Things We Didn't Know.

By xLittleDirectionx

6.3K 64 20

This story is about a 13 year old girl who is abused. She bumps into Niall but she doesn't know who he is. La... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Not an update
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not an update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
This Ain't No Update(;
Chapter 34
Not And Update But Please Read!!!!!
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 40

114 2 0
By xLittleDirectionx

Hey guys. Well ya'll didn't get the vote thing, but you went 13 more reads then what I asked for so...I thought why not. The next update doesn't have a thingie I'll just upload when I can yeah? Okay. Love Ya'll!


*Aleia's POV*

I woke up the next morning and turned my head to the right of me. There sleeping, with his arm around my waist protectivly and his head in the crook of my neck, was Zach. The memories of last night came back to me and I smiled a little bit to myself. 

Suddenly, I felt the urge to pee, like really really bad. As gently as I could, I picked up the sleeping boys arm slightly, trying not to wake him up, and I slid out from under it. 

When I went to raise up, there was a sharp pain in my...'lower area'. I held in the scream that I wanted to let out by biting my lip. I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and tried to stand up. When I was half way up, the pain came again and I had no choice but to sit back down on the bed. 

I put my hands on the nightstand that is next to his bed for support as I tried again. I was able to get myself up that time but I was still in pain. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as I tried to balance myself to walk into the bathroom that was connected to his room. 

When I moved my right leg to start walking forward, the pain was three times worse than the first time. I fell aginst the wall as a whimper/squeak excaped my mouth. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I put my hands on the wall so that I could balance myself on it without falling. 

Zach stirred at the sound and his eyes started to flutter. A smile formed on his lips as he said,

"Goodmorning, babe." When I didn't answer him, his eyes opened all of the way and when he noticed that I was holding myself up by the wall, his eyes turned to worry along with his face as he jumped up and ran over to me. 

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He said as he reached me and helped me stand properly. I shook my head and shut my eyes again.

"Are you hurt?" He said sounding worried. I nodded this time. 

"What hurts Aleia? You have to talk to me. I can't do anything if I don't know what's wrong." He said to me. 

"My umm...umm" How am I supposed to tell him this? What word do I use? Instead of using words, I used my hand and made a 'downward' motion before finishing my sentance. "It hurts. Alot."

"Oh...You were a virgin werent you?" He said looking at me sadly after he got my hint. 

"Yeah. Why? Arn't you too?" I said. Was he not?

"Oh, yeah! Of course I am. I mean...was." He said looking away and blushing. 

"But I told you. It was going to hurt you more than me. Why didn't you tell me to stop like I told you to?" He said looking me in the eyes. 

"Because it didn't hurt then. It's only hurting now." I said. 

"And, I really have to pee like, so bad right now. Can you help me get to the bathroom?" I said feeling embarressed that I had asked him to do something like this for me. 

He nodded and picked me up bridal style and carried me over to his bathroom. When he set me down on my feet he looked back at me. 

"Are you...Do you um...You got it from here?" He said. I nodded again in response and he left the bathroom. 


When I was done, I walked out and into the bedroom. Somehow peeing helped with that situation and I was only bearly limping now. 

He looked up from his phone when he saw me enter. 

"Zayn wants you home, Love." He said with a small smile on his lips. 

"But I don't wanna go home." I whined. 

"He is already on his way. And we are lucky that we put our clothes back on last night because my mum came home early this morning and she checked on me. She was a little surprised when she saw you. Ha." He said. 

"Yeah." Was my response as I sat back on the bed and waited for Zayn to come and get me. 


"Aleia, your ride is here!" Zach's mum yelled from the livingroom. I looked at Zach and he gave me a quick kiss before walking me out of the room and down the stairs in the livingroom. Before I opened the door to leave, he pulled me back and hugged me, whispering an 'I love you.' before letting go. 

'I love you too.' I whispered back. And I did. 

When I got into the car, it wasn't Zayn who picked me up, it was Niall. 

The first two minutes was quiet until he broke it. 

"Aleia, I was so scared last night when Zayn called and told us what had happened. You really scared all of us. Anything could have happened to you." He said to me. I didn't do anything but stare at him in shock and hurt. He just called me 'Aleia'. He never does that. 

"Why are you staring at me like that, Love? Say something." He said as tears brimmed his eyes. 

"You just...Did you just call me...Aleia?" I said as tears left my own eyes. He must be really upset with me. I make everyone upset don't I? He just breathed out and kept his eyes on the road. Not saying anything in return.

Suddenly, I felt the need to do something that I haven't done in so long. Not since I met the boys. When Niall pulled up to the house, I ignoored the pain that I got when I got out of the car and I started to run to the door. All of the boys tried to talk to me but I just ran passed them and into my room. I turned around and locked the door, just to make sure that they wouldn't come in. 

I went into my closet and grabbed out the bag that I had with me when I ran into Niall. At the very bottom, I found my razor. I pulled it out and went into my bathroom. Holding my wrist above the sink, I tried to talk myself out of doing it. Like for a few hours but it didn't work. On the opposite side of the door, I could hear the boys trying to get in. 

"This is for up setting everyone."


"For being so stupid."


"For coming into their lives and ruining it." 


I stopped myself before I could do it anymore. I didn't want to pass out like I did in sixth grade. I grabbed the rag, pressing it to my bloody wrist as I reached for the bandages. 

After I have wrapped my arm up and got it to stop bleeding, I cleaned up my mess and walked into my bedroom. I pulled my computer off of my desk and sat it on the bed. I'm still ignooring the boys. Yes they are still out there. 

I logged onto skype and saw that Zach was online. I didn't want to bother him though. It would seem clingy. Instead of video calling me, he messaged me first. (Zach-Z Aleia-A)

Z- Hey babe. You okay?

A- Yeah...I'm fine..

Z- Are you sure? I'm worried about you. The boys good?

A- Kinda...They are outside of my door trying to get in...And don't worry about me. I'm fine.

Z- Okay...I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to hurt you. 

A- I told you, it didn't hurt last night. It only hurt this morning and it doesn't now so it's fine.

"Aleia, fine. We will come back later but you can't stay in that room forever!" Zayn yelled as the knocking stopped.

Z- I know but still. 

A- It's okay...The boys went away...Finally.

Z- Lol. I love you.

A- I love you too(:

Z- HOLY HELL! You put a smile on the end! 

A- and? Lol it made me happy.

Z- Video chat me?

A- Sure. But hang on a sec. 

I jumped up and threw on a hoodie. I don't want him to see my arm. Before I could get back on my bed, a single knock came from my door. I froze, It was Niall. 

"Hey. I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to call you Aleia. It just slipped out. You're still my princess alright? You don't have to answer me but I just want you to know that." He said and I heard the sound of him walking away. 

A- Okay. I'm back. 

*During The Call*

Z- "Hey!" He shouted into his computer. 

A- "Hi." I said back to him more quietly. 

Z- "Why are you being so quiet?"

A- "Because I'm giving the boys the 'silent treatment' and I don't want them to hear me talking."

Z- "Ohhh. Have you really been in your room since 12 o'clock?"

A- "Yeah?"

Z- "But it's bloody 5:30?"

A- "I know. I just don't want to talk to them and if I go out, then I'll have to."

Z- "Have you eaten yet?"

A- "No. I will when they go to sleep."

Z- "And what if they stay up all night?"

A- "They wont."

Z- "You don't know that, Aleia. Go and eat. Right now please." 

A- "No. I'm not leaving my room, Zach." 

Z- "Will you quit being so stubborn and just go? They are worried about you and you are just making it worse, babe."

A- "Yeah. Cause that's all I do, is make everything worse." I said, moving my mouse over to the 'End Call" button. 

Z- "Aleia, no. You know I didn't mean it like that-"

A- "Bye." I said as I ended the call and stood up because I had to pee again. 

When I got done, doing my buisness, I walked over to my bed and pulled out the blankets, getting inside of them and curling up. Sleepy time. I don't care what time of day it is. 


When I woke up again, I looked at the clock and saw that I had slept for 6 1/2 hours. Woah. It was 11:30. I picked up my laptop again and looked at it to see that I had 27 messages. Three from Zach, two from Louis, four from Eleanor, six from Zayn, three from Harry, two from Liam, and five from Niall. 


 1. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way I promise. 

 2. Please answer me, babe. You know what I meant c'mon. Please. We shouldn't be fighting right now..

 3. I'm going to stay online until you answer me. I don't care if it's all night long.

I looked and sure enough, he was still logged on. I sighed and wrote him back. He needed to rest. 

A- I wrote you back. Now please go to sleep. You're going to be tired in the morning. It's fine. 


1. Leia, open your door or imma go all ninja and kick it open. 

2. Please. We miss you and we are sorry that we haven't been here lately. The food is done.  


1. You should really open the door. I wanna talk to my fav girl the world!

2. You can trust me, Love. I wont tell anyone anything.

3. If you write me back, i'll bring in some of my hot chocolate and we can talk.

4. C'mon, Love. I haven't seen you in forever.


1. Partner in crime, you can't hide forever. I'll get you out of there.

2. Open.The.Door.

3. Ugh. You're stubborn. I bet you're hungry too. Food is done.


1. I'm not going to ask you to open the door, cause I know that you wont. I wanna know if you are okay.

2. Please answer. We are all worried.


1. Princess I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you that. 

2. Please?

3. Are you ever going to talk to me again? I'm sorry I haven't been here but that don't mean that I forgot you. You are still my princess so open up that door and come out so I can hug you?

4. Please open. I need to see my princess!

5. ...I guess that's a no? Alright. Come out when you are ready, and I will still be here. The food is done.


1. I didn't mean anything I said yesterday, Aleia. I wish that I never would have said that because I know that it hurt you and I hate myself for that.

2. Please come out and talk? None of us are angry and we just miss you.

3. Please, sissy.

4. We have made dinner. You should come and eat.

5. I'm not sleeping until you are out.

6. I really need to speak to you. Please, sissy. Come out.

I didn't respond to any of them. I just talked to Zach. The only people who were online was Zach and Niall. I'm starving though. 

Z- Finally! I'm sorry okay? I really am. I love you and goodnight, Love. Message me tomorrow babe?

A- It's fine. I love you too. Goodnight and okay I will.

I'm so hungry right now. I walk over to my door and open the door just a little. Didn't sound like nobody is awake. I tiptoe down the stairs and to the kitchen. I freeze when I see Niall eating a brownie on the counter. I try and turn around but the darn floor decided to creak and he heard it. 

"Don't you move. Stay right there." He said turning around to face me. He got up and walked over to me. When he reached me, he pulled me into a tight hug. 

"I'm so sorry, princess. I will never call you that again okay?" He whispered to me, still not letting go. I nodded and he finally let me go so I could breathe. 

"Are you hungry? I can make you a sandwhich?" He said looking at me. 

"I'm starving." Was my quiet response. He nodded understandingly and walked to the kitchen. 

"So, why did you lock yourself in there all day long?" He said. 

"I'll talk to you in my room. I don't really want to talk right now." I said and he smiled lightly at me. 

"Here you go." He said as he layed a plate on the table in front of me. 

"Thank you." I said as I picked it up and starting eating. 

"Can we go to my room before one of them wake up?" I said looking at him as I was still eating. 

"Sure." He said and lead us to my room. 

He went and he sat down on the couch that is in the little room off to the side with the tv and everything. The one that has my name all over it. I locked the door again and followed his actions. 

"So, tell me what happened." He said as he eyed the last two bites of my sandwhich. 

"You can have it." I said holding it out to him. 

"No. You eat it. I have already eatin." He said as he pushed it back towards me. 

"Talk to me." He said. 

"I thought he already told you?" I said. 

"No. I mean about Zach. Why did you go to his house?" He said and I tensed. 

"Oh..Umm...I just. That's the only place I could think of." I said. 

"You guys didn' anything?" He said as he raised an eyebrow and looked at me. 

"What do you know?" I said as I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"The password to your skype account." He said and chuckled as I looked at him shocked. 

"Really though. It wasn't that hard. '1D_Rocks_Not!'" He chuckled again and I laughed along with him. 

"So you love him? Like, really really?" He said. I shot my head up again and looked at him wide eyed as I smacked his arm.

"You really read all of that!? Niall!" I screamed at him. 

He had stopped laughing when I hit him and I didn't know why. Until I looked at where his eyes were. On my arm. My sleeve came up when I hit him. Dang it. 

"Wh-what is that?" He said as he tried to grab my hand. 

"N-n-n-nothing." I said pulling it back. "It's nothing."

"What do you mean it's bloody nothing!? You harmed yourself! How long has this been going on?" He said to me with a little hurt evident in his voice. 

"I did it when I was with Chase, but I stopped when I came here. There wasn't a reason to do it anymore. Until now. So I did it." I said looking down and trying not to look at him. 

"Promise me you wont do this to yourself anymore. I hate to see this on you." He said as tears started to leave his eyes. 

"Please don't cry Niall. I promise, I wont do it again." I said as I wiped his tears away with my sleeve.

"We can talk tomorrow okay? I'm going to head to sleep. Don't stay up much longer okay? Goodnight princess, love you." He said getting up and kissing my forhead.

"Goodnight Niall, love you too." I said as he walked out of my door and I layed back down to fall asleep again. 


Ohhhhhh...Niall knows her password! Is she going to remember to change it? Or is she going to say something to Zach the next morning before she can remember and Zayn and Niall are on the account!? Tell me what ya'll think and if you get it right, you will get a shout out! And I'll fan you if I haven't already! Love Ya'll!(:

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