Broken Love

By Playerr_07

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A happy and long relationship ruined by an accident and betrayal. "It's your fault why he died!" "So you fin... More

Chapter 1: Change
Chapter 2: Fight
Chapter 3: Sin
Chapter 4: Suspicion
Chapter 5: Busted
Chapter 6: Broken
Chapter 7: Encounter
Chapter 8: Teasing gone wrong
Chapter 9: Accident
Chapter 10: Highschool Crush
Chapter 11: Awake
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: Suffering
Chapter 14: Camera
Chapter 15: Surprise
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Sickness
Chapter 18: Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 19: The face off
Chapter 20: Confrontation
Chapter 21: Telling the Truth
Chapter 22: Back
Chapter 23: Progress
Chapter 24: Sick
Chapter 25: Memories
Chapter 26: Letting go?
Chapter 27: Divorce and forgiveness
Chapter 28: Farewell
Chapter 29: Life goes on
Chapter 30: Meeting again
Chapter 31: Jealous?
Chapter 33: Visitors
Chapter 34: Disapproval

Chapter 32: Chance

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By Playerr_07

Lisa's PoV

I am currently on the kitchen,. Drinking..

Drinking wine without an occasion..

I'm sorry Tzuyu for breaking one of my promise..

Sana's birthday was yesterday but I keep thinking of what Yeri said...

Kai is courting Jennie...

And I can't even sleep thinking about that..

I didn't asked Jennie more about it because I don't want her to think that I'm meddling with her love life..

But I really feel uneasy about it..

So here I am now having a drink to calm my nerves and to help me sleep..

I don't know what to feel.. I'm confused

Just thinking of Tzuyu,. It feels like I'm doing something wrong in feeling something towards Jennie.. 

I'm feeling guilty because everytime I would feel like this it's like proving what Tzuyu has constantly said to me when she's alive..

That I still love Jennie,. That my heart beats for her..

It feels like my love for Tzuyu isn't real, that it's just a phase..

But I do really love her.. until now that's why I feel complicated right now..

I just wanted to stay single and take care of our son to respect the memories we have but this damn feelings surging inside me is bugging me..

I sigh,  putting my head on top of my arms as I close my eyes..


I looked around surprise seeing myself in this familiar place..

I am in the seaside where me and Tzuyu used to sit watching the sunset..

Wait, Why am I here?

Suddenly I heard that sweet gentle voice that I haven't heard for months..

"Lisa" she called as I turned around

"Tzuyu!" I called running to her hugging her

"I missed you so much, We missed you so much" I said pulling away caressing her face..

She doesn't look sick..

"I missed you too, Lexus and everyone" she whispered

"Please tell me this isn't a dream" I said not wanting to see her leave again..

"Didn't I tell you that I would visit you in your dreams if you suddenly drink without good reasons"

"That was-.. I'm sorry" I looked down guiltily..

She then hold my hand letting us sit down..

"I know your dilemma right now" she said as I looked at her..

She was just watching the peaceful sea with her smiling face.. her dimples are showing..

How come I haven't notice those before..

"I told you to cry as much as you want here and let go of me" she then turn to look at me, as I stare at her..

"I can't" I whisper and sigh...

"You can't or you don't want" she asked making me silent..

"It's just, How can I let go of you?" I said

"Just letting yourself to be happy.."

"I'm happy"

"Not entirely.."

"All I did was to be good and offered my love to you and I know that you wanted to do the same to repay my loyalty but I would never be in peace if you are stopping your happiness because of me.."

"I'm not!.. I'm really happy and contented just together with Lexus" I said and she only smile..

"Be true to yourself Lisa.." she hold my hand..

"The thing is I don't feel good having a relationship again especially with my ex-wife just thinking about you.. I feel like I'm cheating.."

"No you're not.. that's why I'm telling you to let go of me" she gently said..

"I-I don't know.. I'm confuse Tzuyu"

"You're saying to yourself that you're confuse but the truth is you're just afraid" she said as I went silent..

"Afraid that she would do the same mistake again just like what you're father did to your mom.. afraid that she'll break your heart and trust again, afraid that you will make a wrong decision"

"Life is unpredictable we wouldn't know if you made the right or wrong decision.. but you have to decide and take a risk. In that way you can only know if you choose the right choice"

"For you to be completely happy.. don't be afraid to take a risk"

I stayed silent not knowing what to say..

"I love you" she suddenly said making me look at her..

I smile "I love you too"

"Then let go of me,."


"Lisa.. wake up" I heard someone calling my name feeling a slight shake on my body..

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up seeing Mrs. Nam on my side..

I looked around, looking for Tzuyu but seen no one..

So it's really a dream..

A sad smile appeared on my face..

"I was about to drink a glass of water but I saw you sleeping here" Mrs. Nam continued..

"Get up, I'll fix this and you go to sleep"

I shake my head.. "It's okay Mrs. Nam, I would fix it" I smile

She nod and went to the ref drinking water.. she then said her goodnight..

I put back the unfinished bottle of wine on its place and wash the glass I have used after that I went into Lexus room..

I fix his blanket and his hair as I watch him peacefully sleeping..


I really see Tzuyu on him..

I kiss his forehead before I went out in his room..

I looked at the time seeing that it's already 10 in the evening..

I decided to go for a drive for a while to clear my mind.. then I remember a place that I used to go, and a memorable place.. where I can release my pent up emotions,

While I'm driving I can't help but to think about my short dream earlier..

It's like a final goodbye from Tzuyu..

Let go of me..

That was the last thing she said..

As I reach the place I went down from my car seeing a familiar car in front of me..

Wait, I know who's car is this

I went towards it and my suspicion is confirmed..

There I saw the familiar woman sitting on the hood of her car with her eyes close ..

"Jennie" I called.. she instantly opened her eyes and stare at me..

She quickly get up seeing me.. "Lisa?"

Okay, I keep seeing her in every places I'm going..

"What the.. we meet again" she chuckle and lean on her car watching the view of the city..

I just shrugged "By the way, what are you doing here? It's already late" I asked..

"Just reminiscing" she said..

I was silent for a while..

This place is where she said yes to be my girlfriend..  place that contains a lot of memories of us when we're still in highschool..

We used to go here to have dates or meet up at the time when her parents are still against us..

It used to be our safe heaven..

But I didn't expect that I would also see her here..

"You.. what are you doing here?" She asked..

"Hmm..  just to clear my mind.." I said leaning beside her on her car

"Why? is something bothering you?" She asked..

"Yeah"  and you're one of them

"Is it something I can help with?" She asked looking at me..

I avoided her gaze and looked down.. "Is- Is Kai really courting you?" I suddenly asked..

Wait!.. What did I just asked!?

She was surprised when I asked that and a smile appeared on her face.. now she would think that, that thing is bothering me.. I wanted to smack myself right now

But isn't it true..

"Is that what's bothering you?" She asked and chuckle..

"N-o, it's something else.. it just suddenly popped up into my head.. you know for us to have topic" I tried to reason out but she only laugh..

I looked away somewhat embarrassed.. Why did I even asked that..

It's her own love life!

Her laugh died down and glance at me.. "I told him that I'm not entertaining any suitors"

When she said that something surge inside me.. happiness? Delight? I don't know.. but it's a good feeling..

But I'm not liking it..

Goshh, I can't really understand myself now..

I clear my throat trying to calm myself.. "Why, you're single after all and he's a good looking man and he also have good personality" I said

"Do I have to explain something that you already knew" she answered and my eyes widen..

I went silent once again..

"I told you I would wait until you're ready" she continued making me sigh for the ninth time..

"Why don't you just give up and forget about me.." I said trying to stop the surging feeling..

"Don't you think I didn't try?" She said..

"I saw how you love Tzuyu and how you mourn for her when she died.. and I was like asking myself.. Do I still have a chance? Does she still love me? Is waiting for you would be worth it or I am just waiting for nothing.. there are so many questions and what if is testing my decision.."

"When I came back here, I'm already thinking of giving up and wanted to give myself time to finally move on that's why I decided to teach children as my first step and for me to focus on other things that I love.. but what happened?" She chuckle she's starting to get teary eyes..

"You also came back and the funny thing is we always see each other in every places we go just like now.. It's like faith is playing with us.."

"And instead of moving on.. I was given hope.." she said looking at me intently..

"Lisa" She called then hold my hand..

"Just answer my question.. Would you give me one last chance?"

I looked at her in the eyes feeling a pang of pain seeing tears forming on it..

"If you say you won't, that I shouldd give up and move on, then I will.. but if it's not coming from your mouth then let me do what I want, if I wanted to wait then I will wait" she continued

"I-I don't know what to s-ay" I said unsure and confuse..

"Do you still love me?" She asked as I stare at her..

Tzuyu's words when she's still alive and the dream earlier started to ring in my head

"Why don't you give her a chance?"

"You can't lie to yourself Lisa, you still love her right?"

"I know your heart doesn't beat for me.."

"Be true to yourself Lisa.."

"Life is unpredictable we wouldn't know if you made the right or wrong decision.. but you have to decide and take a risk. In that way you can only know if you choose the right choice"

"For you to be completely happy..  don't be afraid to take a risk.. "

"Let go of me"..

I close my eyes and sigh.. coming into a decision..

I opened my eyes and see her looking at me with hope..

I grabbed her hand that is holding mine as I put it in front of my chest..

She was confused at first but her eyes widen..

"Do you feel it?" I asked and she stare at me with surprise..

My heart is beating like crazy right now..

"Is it enough to answer your question?" She nod and tears also started to come out from her eyes..

"Do-Does this mean you're giving me a c-hance?" She asked sobbing..

"My heartbeat was to answer your question.. If I still love you but about the chance-"..

"-would you still wait.. I wanted to think more about it" I told her holding her hand tightly..

"I told you many times I will wait until you're ready" she smile and caress my face..

"Could you wait for another day" I said she snjff wiping her tears..

"Even if it's a week, a month or a year.. I will wait as long as I will have an answer at the end, as long as I still have hope to hold on" she said determined...

I smile letting go of her hand.. "Tomorrow night.. if you see me in front of your house then I'm willing to start over again..  but if I didn't come, then move on and let go of me"

"I will wait" she said..


I sigh thinking about last night..

I'm currently in the studio just waiting for the time for me to fetch Lexus..

And I'm all free today because the schedule I have is postponed..

The talk last night have made me think and I have finally come to a decision..

I decided to give it a shot and give us a chance but before that I wanted to make sure that Jennie won't really do the same mistake again..

I have one last test for her that's why I asked her for a day for me to finally decide..

I took out my phone dialing someone..

And thankfully within few rings he answered..

"Hey Lisa" the person greeted on the other line..

"Hey Jungkook"  I greeted.. He's one of the model here in the company and I have worked with him many times and we became friends..

And one more thing he's really a very good looking man..

"Can I ask you for a favor" I said hoping that he would agree..

"Of course we're friends.. anything as long as it's within my capability" he said making me smile..

Jennie's PoV

I looked around feeling that I'm being followed.. but then I see many people behind me..

I just shrugged and continue shopping for ingredients..

Maybe I'm just being paranoid..

I'm currently in a grocery store shopping the ingredients I needed for the dishes that I will cook later..

I just finished my work and I went straight here..

I'm excited and nervous at the same time..

Just remembering our talk last night is making me smile..

I have seen Lisa this morning when she sent Lexus to school and when she fetch him..

We didn't have the chance to talk but she showed me her genuine smile when we saw each other..

And it's giving me a good feeling that today will be a good day..

I am really hoping that she would come later.. because that only means one thing..

And I am planning to cook her favorite dishes..

I just really hope that my hope won't be crushed later..

I was busy selecting for the best meat when a man was suddenly standing beside me trying to get my attention..

I looked up seeing a tall handsome man smiling at me..

"Hi" he suddenly said as I smile respectfully..

"Uhhmm Hello?" I said questioningly.. thinking that he needs help or something..

"What's your name beautiful.. when I first saw you I already fallen in love with you" he suddenly said..

"I'm Jungkook, by the way" he continued.. showing me his charming smile

My face went blank.. so just another guy trying to hit on me..

"So? I'm sorry but I don't care" I said coldly and continued to look for the meat and I just get the most expensive one for me to leave already..

"Miss beautiful I just wanted to get to know you, do you want to have coffee with me?" He asked showing me his puppy eyes..

But my stare is just the same.. blank and cold

"No thanks" I said about to get my cart away.. when he gripped on it..

"Wait! I really like people that are looking cute but at the same time beautiful, You're exactly my type Miss, and I know I'm also your type" he confidently said making me look at him in disbelief..

"Excuse me!?" I huff and scanned him openly with my scrutinizing gaze starting from his head down to his shoes..

Undeniably handsome..

Tall and buff..

Charming smile..

Women would surely fall in love with him in first sight but please exclude me..

I love Lisa and  I have already learned my lesson.. especially now that there's a big possibility that she would give me a chance

Even though Lisa has big forehead and thin as stick.. I would choose her..

I glare at this man in front of me.. "Please stop dreaming" I savagely said..

Then I noticed something on his left hand..

"Also, don't try to play around when you have promised someone your love and loyalty.. or else you would regret it at the end.. you don't know how painful would it be especially to your partner so you better change now or you would suffer at the end" I said seriously looking at the ring on his ring finger..

He's married..

I shake my head.. just how many people will make mistakes like me..

"Okay" he suddenly said and the worst thing is he's smiling creepily at me..

Well it's not really a creepy smile for others but it's creepy for me..

Because I was like scolding him but here he is smiling at me..

I backed away pulling my cart and thankfully he let go of it..

"I won't bother you anymore" he said and turn around..

I just looked at him in disbelief and saw him went out without buying anything..

"Weird" I whispered..

Did he just came here to hunt girls..

Tsskk.. tsskk.. tskkk,

Just praying that he would change..

I looked at my cart and checked if I have all the ingredients I needed..

I smile seeing that I'm done for groceries and proceed to the counter..


I was wearing my apron and cooking here in my kitchen..

One food is almost done.. I looked at the time..

I should hurry up..

I was washing the ingredients I needed for the next dish I'm going to cook when my door bell rings..

My heart quickens..

Is it Lisa? There's only one way to find out..

I quickly run to the door not minding what I looked like and opened it revealing who's behind it..

I gasp and my tears almost drop seeing who are they..

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