Jikook Oneshots 2

By Mikchimin

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Another compilation of stories where Mimmie loves Koo and Koo loves Mimmie right back. Hey~ I filled out an e... More

Classicalish (Part Two)
Adults (Continuation of Children)
ThE most ClichE Jikook Story evVer Part Too??? Yes!1!!!
Ice (Part Two)
Leather (Continuation to Bikers)
Koo The First
Koo The First (Part Two)
Koo The First (Part Three)
Mimmie His Love (Continuation of Koo The First)
Best Friend's Little Brother (Continuation to Big Brother's Best Friend)
Conference (Continuation of Electric)
Among Us
Reality (Continuation of First Sight)
Graduation (Continuation to Top Kinky and Dare)
Letters (Continuation to Servants)
Brothers (Part Two)
Brothers (Part Three)
Famous (Part Two)
Famous (Part Three)
Dog (Part Two)
Grudge (Continuation to Rebound)
Benefits (Continuation to Jeans)
Drawing (Part Two)
River (Part Two)
Awkward (Continuation to Birth)
Awkward (Part Two)
Bachelorette (Part Two)
Kingdom (Continuation to Swords)
Kingdom (Part Two)


703 27 238
By Mikchimin

Jungkook noticed it a little while ago. The little glances, the shy smiles. It was just like right before they started dating all over again. Jungkook was sure he knew what this meant.

Jimin was going to propose.

He was just being so painfully obvious. He acted softer with Jungkook, little touches, the way he spoke. Jungkook found himself getting excited. He found himself being shy and soft around him too.

It made sense to him, their anniversary was just a few months away when Jungkook first noticed it. Now it was just two weeks away, and the two had been as loving as when they first started dating almost two years ago.

Jungkook couldn't wait for their anniversary, he wondered how Jimin would propose. It didn't really matter, Jungkook would say yes no matter what. He loved Jimin, he wanted to spend his entire life with him. He didn't need marriage for that to happen, but he'd really like it.

"Do we want to go to a restaurant for our anniversary?" Jimin, who was cuddled into the taller's side, looks up at him. "Or something else?"

"What do you want?" Jungkook asks instead.

"Whatever makes you happy," Jimin pecked his lips. "Whatever sounds the best."

Jungkook's heart swelled. Jimin really wanted to make the night perfect for him. He loved the older so much. "Well then a restaurant sounds great. We always order in, it would be a nice change."

"Perfect," Jimin grabs his laptop from the coffee table. "Unless you have a place in mind, let's look up a restaurant and book it together."

"That sounds good, let's find a place," Jungkook beams.

He could hardly wait.


"The food is so good," Jimin smiled. "We picked the right place."

"I agree," Jungkook reached across the table to grab his boyfriend's hand. "Happy Anniversary Baby."

"Happy Anniversary Kook," Jimin's eyes were warm. "I love you."

"I love you too," Jungkook mirrored his expression.

Jimin hadn't said anything yet. Jungkook was getting antsy. He couldn't wait, he knew it'd be tonight, he just wished it would happen already. Maybe Jimin was gonna wait until they finished eating. His right leg bounced under the table in anticipation.

"Ugh, I'm getting full," Jimin puts his fork down. "Do you wanna wrap things up and take our food to go? Or do you want to get dessert or something?"

"I'm pretty full too," Jungkook tells him. "Let's get the bill."

So they call a waiter, and ask for the bill, and just sit there for a few seconds, before Jimin goes, "So..."

"So..." Jungkook repeats.

"Is there anything else you'd like to do before we leave?" Jimin asks. "Anything at all?"

"No," Jungkook shook his head, heartrate going up a bit. This was it, wasn't it? "You?"

"No," Jimin furrows his brows.

"O-oh," Jungkook frowns. "You don't have anything planned for tonight?"

"I don't," Jimin's voice was soft. "Did you think I had something planned?"

"Uh, yeah actually," Jungkook took a deep breath. "I thought you were going to propose tonight."

"What?" Jimin's eyes widen. "I thought you were going to propose tonight!"

"What!?" Their voices get slightly louder, but not loud enough to disturb those around them. "But you've been acting so weird lately!"

"Because you have!" Jimin argues.

"This is so crazy," Jungkook shook his head. "You seriously thought I was going to propose?"

"Yes!" Jimin huffed out a laugh. "You thought I was?"


"...Would you...would you have said yes?" Jimin looks at him.

"Would you have?" Jungkook counters, kind of scared.

"Y-yeah," Jimin nodded. "Ever since I started thinking you were gonna ask me, I knew I'd say yes."

"Me too," Jungkook huffs out a breath of relief. "I would too."

"So...you wanna just get married?"

"Really?" Jungkook's eyes brighten.

"Well we both want to," Jimin's smile is shy. "So do you want to?"

"Yes," Jungkook breaks into a huge smile. "Yes!"

"Oh my God are we engaged?" Jimin stands up.

"I think we are!" Jungkook stands as well, embracing his now fiancé. They share a kiss, a sweet kiss, so incredibly happy.

"Oh," The waiter, who brought out the bill, approached them. "Did something happen?"

"We just got engaged," Jungkook explained. "Today's our anniversary."

"Oh congratulations!" The waiter puts the bill on the table. "For occasions like this we give out complementary desserts. While you get everything ready to pay, I'll go get it."

"Thank you," Jimin's voice is slightly breathy. They sit down as the waiter walks away. He looks at Jungkook. "Oh my God we're getting married! I mean I thought we'd be coming out of here engaged anyways, but I didn't expect this!"

"Me neither," Jungkook giggles. "I love you, and I can't wait to marry you."

Jimin' smile is so wide he could barely see. "I can't wait either." 

A/N: Does this story seem familiar in any way??

Because this tweet went viral;

Yeah so it was based off of this. 

What should I even say? Like Girlie I didn't come prepared, I just know it's been too long so I made the tough decision of uploading unprepared.

That's the stress of being famous I get~


It's raining lots, I like this type of rain, where it's pouring but not so much it's scary. No thunder, no lightning, no rain so hard it feels like it'll shatter windows, just heavy rain. Rain is comforting and beautiful and I love it. I'm so glad South Korea is a rainy country, It'll be nice when I move there ^^

Oh damn the rain is picking up lmao-

I went out into the rain with my cat. It's actually not as bad as it sounds.

Tiger hated it though. Poor baby. He hid his face under my chin, which is tiny but it's okay cuz his head is small too. But yeah he's adorable. Who wants Tiger pics~

Oops wrong pic but look at the hottie~


These are my most recent pictures lol, I either like to hold him like that or like this;

Or curled up into a little ball or with his arms on my shoulder like a baby or sometimes upside down, he's a very chill cat he doesn't mind it.


I'm annoyed

We're having to fight harder than normal to get BTS to #1 because Spotify would rather support an industry plant than play fair. 

All respect to Olivia Rodrigo, I watched Bizardvark when I was younger, Jake Paul was in it but I didn't like him much anyways, The CDs on my wall were inspired from that show


It doesn't mean I'm angry at her team for so obviously using her to make money. We've had to do so many Spotify streaming parties, we've had to mass buy things more than usual, it's been a bit stressful.

Some may ask, "Why is this so important? Why not just listen to the song 'organically'?"


People get their ratings up by selling hoodies! They sell merch and do car washes and all that stuff so they can get higher on the charts. We're listening to the song, we're buying the song fair and square, which is actually better because they can't filter bought songs, we are one of the most organically successful groups in the entire world, people are just angry we have more people and funds to achieve our goal.

So why is streaming so important? 

Streaming is how we get #1 on The Billboard Hot 100

Do you know how important that is for Bangtan??

And I want to do it for Bangtan. You could argue the YouTube record isn't as important, and that's okay, but Billboard Hot 100?? Remember the first time? How they talked about they all cried? How Jimin was with Jungkook at 4am, crying and staring at their phones before Jimin called Yoongi and Tae? This is extremely important to the seven of them. No matter how meaningless it may be to you, it's the most important thing BTS can achieve at the moment for Butter. Maybe they'll get nominated for a Grammy for Butter, maybe another song with be the nomination, but nonetheless, Billboard Hot 100 is important.

Anyways it's bright and sunny now.

What the fuck??

Weather man. It's just...weird.



Sorry I'm in Japanese class as we speak I'm doing a project on Osaka so~

My favorite anime is based in Osaka. Will someone please tell me they've read or watched Lovely Complex?? Please?? Before Haikyuu it was the only anime I ever enjoyed.

Please I beg of you does this ring any bells;

If not please watch it I love it, and it's a slice of life manga about a tall girl and a short guy, and the manga was at my middle school, I've read it six times, I want to talk about it with someone. 

And it's raining again oh my God-

The fucking weather dude-

Girlie when I say I think I just heard a gunshot-

What the fuck are the farmers of ****** ********** doing??

Why would I tell you what town I live in it's itty bitty-

Oh but apparently Texas is in the top five states that search 'Why is my penis so small'

Which is-which is funny cuz-cuz they say everything is big is Texas? Haha funny Joke-

If you didn't read that in a first grader voice then damn...

That's seven years old for you non-Americans

Why am I being so weird lmao-

Anyways Jikook~

We thought there was no Jikook, but oh my God Jikook always finds a way to Jikook even in the smallest moments?


The matching saga continues;

While we're talking about this Butter has kinda been a Taekook era it's really cute. I miss Jikook but I missed seeing Taekook together too. They've been adorable this past week I really love them ^^


This is about Jikook~

They're wearing the same jeans~

Are we surprised? Well I screamed. Should we be surprised? Absolutely fucking not. Jikook love to match. Even if they don't tell us out loud, "Hey, we're matching" so many times these days their outfits are either coordinated, or they're straight up matching, and yeah. And obviously for a dance practice it's their own clothes, they chose to wear this stuff. 

Like does this mean they go out of their way to buy things so they can match subtly? Or was it a funny coincidence?  I don't know but I love it. 

And this wasn't the only one this week;

Now this was done by the stylists, and Yoongi has an orange sweater of the exact same style, bUT, it's still cute. This doesn't mean anything, but it's still cute. I love Jikook.

So we're done with Jikook matching....

But there's more.

I wish I could show you the video, and if you want me to send it to you just tell me and I'll get it to you, buttttttttttttttttttttt

Let me just show you in images.

So Steven Colbert, right? BTS did the hand gestures video. I don't know who the fuck wrote it, the script was /so/ stupid, but Bangtan did a great job, they looked amazing, I'm gonna watch the video forever. Even if they were reading off of a script (You could totally tell Koo was but that's okay, I don't mind it at all) even their pronunciation and how naturally they spoke has gotten so much better and I'm very proud of the seven of them ^^

But there was something a lot of us missed.

Again I will send you the video clip if you wanna see it because it's hard to translate with just pictures, but I'm doing my best.

So they were doing the last hand gesture, where there were spreading butter;

But then Jungkook points at his heart;

Points up;

And then points at Jimin;


Yeah sorry this whole author's note is gonna have me screaming about the weather littered in but it's fine.

Guys I'm so delulu but I'm not delulu at all like I've watched the video so many times, he stared directly at the camera, like, "Are you watching?" Then look down as he points back to Jimin, like I love that. 

It was so random too, but you know how Jungkook loves to fidget. So does Jungkook's heart belong to Jimin? Is Jimin Jungkook's desire (you remember, I'm talking about December 2015)? I mean Jungkook said it not me-

Well he didn't...but he also did...

So yeah, the clip is five seconds long, and it's adorable, and I love it so much.

Anyways I summoned Namjoon.


7:24am my time. I use the 😗 emoji

Damn some Twitter emojis are ugly but the crying emoji is cute.

10 minutes later, 7:34am my time;

What does this mean?

Namjoon saw my Twitter

Namjoon took inspiration from my tweet

Namjoon reads my oneshots

I knew it Joon I love you~

I really like to make myself more important than I actually am huh-

But I knew Joonie read my books, I've been suspicious for months! But Mikchimin Namjoon friend party confirmed, we're gonna be besties now because he loves my books and sees my tweets.

The sun is hurting my scalp cuz I'm sitting under a skylight but I don't care enough to move.

Nevermind I moved.

But yeah. Either Joonie reads my books or I'm psychic. Both are plausible.

I think I'm gonna go soon but first we'll do a semi-annual naming of my sim children~

Alex (Dead)

Bailey (Dead)

Cleo (Dead)

Dennis (Vampire)

Elijah (Dead)

Finley (Dead)

Gwendolan (Dead I watched her die ))):

Hebsabah (Dead)







Ophelia (Vampire)


Queenie (Vampire)

Ribbon (Vampire)



Ukelele (Vampire) 

Valkerie (Vampire) (Married to Ukele's aunt, long story)


Xlanti (Vampire)

Yarble (Vampire)






If you wanna read about my children please I urge you to read and comment lots on my sims book, the cover is my sim Alyakim, I really want you guys to read it so you can learn about my sims I love them all so much.

I'll update it again soon, there's only 15 and I need to go up to 20 cuz out of my 30 children only 24 of them have reached adulthood so~

Anyways I think I'm actually done.

You ready for the last ship?


I really didn't know which one to pick, so I picked this one ^^ we all know it, we all love it, it's good~

But yeah that's it.

I love you guys!

People are nicknaming the McDonald's meal McJimin...I'm Mikchimin...my ego has inflated a billion times


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