Broken Love

By Playerr_07

561K 14.8K 5K

A happy and long relationship ruined by an accident and betrayal. "It's your fault why he died!" "So you fin... More

Chapter 1: Change
Chapter 2: Fight
Chapter 3: Sin
Chapter 4: Suspicion
Chapter 5: Busted
Chapter 6: Broken
Chapter 7: Encounter
Chapter 8: Teasing gone wrong
Chapter 9: Accident
Chapter 10: Highschool Crush
Chapter 11: Awake
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: Suffering
Chapter 14: Camera
Chapter 15: Surprise
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Sickness
Chapter 18: Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 19: The face off
Chapter 20: Confrontation
Chapter 21: Telling the Truth
Chapter 22: Back
Chapter 23: Progress
Chapter 24: Sick
Chapter 25: Memories
Chapter 26: Letting go?
Chapter 27: Divorce and forgiveness
Chapter 28: Farewell
Chapter 29: Life goes on
Chapter 30: Meeting again
Chapter 31: Jealous?
Chapter 32: Chance
Chapter 33: Visitors

Chapter 34: Disapproval

16.8K 415 179
By Playerr_07

Lisa's PoV

"Mom, Dad" I called shock...

"Whe-n did you came, why didn't you tell me for me to fetch you" I said and hugged the both of them.. kissing my mother's cheeks..

"It's supposed to surprise the both of you but seems like we're the one surprise here" she whispered then stare intently at Jennie..

Jennie just stood there awkwardly..

I quickly hold her hand to ease the nervousness she's feeling and my mother frown seeing what I just did..

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Brüschweiler" Jennie bowed down greeting my parents..

My father gave her a warm smile but my mom just glare at her..

"My daughter, what is she doing here?" She have a fake smile looking at me..

Mom obviously doesn't like her here..

"We invited Aunt Jennie to have lunch with us" Lexus is the one who answered and Mom smile at him..

"Is that so, you seems to be so close" Mom said squatting to level Lexus height

My son just nod innocently.. "She's my teacher, grandma and we go out together sometimes" he said..

Mom just smile at him fixing his hair..

"Your grandpa and I have brought a lot of gifts and chocolates for you.. do you want to check it?"

Lexus nod excitedly just mentioning the gifts and chocolates..

She then looked at me seriously and stand saying we need to talk..

She turned to Dad.. "Honey, can you bring Lexus to his room and show him the gifts we have brought.." Mom looked at him and Dad nods..

"Come on my boy.. you love toy cars and chocolates right?"

Lexus humm and they went upstairs..

I can feel how Jennie's hand became cold and it's sweating sign that she's nervous..

I just squeeze her hand and smile at her..

Mom then sit and we followed..

"Lisa, what is that woman doing here?"

"Mom, Jennie have a name!"

She just looked at us uninterested..

"What's happening with the two of you.. aren't the both of you divorce already.. Don't tell me, you two get back together?"

"We are Mom" I bravely answered, She looked at me in disbelief..

"What are you thinking Lisa!?" She protested..

"Mrs. Brüschweiler please hear us out first" Jennie tried to speak up but Mom glare at her making her shut up..

"I'm not talking to you.." she gritted

"You know I have hated you the day I found out you cheated on my daughter.."

"And you really have the guts to chase her again after what you have done!?"

Jennie looked down guiltily..

"I love your daughter. Please give me a chance.. I wouldn't d-"

"Love!?" Mom cut her off again..

"You shouldn't have cheated in the first place!" She said angrily and stand up..

"Mom please stop already!"

"I'm sorry" Jennie said regretfully..

She stand up and suddenly kneel down in front of my mother putting her hands in her thighs..

Mom was shocked but stayed firm and looked away..

"Jennie stand up!" I tried to pull her up but she just smile and didn't move...

She glance back at my mother.. "I'm really very regretful for what I have done in the past.. please just give me one more chance to prove myself" she said determined..

But my mom just looked at her coldly..

"Stand up" she commanded..

Jennie followed still looking down.. I went in between and face my mother..

"Mom just let us be please.." I plead

"Leave, let me talk to my daughter" She ignore me and glance at Jennie..

Jennie looked at me unsure but she smiled afterwards..

"You and your mother should talk.."

"Wait for my call" I hold her hand and she nod..

"I will.."

She then bow down to my mother..

"I have to go" she said quickly kissing my cheeks and she left..

I looked at my mother.. "Mom what was that!?" I said frustratedly..

"I should be the one asking you that.. what are you doing Lisa, are you really serious about this!?"

"I am.. Mom" I said seriously and she just shake her head..

"How could you go back to a person that cheated on you, have you not learned from my own experience?"

"Mom Jennie have changed.."

"That is what I also thought when I gave your cheating father many chances but what happened at the end.. he still chooses to do the same mistake!"

"I decided to give him chances because I wanted to give you a complete family but he still continue what he's doing!"

"But You and Jennie doesn't have a living child for you to accept her again!"

"Mom, Jennie is different from my father.. I know and I feel that she wouldn't do it again.."

"Still! there's a possibility that she would be tempted and cheat again, leaving you heartbroken.."

"Mom, just please give her a chance.. she really have changed, isn't those years of her waiting and regretting enough to prove it?"

"I don't know Lisa! Just thinking about what she did, I don't want her any closer to you"

No one's PoV

On the other hand Lexus was so happy receiving new toys, and seeing his favorite chocolates..

He was currently playing with it and his grandfather is watching him smiling..

"Lexus stay here, I'll just go to the bathroom" her grandfather said feeling the call of nature..

Lexus just nod not really listening to him and the old man rushed into the CR..

Suddenly Lexus heard someone shouting downstairs and looked up curiously..

Is Dada and grandma fighting? The boy thought and decided to go out and went downstairs to check what's happening..

He can hear her Dada and grandma talking about something and as he went closer the words coming from them are getting clear..

"I love Jennie Mom.." He suddenly heard his Dada saying making him stop on his tracks..

Dada loves Aunt Jennie? He asked his self getting confused but he thought that it's just a friendly love because he know Dada loves his mommy..

"How about Lexus, his mother died just half a year ago! How do you think would he react if he finds out that you and Jennie are together.."

"I will talk to him Mom, and let him understand but please keep this from him for a while.. I will tell him if the right time comes"

He listened to them and started understand what her Dada and grandma is talking about..even though he's still a child..

Suddenly tears started to come out from his eyes..

If Dada loves Aunt Jennie, how about Mommy?

Does this mean Dada doesn't love mommy anymore..

Dada forgot about mommy because of Aunt Jennie!

The little kid thought and starting to feel hate towards his Aunt Jennie and his Dada because he thought that they doesn't care about his dead mother..

"Lexus" his grandfather called seeing him beside the wall..

His eyes widen seeing that the kid is crying and assume that he have heard something..

The two person talking on the living room also got alerted hearing Lexus name being called just close to them..

Then suddenly they heard him sobbing and Lisa quickly followed where the sound is coming from and saw her step dad comforting his son..

She quickly panic seeing his son crying and about to go to him when he saw that his son looked at him angrily making her confuse..

And then that's when she realized that Lexus might have heard what she and her mother was talking about..

She was about to approach him when the kid suddenly scream..

"I hate you Dada!!"

"You don't love mommy anymore!!"

"I hate you!!" The boy continuously screamed..

She feels a pang in her heart hearing that coming from her son.. and the stares he's giving her us adding the pain..

"Lexus, that's not true, I love Mommy, I will always love Mommy" Lisa tried to coax but the kid just shake his head..

"Liar!.. You just said, you love Aunt Jennie!" The boy sob..

Lisa doesn't know what to say... She loves Tzuyu but she also loves Jennie..

How could she explain this to her son..

She stood there in panic about to approach him when the kid pass through her and run outside..

"Lexus!" Lisa and her parents called his name and immediately follow him..

But her eyes widen seeing that he's about to cross the street and there's also a rushing car towards him..

The boy didn't see the car because of his tears blurring his eye sight and continue to run..

"Lexus no!" Lisa screamed and quickly run towards him..

The car horned getting the kid's attention and he stopped in the middle frightened seeing the rushing car towards him..

Lisa is almost in tears seeing that she haven't reach her son but the car is already near him..

Thankfully the car stopped on time and the driver press the break really hard making the car stopped just an inch away from the boy..

Lisa was very thankful and finally reached Lexus grabbing him on her hold..

"How could you run away like that!" Lisa worriedly hugged his son that almost got hit in front of her..

Lexus just stayed silent slightly traumatized of what happened.

The driver went down and Lisa's parents also came on the scene checking if Lexus is fine..

"Is the kid fine?" The driver asked worriedly and Lisa stand up nodding..

"Miss please watch your son carefully.. what if I pressed the break late and he got hit.." the driver scolded but there's still worry on his voice..

"I'm sorry mister.. I'm really sorry" Lisa apologize and keep bowing continuously..

The driver sigh, "It's okay, as long as the boy is fine"

"I'm really sorry" Lisa once again apologize and the driver went back inside his car and drove off...

Lisa squatted in front of her son "Lexus" she called gently the kid wake up from his shock seeing his Dada in front of him..

He once again got angry just remembering what he have heard earlier..

He got away from Lisa's hold and run inside the house going straight to his room locking his self..

Lisa just looked at him helplessly not knowing what to do..

Her parents then gently pull her to get inside the house seeing how their daughter is not moving obviously hurt from Lexus behavior..

Lisa's PoV

"Baby, please open the door" I continuously plead knocking on my son's room..

"Let Dada explain" I continued

But I didn't hear any response from the other side.. making me sigh helplessly..

Mrs. Nam then came giving me the duplicate keys of each room in the house..

"Thank you" I said gratefully as she leave...

I was about to insert the key when.. I stop and hesitated..

He probably doesn't want to talk to me..

He might only chase me out..

He might not even listen..

I sigh helplessly and decided to let him be for a while.. I looked at his door sadly and decided to go down..

"I'm sorry Lisa, I should have watched him carefully" Dad came apologizing

Mom also looked at me guiltily.. "I should have watched my words too. I'm sorry my daughter" she said

"It's not your fault Mom, Dad he will eventually find out.. it just that he find it out sooner before I can prepare an explanation" I told them and looked down about to cry...

My parents then came hugging me.. "Shhh.. everything will be alright" Dad soothed as I cry in their embrace..

What should I do..

"Lisa you needed to decide.. I have already told you, Lexus won't take your relationship in a good way.. you should either break what you have with Jennie or let your son hate you" my mother said seriously as she pull away..

"Mom" I wanted to protest but thinking of it. Lexus really doesn't accept what I have with Jennie..

He even screamed that he hated me..

But what about Jennie.. I would also hurt her if I broke up with her...

"You and Lexus come with us in Thailand.. if you're worried about his studies then we can enroll him in international school there for him to fit in.." she suggested as I close my eyes..

"Chitthip, give Lisa time to think don't pressure her" Dad said gently tapping my shoulder..

I sit down not knowing what to do..

I'm torn in between..

It's like choosing who's more important to me..

Love or family..

And there's an obvious answer with that..

Jennie's PoV

I was anxiously waiting for Lisa..

She have called earlier saying that we need to talk.. and I am having a bad feeling about it hearing her voice and the way she talked earlier..

I quickly stand up hearing a sound of car outside... It must be Lisa..

My door then opens revealing her..

"Lisa!" I called worriedly..

"What happened" I asked seeing her state.. her eyes and nose are red and swollen sign that she have been crying..

"Jen, Lexus found out about us" she whispered making me silent...

Then I pull her inside and let her sit on the sofa for us to talk properly.. and I sit in front of her..

"Wait I'll get you a drink" I was about to stand when she stopped me..

"You don't have to.. I won't take long" she said looking down..

"L-isa what do you mean?"

My hands and voice is shaking nervously having an idea of what this talk is going to..

"Lexus didn't accept our relationship" she said looking at me..

Her stares is telling me something..

"Then we can do something about i-t" I smile holding her hands..

But she only shake her head and tears started to stream down from her eyes..

"He's stubborn kid Jennie, he doesn't even want to talk to me" she said frustratedly..

"Lisa,." I called afraid of the next words she's going to say..

My heart is beating like crazy and I'm not feeling good about this..

She looked at me painfully.. "I'm sorry but I think we need to end thi-s" she croaked making me finally cry..

"Pl-ease don't do th-is" I cupped her face but she only looked away..

"We just got back together.."

"I'm really sorry" she whispered..

I shake my head.. "We can do something about this Lisa, just don't give up.. he would accept us sooner or later" I tried to change her mind..

"What if he don't!"

"I don't want him to grow up hating me and I'm afraid he would rebel against me"..

"He run away earlier and almost got hit by a car and locked his self in his room not wanting to talk to me.. that is where it start Jen, and I don't want him to continue being like this" she sob as I looked down..

"I love you Lisa and I'm willing to try anything.. you also love me right?" I asked desperately..

She wiped my tears and looked at me sincerely.. "I love you Jennie-"

"-if it's only my parents then I would stay and fight what we have but we're already talking about Lexus-"

"-he is more important than what I feel.. he's my son and the most important thing I have"

"But how about me Lisa" I whispered in pain..

"Forget about me Jennie and looked for a person that will love you and would do anything for you better than I can.." she said gripping on my hands..

"I'm so sorry" she said with finality and stand up as I followed..

"Please Lisa don't do this" I hugged her but she gently pull away from me..

She kissed my forehead and wipe the tears on my cheeks but tears keep streaming from my eyes..

"We might be destined to meet but not destined to be together" she said in agony..

"I'm sorry, just let go of me" she said smiling sadly..

She backed away and turn around.. leaving me there crying in pain..

I don't want to..

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