The Killing Curse!

By LindseyUdall

2.1K 87 13

Welcome to my story of my 7 years at Hogwarts, it's a weird one i'll tell you that. It's filled with love, la... More

Year 1- Chapter 1-First Steps
Chapter 2 - Confrontations with Malfoy
Chapter 3- Quidditch Try-outs
Chapter 4- Trolls in the Dungeons
Chapter 5- The Return.
Chapter 6. The Philospher Stone
Chapter 7- End of Year 1
Year 2-Chapter 8- Diagon Alley and a Book signing
Chapter 9-Howler
Chapter 10-The Chamber of Secrets....
Chapter 11- Polyjuice Potions
Chapter 12-Crabbe and Goyle 2.0
Chapter 13- Follow the spiders
Chapter 14- Heartbreak and a shoulder to cry on
Chapter 15- It's Time
Chapter 16-The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 17- Goodbye Tom Riddle
Year 3- Chapter 18- The start to another year.
Chapter 19- An unexpected explaination
Chapter 20- Riddikulus
Chapter 21-In the wrong
Chapter 22- INJUSTICE
Chapter 23- Turning Time.
Chapter 24- Forgivness
Year 4- Chapter 25- The Holidays
Chapter 26- It's the World Cup
Chapter 27- Aftermath
Chapter 28- Champions are chosen.
Chapter 29- I love a Blackmail
Chapter 30- The First Task
Chapter 31- Yule Ball Prep
Chapter 32- Dress Shopping.
Chapter 33- Yule Ball- Lindsey's POV
Chapter 34- Yule ball-Regan's POV
Chapter 35- Underwater Secrets
Chapter 36- Second Task
Chapter 37- Third Task
Chapter 38- In Mourning
Year 5- Chapter 40-Summer Break
Chapter 41- Year 5
Chapter 42- I'm not telling lies
Chapter 43- Secrets unfolded
Chapter 44- Dumbledore's Army
Chapter 45- Expelliamrus
Chapter 46- Revenge
Chapter 47- Expecto Patronum
Chapter 48- The death of Sirius Black
Chapter 49- End of another Year
Year 6 - Chapter 50-Summer Break- Regan's POV
Chapter 51- Close Call
Chapter 52- Summer Part Two
Chapter 53- Weasley's Wizards Weezes
Chapter 54- Liquid Luck.
Chapter 55-Errors Of His Ways
Chapter 56- Exciting Times
Chapter 57- Gryffindor VS Slytherin
Chapter 58- Date Night
Chapter 59- The Dark Truth
Chapter 60- Alliance
Chapter 62- Death Of Dumbledore.
Year 7 part 1- Chapter 63- It's Initiation Time
Chapter 64- A summer to forget.
Chapter 65- Another Death to Mourn
Chapter 66- Who crashed the wedding?
Chapter 67- On the run...
Chapter 68- Closure I needed...
Chapter 69- I missed you.
Chapter 70- The Dealthy Hallows
Chapter 71- Tired of Death.
Chapter 72-Surprise
Chapter 73- The Hufflepuff Cup
Chapter 74- Back in Hogwarts
Chapter 75- Reunited with our boys.
Chapter 76- The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw
Chapter 77- Saving lives
Chapter 78- IT'S OVER.....
Chapter 79- Meeting the Parents
Chapter 80- You're going to be.....
Chapter 81- Ordered to Court
Chapter 82- It's time
Chapter 83-A baby......
Chapter 84-House of memories
Chapter 85- New home
Chapter 86-A new Family Member.....
Chapter 87- 3 Moments
Chapter 88- 19 years later- sort of

Chapter 39- Things get better for me.

24 1 0
By LindseyUdall

After me finally being able to mourn Cedrics death, I have been feeling a lot better and according to the nurses i'll be leaving school with all my school friends in a few days to go home. Draco has been able to stay to come visit me after curfew because he is still the only one i'll eat or talk around, I feel bad for the other but for some reason around Draco I don't feel the sympathy or the guilt the others always give out when they visit me. Me and Draco would spend most of the evening sitting on the bed talking and chatting away with the occasional check up from the nurses. He would also stay with me over night just so I would sleep better, I don't understand how he has helped me so much get through this but I'm glad that he has. Today is the final feast and the house trophy is awarded, the other schools would be leaving to head back home aswell. I was ready and well enough to attend if I wanted to and I think I'm going to just to show everyone that I was ok and I was better than I was, I had been informed that Regan and Hermione had packed away all my things ready for the departure home tomorrow and I was so grateful to them for doing this. I changed into my uniform and made sure I looked up to school standards and like I hadn't been bed bound for 2 weeks. I slowly made my way down the great hall to see that the set up was a lot different then it normally is for the end of year feast. Everyone was already sitting down and in seats when I walked through the great hall doors, the room was silent and turned to me after Professor Dumbledore stood up when I entered, there was a few shocked faces and all I could do was hold my head up high and make my way to Regan and the others. I say down and Dumbldore started,"Cedric was a person who exemplified many of the qualities which distinguish Hufflepuff house, he was a good and loyal friend, a hard worker, he valued fair play. His death has affected you all, whether you knew him well or not. I think that you have the right, therefore, to know exactly how it came about. Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort." Regan grabbed my hand as Professor Dumbldore continued, "The Ministry of Magic, does not wish me to tell you this. It is possible that some of your parents will be horrified that I have done so, either because they will not believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, or because they think I should not tell you so, young as you are. It is my belief however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies, and that any attempt to pretend that Cedric died as a result of an accident of some sort of blunder of his own, is an insult to his memory." I held back tears as I looked around the great hall to see that Cedric touched so many people lives and will be missed hugely in this school. There was a minute silence before we all stood up and made our way out side to say good bye to Drumstrang and Beauxbatons students, the departured the same way they arrived, I was pleased this year was over and couldn't wait to get home and try to forget about all that has happened this year.

>>>>>>>>NEXT DAY- HOME TIME>>>>>>>>>

It was home time and I was looking forward to being home with my family and away from this school that hold to many memories for me to spend any more time here, not right now anyway. Bags packed and ready to be taken to the Hogwarts Express, the more we do this the easier it seems to get into a routine that is super easy and quick when loading everything for the journey. 7 Hour of being couped up on a train was ahead of us and I can say this isn't one of the thigs that gets easier to cope with over time, it's still really long and boring. We was about half way into the journey I need to stretch my legs and I though I might as well go to the toilet while I was up and about. The toilets closes to our carrige was near where the Slytherins would go as they claimed an area of the train, just as I was walking to the toilet I noticed that Draco was making his was out the carriage doors and towards the toilets too. I stopped when I arrived at the door and so did Draco, he said ladies first but the more I looked at him the less I wanted to actually go to the toilet, I looked around to see if there was anyone aroud before grabbing Dracos hand and pulling him into the toilet with me. "what the hell are you doing Lindsey?" he questioned, I replied "doing something that maybe should of happened a while a go and maybe something that could change everything" I pulled him down and placed my lips onto his, at first he was hesitant to kiss back but soon grabbed my waist and pulled my closer. We kissed until we needed to come up for some air, I looked at Draco before pulling away from his body and sitting down on the toilet placing my head in my hands. Draco crouched down and took my hands making me look him in the eyes. "what's up baby?" I closed my eyes before telling him the truth " I don't know why I kissed you but it felt like it was something that needed to happen and something that should of happened ages ago like I said, but I need you to know that it isn't because I want a rebound after Cedric but also doesn't mean anything, I'm sorry I shouldn't of kissed you" he grabbed my chin with his fingers before slowly leaning in a placing another kiss on my lips. "baby, you have nothing to be sorry for, I've felt the need to kiss you for so long but never did and I regret not doing it sooner, everything is fine and I won't complain if this continues over the holidays and future years, just promise me you won't feel bad about this" I nodded my head before standing up and walking to the door, I turned around "this will definantly continue, don't you worry, our little secret, send me an owl when you want me to come round" I winked at him and walked back to the carriage looking forward to the summer ahead.


Start of something good or bad between Draco and Lindsey??

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