
By Bhettiboop

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One minute, me and my peers at my school were flying out to a hot and sunny vacation in Aruba. In a blink of... More

Chapter 1 - Flight 89.
Chapter 2 - Drive by's and Rock-a-Bye's.
Chapter 3 - Easy Way Out.
Chapter 4 - Lost and Found.
Chapter 5 - Every Girl for Themselves.
Chapter 6 - Adopted.
Chapter 7 - Coldplay.
Chapter 8 - Vile.
Chapter 9 - Contagious.
Chapter 10 - Downhill.
Chapter 11 - Mistaken Identity.
Chapter 12 - Inject me. [Part 1.]
Chapter 13 - Inject me. [Part 2.]
Chapter 14 - Titanic.
Chapter 15 - Forgiveness. [Part 1.]
Chapter 16 - Forgiveness. [Part 2]
Chapter 17 - "She's gone."
Chapter 18 - Reconsider.
Chapter 19 - Frozen.
Chapter 20 - SOS.
Chapter 21 - "My only sunshine."
Chapter 22 - Borderline Far.
Chapter 23 - Blood.
Chapter 24 - A Little Too Late.
Chapter 25 - The City.
Chapter 26 - Cliffhanger.
Chapter 27 - Eye of the Toddler.
Chapter 28 - Distance.
Chapter 29 - "Oh Hell..."
Chapter 30 - Gone Baby, Gone.
Chapter 32 - Kin.
Chapter 33 - Wrong Turn of Events.
Chapter 34 - Discarded Hope.
Chapter 35 - Unrecognizable.
Chapter 36 - Bury me Alive.
Chapter 37 - Facetime.
Chapter 38 - Paradise.
Chapter 39 - Family Reunion.
Chapter 40 - Rest in Peace.
Chapter 41 - Vanished.
Chapter 42 - Victim.
Chapter 43 - Pointing Fingers.
Chapter 44 - Fallen Soldier.
Chapter 45 - "Let me go."
Chapter 46 - Admission.
Chapter 47 - "Ask Adrianne."
Chapter 48 - Transgender.
Chapter 49 - 5 years later. [Part 1.]
Chapter 50 - 5 years later. [Part 2.] **FINALE**

Chapter 31 - Right By My Side.

5.3K 192 71
By Bhettiboop

On day 495, Adrianne went about her day as if she didn't do a thing. I woke up and seen Craig with the mini lantern in his hand. He walked out onto the middle of the beach, and broke the lantern with his foot as he sat down, and began doing something that struck us at odd. He had my phone in his hand as he snatched off the bottom of the lantern, and took out three mini wires that connected to the light bulb.

"What are you doing?" Khamil asked as we looked at him in a weird way.

"Trying to spark up some sort of electricity." Craig said as he clicked the wires together, and tried to charge up my phone.

Even though I found it as strange, I wasn't upset that he was coming up with some random idea to make our lives easier on the hill.

Craig looked down as he made his way to the woods. He stopped at the rocky mountain, and looked up at the roaring heights. He took a deep breath, and slowly walked up the hill to attempt and get some sort of spark from the city electricity. He placed the small wires into the part that charged my phone, and didn't get anything. He covered his face as he slumped his head in disappointment.

Suddenly, my phone lit up and sparked a signal. Craig watched it as it went to the main screen and said "charging" at the top. He smiled as he left the phone there, and sprinted down the hill.

"Guys! Guys!" Craig shouted as he ran through the woods, and made his way to the beach.

"Yeah?" We all said.

"Sierra! I got your phone to charge!" Craig jumped as he ran up to me, and hugged me.

"Wait, wha?" I smiled as I lunged up in his arms.

"Your phone! I sparked some electricity and got it to charge!"

"Oh my god. Are you serious?" I cheered.

"Dead as a fucking heart attack!"

"Oooh! Let me go get it-"

"No no no! Don't touch it yet!" Craig said as he put his hands out. "We need to let it charge as much as it can! Perhaps the whole entire day to assure that the battery stays safe."

"You're right." Nina nodded as she smiled. "We're finally going to get home, guys. It's coming and I feel it!"

Just when things couldn't get any better, we seen a few sailors in their canoe sailing and breezing past us as they went fishing. Adrianne smiled as she stood up, and squealed as she pointed out to the waters. Lilyana, was also following behind her mother and making outrageous noises.

"What the hell is that, Adrianne?" Kimberly laughed as she looked at her.

"A boat! It's a fucking boat!" Adrianne screamed as she jumped around for joy. "There's people in there so scream and yell as loud as you can to get their attention!"

"Over here! Hey! Hey! We need help over here! Help us!" We all screamed and yelled at the top of our lungs.

The fishermen slowly looked over at our way, and glanced at us for a few seconds before grabbing their paddles, and waddling towards the beach. They paddled for roughly 10 minutes, when they reached the sandy beach. The way that we were looking, caused them to stay in their boats for safety. The only one who looked decent enough was Jacob, but that was about it. The rest of our hair was messed up, our clothes were droopy and dark from constantly rewashing them, and we all were completely underweight from our normal sizes.

We basically looked like cavemen.

"What you guys need?" The first man said in his hispanic accent, trying to speak american.

"Sir, we've been on this island for years! We need rescue!" Chresanto begged as he placed his hand on the mans shoulders.

"Please! Send a bigger boat! Send some assistance! Send anything!" Adrianne begged as the men looked at each other, and nodded.

"Well you all no fit.." The second man said.

"We know! We know!" Jacob nodded. "We just need some sort of assistance! Send someone to come back for us!"

"We can take one person..." The first man nodded. "This way, person lead us back here."

"Only one?" Nina asked.

"Yes. No more fit inside here." The second man said. Each of us turned and looked at each other, looking at who we wanted to go first.

"Well, who's gonna go?" Cierra asked.

"I think that we should send Kimberly." Craig nodded. "She's the best resource here, and she's the expert around the whole island itself."

"Agreed." Me, Khamil, and Jazz said.

"No. I think that we should send one of the kids." Kimberly said as she shook her head. "Perhaps Gia since she's the baby. She needs to leave first."

"What?" Jacob said as he clutched Gia close to him.

"Jacob, we need to send Gia to safety." Adrianne said as she slowly turned to him.

"But but...what if we don't find her after this? What if she doesn't-"

"Jacob, you'll find Gia afterwards. I put that on my mother." Rayan nodded.

"What if I don't see her again?" Jacob said as he held her closer. "What if I don't see my daughter again?"

"We will do everything we can to make sure that you and Adrianne see your children again." Kimberly nodded as she looked at Jacob. "I give you my word. I put that on both my mother and my father."

"Oh.....okay." Jacob sighed as he looked at Gia.

The tears were forming in his eyes as Gia looked at Jacob, and smiled as she bobbed her small head around. She spit out of her mouth a little bit as Jacob kissed her on her forehead, and placed his forehead against hers, and began to let the tears flow down his eyes. He hugged her, then looked back at her to give her his final message.

"If I never see you again, I swear i'll jump off of that cliff." Jacob said as he looked her in her eyes. "Another thing that I want you to know just in case I never see you again, is that daddy loves you so much. You be safe wherever you go, alright?"

"gakspdhsh." Gia spat as she giggled at him.

"Okay.....take her........" Jacob wailed as one of the men took Gia, and placed her in her lap inside of the canoe. At this point, Jacob was crying harder than he ever have. He couldn't believe that Gia was being taken away from him.

The first man made sure that Gia was strapped down nice and tight between his legs, as the second man began to paddle off deep into the waters. Jacob was kneeled down as he kept his hands in prayer position, and glanced at Gia as she slowly faded away. Gia seemed happier than she ever have, but Jacob was literally growing weak. Gia was the only thing keeping him sane, and she was his little angel. His better girl. His daughter.

And at that point, Jacob gave up.

He charged at the water as the men continued to paddle away, and lunged at the canoe as he took Gia out. Me and everyone else on the beach gasped as Jacob clutched Gia, and walked back onto the beach. The men looked at Jacob in confusion as they paddled their way back to the beach.

"What are you doing?" The second man asked.

"I'm not letting my daughter leave. She's staying with me." Jacob said in a stern tone as he shook his head, and kissed Gia on her cheek as he kept his eyes on the men. Adrianne looked at Jacob in an angry way as she glared at him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Adrianne barked as she looked at him. "Gia needs safety! Let her go!"


"Jacob come on!" Rayan begged as he looked at him.

"She can die out here, Jacob!" Kimberly plead as she looked at him.

"No she won't. I'll lose my life before she lose hers." Jacob said as he shook his head again. "As long as i'm here, Gia won't be going anywhere. She's safe with me."

"Jacob i'm the parent and i'm demanding that Gia-"

"Adrianne, i'm the parent too!" Jacob shouted as he gave a fiery angry look at her. "I said that she's not going and goddamnit she's not going! I don't give a fuck what you or anyone on this island as to say! She's my child, she's under my care, and she's staying with me! I'm not leaving her side and damnit she's not leaving mine!"

"You selfish, inconsiderate, idiotic bastard!" Adrianne shouted at him as she inched near his face, and stormed off into Kimberly's home, slamming the door. Jacob carelessly watched her storm off into the house, as Jacob turned to the rest of us.

"Does anybody else have anything to say?" Jacob asked, referring to all of us.

Everyone could see the anger in Jacob's eyes. and nobody wanted anything to do with it. He was always so nice and so kind, and to see him furious like this scared the shit out of us.

"That's what I thought." Jacob nodded as he walked off into the woods, heading to the hut. We all sighed as we looked at each other in pure frustration.

"Well, who's going to go now?" I asked.

"I'll go. I'll just make this case easy and simple." Khamil said sternly as she got inside of the canoe with the men. "The minute I touch base on land, I will send alot of people back here for you guys. Alright?"

"Okay thanks Khamil!" We all nodded as we waved at her, and watched her sail away with the men. "We'll see you later!"

"Alright. I love you guys!" Khamil smiled. "Goodbye!"


This, was the last time that any of us would see Khamil on that island.

Day 465 was already drawing to a close when the fishermen came, so night drew upon us quickly. We all anxiously waited on the beach for Khamil. It seemed like forever when in reality, she'd only been gone for 2 hours. We all laid in the sand, as Craig looked at us in a little bit of excitement.

"Do y'all wanna go check and see your phone?" Craig asked.

"Sure!" We all smiled as we stood up.

We all scooped up Adrianne and Jacob, even though they weren't talking. For the first time, they took Adrianne and Gia up to the top of the hill/mountain to get their first and a good view on heights. Craig showed me my phone as we all sat up top, and glanced at it. The phone was fully charged, and I hugged Craig in return for a thank you. Now that my phone was nice and charged, I came up wth the idea of calling our family members one by one and having a talk with them.

A simple decision like this, only cost me to stay on this island longer than I needed to.

Khamil, the fishermen, two expert boaters, and a few police officers pulled up to the beach in a yacht that was big enough to fit all of us on there. The three police officers stepped out of the boat as Khamil and the two fishermen trailed behind them. But since they hadn't seen anything at first glance, the police officers soon began to think that this was a big waste of time.

"Are you sure that this is the right beach?" The third police officer said as he glanced around.

"Yes. Our plane crashed here on this site, and there are people here." Khamil nodded as the officers continued to look around.

"So, where's the people?" The mexican officers said in their heavy accents.

"No they're here!" Khamil panted in a nervous tone as she pointed to Kimberly's house. "Check the house. Check the house!"

The officers went inside of Kimberly's home, and searched around inside of there for 10 minutes, just to be thorough. Khamil and the two fishermen waited impatiently as the three officers stepped outside of the house, and came outside of the home with frustrated looks on their faces.

"Nothing.." The first officer growled as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Check the woods! All throughout the woods!" Khamil said as she pointed there. "I'll even come with you guys! There's a hut and everything inside of there!"

The officers were growing irritated, but they searched anyway because it was their job. Two officers searched around the woods with police dogs as the third officer searched inside of the hut that was built by the waterfall. The officers took another 20 minutes by researching the woods 3 more times, before coming back out with angry looks on their faces.

"Look, is this a joke?" The first officer scoffed.

"No it isn't! My friends are here!" Khamil shouted as she teared up. "These two fishermen can tell you everything! They seen them earlier today!"

"And were there people here?" The second officer asked.

"Yessir." The first mexican man said. "They here by day."

"So what happened to them? They just vanished?" The first officer joked.

"Yeah! Or something?" Khamil shouted.

"Come on, ma'am. Let's go.." The second officer snarled as he grabbed onto Khamil's arm, and walked to the yacht as the other officers led the other two men. "We don't have time for this baby stuff. We rented a boat all the way out here just to see ghosts."

"No sir you're not listening to me!" Khamil shouted even louder as she wrested through the officers arm. The officer stopped, then gave her a stern look.

"HEY!" The second officer shouted.

"What?" Khamil growled back.

"It might be because you're hungry, and you haven't had anything to eat in days." The second officer said as he looked Khamil in the eye. "You're not the first person who've called us for nonexistent people when you haven't had any sleep or anything to eat. You've just had imaginary friends, and we're going to assist you to some medicine. Okay?"

But Khamil was so hungry and delusional, that she actually thought what the officers had said was true. She turned and looked at the empty beach, then looked back at the officer as he continued to hold onto her arm. Khamil couldn't believe how realistic her imagination was, so she needed to go somewhere to clear her head. She sighed as a few tears fell down her face, then turned and began to walk back to the boat.

"Okay......just...just take me away." Khamil moped as she slumped in the boat. "Just take me home. Take me back to my family."

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