The Killing Curse!

By LindseyUdall

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Welcome to my story of my 7 years at Hogwarts, it's a weird one i'll tell you that. It's filled with love, la... More

Year 1- Chapter 1-First Steps
Chapter 2 - Confrontations with Malfoy
Chapter 3- Quidditch Try-outs
Chapter 4- Trolls in the Dungeons
Chapter 5- The Return.
Chapter 6. The Philospher Stone
Chapter 7- End of Year 1
Year 2-Chapter 8- Diagon Alley and a Book signing
Chapter 9-Howler
Chapter 10-The Chamber of Secrets....
Chapter 11- Polyjuice Potions
Chapter 12-Crabbe and Goyle 2.0
Chapter 13- Follow the spiders
Chapter 14- Heartbreak and a shoulder to cry on
Chapter 15- It's Time
Chapter 16-The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 17- Goodbye Tom Riddle
Year 3- Chapter 18- The start to another year.
Chapter 19- An unexpected explaination
Chapter 20- Riddikulus
Chapter 21-In the wrong
Chapter 22- INJUSTICE
Chapter 23- Turning Time.
Chapter 24- Forgivness
Year 4- Chapter 25- The Holidays
Chapter 26- It's the World Cup
Chapter 27- Aftermath
Chapter 28- Champions are chosen.
Chapter 29- I love a Blackmail
Chapter 30- The First Task
Chapter 31- Yule Ball Prep
Chapter 32- Dress Shopping.
Chapter 33- Yule Ball- Lindsey's POV
Chapter 34- Yule ball-Regan's POV
Chapter 35- Underwater Secrets
Chapter 36- Second Task
Chapter 37- Third Task
Chapter 38- In Mourning
Chapter 39- Things get better for me.
Year 5- Chapter 40-Summer Break
Chapter 41- Year 5
Chapter 42- I'm not telling lies
Chapter 43- Secrets unfolded
Chapter 44- Dumbledore's Army
Chapter 45- Expelliamrus
Chapter 46- Revenge
Chapter 47- Expecto Patronum
Chapter 48- The death of Sirius Black
Chapter 49- End of another Year
Year 6 - Chapter 50-Summer Break- Regan's POV
Chapter 51- Close Call
Chapter 52- Summer Part Two
Chapter 53- Weasley's Wizards Weezes
Chapter 54- Liquid Luck.
Chapter 55-Errors Of His Ways
Chapter 57- Gryffindor VS Slytherin
Chapter 58- Date Night
Chapter 59- The Dark Truth
Chapter 60- Alliance
Chapter 62- Death Of Dumbledore.
Year 7 part 1- Chapter 63- It's Initiation Time
Chapter 64- A summer to forget.
Chapter 65- Another Death to Mourn
Chapter 66- Who crashed the wedding?
Chapter 67- On the run...
Chapter 68- Closure I needed...
Chapter 69- I missed you.
Chapter 70- The Dealthy Hallows
Chapter 71- Tired of Death.
Chapter 72-Surprise
Chapter 73- The Hufflepuff Cup
Chapter 74- Back in Hogwarts
Chapter 75- Reunited with our boys.
Chapter 76- The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw
Chapter 77- Saving lives
Chapter 78- IT'S OVER.....
Chapter 79- Meeting the Parents
Chapter 80- You're going to be.....
Chapter 81- Ordered to Court
Chapter 82- It's time
Chapter 83-A baby......
Chapter 84-House of memories
Chapter 85- New home
Chapter 86-A new Family Member.....
Chapter 87- 3 Moments
Chapter 88- 19 years later- sort of

Chapter 56- Exciting Times

24 1 0
By LindseyUdall

Today is one of those days where there isn’t classes or homework due so the others and I decided to take a walk into Hogsmeade where we would be grabbing a drink from the Three Broomsticks. It was quite a nice walk as it had snowed recently so the ground is white and its pretty. It was also nice the five of us walking and talking and actually being together because honestly, it’s a rare moment even though we are friends and share a common room with each other. When we walked in it was rather busy and there weren’t many tables left but we managed to find one for the five of us to fit round, I was sitting next to Regan. As I was taking off my coat, I noticed that Draco was walking out of the toilets, heading to the door, when his eyes locked with mine, he stopped for a brief moment before continuing towards the door and outside. Hermione had ordered us five butterbeers, which is one of the nicest drinks in the wizarding world. We were getting comfortable when Ron looked over into a corner and spotted his Sister Ginny with Dean, he was a nice kid. What started as just holding hands soon turned into kissing, I didn’t think there was much wrong because I do a lot worse with Draco and had done with Cedric but Ron being his weird antisocial awkward self, requested if we could leave. Hermione shot him down but it didn’t last long when Professor Slughorn came over to the table after Harry had caught his attention. I didn’t pay attention but I think he invited Harry and Hermione to some sort of dinner party. He finally walked away and Harry sat down, “what are you playing at?” Ron asked him, “Dumbledore has asked me to get to know him?” Harry responded “get to know him? I replied in a questioning voice “yeah, it must be important other he wouldn’t off asked”. We finished our drinks while chatting away when we realised it as getting on and we should head back to the castle. We were walking back and it had started snowing again, there was hardly anyone around only two fellow students in front of us, think their names are Katie and Leanne but not sure. Hermione was slightly drunk on the butterbeer and seemed to be loving life hugging the two boys either side of her when we heard a god-awful scream and the faint words of “I warned her”. We walked closer to see Katie lying on the floor with a box next to her. As we walked even closer, she started moving around my herself before flying up into the sky and shooting back down again. We had no idea what we were supposed to do until Hagrid showed up telling us not to go near her as he walked up to her gently picking her up. Harry walked over to the box that was on the floor and was about to pick it up when Hagrid warned him to only touch the packaging. Where did she get this from, was it cursed, who was it for? Only a few of the questions in my mind. We collected up the necklace and took it straight to Professor McGonagall for her to inspect. “You sure Katie didn’t have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?” she asked Leanne, “like I said she left to go to the loo, when she came back, she had the package, she said it was very important that she delivers it.” Professor McGonagall asked who it was meant for and it was for Professor Dumbledore. Leanne was dismissed. That was when Professor turned to us and said “why is it that when something happens, it is always you five”. Professor Snape came in and inspected the necklace and he informed us that Katie was lucky to be alive and that she was cursed. The next words out of Harrys mouth shook me “it was Malfoy” how dare he accuse him; I was about to say something when Regan placed her hand on my arm stopping me for doing something stupid. I was fuming. Lucky enough we were sent back to our dorm rooms for the evening. I can’t believe it. 

In the events of knowing that Hermione and Harry will be attending Professor Slughorns dinner party tonight, I knew that I could see Draco without being questioned on where I was going and having to come up with a lie so I sent him an owl this morning asking to meet at our normal spot. I didn’t receive a response until late afternoon but it wasn’t the response I was looking for. Draco was busy and couldn’t take the time out to see me, normally Draco jumps at the chance to see me and spend time with me but I guess maybe not today. Ever since I overheard the conversation between him and his mum that time, things haven’t been that same with him. Whatever it was that was set in place to happen before school started again is obviously getting to Draco and distracting him. I hope everything is ok. Seen as though I now have no other plans this evening spending some time with Regan doesn’t sound too bad. I mean I can’t imagine there is much to catch up on as there hasn’t really been much happening recently.   

“So Reegs, anything new with you and Tae?” I asked and she just shrugged her shoulders, “not really, I haven’t heard from him in a while or seen him around, what about you and Draco?” this surprised me but I answered her questioned “ I saw him after our first potion lesson and confronted him about what he said and done to Harry on the train, we chatted and made up I guess, I asked if he wanted to spend time with me today but he is busy with something, my guess is it is to do with whatever we saw that day in Diagon Alley. Something has defiantly changed with him; he wouldn’t let me take his shirt of while we were having sex the other day and normally, he is all for taking it off.” There wasn’t really anything Regan could suggest so we changed the subject and just chilled until Hermione came back that evening.  


Regans POV  


School work was building up rather quickly this year. My head was spinning long into the night thinking about lessons and coursework. That is why I didn't have a good night's sleep last night, I felt it weighing down on me. I hadn't really tried to look as neat and tidy as I usually do today. All I wanted was to take a hot shower and nap the rest of the day. Unfortunately, that would have to wait till later as I still had the rest of today's lessons to complete. Falling behind now would be disastrous to my final grade. 


It was time to go eat but I didn't feel particularly hungry. Lindsey could see that I wasn't myself today encouraging me to come to the Great Hall with her anyway. Just to see what's on the menu I guess, you never know something might pique my interest. 


Sitting opposite each other I had a good look at everything that was laid out to eat. The main meal wasn't really anything I wanted right now, that's why I went straight for the chocolate cake. 

"See told you you'd find something." Lindsey said knowing that feeling tired and hungry would make everything seem ten times worse. The sponge was light and fluffy, not too rich, just how I like it.  


We sat chatting to each other for a while. Lindsey was being a good friend and trying her best to make me feel better. It was working. I felt a little more myself and I felt like I gained enough energy to last the rest of the day.  


Something then caught Lindsey eye behind me, she looked confused and amused at the same time. I turned around to see what she could be looking at. 

"I think Taehyung wants you to go over." She laughed pointing to the Ravenclaws dining table. It didn't take me long to see him. Waving his hand for me to go see him. 

"That's weird. He's never spoken to me in front of his friends before?" I turned to Lindsey for reassurance.  

"Well after everything that happened between you two over summer, maybe he wants people to see you both together. I know he gets annoyed with the girls chasing after him. Show them that he isn't on the market anymore" I nodded slightly then made my way round to him. Everyone around him seemed occupied with their own conversation to notice my presence. 


"Hello princess. I haven't seen you in a while, how are things?" He turned around in his seat giving me his full attention. A smug grin on his face. It was when he said his nickname for me that people started to listen to our conversation. 

"I'm okay, school work is just a little overwhelming at the moment." 

"Hmm you look a little tired. Have you not been sleeping well again?" I nodded, the boys around him didn't seem to care about what we were talking about but the girls were giving me daggers. Taehyung noticed my discomfort and turn to the girls. 

"Can you lot fuck off for once. It's bad enough having you all fight to sit next to me every day." I was a little taken back by his sudden change in temper but these girls had been bothering him for a long time.  

"Oh, come on Tae any one of us would be better than this scruffy 6th year. It's insulting you giving this ugly frigid Gryffindor attention when you've got us sitting right here." She was acting like I was a filthy rat. Do I really look that bad?  

 A few seconds passed and I could tell by the look on the girls face that she made a mistake. The boys to Tae's left stopped chatting and gave them the same death stare as Taehyung.  

"Why would I give another second of my time to a deceased whore like you Alaina. Why don't you lot go back to sucking guys off in the men's toilet where you belong." The girls didn't say anything back. They grabbed their things and left. Taehyung and the guys turned and their eyes followed them out of the Hall to make sure they left. I could see that Taehyung was fuming.  

"Tae?" I said softly. He looked up to me and his expression turned into a sad one. 


"I'm really sorry about them. I forgot how bitchy they are. I wouldn't have called you over otherwise, knowing they'd do that to you" He took my hand apologetically and pulled me to sit down next to him.  

"I guess Alaina won't bother you now." I tried to smile but it did feel like my self-esteem had taken a blow.  

"Don't you dare let her get into your head. Someone like her could never be as beautiful as you are inside and out."  


"Aww Tae you are pulling on our heart stings man." His friends joked behind him and it made me laugh. He turned and hit one of them playfully. Clearly, he's never been 'sappy' in front of them before. 

"Don't you lot start." 

"What you gunna do send us to the men's toilets with the girls." They joked.  

"Ahh my innocent Regan's ears, stop it. Don't mention that around her anymore." He put his hands over my ears to stop me hearing the other boys, I couldn't help giggling. 

"She's cute man, we will leave you two alone. Don't worry we will make sure the girls don't bother you when you're with Regan." With that the group of guys stood up and left, I waved them goodbye and Tae uncovered my ears. 

"I could still hear them you know. Are those girls really like that? "  

"Yeah, but it's particularly those five who are the worst in Ravenclaw. They'd let anyone fuck them. Which is a Shame. They used to be nice girls like yourself but they all turned into whores." 

"Oh, are you and your friends heading to the men's toilets often then." I really didn't want to know but I had to ask him. They all seem like friends despite the obvious drama.  

"Me? Never but the guys go to shed off some tension. Never appealed to me. I would like the girl I'm with to know they mean everything to me and are not just a meaningless fuck. The thing with them girls is I'm the only one out of our friend group that they haven't spelt with. They Kinda have a hit list. Anyway, before that unfortunate turn of events I was going to ask you if you wanted to go on a date."  

"What?!" I chocked, that came out of nowhere. 

"A date Regan. You are not that innocent that you don't know what a date is. One Saturday good for you?" He laughed unable to hide his smile. He knew what the answer would be but he was always amused by my reactions. 

"You are asking me on a date? For real?" 

"Am I speaking Korean Regan? Yes, don't be so surprised. I know we've kissed a few times but I feel like we should have a real date. Just so you can decide if I'm worthy of you because I don't think I am." I couldn't help but blush. Unable to make eye contact with him. What nonsense, he's out of my league not the other way around.  

"Yes, I'd love to. I will write down the Saturdays I'm free and we decided." Nodding in agreement, he gave me a peck on the cheek before I went back to Lindsey. She'd seen the events unfold from across the great hall. 


"Well, that looked like a bit of a rollercoaster." She said when I sat down in front of her. 

"It was. Taehyung ask me out on a date." I said nervously. Like Taehyung said we have kissed but that doesn't mean must now-days. 

"Oh, I thought you was already going out but I guess you've never actually said it to each other." I nodded in agreement; it was soon time for lesson so we headed out of the great hall. I'll write down my free days on the parchment when classes are over for the day. 

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