Jikook Oneshots 2

By Mikchimin

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Another compilation of stories where Mimmie loves Koo and Koo loves Mimmie right back. Hey~ I filled out an e... More

Classicalish (Part Two)
Adults (Continuation of Children)
ThE most ClichE Jikook Story evVer Part Too??? Yes!1!!!
Ice (Part Two)
Leather (Continuation to Bikers)
Koo The First
Koo The First (Part Two)
Koo The First (Part Three)
Best Friend's Little Brother (Continuation to Big Brother's Best Friend)
Conference (Continuation of Electric)
Among Us
Reality (Continuation of First Sight)
Graduation (Continuation to Top Kinky and Dare)
Letters (Continuation to Servants)
Brothers (Part Two)
Brothers (Part Three)
Famous (Part Two)
Famous (Part Three)
Dog (Part Two)
Grudge (Continuation to Rebound)
Benefits (Continuation to Jeans)
Drawing (Part Two)
River (Part Two)
Awkward (Continuation to Birth)
Awkward (Part Two)
Bachelorette (Part Two)
Kingdom (Continuation to Swords)
Kingdom (Part Two)

Mimmie His Love (Continuation of Koo The First)

619 18 153
By Mikchimin

Prince Jungkook was ecstatic. Today was going to be amazing, he knew that for a fact. It was a breezy Saturday morning in mid-January, or, at least it would be if Jungkook wasn't where he was. The palace courtyard was magical, no matter what time of year it was, no matter what the weather was outside, this courtyard always resembled a warm spring day.

He walked to the middle of the courtyard, where the table was being set by a maid, who bowed when he approached. After almost nine months as a prince, Jungkook was getting used to all the bowing, but it still felt kind of odd.

"It looks lovely," Jungkook complements. "Thank you."

"Of course your majesty," She bows again. "I've almost finished."

The table was for three people very close to Jungkook, he was delighted that they'd all be here at the same time, that they'd finally meet each other. The maid finished setting up, and Jungkook was alone.

But not for long.

The doors to the west entrance opened, and in walked his favorite person of all. "Hey Jiminie."

Jimin walks quickly, approaching him. "Hey Kook. I always forget how wonderful your courtyard is. The vegetation the landscapers chose is just dazzling. Are they here yet?"

"No," Jungkook shook his head. "Just you."

"Good," Jimin wraps his arms around Jungkook's shoulders, kissing him. He places his hand on the back of his head.

"J-Jimin there's still guards that can see us," Jungkook reminds, but he did a terrible job of pushing him away.

Jimin pulls back to look him in the eye. "Yeah but they're here to keep our secret, right? They're the lot the king ordered to secrecy?"

Jungkook stared back. "Yeah."

"Well then they already know, they can look away if they want," And their lips were back together.

Back in October, at dinner one night, Amber said in the middle of silence, after a deep breath, "Um, I like women."

And in a panic, Jungkook kind of spits out, "A-and I like men."

After the initial shock, the king and queen asked James if he liked women. James said yes. They asked if he wanted kids. Once again yes. Once they knew that information they were very happy and accepting, they really just wanted to make sure the bloodline stays intact.

Once that was sorted out they discussed Hildegard and Jimin, and their family was just overall happy they were happy. Roland had certain trusted guards sign contracts the next day, and now every time either Jimin and Jungkook or Amber and Hildegard were together in a place that needed to be guarded, it would be that set of guards stationed there. It will be the same when James gets into a relationship too.

"Okay, that's enough for now," Jimin pulls away. "We wouldn't want anyone to walk in on us, would we?"

"No I guess not," Jungkook sides.

Jimin slides his hands down to the front of Jungkook's jacket, his hands grabbing on to either side of his lapel. He looks down, voice soft. "Come home with me tonight, to Achia. Tomorrow is Sunday, the day of rest, we'll have nothing to do, no one will bother us. We can do whatever we feel like. How does that sound?"

Jungkook's heart thumps. "That sounds really good."

"Good," Jimin smiles, leading him by the hand to the table. "My Kookie will spend the night with me in Achia tonight."

The two sat down and talked about whatever came to mind, just like always. They were completely, whole-heartedly comfortable with every aspect of one another. They felt happiest when with each other.

No more than ten minutes later two young men walked in. They weren't dressed like the royals Jungkook was now used to. Instead they wore simple clothing, a bit drab in color. The second Jungkook saw them he sprinted. He knew it wasn't proper, but he didn't care.

"Namjoon! Yoongi!" He embraced them both. "I missed you."

"We missed you too Jungkook," Namjoon laughed as they pulled away.

In that time Jimin had stood up, watching them with a smile. Jungkook sees him. "Oh, yeah, I invited someone else, I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not," Yoongi assures. "It's your castle, not ours."

"It's not mine, it's my family's," Jungkook corrects. "Anyways, this is Jimin, he's my-" He stops himself. He doesn't know if Jimin wants them to know. The only person the smaller prince has told is his older brother, and Jungkook knew he wanted him to tell his family, Roland, and James, and his mother. Bur he didn't know if he wanted anyone else to know at the moment. "Well, um, Prince Jimin is from Achia."

The two from the village bow. "Nice to meet you Prince Jimin."

"Please call me Jimin," The shortest beamed. "Any friends of Jungkook's are friends of mine. I'm so glad to finally meet some of his friends from the village though, he's talked a lot about you."

The two rise, and Namjoon's eyes widen. "Hey, you're the one from the front page of the tabloid on Jungkook's birthday, right? You're the one who hugged him?"

"Oh, yeah," Jimin huffs out a laugh. "I am."

"You read those?" Jungkook furrows his eyebrows, surprised.

"Only when you're on the cover," Yoongi answers. "Which is often, but still."

"You looked content on your birthday cover," Namjoon noted. "But the rumors they start are insane. How did they get that you two were in love from a hug?"

"Yeah, I don't know," Jungkook scratches the back of his head. "Whatever sells is what they'll put I guess."

"That's crazy, you were never one for attention," Namjoon remembers.

"It was really hard at first," Jungkook agreed. "I didn't want to be a prince, I didn't want attention put on me. But...after a while I found things that made me happy," He subconsciously started looking at Jimin. "And I met good people that helped me feel better. I can actually say I like my life now."

"Good," Namjoon smiled. "We're really glad."

"Let's sit down, shall we?" Jimin pipes up.

"Yes," Jungkook nods. "I'll pour tea."

The four of them sit. The table was circular, but Jimin sat close to Jungkook, and did Namjoon to Yoongi. Jungkook starts to pour tea for them all, before sitting back down.

"So how have the others in the village been?" Jungkook asks.

"Good," Namjoon was obviously the more talkative of the two. "Did you know Tae's engaged?"

"Really?" Jungkook looked genuinely surprised. "To who?"

"You know the baker's daughter?"

"Genessa?" Jungkook clarifies. "Seriously? When did that happen? When did they even get together?"

"A little over a year ago."

"What? But I've only been at the castle for nine months!"

"Taehyung told us about a month after you left," Yoongi shrugged. "Who would've guessed he'd be the first out of all of us to find someone?"

"I know," Jungkook sipped his tea. "I always thought it would be one of you two."

"Well Tae seems really happy," Namjoon did the same. "Though he said he's a lousy baker. He's sad he can't be much help, but Genessa doesn't mind at all."

"Aw, what a sweet little love story," Jimin joins in the conversation. "I'm sure you have many amazing stories throughout the years."

"We do," Namjoon chuckled. "Did Jungkook ever tell you about the time we accidentally stole a pig?"

"What?" Jimin whips his head to look at Jungkook. "No!"

They told that story, and many others, Jimin beaming the entire time. Jungkook glanced over at him frequently, worried something the two said would negatively affect the way Jimin saw him, but Jimin really seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Ah, the village seems wonderful," Jimin remarks. "I already thought so with the stories Jungkook told, but now more than ever I think so. You know Jungkook promised me months ago he'd take me to see the place he grew up in, but it still hasn't happened."

"I've been busy," Jungkook whines, staring at him with puppy-like eyes. "You can forgive me, right?"

"I suppose so," Jimin stares back, warmth lacing his words.

"I'll take you soon, I promise," He doesn't break eye-contact with the statement.

"You better," He laughs. "Yoongi, please tell me another story."

They had been there for about an hour, talking, laughing, drinking tea. Jungkook was delighted to find his friends got along so well with his lover. It was better than anything he could ask for.

While Namjoon talks about the shoes Jungkook helped make him years ago, Jimin whispers a, "Jungkook, come closer, I need to tell you something."

Jungkook does as told, leaning in.


Once again he leans in more, still listening to Namjoon.

When Jimin's lips were up to the taller prince's ear, he says, "Look at me."

Jungkook turns his head.

And the second he does Jimin leans in, kissing him.

The two from the village stare at them in shock, as Jungkook pulls away with wide eyes. "J-Jimin."

"Didn't you want to tell them My Love?" Jimin teases.

Jungkook's head is turned away from him, staring at the flowers. "Well yes, but you could've said something instead of doing that." Nonetheless he sticks out his hand in Jimin's direction, seeking comfort. Jimin holds it with a laugh. "I didn't know you'd want to tell them."

"Well they're your friends, and you trust them. So I do too."

"But your parents don't know."

"They'll know in time Kook, don't worry."

"What just happened?" Namjoon finally says.

"Ah, as you may have been able to guess by the kiss we just shared, I am Jungkook's partner," Jimin explains with a chuckle. "Or, Jungkook said in the village, you would say that I'm Jungkook's boyfriend."

The two look at Jungkook. "Really?"

"Yeah," Jungkook looked at the two of them with a shy smile. "I really love him."

"And I love you Darling," Jimin kisses his lover's hand.

"Oh wow," Namjoon's eyes widen. "Oh. Sorry about what I said earlier then. About the tabloid, and saying someone thinking you were in love was stupid."

"Oh it is stupid, most of the time those things are fake," Jimin waves a hand. "This is a special case. To be fair though, we weren't together at that point."

"We got together a few hours after the pictures were taken," Jungkook's voice is soft. "I kissed him and everything worked out. These past four months have been wonderful."

"Wow, who knew you and Tae would be the first," Yoongi puts a hand on his chin. "I would've thought Namjoon would've had a kid by now at least."

"What?" Namjoon whips his head to look at him. "I'm only twenty!"

"And I thought you would've been married at eighteen!"

"Anyways, we're really happy for you Jungkook," Namjoon switches the attention back to the princes. "We're glad you're happy."

"I'm so happy," Jungkook squeezes the smaller prince's hand.

"I didn't know you liked men Jungkook," Yoongi took a little sandwich from the middle of the table.

"I didn't know I liked anyone," Jungkook shrugged. "I was content with the fact that I'd never be in a relationship. But when I met Jimin, that all changed. Now I know I'm attracted to men, but it took knowing Jimin to learn that about myself."

He finally looked over to meet Jimin's eyes, to see he was looking at him with the warmest gaze. Jungkook got lost in his eyes. How did he get so lucky? What did he do to make Jimin fall in love with him?"

"I love you," Jimin says quietly, smiling at him.

"Stop," Immediately Jungkook looked away. "Don't be cheesy in front of my friends."

"Aw, but you're such the romantic," Jimin seems to love teasing him. He turns to the villagers. "He's so romantic you know. He made me shy for the longest time at first with the words he said."

"Jungkook?" Namjoon clarified. "I've never known Jungkook to speak his mind."

"He's always been really open with me," Jimin cocked his head to the side. "And it happened even more so once we got into a relationship."

"Jimin's always made me feel really comfortable," Jungkook's face glowed with shy happiness. "When I first became a prince it was really hard for me, I was terrified, and everyone expected me to fit in the second I got dragged into this life. Jimin was the only one to slow down, to say hello, and he made sure to make me the most comfortable. Right away I loved him. I didn't know it back then, but I loved him."

"Oh wow, Jungkook is romantic," Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "Who would've guessed?"

"Stop it," Jungkook brushed it off. "I can't help it, I'm in love."

"Aw," Namjoon cooed. "Cute."

"Oh, by the way, please don't tell anyone," Jimin remembers. "As you may remember hearing, my parents don't know about us yet. Plus, despite our deep feelings for one another, this relationship is still fairly new. The relationships of monarchs are kept a secret really until the couple is absolutely sure they're spending the rest of their lives together. Think about the king and queen of this country. Queen Miranda's son didn't know about their relationship until the day before they got married."

"I didn't want to be like that," Jungkook told them. "That sudden information hurt me. I want to tell those I'm closest to, and I'm going to tell Tae the second I'm able, he's the last person I need to tell, so please let me do it in person. I...I don't want to have to say this to you, but if you say anything you will get charged with treason, and you will be sued for defamation of the royal family. Legally those are the rules, and officially you two are the only citizens that know. It must stay that way until I tell Taehyung. And then only you three in all of Enchancia will know. If that changes...well you'll all be punished."

"Understood," Namjoon says right away. "Of course we'll keep our mouths shut."

"Who did you tell first?" Yoongi asked.

"Amber," Jungkook smiled as he spoke. "Amber's the best sister I could ask for. I adore her, she's one of my best friends."

"Oh?" Namjoon looks genuinely surprised. "She seems so cold, so intimidating."

"She is at first, and she's hard to get to know," Jungkook explains. "But she's generous, and loving, despite how terrible she is at expressing it. We spent a lot of time together in the months leading up to my birthday, because she insisted on planning it. But now we just spend a lot of time together while at home, simply because we love the other's company."

"Oh wow," The tallest remarks. "Who would've guessed. I can't believe our friend is a prince. I feel like we'll be leaving with so much more knowledge."

"Well, there won't be much more knowledge for you to learn," Jungkook frowns as he looks at the watch from his pocket. "It looks like tea is almost over."

"Well it's been really nice," Yoongi finishes his cup of tea. "We missed you."

"I missed you guys too, so much," Jungkook stared at the two of them. "Let's make this a monthly thing. I'll make sure to get permission to let three people from the village come, so Tae can come too."

"That sounds great," Namjoon agrees.

In a couple minutes Hoseok comes in, telling Yoongi and Namjoon that their carriage is here. They say their goodbyes with happy hearts, and the two disappear behind the closing doors.

"I love you," Jimin wraps his arms around his lover. Jungkook responds immediately. "And I loved your friends."

"I love you too," Jungkook kisses him. "I'm really glad you got along with them."

"Of course I did, you're lovely," Jimin giggles. "It's only reasonable to believe your friends would be lovely too. Oh but you have to take me to the village soon."

"Fine, I promise," Jungkook sighs. "But it's January, it's bound to be snowing."

"Then I'll bundle up," Jimin shrugs. "And you can take me once again in the summer. I want to go."

"Okay, then come home with me on Friday," Jungkook mumbles, staring at Jimin's lips, holding him close by the waist. "Then I'll get Hoseok to take us all day Saturday. We'll bring some guards, so no one bothers us, we can visit my house, and the bakery, and the library. Maybe you'll even be able to meet Taehyung."

"Do you promise, my romantic prince?" Jungkook loves it when Jimin's like this. He can't focus on anyone but him.

"I promise Darling," And Jungkook loves the confidence he feels in this relationship, especially when they're alone. He's never felt confidence like this before.

"Good," And Jimin brings their lips together, hungry. He puts his tongue in Jungkook's mouth, and the taller just lets him, kissing back, eyes closed. This goes on for a couple minutes before Jimin pulls back, only to kiss his cheek. "Now I wanna go home," He takes both of Jungkook's hands in his own. "Let's go to Achia. I want to have fun with my Jungkookie."

"I love Achia, and I love fun," He smiles a playful smile as they walk together. "All kinds of fun."

"Good," Jimin speeds up his pace. "Then let's go tell Hoseok. He'll fetch you an overnight bag, and we can have a lazy Sunday."

"Ah I miss being lazy," Jungkook sighs in contentment, shifting so he can wrap his arms around Jimin as they walk. "Princes never get to be lazy."

"Well I'll make sure we have all of tomorrow," Jimin promises. "Because I love you and I want you to be happy."

"You make me the happiest," Jungkook tells him. "All you have to do is exist."

"Aw, you make me feel special."

"Because you are, my beloved prince."

Jimin can't help but stare at him. "I'm so glad I met you Darling." 

A/N: Hi QUEENs! 👸👸🏻👸🏼👸🏽👸🏾👸🏿 Matthew Grey work from home 🏡😲! 💵💰💲💲💲 😍🔥 Gubler's left ass cheek Flash sale!! 🎁 PM me for a chance to be your own CEO 😎

This deadass convinced people I was hacked on Instagram.

It says Gubler's left ass cheek-

Anyways yeah I did a sequel right away.

I had too many ideas I had to get them all out to be satisfied-

This won't be often but I really wanted to write the sequel right away for once. I'm literally writing a sequel right now to a story. Any guesses? I'm feeling nostalgic, I'll tell you that :)

It's the next day, I'm not writing a sequel anymore, I write quickly~

I'm sorry, it's Friday, I said I would try to get this out on Thursday, but I had a really busy Thursday, I biked 7 miles, and like I feel fine, it just took up a lot of my time. I also had to clean my house, which contributed to my lack of uploading. Don't mind me, I'm always busy with something, and I love uploading so ofc this isn't a burden or anything, but I just felt bad I wasn't able to upload quickly, and so I'm going quick now~

Here's my cat as apology;

Plus my thighs look great in this picture, and I'm really self-conscious about my thighs, so I'm not sorry about that either. 

Anywayssssssssss how have you been this past week? I know it hasn't bee a week, but it's felt like forever, and on top of that the story and author's note combined was less than a thousand words. I'm already over 3,300 words on this one, it'll be more back to normal this time, I just was feeling really unmotivated last time, but I wanted to give you guys something at least, especially with how busy I've been this week.

Oh, let's talk about that before we get into the Jikook.

Because I was in hell.

At a church of all places...and I actually like my church I think for the most part? So yeah. Hell at church. 

Cuz fuck I was around kids~

And you know I hate kids.

Now, no hate to kids, I have friend who's a kid, but-


But in reality, I hate kids, it's a fact. They're not all bad, in fact there was a four year old who gave me a pipe cleaner meteor and bracelet so I was pretty fond on him. But most of them? Especially in large groups? The worst thing in the world for me. I am not a fan, I get overwhelmed, and I don't have panic attacks or anything but I just feel like I'm going to die cuz I hate it so much.

The thing is, it's only with kids. I can go to huge concerts as long as I'm feeling good and I'll have so much fun there. I love being around people...unless those people are under the age of 13. Then I have a problem. 

Again, there are exceptions, if you are my reader, and you're under the age of 13, I love you, I promise, I mean I even have a favorite eleven year old. But if those eleven year olds (cuz I hope there's no one younger on here lol, if so...hey~) are running around in a group of kids that also happens to be younger than them, which does tend to happen because eleven is elementary school age, I was eleven in 5th grade, even tho I know there are eleven year olds in middle school, that's when I have a problem. 

When you're in a group of kids ages 5 to 11, I don't care how old or mature you are, to me you're just a statistic. And that statistic is adding to my stress. 

So I had to volunteer for an event at my church, and like, I'm all for volunteering, it doesn't bother me, but not with kids. I thankfully was not in charge of any kids, cuz they all had leaders. Instead I was in charge of snacks, so I didn't have to interact with kids at all if I tried.

But they still interacted around me. And that sucked. 

For some reason during snack they also had kids make paper airplanes?? I don't know why?? But they got up and started throwing them, and screaming, and it wasn't fun and I hated it and I don't wanna do it again and I don't think I will do it again.

Meanwhile my friend was texting me pictures of a baby she was hanging out going, "I WANT ONEEEE" 

Girl you're sixteen calm down-

No but seriously I say this in complete seriousness, she will be a mom within the next five years. And that's really weird for me. I'mma be a fucking aunt. That's insane...

Yeah I'll just hang out with my coconut cousin instead. He's getting tall, I'll just live on his back or smth so I can feel tall. 

Oh fuck we're seeing them for the fourth of July I wonder how much he's grown since January-

I miss my best friend I'm really happy we finally get to see them~

Mask restrictions were lifted on Wednesday, which is so weird. Like it's over. And Canada is doing so much worse. Damn, they'd always laugh at us for being the dumb country under them, but we're finally ahead in something ^^ take that~!

Yeah so ever since Grandpa Joe came into presidency things have been looking up. I don't know why, cuz tbh I don't care about politics, but yay things going better~

See, we call him Grandpa Joe, so we can forget he's a shitty racist old man (cuz you know, most politicians in America at least are shitty racist old men, most people in power in this country are actually, but that's not news) and just pretend he's our sweet old grandpa trying to stutter out a story about his childhood that he has stored in a puddle in the back of his brain. It makes me feel better about the circumstances we're in. You know, with politicians just existing.

Like I understand the world works best with government, and I don't get people who are against government in general, because you realize there's too many stupid people in this world, right? We need government to help those stupid people be less stupid.

But like...why do all politicians have to suck? 

President Moon passes Tae's vibe check tho. Like it's not 100%, cuz apparently Charlie Puth doesn't pass the vibe check?? Just cuz the guy was eager and wanted to hug the boys after their performance, like I love that man okay?? I follow him on tiktok too, not only does he have perfect pitch but he's a funny dork with fluffy hair and if that isn't my favorite type of person ever.

Example A:

Exhibit B:

Example C (The best example):

The third pic is Goobs (Matthew Gray Gubler) and he's amazing. 

Anyways Exhibit C is featuring Jungkook in the back laughing cuz he put a bunch of forks in Tae's hair and you know what? We stan. 

I felt a bit sad, cuz you know Charlie and Goobs don't stand a chance next to Tae. But you know what? That's fine.

Wait I was talking about politicians. 

Well in that case, President Moon is cool, he's better than their former president who got impeached, and thank goodness for that she was a terrible president, but I shouldn't talk too much about a political system that isn't mine so~

Anyways I'm just glad that Vacation Bible School thing is over, I would've had a terrible time if it were a whole week, and I never wanna do it again unless it's somewhere I don't have to interact with kids at all. 

I'll make desserts for events for free dinners, that's fine. No kids. 

Let's move onto something better, shall we?

But first, we'll scream a bit. Because of image limit ofc can't show it all, but;


And Jimin's wearing a skirt;

I dunno why but on my Onedrive, the OT7 pics are all a bit grainy, but the individual pics are fine. It's annoying. 

But Mimmie's wearing a skirtttttttttttttttt

I mean Namjoon has worn a skirt a couple times, Hoseok did once, Jinnie did once, this isn't the first time they've done this, however it's the first time Jimin has unironically, we did have this;

But this is the first time he's publicly worn a skirt just to wear a skirt. It's amazing. I love to see it.

And here I am thinking it shouldn't be a big deal, but it is. And I hope in the coming years it stops being a big deal, because clothes are just pieces of fabric, but I'm really happy now and Jimin looks beautiful. I hope there are better angles showing the skirt in the actual photobook ^^ 

All of Bangtan looks beautiful. Like we all have to agree, the entire era belongs to Jimin so in my opinion he's kind of number one for every version, butttt if I were to pick someone else, for version one, Hoseok killed it, the pink gun is /so/ amazing, it goes well with my spiky pink baseball bat. Version two is 100% Jungkook, the tattoos are fucking beautiful and the pink handcuffs??

The first thing I thought of when I saw those pink handcuffs were, "Omg is he gonna let Jimin use them so he can finally get arrested like he asked four years ago??" 

I mean in March 2020 during Vlive Jungkook was talking about how it was hard to run in the On MV with his hands bound, and Jimin goes, "Let's be honest, you liked it didn't you?" and they both just kinda laughed.

So with that being said it's probably already happened but-

Anyways version three was Yoongi, the way he's laying on the hood, the way he's staring into the camera?? I would show you more but for the Jikook section I have so much to say and you've probably already seen the photos (if not they're on Twitter and Weverse, for Twitter just look up BIGHIT_MUSIC on Twitter and go to the @, and then on Weverse, they should've announced it so~) so at least there's that. 

Handcuffs was trending on Twitter, by the way. That was a great day if it weren't for all the fuCKING kids around me.

And version four? Yeah I don't really know, they all looked great. And Jikook were matching, which I mean yeah yeah boring old news but it's like Jikook sharing a car. Every single time we go, "OMG JIKOOK ARE SHARING A CAR" even though it's not anything different than usual. 

So yeah, I'm so excited, Permission To Dance will be out a week from today, I'm so excited ^^ 

Before we get to Jikook, I have a question~

How many groups' discographies have you gone through?

I've gone through BTS, ATEEZ, Everglow, Twice, Red Velvet, Oneus, Day 6, Dream Catcher, Neon Punch, Mamamoo, Cignature, TXT, and I'm going through Girl's Generation right now. I think that's it? 

That being said, any recommendations? I've been going through so many girl groups cuz you all have been recommending girl groups lol. Any boy group suggestions? I'm fine with both, I'm gonna listen to A.C.E at one point,  but I'm much more of a boy group stan, so yeah.

It's Jikook time~

So first off, we got the behind for MMA 2020, now all we need is them practicing it in Memories 2020~

This video really just solidified the fact that they have amazing chemistry even more, they work so well together. It's constantly, "Okay can I do to make it easier for you?" For example, the second picture is Jungkook going, "Okay will it be easier if I crouch down like this?" I really like how attentive they are of each other, that Jungkook had that thought in the first place. They understand each other on a level I don't think we'll ever understand. That's beautiful. 

They work together, and while doing so they barely have to talk it seems. One of them start a sentence and the other knows exactly what they mean before they even finish it. And I love that for them. At the end of the day, my favorite part of Jikook is just watching them together. They're the epitome of a healthy, beautiful relationship, no matter what type it is, and I love so much to see it.

Moving on~

So a couple days ago on Twitter, almost a week ago at this point, it came out saying that in the HYBE exhibition, one of Jungkook's in-ears had Jimin's name on it, in Jimin's handwriting. A couple K-ARMYs were saying it on Twitter. But there was a catch.

It was in a no-photo zone.

Of fucking course.

So, being the extremely mature sub-fandom (is that a thing? I don't even care I'll call it that, just know I don't actually mean fandom, cuz that would insinuate we were separate from ARMY, but I don't know what to call it) that Jokers are, we were like, "Oh cool. If it's real that's cute, if it's not whatever. It's one potential moment out of thousands."

And I think that just shows the difference between us and Taekookers. To this day some Taekookers believe Jungkook and Taehyung went to Jeju island, and went on a cruise alone. They believe a random person on Twitter with a grey icon speaking broken Korean, just because they said they saw Tae and Kook out together. And there is never any evidence. 

Meanwhile we don't take /anything/ as fact until we see proof. Hell, we'll see pictures of Jikook, and wait for the video clips because we don't want to get the wrong idea. 

But then, this happened;

Caught in fucking 4k~

Now, of course non-Jokers-

Wait I need to explain Jokers again. Because for some reason, even tho I say it a lot lol, maybe people don't know what a Joker is and get confused. So I'm going to explain it so you guys are more clear ^^ I want to make my writing as clear for you as it can be so you understand as much as possible. If you don't understand something always ask~

Joker is Jikookie or Jikooker or anything like that, we have lots of names. It's a name Taekookers made up to belittle us, or whatever it is. It's used in the same way I would say a racial slur is, except obviously nowhere near as bad, while I'm comparing the two for the way they're used I don't want it to seem like they're the same thing at all, that's just the best way I can think of to explain it.

It was made to hurt, that's what I'm saying.

But we were like, "Lmao no, that's funny, we're Jokers." Which made us seem stronger and made them more angry so it was a win-win.

Now we use Jokers unironically, if you're on Twitter for two seconds you'll see it. If you look up 'Jokers' this is what you get;

God I love my mootie (the second one) she's always tweeting like that. 

So yeah. Those are Jokers.

But now let's talk about what my mootie (moots are people who follow each other on Twitter) was talking about. 

Non-Jokers, especially Taekookers, before that super clear image came out, were yelling, "IT'S BLURRY! IT DOESN'T SAY JIMIN! IT SAYS ㅈK!"


But then, the clear image came out that you saw above (refer to it if you need to) and this account and multiple others went silent. And then private. 

Like don't embarrass yourself in public please.

Now, I asked you guys on my community tab which ones of you could read hangul. This is why. Jimin's name is hangul is 지민. The writing is obviously faded and smudged, but it so obviously looks like 지민 to someone who's been reading hangul for over three years. Plus, when that really good quality image came up, non-shippers and Taekookers shut up. That proves it was Jikook even further.

For those of you who can't read hangul, just trust me until you decide you want to learn it I guess~

But yeah, it was really cute. It was probably from a couple years ago, but I don't know when, it's totally in Jimin's handwriting~

It just baffled me even more, because people went, "THAT DOESN'T PROVE ANYTHING! HERE'S THIS AND THIS AND THIS YOU'RE DERANGED."

And we're like, "Yeah duh it doesn't prove shit lmao it's just cute."

It baffled me because you go, oh yeah...this is their mindset. Something as little as someone writing a name on another person's ear piece makes them so angry...because they would take this as proof.

If it was Taehyung's name on there, they'd immediately think Taekook was real. They have so little moments (according to them, Butter era and beyond that has been /filled/ with Taekook moments as we all saw, and us Jokers are appreciating them more than Taekookers cuz they're not romantic enough smh) that they take what they have and use it at proof, even though other members have done the exact same thing.

Remember the Bangtan Bomb where Jungkook and Jin wrote their names all over each other's stuff? Jungkook went spelled his name as Jan. It's not something only Jimin has done to Jungkook. In fact, Jungkook's done it to Jimin too;

This was posted on November 17th 2014 ^^

Aka after I believe they got together. Like right after. 

Them: Jk was uncomfortable back then!

Jungkook: Let me draw hearts all over Jimin's phone case as well as the word love because I think he's so cute and want to play around with him~

Proof it was Jungkook, btw;

I bookmarked the tweet, if you want the full tweet ask me and I'll message you :)

I just noticed Jimin did the little ^^ thing I did and-

I love him so muchhhhhhh

But anyways, just like this moment, the in-ear was so cute. And I mean we were yelling crazy things because it said on the case "Handcrafted for Jungkook." And Jimin wrote his name right above it, so we were like "OMG IT SAYS JIMIN IS HANDCRAFTED FOR JUNGKOOK WE STAN." But in the end it really just is a cute little thing, so~

Since so many people were like, "IT'S BLURRED! IT'S EDITED! IT'S FAKE!" and then when the high quality image that 100% confirmed it was Jimin came out, all the Jokers went;

Okay I'm out of image spots so~

Yeah. I thought it was funny

But that's all I have of Jikook for now~ 

And I think that's all I have now in general. 

I really wanna get going, I'm very distracted, and I've been working on this since 7:30 in the morning, it's 3:12pm now~

So goodbye~!

See you soon, I have more to talk about I just am too tired to talk about it now ^^ 


I used to think La Di Da and I Can't Stop Me sounded the same, I still think so but at least now I can tell them apart lol. I really like Everglow, they have a lot of good music ^^

Anyways bye~

I love you guys!

I'm gonna go play a game now while watching CallMeKevin with my sister


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