بواسطة sufnic

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A first attempt at expressing my imagination. It is a story about a young aspiring politician and a headstro... المزيد

😄 And we are Progressing
1. Characters (Edited)
2. Handsome Street goon (edited)
3. Beauty without brain (Edited)
4. The unwanted visit (Edited)
5.B'day surprise and lunch(Edited)
6. Dare you!! Mr. Rajveer (Edited)
7. Exams can't judge my excellence (Edited)
8. I am impressed! (Edited)
10. At your service (Edited)
11. She's y😍ur biggest fan (edited)
12. Mr. hotshot CM gets pranked??
13. Wedding vibes
14. Shopping spree and a shocking spree
15. Settling the thoughts
16. Marriage, who?
17. How to keep your husband interested?
18. Best friends forever
19. The Most Awaited Night
20. Getting closer
21. Intoxicated at Holi
22. Pre Wedding Rituals
23. The Wedding
24. The announcement
25. Life back home
26. Action packed Date
27. Heartfelt talks
28. Unannounced Visitors
29. Father isn't in the picture
30. Narrow Escape
31. Main Viah nahi krona tere nal
32. Seal the Deal
33. Come, Find me.
34. The Action begins
35. The Action continues
36. The devil's lair
38. Just like that
39. Just do it
40. Hospital visit
41. Night at Hospital
43. Stupid or Childish ?
Bonus: Sidelines
45. Angry and New
46. Brand New Beginnings
49. Trial marriage husband

9. A Promising leader (Edited)

172 28 8
بواسطة sufnic

Nivi's POV:

It had been several weeks since the event and my meet with Mr. Yograj Singh Randhawa, my idol.

Yes, he is my idol. He is everything that I'd ever want to be as a person.
A ruler who is kind, compassionate, strict and unbiased and of course popular.

If only his son could have been 1% be comparable to him...

I groaned at the direction of my thoughts, always being drifted to him.
I observed bhabhi looking at me in a weird manner. In response,
I smiled at her cheekily.

you look like a creep."
And my smile dropped.

"Shut up" was all I replied.

"Bas? I was expecting better from you."
I rolled my eyes at that.
( that's it?)

"Tell me, what were you thinking, exactly?"

She probed, excitedly.
I turned to other side. She is such a pain in back, when curious, and it's really annoying.

"Another crush?"
Oh She knows me so well.

"Come on, you can't ignore me, you know that.
Fine, Karma is a bitch, just keep that in mind."
She huffed at my silence.

"Yes, I can't. And, i know that." I gave up as she looked bored at me raising her brows. Releasing a breath she turned to stir the mixture on the stove.

I hugged her from behind, preceding to dip my finger in it, just to rile her up. She slapped my hand away, and I pouted at her.

"Come on, Bandriji. You know, You can't ignore me forever."

I tried to sound like my brother, bhabhi glared at me and then started to laugh at my pathetic attempt of copying him.

I shouted at her, as she pulled my cheeks.

She asked, turning to wash her hands.

I responded holding innocent expressions.
In return, I got an 'oh really' look.

"Fine, I was thinking about
Mr. Yograj Singh Randhawa. "
I confessed.

"Don't tell me, you were imagining yourself with him."

Meher bhabhi asked, giving me an 'are you serious' look.

"I idolize him, bhabhi.
Stop your mind gears, they are turning stupid."
I rolled my eyes.

"Well, yes. He is awesome. He used to be my mother's crush. You know.
And our mothers used to gush about him alot."
Bhabhi revealed. I turned excited at the sudden revelations, I never knew about it.

Just then, mother entered to fetch herself a glass of water.

"Good old days."
I commented looking at mom.
At which bhabhi and I burst out laughing.

She looked at us bewildered and soon made herself understand that it must be 'one of our moment of the stupidness', according to her we usually share.

Shaking her head, she made her way out.

"Yes, where were we?"
Bhabhi bounced back to the topic, as we made our way out to the living room.

"He is such a nice soul and a perfect man, No?
Only if he was a few years younger."
Bhabhi said.

I silently looked at veerji who was busy in his newspaper till then.
And now was looking in our direction, more like glaring at Bhabhi, actually holding an 'oh so serious look.'
Her comment, got on his nerves.

He got up and went to his room.

"Well, you do realise that, he has 2 younger versions of him.
My mother had wished me to marry their elder son.
Well, one son and me, are already taken but you my cute little devil can surely go for the other one. My dearie."
Bhabhi said, and i stared at her confused.

"I am talking about 'Ranbeer and Rajveer Randhawa.'
Ranbeer and I are already settled in our lives. But you snd Rajveer are still single. I will support you, I promise.
If you decide anything of that sort, let me know."

She said, pinching her throat, and i stared at her bewildered. She was talking like she knew them for years.

"Meher ji!!"
A sound resonated from the room upstairs.

"What happened to him?"
"What does he want now?"

We asked simultaneously. And giggled at the coincidence.

Bhabhi got up and made her way to her possessive and jealous husband. It is going to take long for her to coax him. Even Tanveer is not there for her this time.
I laughed silently.

Well, bhabhi is surely being stupid. She doesn't know the 'younger version' of Mr. Randhawa actually.

Where that 'hooligan' and where 'Mr. Randhawa.'
I thought while looking at the carpeted floor and the roof hanging with chandelier.

Hell of a difference.
Poor Mr. Randhawa his genes got wasted on such a moron.

'Not in looks department, though. He is quite handsome.'
My consi made her remark.

'I've seen better.' I retorted.

'You can't lie to yourself, you know.'

'You are supposed to agree with me consi. He is a stranger, plus a rude hooligan.'


was her reply making me smirk at me winning a mental war with myself.

Seriously, I am go gonna go mad, if I keep revolting with I, me and myself.

Soon lunch followed.
It was a lively affair, as everybody was home, being free on Sunday.
Discussions about business between the elders and trends among ladies were prevailing on the lunch table.

When suddenly attention was shifted to politics, thanks to the leaders in action, showing off their power and resources through the mob that follows them in their rallies and campaigns.

"Dad, i am thinking about supporting PUNJAB NATIONAL FRONT this time."
Veerji said.

"Well, did they approach you?"
Dad asked.

"Yes, they did and few others too".
Came his reply.
That was not new businessmen and politicians are really close allies.

"But they appear to be the most promising ones to me."
He further added.

"I agree, with you.
I heard their younger son is also contesting for the elections this year."
Dad probed.

"They are great people, one with words and a good public reputation."

"Yes dad. They even came for the award functions at Nivi's college for youth support and all that."
Bhabhi chirped.

"You met him, Nivi?"
Dad asked.

"Yes dad. As you said, he is a great person."
I answered.

"Yograj is a really good man. His father and I used to be really close, before they shifted to the city.
Time played and we three, me, Shivender and Zorawar were separated.
(Nivi's maternal grandfather)

However, me and Zorawar were never really apart and the union of your parents brought us more closer."
Grandpa said, reminiscing his youthful days.

I was looking back and forth among all the speakers.
Good old days, I guess.

I'll ensure to have much better memories, no separations.
A person can try though.

"So people, as elections are near,
We must decide our candidate. And we all will vote for him."
I proposed, trying to shift the atmosphere.

"Well, I support my grandson."
Grandpa said.

"I'm a granddaughter, dadu.

"I was not talking about you, Nivi.
It is about Shivender's grandson.
We were best friends remember?

So, he is my son too.
Just like Sarabjeet will be for him.
It's just a matter of time."
He announced, proudly.

I scowled and had a smile too, being confused about getting sad about having a potential competitor for my position of favourite grandchild,
Or having an Aww moment at their friendship.
I settled to remain silent though.

'well, we can't let him know how we insulted his potential grandson not once, or twice but every chance we got.'

'Consi, shutup.
He deserved that.
Remember when he cornered and pushed me harshly to a wall.'

'And whose fault was that?'
She countered.

"So it's decided.
Veerji exclaimed.

I was snapped out of my thoughts.

I had missed it all.
But I agree, Mr. Randhawa sr. and my family
supports them. So he must be worthy much.
I nodded to myself.

Rajveer's pov:

Hectic days and nights, endless meetings, never ending events and tiring myself for days were followed by the election jab.

I was home, it was late hours of the noon.
And I was busy thinking about how tomorrow is going to be the D-Day.
The day of elections.
I tried my best to make people aware about the power they hold.
I made ensure to make up their minds to show up for practicing their right.
And choose for the leader they think they deserve.

Everybody was very much assured about the results being in my favour already.
As they say, I have charmed everybody enough, and my looks and politeness will ensure to attract the 46%of female voters.

These things don't matter.
I just want a chance, to prove myself to live up to their expectations.
Be the change, I want to see, around myself.

I sighed, and made my way out to the lobby of the house.
The ever constant visits of the volunteers, to be sure about the preparations and, activities of the rival groups, security of the places of the booths nearby etc. were the main topic of concern.
No loophole could be afforded at this point of time.

"You don't need to be tense, child.
You have given your best.
Now it's their matter to decide, who they want to be lead by."
Bapuji said.

"And if they don't choose you.
They are really idiots to be fooled around by short term gains."
Bebe said.

"It's politics, sweetheart.
They don't really care about the harms they pose."

I said referring to the people who stoop really low without caring for people's interests before manipulating them.

"The age and people have changed, Veer."
Bhabhi said.

"They know what's best in their interests.
And if they don't, they are idiots, just like bebe said."
She said further.

We laughed at her comment.

"Thanks guys.
It really means a lot.
I don't really care if I win or lose."
I said.
"I will find one way or another to help everyone out there.
Irrespective of whether they want to be helped or not."
I said with a new felt determination.

Everybody nodded and looked at me with proud expressions.

Bapuji got up and made his way towards me.
And hugged me tightly.

"I knew it, you will never fail me."
Bapuji said.

I was overwhelmed at the love my family holds, for me.
I felt lucky. And pity for those who crave for it.

Bebe joined me and bapuji for a hug. And we were soon group hugging with bhabhi and fateh in her arms.
He made funny sounds at being squeezed between us. We laughed at his misery.

And we made our way to the gardens to spend rest hours of the day in peaceful environment.

At night, having a hearty meal, we decided to call it a day, and made our ways back to our warm cocoons, for a restless night for myself.

Author's POV:

The next day:

After an anxious night, Rajveer had slipped to sleep in early hours of the morning.

As the sunrays peeked through the curtains, Rajveer opened his eyes, reluctantly.

Preparing himself for the big day ahead, he freshened up and decided to visit Gurudwara Sahib to seek blessings.

Whole family piled up in the cars, and started on their way to the holy place. With the plan of casting their vote on their way back.

Reaching the holy place, Rajveer bowed his head in front of the almighty, for a chance, to prove himself in the eyes of his family and his people to make him worthy enough to be given a chance.

Full family paid their regards to the waheguru, for his favour to their Veer.

They made their way to the langar hall, filling themselves to content, they left the premises and casted their votes before making their way back home.

Whole day passed by just like that.

The results were to be announced after a period of 4 days.
It was going to be one hell of a ride.

After the results:

The festivities were taking place all over the state, for the win of the people's beloved leader
'Rajveer Randhawa' .

As soon as the results were announced, the numerous paie of eyes that had been glued to the TV screen from the early hours of the morning turned ecstatic.

The hopes of the people, and the prayers of family were answered.

Rajveer alongwith his father and bapuji and other prominent personalities of the party left to Gurudwara Sahib to give their thanks for giving him a well deserved chance to transform the state, and bring it to new heights.

The colours and sweets were being distributed by the party workers in their respective areas.
Afterall each of the contestants from the party had won with huge margin of votes.
Thanks to their never-ending hard work and honest resolution.

The supporters and all other alliances were over the moon, pertaining to the benefits offered to them.

Overall it was a joyous occasion, marking the beginning of new phase, as they called it.

Rajveer's party logo☝️


Hey guys, another update.

Please Vote and comment in loads. It encourages me to write more.
And of course, ignore the mistakes, if any, though I try to edit simultaneously, feel free to point them out.

Thanks for the votes, who already did, and a request to those who didn't.

'Please vote.'

It'll not cost anything. I promise.

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