Jikook Oneshots 2

By Mikchimin

55K 1.9K 16.9K

Another compilation of stories where Mimmie loves Koo and Koo loves Mimmie right back. Hey~ I filled out an e... More

Classicalish (Part Two)
Adults (Continuation of Children)
ThE most ClichE Jikook Story evVer Part Too??? Yes!1!!!
Ice (Part Two)
Leather (Continuation to Bikers)
Koo The First
Koo The First (Part Two)
Koo The First (Part Three)
Mimmie His Love (Continuation of Koo The First)
Best Friend's Little Brother (Continuation to Big Brother's Best Friend)
Conference (Continuation of Electric)
Among Us
Reality (Continuation of First Sight)
Graduation (Continuation to Top Kinky and Dare)
Letters (Continuation to Servants)
Brothers (Part Two)
Brothers (Part Three)
Famous (Part Two)
Famous (Part Three)
Dog (Part Two)
Grudge (Continuation to Rebound)
Benefits (Continuation to Jeans)
Drawing (Part Two)
River (Part Two)
Awkward (Continuation to Birth)
Awkward (Part Two)
Bachelorette (Part Two)
Kingdom (Continuation to Swords)
Kingdom (Part Two)


467 25 288
By Mikchimin

"I hate you."

"You've said," Jimin's friend Andy laughs. They drag Jimin along by the sleeve to the muddy entrance of the corn maze.

"Why'd we have to do this at night?" Jimin whines. "Knowing you you'll get excited and run off without me, and I'll be all alone in the dark."

And shook their head. "Never! Come on Jimin I'm your best friend, I wouldn't do that."

Jimin shoots them a pointed look.

They tense up a little, playing with the tutu-like skirt they have on over their jeans. "Okay, maybe I've done it a few times before, but that's in the past Ji. I promise."

Jimin huffs. "Fine. But if you run off you owe me a burger."

Andy laughs. "Deal! There will be no burger buying on my end though, that's for sure!"

Their best friend deadpans. "I dunno about that."


Andy was nowhere to be found. Jimin knew this would happen, this always happened and Jimin was left to be lost. He supposes it's his own fault for trusting them, but at least he gets a burger out of it for his trouble.

His pace was a leisurely stroll, he had nowhere to be, and the longer it took the more Andy would freak out. Karma, he though as he smiled to himself. So, in the dark, with slippery mud under his feet and stalks of corn high above his head, he just moved forward.

All of a sudden someone ran into him. He slipped, losing his balance. A hand grabbed his as they struggled to stay standing. But after a few seconds they miraculously regained their composure.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" The guy who ran into him, a guy bigger and taller than Jimin, exclaimed. "I didn't see you! You're kinda small."

"Wow, thanks," Jimin rolled his eyes. "Why are you running around in the dark without a flashlight?"

"My phone is close to dead," He explained. "My brother ran off without me, saying he wanted to race, but now I think I'm doomed, I'm never getting out of here. I'm Jungkook, by the way, what's your name and story?"

"Um, I'm Jimin," He furrows his eyebrows. "My best friend really wanted to go, and they promised they wouldn't leave me behind. But here we are."

"Damn," Is all Jungkook says. "We're like those books, huh? Left behind?"

"What? Those books are about kids who's families got taken up to heaven because their families believed in God but the kids didn't."

"And then the kids found each other and stuck together," Jungkook continued. "How about it?"

Jimin hesitates for a second. On one hand, walking around alone was boring. On the other hand, this guy was really annoying. "Yeah no."

"What? Come on," The guy grabs his hand as if he thought Jimin was going to dart away. "It'll be fun!"

"I really doubt it," Jimin stared at their hands.


"Why?" Jimin asked. "Why me?"

"Because you're a guy my age alone in a cornfield just like me," Jungkook shrugs. "Come on Jimin."

Jimin groans. "Fine! We'll stick together. It's not like you were gonna take no for an answer anyways. That's not a very likable trait to have."

"Yay!" Jungkook paid no attention to the last part. Or the middle part really. "That's great! Let's go then." He links their arms together. "What school do you go to?"


"Uh, because walking in silence would be pointless," Jungkook deadpans. "I'm just trying to make conversation. What school do you go to?"

"Northshore High School, about half an hour away from here."

"What!?" Jungkook's eyes widen. "No way, me too! How have I never seen you before? Is it because we're not in the same year? Are you a sophomore?"

"Asshole I'm a senior," He glared at the taller.

"Oops," Jungkook sucked in a breath through his teeth. "But I guess that would explain why we've never had a class together. I'm a Junior."

"Yeah I don't know how else I could've missed you," His voice was loud, he sounded stupid. Jimin was already so annoyed.

"That's so cool, woah," Jungkook grins. "I'll make sure to say hi to you in the halls."

"Thanks," Jimin's tone was dry. He looked up at Jungkook's face. He was pretty. He hated to admit it, but he hated lying too.

As if that made the noise any better though.

"Of course, don't worry about it," Jungkook beams. "You know I love our school. People are so nice there. Once I..."

Jimin tuned out the noise to the best of his ability. He regretted every decision he's made tonight. This was going to be a painfully slow two hours.


"I'm bored."

"Oh really?" Jimin's rolled his eyes so much to the point his eyes are starting to hurt. "The non-stop talking isn't entertaining enough for you?"

"I dunno, it's been like an hour, we're still lost," Jungkook shrugs. "Hmm...wanna make out?"

"What!?" Jimin glares at him. "No! Obviously not Dumbass, why would you even ask that!?"

"I told you, I'm bored," Jungkook defends in a small voice, for once a bit embarrassed. "And you know...people kiss when they're bored, and you have nice lips, so I wouldn't mind, you know...kissing you."

"You are so fucking stupid," Jimin walks away, leaving Jungkook to follow. He doesn't face him. He knows it's dark but...

He doesn't want Jungkook to know his face is burning.

"Okay, okay, sorry I asked," Jungkook catches up to him. "We can sing instead. I know this really cute song. It goes like this, 'Sing me a rainbow, paint me a dream, show me a world that I've never seen.'"

Jungkook's voice wasn't half bad. In fact, it was really good. Jimin said nothing, actually enjoying it.

'Whisper a sunset, and when you do, you'll know how I feel, I say you'll know how I feel, you'll know how I feel when I'm with you.'


"And then the giraffe stuck out it's tongue, which was weird. It was long and purple."

Jungkook had gone back to talking.

"Oh my God fine!" Jimin yells.


"But this is only because I need you to shut up, you are so annoying!" That's what he's trying to convince himself anyways.

"What do you mean-"

Jimin brings his hand to the back of Jungkook's head, pulling it towards him. He brings their lips together, not giving the younger even a second to protest. It's not like he would've anyways, instead kissing back, their tongues meeting. He slips his hand under Jimin's hoodie, then past his shirt. Jimin shivers as skin made contact with skin, Jungkook's hand making it's home on Jimin's waist.

Jimin's other hand made it's way to Jungkook's shoulder, pulling him even closer. He learned into the kiss so much he stumbled, his back hitting the corn. Without thinking, he leans back.

Jungkook catches him so he doesn't fall through the stalks. "You can't lean against corn," He pulls away, his eyes gleaming. "Dumbass."

Jimin forces down a smile, his own insult being used against him.

Okay that was kind of hot.

And with that in mind their lips were back together. Jungkook's hands were now both on Jimin's waist, cold, but so electrifying. All of Jimin's negative emotions were slowly ebbing away. Maybe Jungkook wasn't so annoying after all. If he could kiss like this...maybe he wasn't so annoying after all.

Jimin doesn't know how long they make out like this. His feet were already starting to hurt when they started kissing, but at one point they ended up sitting down, not caring about the mud getting on their clothes. Jimin's way too into the kiss to mind.

He didn't think he'd enjoy it in the least bit, but he did. The kiss was getting messy, their chins embarrassingly wet. His lips began to feel raw from the biting, but the pain only added to the pleasure.

Jungkook moved down to Jimin's neck, surprising the smaller. He digs his fingers into Jungkook's long dark hair as the latter sucks and bites at the skin. Right now the past few hours didn't matter to Jimin. He just wanted more.

And so he voiced it. "More," He whimpered. "I want more."

Jungkook pulls away. "What do you mean?"

"I dunno," Jimin meets his eyes, finally realizing how beautiful they were, big and bright, slowly darkening as he stared. "Just give me more."

"Uh, yeah, okay," Jungkook scoots closer. "I'll give you more."

He travels down to Jimin's collarbones, his hands slowly inching up to his chest. Jimin's breath hitches, his heart pounding.

"Oh my God Ji!"

Jimin pushed Jungkook away quicker than he thought possible. Jungkook's back hits the ground, his windbreaker getting covered in mud. He wipes the drool off his face with his sleeve, staring ahead like a deer caught in headlights.

Andy runs forward, slipping a little bit. The worker in the bright orange hoodie followed behind. They had come together.

"I thought you were dead!" And, now on their knees, pushed past Jungkook and slung their arms around their best friend.

"It's been like three hours," Jimin started at Jungkook, who's now sitting up. When they made eye-contact, the younger broke into a smile. Jimin looked away, flustered.

"I went around this whole section with one of the workers, it had been six hours Ji!" And exclaims. "No one is ever in a corn maze that long! It only took me three!"

"Oh geez, yeah, my brother totally already went home at this point," Jungkook sucks in a breath.

"Okay, wait, yeah, you're not alone," Andy pulls away, smirking. "Who's this?"

"No one," Jimin coughs. "Just some dumbass that decided to follow me around."

"A dumbass that also seems to work part time as a mosquito," They eye his neck.

Jimin, face burning, ignores them, standing up and walking over to the worker. "Um, will you please show us the exit?"

As they start walking, Jungkook takes the place at Jimin's side, leaving Andy to trail behind. Jimin doesn't even notice, he just walks.

"Um, that was really fun Jimin," Jungkook speaks in a low voice, so the others don't hear. "Thank you for that."

"It was only so you would shut up," Jimin grumbles. "You talk too much."

"Fine fine, talk less," Jungkook nods. "While you smile more."

"Was that a Hamilton reference?"

"Yeah, wow, we're totally on the same wavelength," Jungkook beams. "Maybe that kiss synced up our thoughts."

"Shut up!" Jimin hits him, speaking through gritted teeth. "W-why don't you sing instead? Make use of your mouth."

"Oh I think I've already shown how well I can use my mouth," Jungkook chuckles. Another hit. "Ouch! But sure, I'm glad you like my singing. 'There's a web like a spider's web, made of silk and light and shadow, spun by the moon in my room at night, it's a web made to catch a dream, hold it tight till I awaken, as if to tell me that dreamin's alright~'"

The song was unfamiliar to Jimin, but comforting all the same. His voice was mellow, calming. Jimin found himself smiling. Maybe...maybe he had judged him too harshly at first, maybe Jimin's already bad mood influenced his quick judgement on him. Would he tell Jungkook that? No. Especially not with nosy Andy around. But...still, while the taller was singing, Jimin did silently link their arms together.

The worker led them out of the maze to a well-lit area. Jimin immediately dropped their arms when he realized they could be seen.

"I can't believe it's 1am!" Andy groaned. "All the burger places will be closed except for that one 24-hour diner."

"It's a cute diner, and I want a burger," Jimin looks at them.

"Fine," Andy rolls their eyes. "I guess it's my fault it took so long anyways."

"Hey, Jimin? Can I get your number?" Jungkook asks, rather shyly. "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to but-"

I don't want to," He says, a bit awkward.

"Yes he does," Andy counters. "Trust me, he has a big crush on you. I've known this man for 13 years and he thinks he can fool me."

"Andy!" Jimin yells, blush creeping all the way up to his ears.

"It's 891-013-2258," Andy ignores. "Text him, he will respond, even if he tries to make it seem like he won't. Ji's a softy at heart." They ruffle Jimin's hair.

"Shut up," Jimin mumbles. "Andy doesn't know what they're talking about."

"Anyways, we should get going, but do you need a ride?" Andy asks Jungkook. "I recognize you now that we're in the light. You go to Northshore, right?"

"Yeah," Jungkook nods. "Aren't we in pottery together?'

"That's it," Andy snaps. "I thought we had a class together but I was totally blanking. Anyways, we're going for burgers, my treat. I'm sure Jimin would love it if you came."

"They're spewing bullshit," Jimin looks at the ground.

"I'm really not."

"Yeah, thank you," Jungkook nods, looking back at Jimin. They make eye-contact for half a second before Jimin looks away.

"Great," Andy smiles. "The car is across the street, let's go then."

They take the hay ride back to the main farm, where the parking lot was. It was pulled by a tractor, two big wagons connected. The seats were hay bales. They felt scratchy even with Jimin's black jeans as a barrier between the hay and his skin. But he supposes it's part of the charm, so it doesn't bother him as much.

He's squished between Jungkook and Andy. Because it was so cold, they huddled together for warmth. Andy clung onto Jimin's arm, their head on his shoulder. Jungkook on the other hand, had his hands folded in between his legs, thighs squeezed together to keep his hands from freezing. Jimin and Jungkook's whole sides were touching, but besides that, they made no effort to make any extra contact with one another.

They walked to the car in the silence of the night. Jungkook talked a little bit, but nothing more than that. The beat up 1987's Toyota passed down by Andy's father is the only one left in the lot.

Andy gets in the driver's seat, and Jungkook sits behind them. Jimin silently gets in the back next to Jungkook.

"Um, Dude," Andy chuckles. "The passenger seat is open."

"Yeah but this dumbass is reckless," Jimin excuses his actions. "I-I need to be back here so he doesn't wreck your car."

"Mmhm," Andy doesn't sound convinced. "Whatever you say Ji. You whipped piece of shit."

"Andy shut up," Jimin glares at them. "I'm not whipped for a guy that ran into me so I almost fell, and then begged me to stay with him like a five year old, only to talk my ear off for way too long."

"No, you're whipped for the singing guy that made your neck all red," Andy counters.

"I don't like you," Jimin pouts.

"I know that, you love me."

"I'm starting to doubt that."

"Whatever, I'll shut up," Andy turns on the car, backing out of the spot. "I'll embarrass you when he's gone."

"Andy doesn't know what they're talking about," Jimin finally addresses Jungkook. "This is the person who ran off without me in a cornfield remember. Don't trust them."

"Okay Jimin," He laughs. "I won't."

Andy gasps. "Rude!"

"You said you'd shut up."

Silently, Jungkook grabs Jimin's hand, laying their palms flat against each other. With his other hand he pats Jimin's, sandwiching it. Jimin just lets him. This is fine.

"Hey, wanna sing again?" Andy asks. "Your voice is really nice, and I'm sure it would make the car ride better."

"Sure," He looks at Jimin as he begins to sing, in a low, husky tone. 'Out of my window looking in the night I can see the barges flickering light, silently flows the river to the sea as the barges too go silently.'

His voice is so sweet and soothing. It's already so late, and Jimin's body aches. But now in the warm car, that Andy's father thankfully made sure to have working heat despite being so old, Jimin's beginning to get tired. He closes his eyes.

'Barges, I would like to go with you, I would like to sail the ocean blue, barges, have you treasures in your hold? Do you flight with pirates brave and bold?'

Andy makes a turn, and Jimin falls against Jungkook, his head on his shoulder as the boy keeps singing. He doesn't make any effort to move. This is all because he's tired, he says to himself. It's comfortable, it means nothing.

Jungkook smiles as he sings the last chorus, the boy he now really likes so close. 'How my heart longs to sail away with you as I watch you sail the ocean blue, but I must stand beside my window clear as I watch you sail away from here. Barges...'

The girl in the song didn't get her dream. But...with the way Jimin was acting, maybe...maybe Jungkook would.  

A/N: Ouf it's been a mess these past two weeks

Hi guys~

Before I get into anything, I need to start off with the most important thing in the day, and this is not debatable. This is very important.




I have said it before, I will say it again, you gotta read his book!! Hoe is such a good writer, I would not recommend you a shitty book. Loyalty means nothing if the writing isn't good.

Read it;

It is so amazing and all the characters are amazing, like they know how to write compelling characters. So read it please besties, only 819 reads is a /crime/. 

Also send love Hoe's way. Go to ivanathehoe and write on their message board, saying happy birthday, cuz they deserve it so much. 

But yes, he is amazing :)

Happy Birthday Hoe I love youuuuuuuu

But yes, you're amazing, the most important thing has been addressed.

Now time to talk about something quite stupid

Me on Instagram.

I think I'm going to start doing dumbass post of the day because there's so much, but for now I'll start with a category I'm sure you all saw coming, and at least one of you could guess

Me and Yeosang. 

To be fair, I calculated it, I scream over Yeosang once ever six days on average, that's not a lot!! But yes, I thought I'd share some of my favorites, because I scream about Yeo a lot-

So here you go;

I don't know what the context of this was I don't want kids and I want him tho so-

This was a video of me starting my car after threatening my hoe that I'll drive off a cliff because of Yeosang

Delulu hours I know shhhhhh ;-;

Those are lyrics from one of ATEEZ's songs btw I'm not just repeating random words-

It's called All About You and it's one of my favorite songs :)

But yeah...that's me screaming about Yeosang hour, I'll start going through my 'random' story folder and giving you things I find funny~

There are other ones, just of me crying over Yeosang, but you've already seen that, it's just amplified on my Insta story, especially my close friends story, which is literally pretty much all online friends and one irl. 

Anywaysssssss I'm not in the biggest mood to talk about Jikook, mostly because Jikook Twitter has been really shitty lately, and I'm pretty much staying off Twitter because of it. A friend of mine was put on a report account with no evidence and people are jumping on her, and Jikook accounts just keep leaving.

We like to call ourselves a close community, we're all mostly really kind welcoming people. It's those who hate Jikook and 'shippers' (even though most of us aren't shippers, we support Jikook for who they are, be it romantic or platonic) and yeah. They love to bunch us together with toxic cultist sheep who use other members and are hateful and malicious.

We're the opposite of that. And it's like a war of sorts. Our community is going up in flames.

It'll be repaired when Jikook comes back, I know that. Jikook makes everything better. But it's hard right now, so I'm not in the know when comes to Jikook, not like I usually am.

There was the In The Soop snoring clip which was cute. All the ITS moments have been cute, I hope we see a ton of Jikook in the behind the scenes :)

And there's gonna be a concert so soon. We're bound to get Jikook then ^^ 

And Season's greetings!! From the previews we've been getting;

We'll be great in the Jikook department too ^^

But yeah...I don't really know what else to say. 

Oh wait, doy, I'm a dumbass, I got a new job-

I work at Target lol

It's really nice, I do fulfillment, which means I walk around the store finding items for people's orders, and I get to do lots of scanning, and it's like a huge treasure hunt for four hours. I didn't really like it at first but it's grown on me. 

When looking for clothes, there's a machine I get to use, and you just wave it around and if the item is close it'll start beeping, it's so fun lol. I get paid to go on a treasure hunt. I don't mind it one bit. 

But yeah

Now I don't think I have anything to say. I went to Starbucks today. I went to my sister's high school play. It was Harry Potter fanfiction.

I am not joking, the play was Harry Potter fanfiction but they couldn't use any of the iconic names for copyright purposes so it was really hard to follow and pretty stupid but yeah-

The drama director is a fucking cult leader that doesn't know how to pick plays. Like bestie picked a D&D play for Fall 2019 she has no idea what she's doing even tho she's been there since like the 80s-

That's all I did today.

And now I'm uploading.

So I love you guys!

(That was sudden lol oops)


Serendipity because Hoe likes Serendipity :)

I love you guys!

I'm working really hard on the Squid Game fic!


(It took me way too long to spell my name right there-)

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