Say My Name | A Minsung Fan-F...

By sapphicstellar

320K 13.4K 15.9K

25-year-old Han Jisung has been looking for his big break in the tech industry since the day he graduated wit... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty-one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven
chapter fifty-eight
chapter fifty-nine
chapter sixty
the end
second book!

chapter forty-seven

3.3K 138 473
By sapphicstellar

violence & homophobia

"This is by far the worst idea we've ever had."

"It's too late, get out of the car."

"I can't do that."

I shoved Minho's shoulder with both hands from the driver side but he didn't budge a bit. I groaned exasperatedly and got out of the car, walking over to the passenger side and swinging the door open. I looked down at him with my arms crossed, "Do we have to do this the hard way?"

"We might," Minho shrugged, turning his head away from me like a child.

How am I the younger one here?

I leaned over him and grabbed my phone and keys from the driver's side, then grabbing his phone and shoving everything in my pockets. I unbuckled his seatbelt for him as he whined and dragged him out of the car until he was seated flat on the pavement. When he stood up in an attempt to get back inside, I instinctively picked him up and threw him over my shoulder.

"What are you doing!?" Minho exclaimed, hitting my back with his fists. I kicked the door shut behind me and pulled the keys back out of my pocket, locking the door of the rental car behind me. "Han! Let me down!"

"Can you promise you won't try to run?" I asked.

"I can try," Minho whined.

I let him down and when he went to run, I grabbed him by the waist with his back to my chest and held him in place, "Stop it! We're going whether you like it or not!"

"I don't wannaaaaa," Minho whined again, trying to wrestle his way out of my grip.

"You're acting like you're a fucking baby, get ahold of yourself," I scolded him, attempting to hold him in place. "I look like I'm kidnapping you right now!"

Minho stopped moving under my grasp and huffed, "Fine! I'll go!"

I let go of him and spun him around to face me by the hand, "See? Now was that so hard?"

"You're a meanie," Minho said with his lips pouted and his arms crossed.

I stepped up to him and slung my arms around his shoulders, "Come on, you love me."

Minho wrapped his hands around my waist, "Yeah, maybe I do."

"Are you going to try and run off at our wedding?" I asked him jokingly, causing both of us to laugh. 

"I wouldn't dream of it," Minho grinned. "The only scenario I can imagine where I'm running away at our wedding is if you're coming with me."

I kissed him for a moment and then pulled away, admiring the way the sunlight hit his face, "You're pretty."

"You're gonna make me blush," Minho cooed, a shy smile on his face.

"Can we get this over with now?" I sighed, looking up at him with endearment.

You are everything to me.

"Yeah, but you have to agree that you'll stay by me the entire time. Even if I have to go to the bathroom," Minho insisted.

"You're so weird," I laughed, linking arms with him as we walked up the gravel path to the entrance of the venue.

"I'm weird? How about we're both weird? For the first two weeks of us moving in together we were too clingy to go without each other."

"I thought we agreed we were never going to speak of that again," I mumbled under my breath.

"If you're wrong, you're wrong. Also, I'm drinking tonight," Minho spoke begrudgingly.

"Why do I always end up being the sober companion?" I groaned. "When am I going to have the chance to get sloppy drunk while you carry me to the car?"

"I always call it first, and this is my dad's wedding," Minho said.

"Okay, but you have to agree that one might we're going out and I'm going to be the one that's all over the place."

"Fine, deal."

"Did they have to choose a barn for their wedding and reception? This place is gorgeous but I hate bugs," I grumbled to him quietly.

"Ugh, same. At least that means I have more space to hide from the photographer," Minho said quietly in my ear.

I unlinked our arms and shoved my hands in my pockets, "Where do we even sit? This is so awkward."

"I don't even know what to do, we shouldn't've come," Minho mumbled.

"Let's talk about things we'd rather be doing and maybe that'll get us through," I suggested.

Minho laughed, "Okay, you go first then."

"Okay, right now I'd rather drag my balls across a field of broken glass than be here right now," I said with a shrug.

"I'd drag my balls across a field of broken glass just to see you smile," Minho joked.

I burst into laughter, "You fucking suck."

"I'd do it," Minho shrugged, only making me laugh harder than I had been before.

"It's your turn!" I exclaimed, playfully slapping his shoulder as we finally found our seats on the groom's side and sitting down.

"I'd rather be finishing Alice in Borderland with you than be here right now," Minho said. "That, or just binging any random Netflix show we find."

"I miss the Binge Game, we haven't played that since before my adoptive parents came to visit," I whined. I looked around outside for something to use for my turn and then pointed to a small but multi-level house that a few of the bridesmaids were piling out of, "I'd rather jump off that balcony than be here right now."

Minho chuckled, "I'd rather jump off the top floor of Anaïs than be here right now."

I dapped him up, "Good one."

"We really don't look like a couple doing that," Minho laughed.

"I call you 'dude' more than any other pet-name I have for you and I've never heard you complain," I smirked smugly.

"Yeah but that's because it's cute and I sometimes do it too," Minho retorted.

"I really couldn't care less what people think of us," I whispered in his ear. "Never have."

"When the day comes where you're worried about it, that's when I'll be concerned."

"That's when the sky falls," I chuckled.

"It won't be long, I don't think," Minho said ominously.

"You're so creepy sometimes," I grinned at him, playfully shoving my shoulder against his.

"So are you."

I gasped dramatically, "How am I creepy?"

"You already know the answer to that, I don't need to say it."

You're not wrong.

"How are you so sure?"

"I know things, baby. The only one keeping secrets here is me."

Oh, you have no idea, my love.

"You say that but I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about."

Sherry's eldest daughter Celeste approached us and sat down next to Minho in a huff with her arms crossed. We both looked at her in concern and she spoke up, "I want to go home, this sucks."


Minho and I looked at each other with jaws dropped and I slapped his thigh when he looked at me for too long. He turned his head and asked her, "What was that?"

"You heard me," Celeste said rather sassily. "Look, you're the only two people here that look like you'd rather be anywhere else besides Devon and I don't know where she is so I can't talk to her. I'm bored and I need entertainment."

She's smart.

I leaned past Minho, "You know, we were actually playing a game before you came over where we went back and forth naming places we'd rather be."

Minho slapped my shoulder, "What if she's a spy?"

"What the fuck, Minho?" I asked him, then gasping upon realizing what I'd said, "Oh my God, I forgot you were a kid. I'm so sorry."

"You better not do that around our kids."

"Minho, we don't even have kids."

Celeste laughed at our banter, "I hear it all of the time from my mom and Haneul, it's fine."

She doesn't call him dad.

That must be a relief.

"Okay, I like you. Want to play with us?" Minho asked her.

Knew it.

"Who's turn is it?"

I smirked, "It's mine. I'd rather get mauled by a bear than be here right now."

"Ooh, I have one! Can I go next?" Celeste asked enthusiastically.

Minho couldn't help but laugh, "Sure, go ahead."

"I'd rather eat a cockroach than be here right now," Celeste grinned.

Minho nodded his head in approval, "Nice, nice. That's a good one. I think I'd rather..hmm..I'd rather be in Bali sipping champagne on a yacht than be here right now."

"You've probably done that before. In fact, you probably have like three yachts and a private jet, or something," I scoffed.

"I'd never have a private jet, they're bad for the environment," Minho said in defense of himself.

I rolled my eyes, "My turn. I'd rather be on one of Minho's presumed multiple yachts than be here right now."

"I have two. Is that too much?" Minho scoffed. "Why am I getting bullied here?"

"Not everyone who opposes you is bullying you, Minho."

"You guys don't act like a couple," Celeste giggled. "More like married old people."

"We are not old!" Minho exclaimed.

"Well, how old are you?" Celeste asked him.

"Nearing thirty," Minho frowned.

"See my point?"

"The fact that you keep referring to twenty-eight as "nearing thirty" makes me nervous. I'm twenty-six. Stop giving me unnecessary anxiety," I huffed. "Thirty isn't that old anyway. Aren't people the hottest in their thirties anyway?"

"Celeste, it's your turn. I'm done talking to him," Minho said, putting a petty hand to my face.

I swatted his hand away, "You suck."

"I'd rather be seeing someone else get married," Celeste shrugged.

"Why don't you want them to get married?" Minho asked.

"The same reason you do, probably," Celeste said. "What's yours?"

Minho paused, "I - I don't know."

"I think I know why you don't," I said.

"What's my reason, then?"

"You don't want to see him get married because you don't like that he replaced you and your mom so easily."

"That's my reason, if it makes you feel any better. I miss my dad," Celeste admitted.

"How do you know me so well?" Minho asked me, completely shocked at my response. "You put into words exactly what I was thinking."

"I can read your mind," I joked to him, spinning my finger in the air towards poking his forehead.

Devon approached us and sat down in the seat next to her sister. Celeste looked over at her and asked, "Where have you been?"

"I was hiding. I want to go home," Devon spoke, rather bluntly.

"Why don't you want them to get married?" I asked her.

"We got left with the bad parent when Daddy died," Devon frowned.

Oh shit.

"The bad parent?" Minho pried.

"Our mom is a tyrant," Celeste grimaced. "Haneul cheers her on. She's gotten worse since he came around. He sucks up our money and she doesn't care."

Minho's eyes met mine and I smirked, "Why am I not surprised?"

"I'm not either," Minho laughed, then turning back to face the girls. "How'd they really meet?"

"At a bar," Devon said.

Minho's face fell, "So, he lied about being sober. Of course he did. What a waste of space."

"He drinks all of the time and so does she, they just make each other worse. Max is the only one who doesn't realize because he's their favorite. They baby him and it's so annoying," Celeste rolled her eyes.

"He knows he screwed me up so he thinks Max is his second chance. That's so predictable of him it's ridiculous," Minho crossed his arms.

"Knowing what I know, it sounds right," I said.

"So, you're his personal assistant? Really? Or were you just trying to mess with Haneul?" Celeste asked. "I wanted to laugh but I knew my mom would kill me."

I laughed, "I really am and that's why nobody knows we're together."

"Nobody knows you're together?" Devon inquired. "Why's that?"

"I sort of made it a rule at my work that nobody's allowed to date each other. It'd be suspicious if I suddenly changed the rule and then people find out that Han and I are together," Minho explained.

"Haneul kept mentioning your work. What do you do?" Celeste asked. "We honestly didn't even know he had a kid until we found out that we were going to lunch with you."

Minho saw red, "He didn't tell you guys about me?"

This is about to become a massacre.

"No, he didn't," Devon shook her head.




"I'm about to tear this place apart, Han. You do not understand."

"Let's just go," I whispered in his ear.

"No, he doesn't deserve that. He ruined my life and he pretends like it didn't even happen. I'm about to ruin his wedding."


"You can't do that," I insisted.

"Do it. I'll light something on fire," Devon whispered to us.

"I'll knock over the wedding cake," Celeste grinned devilishly.

Is this really happening?

"Don't do that," I said to the two of them. "Minho, we need to go."

"No, I want to give him a piece of my mind. He deserves it," Minho said to me sternly.

"There's a bunch of kids here!" I exclaimed.

"I don't care, he deserves to be exposed for who he is," Minho said, beginning to look around for his father.

"Is this really the time to go off the rails?" I asked him.

"Oh, most definitely," He said, slightly mocking me with his tone.

When Minho spotted his dad, he stood up out of his chair and stormed towards him. Completely paralyzed, I sat in fear of what I was about to witness.

"You didn't tell your little family about me? Are you kidding me right now?"

"Excuse me?"

"Don't act like you're surprised. I'm certainly not."

This is bad. This is really bad.

"Minho, I don't know what you expect from me. You never reach out or visit me, it's almost like you don't exist."

"No, you do not get to pin this on me. The only time you ever contact me is when you need money to fund your alcohol addiction."

The people who were seated and now were watching gasped at this revelation and Haneul cleared his throat, "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."

Minho laughed maniacally, "You have got to be kidding me right now! You're the absolute fucking worst!"

"Don't you dare speak to me that way!" Haneul practically screamed at him. "You have no idea what you're talking about!"

"I have no idea what I'm talking about? That's rich. That's really rich," Minho rolled his eyes. "I spent the majority of my childhood having to take care of you because you became an alcoholic after Mom died."

"Don't speak of her."

"Don't speak of her? That's the only way to keep her alive, you dumb piece of shit! Pretending she doesn't exist is not the answer to your problems. You're trying to replace her and me both. You've fixated on that poor boy Max because you know how badly you fucked up with me. You blamed Mom's death on me and you tortured me for the rest of my childhood. You ruined me. I am a fucking mess because of you! I endured years of abuse meanwhile I still took care of you when you couldn't take care of yourself! Everything I've done since leaving you? My business, my career, my fame. None of it is thanks to you! You are a failure of a man."

Haneul slapped Minho across the face and I jumped out of my seat and ran over to them. Without hesitation, I rolled up my sleeves and socked Haneul in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

"You do not put your hands on my boyfriend, do you understand me!?" I shouted in his face, stepping over him and pulling him up by his bow-tie. "Do you understand me?"

"Fucking faggot," Haneul muttered under his breath.

"I'm sorry, what the fuck did you just say to me?" I asked him, grabbing him by the collar again. "What did you just call me?"

"I called you a fucking faggot!" Haneul yelled at me.

In the absence of any self-control, I punched him square in the nose and wiped the sweat off my forehead as I stepped off of him. I spit directly into his face with a grimace and said to him, "I'm going to enjoy dicking down your son tonight knowing there's not a damn thing you can do about it."

When a groomsmen began approaching us, Minho and I ran for it. We dashed through the grass and back to the barn, separating as we made it inside and ran through the groups of people spread all-throughout. We reunited as we exited the barn and ran out to the rental car together. I fumbled with the keys for a moment and upon unlocking it, we got inside in a haste.

I exhaled in relief, "That was close."

Minho looked over at me with a look of shock, "That was the most attractive thing I've ever seen."

I laughed, "What?"

"That was so hot, you have no idea," Minho laughed to himself. "I don't think I've ever been so turned on before."

"Car sex only works for straight couples and lesbians," I scoffed.

"Can I at least blow you?" Minho shrugged.

I looked over at him with widened eyes, "Was it really that special?"

"You fucking spit in his face!" Minho exclaimed. "You hit him twice and then you spit in his face. It was ridiculously attractive and I'd probably be judging myself for thinking so if I wasn't so hyped up on adrenaline. And the way you referred to me as your boyfriend with so much passion like that - whew. I'm in love. I'm in so much love. I love you."

"I love you too." I examined his face closely and asked, "How hard did he hit you? It looks like it's going to bruise."

"He put his chest into that slap, I swear," Minho laughed. "I was about to hit him and then you practically jumped out of your seat. I didn't think you were going to come to my defense like that."

"Of course I would, you're the most important person to me. I couldn't just sit back and watch that go down. You're my best friend."

"You're my best friend too," Minho grinned, leaning in to kiss me for a moment.

"I feel really bad for Celeste, she's clearly too smart to be around all of that bullshit. Devon too," I frowned.

"Yeah, me too. I hope they didn't judge us too hard for that scene," Minho said. "Yet again, they did encourage it."

"I'd encourage it if I were them too, fuck that. Your dad is a failure," I chuckled to myself. "I was almost concerned you were going to judge me for hitting your dad but before I could even ask you started going on about how hot it was."

"It was!" Minho exclaimed in defense of himself. "That last line you hit him with absolutely killed me."

"Oh yeah, the dicking you down part? I don't even know how I came up with that, it just came out," I laughed.

"It's funny because it's true," Minho snorted.

I giggled and gave him a hug, "That was so cute!"

"No, no. That was cute," Minho insisted, pointing a finger down at me.

"I love you," I sighed, breathing into his chest as I continued to hug him from the side.

"I love you too," Minho said, wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't ever want to be with someone else. I want to be with you forever," I said.

"I quite literally haven't thought about anyone else since we met," Minho chuckled. "I made it seem like that to my stalker but the truth is I've had my mind on you for as long as we've known each other for. I don't see anyone but you."


"Wait, what does your stalker have to do with this?" I asked him, sitting up.

"Oh, I did this funny thing where I pretended to sleep with someone when I knew my stalker was in the house," Minho laughed. "Called up one of my old buddies asked him to help fake a scene."

"How'd you know they were there?"

"I didn't, but I could sense their presence," Minho shrugged. "I don't have cameras in my house or anything but I could tell."

"I guess living alone gives you new skills," I nodded my head. "I didn't live alone long enough to get that."

"I've been living alone for years and I enjoyed it while it lasted but I'm onto different things," Minho said with a small smile.

"It's weird living in a house so big. I haven't even seen all of it yet. Does it not get tiresome to take care of it?"

"I've been using cleaning as a coping mechanism. I used to dislike doing things for myself but now I enjoy it. That, and having so much space means more exercise for me because I have to walk so much."

"How long did it take before the charm wore off?" I asked him.

"A year. It stopped being cool when I realized how much effort it takes to maintain two pools," Minho chuckled. "I hired someone to take care of them but whenever they couldn't get someone out I had to do it myself and it sucks. It still sucks."

"You have two? Where's the second?" I asked him, my jaw falling.

"It's inside but it's pretty closed off, you'd have to know where it is to find it," Minho said.

"No way. It cannot be that big. That's ridiculous," I insisted. "Let me guess, you still hire someone to take care of them but you don't consider them to be like the other people you hired because they never lived with you?"


"I hate you."

"I love you too."

happy mf birthday to Lee Minho and his little hands <3


if it isn't obvious i had a venue in mind that i was using as a template when writing this. back in 2016 when my aunt got married her and her husband rented out this really pretty barn space. they took pics outside and then got married in the barn but in this the wedding is held outside of the barn and then the reception is held inside.

if anyone's confused as to why Han describes his trip with Minho but he doesn't describe the week his adoptive parents spent with them, that's because the trip with Minho weighs a lot heavier in his mind. he didn't care too much to meet his adoptive parents aside from the adrenaline rush he got when he saw them for the first time, hence why that's described as opposed to the rest of it.

love u guys <3

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