Demeanour Slips | TKยฐ

By PranitiSinha

162K 8.2K 5.7K

{Completed} A story that revolves around hidden secrets behind those cameras. How long will they hide, the De... More

(1) Best of Me
(2) A mask
(3) Sweet Night
(4) Only one for me
(5) Don't worry Love
(6) Baby's fever
(7) Inner Thoughts
(8) No more baby
(9) Fight?
(10) Stupid Alien
(11) For you
(12) Again
(13) You're worth it
(14) You're hurting 'cause you're mine
(15) Hoping for good days
(16) Payback
(17) Make up and Make-out
(18) Desires
(19) A pinch of lust (M)
(20) All of you
(21) Unknown
(22) We on
(23) More Dangerous?
(24) Who is 'She'?
(25) Not Today
(26) New Revelations
(27) Departure to Jeju
(28) Painful Smiles (Pt.1)
(29) Painful Smiles (Pt.2)
(30) I miss you
(31) Yelled?
(32) Fight for my way
(33) Back home
(34) Sulking
(35) Maknae line
(36) Show! Music Core
(37) New Side
(38) A little something
(39) A wild ride (M)
(40) Drunk?
(41) Aware
(42) Always him
(43) Trying hard
(44) My Koo
(45) Celebrity Bromance
(46) Love Bite
(47) Exposed by Soulmate
(48) Embarrassed and worried
(49) Challenges
(50) Dispatch
(51) Tricking Dispatch
(52) Private Conversation
(53) Trending
(55) Injured
(56) Christmas
(57) Kim Jungkook
(58) I Purple You
(59) Whipped
(60) Without me
(61) Memories
(62) Wedding
(63) Demenaour Slips

(54) Voicing out thoughts

1.5K 97 122
By PranitiSinha

Taehyung's POV

Today we were celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Bangtan Sonyeondan. We were currently shooting for BTSFESTA2018. We talked about many things on camera and after the staff got a decent amount of content we were left alone, to celebrate.

It was only the seven of us now, Yoongi hyung wanted to shift seats, so now starting from the left it was Yoongi hyung, Jiminie, Hobi hyung, Me, Koo, Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung on the right side end.

Jiminie leaned on to Hobi hyung's shoulder and Yoongi hyung was looking at them with heart eyes. I smiled at the scene.

"You guys are so cute" Jin hyung commented.

"Not more than these two though" Hobi hyung replied back pointing his finger at me and Koo.

I looked at Koo, he was smiling shyly as he ate with pink tainted cheeks. I smiled at him and wrapped my hand around his waist, causing him to turn crimson.

"Anyone wants to share anything?" Namjoon hyung asked.

"I want to" I replied back quickly.

"Go on Taehyung-ah" I heard Jin hyung and gave him a smile, thanking him.

"It's about my thoughts hyungs"

"Oh My Gawd, Don't tell me you both are getting married" Jiminie squealed.

"What- No, Jimin-ah what are you blabbering?" I said and looked at Koo, he was looking at Jiminie with wide eyes as his ear tips turned red.

"H-hyung d-don't s-say t-that" My sweetcheeks stuttered.

"Let Taehyung talk" Hobi hyung interrupted.

"Hyungs actually, I have twin track thoughts, they run parallel to one other, always onwards. One track keeps me safe in the culture of this era of money and materialism, keeps me in a home with food and safety. The other questions everything in this society and world, always asking how we could do better, love stronger, take care of the morals. That way, when a chance for change comes I can take it, I can take it because I allowed twin tracks to grow rather than narrow my brain to the choice menu of generations before.

What was the point of the our story? Because we know how easy it is to manipulate the truth, or make bad decisions made on partial evidence. Again, similar to the 1st generation Male Idol Group. To people our life seems as fame and money, but there is more than that going on. Every day when you watch the news you see only a partial story, like the first three envelopes. And in real life you never get the second three, the truth of the matter. So unless you train yourself in critical thought you will be a puppet of the media and advertisers, it's all designed with a knowledge of psychology, you have to know get your free will back.

I don’t care what country we live in. Fear and misdirection. They’ll tell you who to hate, who should live and die, show you how the enemy is barbarous and the powers that control your life are heroes. Those enemies are all mainly toxic and homophobic, which no one wants to acknowledge.

I came across a tweet today morning and I don't why people hate LGBTQ Community so much, I gave a though to it that maybe we pray differently, eat differently, love differently, have a different family structure. Do any of those things mean they should die?

Are they so good at dehumanizing the “enemy” in your mind so you will turn a blind eye or even support what's wrong? Chances are strong that if you met these enemies in real life you’d be firm friends very quickly. I know I've fallen into a rant again, but I need to finish or my brain will boil over.

Love is the answer, not hate, why don't they have grace over intolerance, critical thinking and genuine research over ignorance and impulsiveness. How can you avoid hating people who belong to the LGBTQ Community yet they don’t know us, likely people from another culture and religion? Are any of them expendable? For less than what we spend on, can we really save them all, can we really make a change to this homophobic society? Are we capable of doing that? Is Bangtan that strong, huh Namjoon hyung?"

I looked down at my lap after I completed, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I felt Koo leaning on to me and giving me a hug.

"I-I don't know what to say Taehyung-ah" I heard Namjoon hyung.

"I understand it's complicated hyung"

"Taehyung, we don't know if we are capable of making a change or not and we will never know until we try. I have had to accept that, that everyone cannot love me because when there's light, there's dark too. But it is really hard to accept as an artist that there are a lot of people that hate us, but on the other hand there are a lot of people who love us. Let's focus on the light and abolish the dark" Namjoon hyung said.

"I think Taehyung needed this" Yoongi hyung commented and I nod my head agreeing with him.

I really needed this, to rant out my mind, to voicing out my thoughts.

That's all for today. 🤩
Vote and drop comments if you liked it.
If there are any mistakes. I am sorry for that. Please ignore the mistakes. 🥺
See you in the next chapter.
Stay healthy and happy. 😇
Borahae 💜

A/n: Was the chapter boring? You can tell me honestly because I know many people wouldn't agree with my opinion and thoughts. I didn't really want to make a chapter on what we have already seen. I wanted to try and write something different for once.

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