping out to the most perfect view of the stone castle and the grey fog surrounding the large grassy hills

Every morning she was greeted with the bright gold light of the sun filtering through the crooked curtains of their temporary home—the birds sang their songs and Astrid took her sweet time in stretching every limb of hers while laid in bed, the sheets twisting around her arms and feet as she yawned

She laid still for a moment, listening to Fleur's light snores and Juliette's mumbles while both slept—the girls had been so exhausted last night once they arrived that they skipped breakfast and slept instead—this meant she had surely disappointed Harry who had been begging for her return since the moment she left

Twenty four days later and she finally was in Hogwarts again and her father had decided it best to stay until the winter—he would give further instructions later

It was the first day of the tournament, the first task was something to do with dragons—as Harry had told her in an letter—and she was desperately trying to have a calm and gentle morning to keep from breaking into a panic that would be impossible to handle without Cedric

Nerves tended to get the best of her, feelings controlling her as she fell helpless to them—not her best trait.

Earlier in the month it had been brought to her attention—by Harry again—that certain badges were created to advocate for Cedric, against Harry. Though she appreciated the support her cousin had received, she wasn't so pleased with the hate for Harry that came with it.

What had blown her mind was that of all people that could have possibly come up with such a ridiculous idea, it just had to be Malfoy to take the time to draw it out and bring this project to life

She so desperately wished he would use his smarts and creativity for something that actually mattered—at least once in his life he would do something right

She did though enjoy the part where he apparently turned into a ferret, though the transformation wasn't caught on film, Colin Creevey had supplied her with a photo of a running ferret he claimed was Malfoy

At the news of the badges and Harry sending one too her to see for herself, she had been so furious that she had quickly sent a letter cursing Malfoy right too him, calling him all sorts of names in anger and threatening him to stop, or else.

All she had gotten in response was a stupid little letter that only angered her more


Miles away and still thinking of me?

Was it Potter that told you of those brilliant badges or are you stalking me??

Wouldn't mind the latter, flattered as always

Next time you find yourself thinking of me, write a letter directly too me and I'll send back a signed photo

Lots of love,


She had stared hard at the little green wax seal with the Malfoy crest upon it with anger, pinching her nails into it as she pouted her lips and thought glaringly about that stupid smirk that must have been on his face at the sight of a letter from her, addressed too him—must have been real nice for him, to have her so bothered and irritated by him that she wrote about how vile and stupid he was

A win for him, most certainly

"Fleur" Astrid's knees sank into the girls bed as she shook her aggressively "wakey wakey! It's the first day of the tournament"

Fleur smiled at Astrid, yawning as she pulled Astrid to lay next to her once again "just relax"

"You know it's the first day of the tournament" Astrid wrapped an arm around Fleur "now get up before Julia and Genna take up the washroom for hours"

"You go first" Fleur flipped over "wake me up when you're done"

Astrid rolled her eyes, getting up to use the washroom after pulling the curtains apart and letting the sunlight flow freely throughout the little home—something that earned many dissatisfied groans—she started her late morning with a quick shower to freshen up. Changing rapidly, so Fleur could somewhat calmly prepare for the day too.

Changing her clothes Astrid grabbed her Beauxbaton jumper she had received in her welcome basket—incase she got cold—and jumped out of the carriage and onto the grassy ground. She and Fleur jogged to the castle—leaving the other two girls behind to join when they wished—the great hall erupting into an applause when Fleur entered.

Astrid clapped her hands, taking a step back so Fleur stood directly in the middle, as if a fake spotlight was being put on her, looks of pride on both their faces.

"I'll see you" Fleur squeezed Astrid's cheeks like one would do to a baby, giving her a kiss on the right as she walked over to the other Beauxbaton students.

Astrid made way to the Gryffindor table where a brunette boy was sat all on his lonesome, placing her white hoodie to her right on the bench as she set herself closely next to Harry

"God" he pulled her into him as he breathed her in "thank Merlin"

"Sorry" she ruffled his hair "should've met you last night but I was too tired"

"S'okay" he mumbled, pulling away from her

"So, how's my little star doing this morning?" Astrid asked, filling her plate with fruits and a sandwich

Harry gave her a look to which she laughed "seriously how are you?"

"Nervous" Harry sighed, pushing his bowl of porridge away from him

"You should eat" Astrid eyed the full bowl "something light atleast" she put a breakfast sandwich on a plate, one that had no egg—currently he had been turned off from eggs—instead consisting of cheese and sausage and a bowl of fruits, filling his glass with cold water

"Fine" Harry bit into his sandwich

"I got the broom situated for you" Astrid whispered, looking around the table for any eavesdroppers. She caught Hermione's eye, the bushy haired girl sat with the other Gryffindors including Ron "By the window so it should fly smoothly to you"

"How?" Harry asked

Astrid winked at Hermione "I stole it" earning a smile from Hermione, her pearly white teeth displayed

"You what!" Harry almost spat his water out at Astrid

"Yeah" Astrid looked at Harry with disgust, wiping his mouth with a cloth "you freak"

"How- why" Harry stuttered

"Well dad hid it in the Gryffindor common rooms broom cupboard" Astrid held up a finger "second it's your broom" and than another "third of all" she shrugged "I just did"

"We're going to be in so much trouble" Harry shook his head

"We'll be fine" Astrid finished her sandwich "trust me" but he was too focused on something—someone—else. Astrid tilted her head at Harry, following his line of vision to see he was watching none other than Ron

"He's my brother" Harry looked tired as he looked down at his half eaten lunch

"I know" Astrid squeezed his hand, "he misses you too, just give it some time"

Harry nodded his head

Astrid turned her body to Harry, one leg dangling to the side while she held the other to her, resting her chin on her knee. She was thinking of how nice life would have been if they were normal. If Harry wasn't the chosen one, hell if Voldemort never existed in the first place.

Harry would have his parents and the four friends wouldn't have to fight for their lives every year. It was like they came to Hogwarts to die, with all the crazy stuff that'd happen on grounds. She didn't want to be in the spotlight, she wanted to be a normal pureblood or even halfblood if it meant she could have some kind of normality in her life

She never complained to her friends about her life, knowing there was always something worse to be going through. She was a pureblood, unlike the Weasley's her family had pureblood money and status—even if they mingled with the kind that would make them blood traitors.

Being a pureblood also meant she lived in a kind of comfort people like Hermione didn't know. There was no threat solely on Astrid's blood purity. She had her whole family together, minus Elio, but she had a cousin and an aunt and uncle too. Something not everyone had, extended family, and for some unfortunate like Harry, family itself.

How could she complain to Hermione that she didn't feel pretty, or likeable, especially after the event that took place days ago. A letter was sent from Ron and she would have never noticed if he hadn't pointed it out—only now when she smiled did she see what he had been saying. She had gotten her teeth to look smaller, no longer buck teeth. Hermione complained often about the frizz in her hair, or how everyone thought of her as insufferable and an over achiever. Complaining about her own problems would make her seem stuck up and selfish—they were nothing compared to whatever everyone else suffered.

"Orla!" A voice caught Astrid off guard, breaking away from her thoughts—she looked back at the great hall doors

"Oh no" Harry said, Jasper approaching the two, Forest in his hands and an angry look on his face

"Well" Astrid stood up, smiling brightly at Harry—she kissed the top of his head "that's my que to leave, I'll try and see you in the tent"

Harry laughed nervously as Japser got closer "hi honey" he said once he spotted Harry sitting behind Astrid

"See ya" Harry said as he watched Astrid slip off, Japser turning back from Harry to see her run out the great hall

"You're still grounded" Jasper yelled from behind, sighing as he took her spot next to Harry "what's for breakfast?"

"Oh my god" Astrid mumbled to herself, stopping dead in her tracks. She had remembered the conversation Harry had with Sirius the night prior. It was hitting her now, the reason she so urgently wanted to see Harry before the first task—"what if Moody isn't Moody" she turned back to go back in the great hall when she was pulled by a large hand

She gasped, her back hitting the solid wall "shhh" Viktor's hand was over her mouth, a smile on his usually surly face

Astrid's eyes went wide "Viktor!" She jumped on him in a hug, getting lifted into the air from how much taller he was "it's so good to see you"

"You too" he spoke into her hair "I've been meaning to dine with you but Malfoy always asks me first"

"I bet" Astrid giggled, getting placed back on the ground

"As promised" he dug in his pocket "I didn't want to send it in my letter, thought I would bring it myself"

Astrid smiled at him, looking into his palm she observed a metal ring "wow" she picked it up to look closely

"I made it myself" he proudly told her

Astrid smiled at him "are these flowers?" she looked at the design on the ring

Viktor nodded his head "I made it out of an antique spoon"

Astrid placed it on her pointer finger, fitting perfectly "it has engravings in it" he told her

"Really" Astrid pulled it off, looking at the inside of the ring.

Astrid Was written on the top and the bottom had Vik on it

"I love it" Astrid smiled at Viktor, digging into her own pockets to pull out the necklace she made in France "I thought I'd present it to you after the first task but why not"

"Woah" Viktor took it out of Astrid's hands

"They have these shops where you can make jewelry" she explained "it's a dragon holding a Black Tournmaline and it's eyes are chrysocolla"

Viktor grinned at Astrid "the tournmaline is said to be able to soak up all the negative energy that come your way, ridding toxicity. The chrysocolla is an all-in-one one crystal because it aids all of the chakras"

"Aw" Viktor threw an arm around Astrid's neck "don't tell me you care for me now, all these protective crystals"

Astrid rolled her eyes "they just happen to be protective and all, I was going based off the fact they were blue and black, you know your favourite colours"

"Yeah yeah" Viktor slipped the necklace over his head, wrapping his strong arms around her once again "thank you, I love it"

"I've been really worried for you Vik" Astrid sighed "you promise you'll put yourself first"

"I promise" Viktor said, pulling away slightly to see Astrid in her eyes "if I die, who's going to be your penpall"

"Very funny" Astrid failed to hide her laughter

"Take another" the two heard, their heads snapping to the side when they heard a camera click follow after

"What the" Astrid craned her neck "oh my god" she covered her face with a hand

"What do you think you're doing?" Viktor protectively stood infront of Astrid—the tips of his ear growing hot and red in anger

"Mind taking a photo" Skeeter smiled sweetly "we only have candids which are sweet enough but I really want to get in your strong jaw and Miss Clearwater's innocent looks"

"What?" Astrid hissed "are you mad?"

"It just contradicts her entirely" skeeter looked Viktor over "considering she's the opposite of innocent—as we have grown to understand"

"I beg your pardon" Viktor said in a thick accent, getting closer to Skeeter and her camera man

"Vik leave it" Astrid glared at the lady, taking a step away from them all "let's go, you need to be in the tent"

"If I see any photos published i'll break your camera" Viktor threatened, following after Astrid to where the task was being held

"You go on" Astrid looked over her shoulder at Hermione "I'll see you alright"

Viktor nodded his head, turning his back and leaving to the large tent that stood infront of a row of tall green trees. She turned back, a smile on the bushy haired girls face.

"At last" Hermione's arms were open to Astrid as she dramatically slow ran "we reunite"

"My long lost love" Astrid's hand was on her forehead, her other hand over her heart as she dramatically fell backwards into the long grass

"My beloved" Hermione yelled out, slowing and deepening her voice "nooo"

The girls giggled as Hermione pulled Astrid up "cute grass stains on your bum"

"Thank you milady" Astrid bowed, tying her white sweater around her waist for now "how are you feeling?" She hooked her arm in Hermione's

"I'm okay" Hermione looked over at Astrid, "I just hate when the boys fight, it divides our group and I honestly miss you—us"

"Yeah" Astrid kissed the top of Hermione's head that was rested on her shoulder "it did put a few things in perspective though"

"What's that?" Hermione asked, walking in sync

"That Ronald, as annoying as he may be, is the glue" Astrid thoughtfully said "and we need eachother"

"I agree" Hermione lifted her head, flashing Astrid a smile

She wouldn't question Hermione about her teeth, not even acknowledge it so she felt no shame

"Fancy visiting Harry very briefly?" Astrid asked

"I would like that" So Hermione waited by the fabric, calling out to Harry while Astrid kept an eye out for any oncomers

"We're alright" she announced, coming into the tent to see Harry and Hermione embracing

"Battle a dragon" she heard from Harry

"Good luck" Astrid hugged the two champions before retreating back to Harry—giving Cedric the silent treatment he had so kindly bestowed upon her—knowing it was the thing she hated most

"Young love! Ohh how.. stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today you might make the front page" Skeeter came, taking photos of Harry and Hermione

Astrid rolled her eyes "as if anyone wants to be featured on your article"

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends" Viktor hissed, kicking Skeeter and her photographer out of the tent in seconds

"I see Dumbledore" Astrid hastily warned Hermione "make it quick" Hermione nodded her head, turning Harry to her to give a few last minute pointers as Astrid approached Viktor to do the same

"The goal is to get the egg without damaging anything" she fixed his robes—speaking loudly and turning her entire body towards his left where Cedric was stood "and don't die"

"I'll try not too thanks" Viktor shook his head, a grin on his face

"Well" sighed Cedric, looking around "if it's not too much of a bother, may I get that stupid handshake?"

"Make it quick" Astrid rolled her eyes "I haven't the time of day for your pathetic little games"

He scoffed, extending a hand and rolling his eyes—everyone laughing at the two and shaking their heads

There was little that could be hidden from Skeeter—while in France the prophet mentioned the tournament and the journalist was sure to add in a little article analyzing the relationship between Cedric and Astrid

'How is it to have such a famous cousin at the same school?—is this a war of popularity?—are you trying to make a name for yourself?—do you find yourself hidden in her shadows?'

All sorts of crap

She had soon got wind of their minor—major—argument and it had made its way to front pages worldwide. The two had fought vigorously, wands were drawn and blood was shed, jealousy was bubbling and evil intentions were revealed. Whatever she could add to their stupid fight —over one's safety—that could add spice to the story and keep readers hooked

Astrid had treated the paper like a little story book, over dramatic and full of lies—she had even laughed at some parts

Now everyone knew they had fought and explosively at that, they watched him ignore her existence at breakfast and she herself walked passed him without a word

Astrid clapped his left hand twice and than his right hand twice again, they interlocked hands as if to make the unbreakable vow and than slid their hands apart, fist bumping, their hands went back, snapping over their shoulder as if to sprinkle all the bad luck else where before ending in their pinkies intertwined, thumbs stuck out to kiss

"Not gonna wish me luck?" He asked

"Do you need my luck" she crossed her arms over her chest "didn't think you cared for it anyways, not like my opinion matters too you"

Cedric's eyes softened and his mouth dropped into a frown as he opened his mouth again—

—Good day champions" their headmaster called and he was swiftly taken away from her "Gather round please. Now you've waited, you've wondered at last the moment has arrived. The moment only four of you can appreciate" the headmasters and Crouch following behind him

Astrid quickly hugged Fleur and Viktor tightly, wishing them luck and turned to see Hermione under the Hogwarts headmasters arm. Covering her mouth as she snickered, Japser watching them all with a smile.

"What are you doing here Miss Granger?" Dumbledore finally noticed her, Astrid completely losing it

"I'm sorry, I'll just—go" Hermione pulled Astrid with her, both girls laughing as they left the tent and hiked over to their seats
Astrid's thumb bled into her mouth as she bit down harder watching Harry—the twins behind her and Hermione, making bets of all kinds

"Go dragon!" Yelled Fred

Her head whipped back as she gawked at him "Freddie!"

He only looked down and giggled at her as she returned too the tournament—as she had expected, it had been terrible—poor Cedric had been burnt, making her burst into tears especially with how cruel she had treated him

Viktor had barley made it, crushing the eggs as he fled and Fleur almost was set on fire—though she did better than the last two boys in Astrid's very humble and honest opinion

Once Harry was back—shoulder slashed—Astrid pushed through the crowd towards the medical tent her cousin was being treated in. Knowing Harry would soon return to that very place and she would get to see him too.

"Cedric!" She called, pushing away students without care "CED!"

"Move!" Called Anthony Rickett who had seen her flee the stands and followed after "out of our way!"

Finally she was granted access into the tent—stopping short across the bed he was laid on, groaning in pain as her eyes flooded with tears once more

She moved too him very slowly, Pomfrey glancing up and smiling warmly at the girl "all is okay dear"

Astrid nodded, wiping the snot from her nose onto the sleeve of her sweater as she sobbed into her hand—half his face was burned red and brown, his eyes squinting as Pomfrey dapped some liquid soaked into a cotton ball very gently on the skin

"Will it scar?" She asked, trying to pull herself together, Anthony's arm around her to offer comfort

"Oh no dear" Pomfrey smiled "it'll heal and it'll be as if nothing happened"

Astrid nodded, he would hate for it to scar

Her hand slipped into Cedric's, his groans of pain didn't stop "ceddy"

"Don't—he coughed—don't cry dimples"

She cried harder "are you hurt?"

"No" he tried laughing "no, kiddo, I can barley feel it, it's a scratch"

Her frown deepened and she didn't care to turn to Harry who had just been helped into the tent by Dumbledore and Hermione—Pomfrey leaving to check his wounds

"Don't be scared" she wiped her eyes and took the seat by his side that was now vacant, Anthony standing at the foot of the bed "I'll hold your hand if it hurts"

"Oh I know" Cedric moved his head to get a better look at her

"I'm sorry" she cried into his palm, his hand lifting to wipe at her tears "I'm so sorry for being stupid, I'm an idiot!"

"I'm not dying" he laughed, groaning at the pain it caused at his mouth stretching "and I love you, I love you even more for being scared to lose me, we fight because we love one another, don't we?"

She nodded

"You're my little sister" he pinched her cheek "you think I could ever be angry at you for long? I forgave you the moment it happened—I just like to give you a hard time, don't I?"

She bit into her lip, standing and kissing his forehead as Pomfrey returned to finish up his treatment, suggesting he spend the day resting

"I'll take it from here" Anthony squeezed her shoulder "the guys should be making their way down, we'll help him to his dorm, you go rest up yeah?"

Astrid nodded, wiping her face clean of tear streaks "I'll swing by later to check up on him"

"That was brillant" Seamus exclaimed, walking alongside the other Gryffindors—who had stayed back too see Harry—back to the common room

"I must say though I was worried for a second when he disappeared" Astrid's hand was over her heart "I wish it were one and done"

"I knew Harry would do well" Hermione said proudly, her hair scattered out of her braid "but I agree, I wish the tasks would be over already"

"I second that" Ginny sighed "but it is exciting"

"Yeah, when it's over and their all alive" Neville added

Astrid took a quick glance to the side, spotting Ron far away, sitting with his legs spread out on the ground. She frowned at the sight turning back to the others "you guys go on, I'll catch up"

She walked over to Ron quietly, looking over her shoulder to see Hermione stood at the open portrait, watching Astrid.

"It'll be okay" Astrid mouthed to Hermione, watching her reluctantly go into the bustling common room

Astrid turned back, quietly sitting herself cross legged next to the boy, turning her head to look at him properly

"How is Cedric?" He asked

"He's better, Pomfrey healed the burn on his back, the pain is only mild now, there's an ugly orange paste all over the left side of his face—she says he should be perfectly fine by morning"

"That's good" Ron avoided her gaze "and Harry"

"He's good" Astrid leaned her head on the cool stone of the wall "it wasn't a deep gash, Pomfrey healed him in seconds"

"That's good" Ron said again

Astrid watched him for a second before scooting closer to him "what's wrong?"

"Nothing" Ron snorted, trying to play it off

"Don't 'nothing' me" Astrid felt the urge to roll her eyes or call him an idiot, but she didn't "I know somethings wrong, and I've been trying to pry it out of you all day today and the past few days through letter"

"I've noticed" Ron's voice was steady, giving off no emotion

"And I don't expect you'll come and tell me yourself what's wrong" Astrid crossed her arms, putting one hand out to rest on top of Ron's "I'm here Ron, all ears"

Ron let out an aggravated sigh, but knew as well as Astrid did, that he'd never hide anything from her. They'd grown up together, she knew him like the back of her hand, and he knew her just as well. There was no shame or judgment talking to her anyways, not like it would be with Hermione. She understood him. Really understood him.

"I get tired of watching mum choose everyone else over me, over and over again. Harry's always first choice isn't he?" Ron admitted, putting the wand in his hand down "you'd choose me? Wouldn't you strid"

"Yeah" Astrid rested her head on his shoulder "yeah, I would"

Ron let out a tired sigh "thanks"

"Everytime" Astrid clearly spoke "I'd always choose you ronnikins"

Ron laughed, a burp joining it

"Gross" Astrid laughed, closing her eyes

"I don't feel bad or pathetic around you, I know Harry doesn't mean it but still" Ron whispered to her, chin on her head "he has money, name and glory and I am nothing, I have nothing"

"You're everything Ron" she looked over at him with a frown "and damn whoever has made you feel any less"

Ron smiled, moving his head to look at Astrid, a silly grin on his face "you and I against the world?"

"Holmes and Watson" Astrid high fived Ron, matching his expression "or whatever it is Hermione calls us—aside dumb and dumber of course"

He laughed

"I also realized something" Ron stood up, pulling Astrid to her feet roughly

"What's that?" Astrid stumbled, finding her balance

"After today, Harry would be barking mad to put his name in the Goblet" he admitted "I was stupid to think otherwise"

Astrid nodded her head "Harry would be happy to hear that"

"You think he'll forgive me" Ron asked as the portrait swung open "I did say some nasty things in envy, you know, suppose I wanted to be the hero too, just once in my life"

"Ofcourse he will" Astrid walked in first, waiting for Ron as she looked over the many heads, Harry being lifted up by them all, moments away from opening the golden egg "and you're my hero, always my knight in shining armour"

He rolled his eyes at this

Everyone scattered once Harry opened the egg, dropping him to plug their ears

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron let out, Harry looking up to see him and Astrid at the door, looking at him with eager eyes

Astrid tilted her head at the twins, both nodding their flaming heads at her and clearing the group, giving Ron and Harry privacy.

"How'd it go?" Hermione asked as Astrid sat down on the edge of her chair

"Good" Astrid watched the two boys, a smile appear on both their faces

"Boys" Hermione shook her head, seeing Harry pass Ron a butterbeer, Ron's arm around Harry's shoulder

Astrid hummed "boys indeed, Mione"

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