Unexpected Marriage [Complete...

Af deluluOffgun19

167K 9.8K 2.8K

Off and Gun families are so close before then. Their grandfathers were super close when they were young. They... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note.
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Q and A

Chapter 56

2.4K 139 55
Af deluluOffgun19


Its three days since we got in the city and it's been three days when I see Off. I'm lying if I gonna say that I didn't miss him. This is what I'm afraid of. To attach into him again. Arrghh why I let him go with me in the trip?!

New and Jane aren't with me now. They are driving to hospital for a check up. I pleaded New to accompany Jane for today. I can't go with her because I have something to do.

I'm currently driving to Jane's parents house.

My hands are trembling after I reached my destination. I'm nervous as fuck! I breathe in long enough.

I met Jane's parents before. They visited their daughter in US before and Jane introduce me to them. I admit that her parents are intimating especially her mom but after knowing them they are both nice, really.

I regain my consciousness when one of the maid knock at the window of my car. I was startled. I rolled down my windshield and smile at her.

"Excuse me sir. Who are you looking for?" the wai'ed first before maid asked me.

"Is Mr. and Mrs. Yu are here?"

[Yu is Jane's chinese lastname. Jane's lastname in Thai is too long so I just used Yu coz I love Yu. .... Okay, shut up bitch I know it's corny!🙄]

"Yes sir. I gonna inform them that they had guest. Can I get your name sir?"

"Gun Atthaphan"

"Gonna back here sir" The maid wai'ed then he go inside. I waited in my car nervously  as I tapped the steering wheel.

A minute later the maid back.

"Sir you can go inside" The maid said smiling. I nodded and hopped out of my car.

I followed her quietly until inside of the house.

When we got in living room the maid made her way out of the scene. I wai'ed when I saw Jane's parents sitting on the long couch.

Mrs. Yu immediately stood and hugged me. I hugged her back also. She's so lovely. While Mr. Yu tapped my shoulder.

"It's nice you visited here Gun" Mr. Yu smiled. I smile back.

"Did are you doing here, Gun? Is Jane with you?" Mrs. Yu excitedly asked me. I can see in her eyes that she really miss her beloved daughter.

My smile dropped when she asked me about Jane. How can I tell them? I know I'm not in the position to tell them but Jane is having hard time they need to know what is happening to their child.

"Hon, let Gun sit first" Mr. Yu chuckled. He's trying to calm her wife. Mrs. Yu is really excited.

"Oh yeah, Gun have a seat" Jane's mom giggles. I nodded smiling.

"So...?" Mr. Yu trailed off.

'Gun just go straight to the point' I encourage myself.

"Uncle, Jane is... is.." I feel my tongue get tied and I can't utter a word.

"What Gun? Don't make us worried. Tell us" Jane's mom said softly.

"Jane is pregnant" I avoided their eyes.

A moment of silence surrounded us. I looked at them again and I saw how shocked they are.

Well, that is the normal reaction tho.

"What?! How? W-when? W-why?" Jane mom asked stammered. She can't form a word. She is really surprised. Gun can't read her expression beside of shock. Is she mad?

"Hon calm down" his husband stroke her back. Mr. Yu turned to Gun. "Gun, is it true?"

Gun nodded weakly. "Please don't get mad to Jane krub" My tone is obviously begging.

"H-how many months is she pregnant?" Mrs. Yu asked in a serious tone. Gun is afraid seeing her like that.

"7 months krub" I looked down on my lap. I am really ashamed.

"WHY?!" Jane's mom slammed the table forcefully. A loud bang filled the living room. Mrs. Yu suddenly stood. "Why you two didn't tell us?! You were hiding this 7 months! Oh god 7 months!" Jane's mom yelled.

Luckily I didn't let Jane go with me. Maybe she will just stressed out or scare in her mom.

"Hon, sit down. Talk to him calmly please" Mr. Yu help his wife to sit beside him again.

"How could Jane hide it to us hon?" Mrs. Yu asked his husband, crying. Mr. Yu wiped her tears.

"Gun, why did you not tell us?" Mr. Yu asked me calmly.

"I really want to tell you from the first but Jane stopped me. She begged not to tell her parents. I'm so sorry Auntie, Uncle" I apologize sincerely.

"Do you know why she don't want to tell us?" Mrs. Yu seemed already calm. Her voice is neutral now

"She is afraid Auntie. She is worrying that you will hate her and disown her. Jane chose to hid it from both of you" I explained. "This is all new for her and she doesn't know what to do. No one guiding and teach the right thing to do." I continue. I really pity on my friend. She is having hard time in her pregnancy and she can't talk to her parents as well. Jane kept it all to herself.

"My baby" Jane's mom cried again. Mr. Yu hugged her wife.

"Don't worry Auntie I did not leave Jane. In fact we are in one apartment. I always kept an eye to her." I assured them.

"Gun, perhaps are you the father of Jane's baby?" Mr. Yu looked at me as he still hugging his wife.

Honestly, I was taken back on his question.

I slowly shake my head. "No krub. She met a guy in a bar before then that guy ran away after he knew that Jane is pregnant" I'm still mad at that bastard. I want to crash him into pieces.

"That jerk! Who is he?! Who is that demon?!" Jane's mom yelled angrily.

"Luke. Jane don't want to see his face again"

"How is my daughter, Gun?" Jane's dad asked me worriedly.

"She is okay krub. She is in hospital now"

"hospital? Why? What happened?" he asked me uneasy.

"For a check up uncle don't worry" I smiled assuringly. "but... her pregnancy is risky. We kept coming back to hospital when Jane stomach hurts all of the sudden"

"Oh my god. I need to see my baby hon" Mrs. Yu look up to his husband with a teary eyed.

"Gun we want to see our daughter" Jane's dad said seriously.

I nodded. "But please don't scold her. And don't hate her" I'm already pleading.

"We won't hate her especially now. In fact we feel guilty because we were not by her side while she was having a hard time. We want to make up for her. We want to take her, to look over her. We love our daughter so much" Jane's mom said while crying. She is sincere while saying that.

I nodded. I felt relieved.

I knew Parents always want the best for their children. They can't stay angry on their children for a long time.


I arrived in our apartment While Jane's parents are following me. I Knew Jane and New are inside because I saw New's car outside.

I knocked on the door and Jane's parents patiently waiting behind me.

New opened the door. "Gun, where have you been? Jane is looking for y--" New stopped scolding me when he noticed the two mid-age staring at him. "Sawadee krub" New wai'ed after he saw Jane's parents. New know them also.

"hello Nong" They greeted New.

"Come inside Sir, Ma'am" New open the door wider.

New walked first and I follow him. Jane's parents is walking slowly behind.

"Atthaphan!" Jane called my real name. I know she is mad "Where did you go? Why did you let New drive me in hospital?" Jane pouted. I chuckled then I tapped her head like a child.

"Someone wants to see you?" I smile.

"Who?" She crossed her arms around and she raised a brow.

"Jane baby" Mrs. Yu run to her daughter and she hugged Jane tight.

Jane's dad is in their behind as he reach Jane's back.

"M-mom, D-dad. What a-are you d-doing here? W-why are y-you here?" Jane eyes widen. She still can't believe she saw her parents.

I just smiled looking at them. They missed each other.

"Jane why did you hide this?" Her mom ask in teary eyed. They sat in a long couch. Jane is in the middle of her parents.

"Mom, dad. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Jane cried.

"Don't need to apologize love" her dad kissed Jane's forehead.

"Gun already explained your situation. Please be strong my dear" Jane's mom pleaded.

"I'm trying mom" Jane smiled sadly.

"I know you can do it." Mr. Yu encourage her daughter.

New and I gave them a privacy. We go to veranda to drink beer. New sit beside me looking outside.

"that's why you disappear earlier. You fetch Jane's parents" New started the conversation.

I drink my beer first. "I caught Jane last time in her room crying because she miss her mom. Even though I'm scared to tell Jane's parents the truth I take a risk. Hopefully Jane won't get mad at me" I drank again.

"Why would she be? Their parents and her look okay. You do that because for her own good"

"But I led her to her parents. I didn't ask her first"

"She will understand it Gun" New patted my back. He stood. "I will go to my bed first" I nodded. New walked away with his empty bottle of his beer.

I forgot to ask about the real score between him and Tay.

Speaking of Tay. He seemed really don't like me. I still remember what he said in the bar when I accidentally heard them.

Off and I aren't really meant for each other. Just think of it, our friends don't like us being together. Tay don't like me and same as Lee. He doesn't like Off.

What would I do? Please help me!

"Gun?" Jane knocked on the door to get my attention.

I turned to her smiling. She is smiling approaching me. Aw she's not mad at me. I know Jane is understanding.

Oops maybe not.

When Jane standing in front of me she suddenly choke playfully. She sat on my one leg, facing me as she still choking me.

"Why did you tell my parents huh?!" She's not contented. Jane shake my neck while choking me.

I coughed. "H-hey!" I slapped her hand softly. She let me go and I take a long deep breathe.

This girl is really insane.

"I almost die Jane!" I hissed while I'm still catching my breath. She just laughed.

She got up and sit properly beside me. I turned to her. She is smiling genuinely while looking outside.

"But seriously, thank you" she turned to me. "I thought mom and dad will hate me after they know I'm not preggy. Not because of you maybe I didn't see my parents until now. Thank you for everything. You were in my side from the first day even though I'm mean sometimes haha. You became my protector and savor. You never felt me alone especially when I'm having hard time with my baby" Jane stroke his big belly. I just kept listening to her. "You are my refuge when I have a problem. You are my alley. My Phi. My friend. My family. My everything." Jane get my both hands and she hold it. "I will tell you this once, I didn't see you just my friend. You are not just a brother to me. You are more than that. Gun, I love you" Jane cupped my face and she leaned on me until our lips meet.

It was a short innocent kiss.

i can't hear anything. I think the whole world seemed stop spinning. Did Jane confessed on me? But why... I thought...

A moment of silence eating the scene. We were both looking at each other eyes. I'm confused.

"Jane..." I trailed off.

"Gun, I know from the start that you can't love me back because you already love someone. So I choose to forget this feelings for you. I tried but it's so hard. Damn! I already accepted that you only think of me as a friend, don't worry. I just want to let my feelings out. I hide this for too long." Jane laughed quietly "Nothing will change between us, okay?" I nodded. I feel relief. Atleast we can still be what we are before. "I'll kick your ass if you look at me differently! Even though I love you, I won't gonna date you!" Jane grimaced and acting like she is disgusting on the idea dating me.

I laughed. "Really? You won't date me if you given a chance?" I teased her. Now I have ace to tease her.

Jane acts like she was thinking. "well,, NOOO! FUCK YOU!" then she hit my head. She stood and walk away.

I'm still laughing. "Before I go, my parents want me to stay in our one week" I turned when Jane spoke. She stopped in the door.

I nodded. "Will they fetch you here?"

"Yes, tomorrow" She smiled. "Goodnight!" She walk while waving her hand.

I sit properly again. I'm happy that Jane and her parents are okay now.


I woke up because of Jane voice. She is knocking and yelling outside of my room.

I groggily stand and open the door.

"I will go now. Bye! Gonna miss you" She smiled then she hugged me.

I can't understand Jane sometimes. There are times that she is sweet and most of time a sadist.

"You taking my advantage huh" I teased her. She push me away while frowning. "Just kidding" I laughed.

"Whatever asshole" She walk on the hallway again

"Tsk, as if you didn't like me! Jane has a crush on me~" I teased her even more. She didn't say anything but she raise her middle finger without turning.

I shake my head laughing then I went back on my bed. I was about to lay when Lee's number popped up in my phone.

Lee the bully
-Hey drawfy, gonna celebrate our Mild and I engagement. I wanna see your fucking face on the bar later.

-Can I not come?

I was doubting to go. I know Off is be there. Mild and him are friends it's impossible if he not invited.

Lee the bully
-No, excuses Gun. Come or I'll drag you way to the bar?

-Arrghh! But I won't stay long okay?!

Lee the bully


"Gun aren't you coming with me?" New is preparing now. he look handsome on his outfit.

"Just gonna follow. I just gonna show my face on Lee then go home" I said inactive.

"Why? Don't wanna have a good time?"

"New, you talk too much. Your date is waiting outside" I rolled my eyes. I'm not mistaken. I heard someone's car beeping outside of the house.

"Oh yeah. Bye Gun. See you there later" New ran outside and he closed the door.

I took a nap for a while. It's early.

Third Person POV

"New, Tay!" Lee greeted them when he saw New approaching. The party is already starting. "Wait. Where is Gun?" Lee asked New when he didn't saw his other friend.

"He said he gonna follow" New shrugged.

"That kid. He is late again" Lee mumbled angrily under his breath.

He dialed Gun's number but he didn't answer.

"Honey who did you call?" Mild wrapped his hands around Lee's arm.

"Gun" Lee reply.

"Aw? He still not here?" Lee shook his head as a response in Mild's question.

"Just let him. He will show up later. Let's go?" Lee said. Mild nodded then they go to their friends.

Off is still looking around. He is waiting Gun. He thought Gun will come because Lee is his best friend but why he isn't here? New is here also... 'Oh yea, probably he is with Jane' Off thought. He drink the rum straight.

Gun arrived in the party super late. He slept long and he didn't even notice the time. He also missed Lee's calls. He is hoping that Lee won't get mad at him.

"Lee!" Gun called his friend. Some of the guests turned to him he shouted loud enough to get their attention.

Gun shouted because of the loud music!

Off absent-mindedly smiled when he saw Gun waving to his friend. Lee went to him and dragged to their side.

"Why you came late?" Lee scolded his friend.

"Sorry I fell asleep" Gun laughed awkwardly.

"Because you are late. You gonna drink all of these five kind of liquors" Lee show the table with different drinks.

Gun mouthed literally dropped. He is not heavy drinker! He will embarrass himself if gonna be so drunk again.

The guests laugh and chants "drink, drink, drink"

Off was about to help him but "No one will help that nuisance kid!" Lee glare at Off. Off sat again on his chair.

Gun don't have a choice but to drink it instead Lee will mad at him.

After the 5 liquors Gun's head is spinning. He is not tipsy, he already wasted. Gun drink another liquors that given to him.

He is dancing around like a child. He went to the dancefloor. Off just keep an eye to him. He is staring at Gun.

"Did you know Gun has a ring. I don't know what it's look like i forgot but I think that ring has sentimental value to him" Lee started to tell a story.

"How did you know?" Mild asked him.

"When we were in college I saw that. One day, it was graduation party and we didn't attended. You know why?" Mild shook her head. Off is listening. "Because he lost his ring. He cried a lot. We find it around the house. I help him because he didn't stop crying. Until I found it in the restroom. That kid just forget where did he place the ring. So, I give him a necklace and he made that ring as a pendant"

Off remember he saw a necklace hiding in Gun's. But he never got a chance to see that ring.

"Aw he's so adorable" Mild cooed.

Off immediately went to dance floor when someone approach Gun.

Off pulled Gun away from him. Gun is not in his self. The guy glare at him.

"What are your problem man?"

"This is my husband fuck off!" Off help Gun to walk away from the guy.

He can't even stand straight. He is totally drunk.

"Gun can you walk?" Off whispered at his ear.

Gun's eyes are fluttering to open. He smiled at me. "Jam-powlll" He can't say my name properly.

"Let's go home. You are drunk"

"am not drunnggg" He almost fall luckily Off caught him.

"Gun be careful" Off carry him in a bridal style.

Gun wrapped his arms around Off's neck and he leaned forward his head on Off's. There nose are touching. Off heart is jumping inside. Damn they are so close.

Off put Gun inside of the car. Off thought Gun is sleeping already because all way to his condo Gun didn't do anything.

Off carry him again inside of his condo.

He put Gun on the couch first. Gun's head is on the backrest. He groaned and move. Off just stare at him until he saw the necklace on Gun's neck.

Off slowly get to see the pendant. And was surprised when it was their wedding ring. Gun cried over this ring.

"Gun.." Off called him while he is staring the ring.

Gun's eyes fluttered open. He smiled unconsciously. He pinched Off's cheeks. He thought he was dreaming.

"Off. You are confusing. You make me confused. I want to assume that you still like me but I'm afraid because I know you are just like that. Worrying at friends, taking care of friends. I don't know. You really know how to make my heart flatter." Gun playfully slapped Off's shoulder laughing quietly.

"Gun let me ask you. Do you still love me?" Off know that he is talking to drunk guy but he still hoping that Gun will tell the truth even though he is drunk.

"what did I promise to you before I go to Cali? I will love you now and the days come. I never stop loving you Off" Gun said. Off's heart seemed stop beating at Gun's answer. He Know Gun is not lying. He always keep his promises.

"Do you mean it?" Off want an assurance.

Gun nodded as he closed his eyes.

Gun move and a snapped of a finger he already straddling Off. Gun wrapped his arms around Off shoulder and he leaned slowly.

Their lips meet. When Off realize Gun is kissing him he took this opportunity to deepen the kiss. Off put his hand on Gun's nape to deeper the kiss.

They are moving in rhythm. Off bit Gun's lower lip and the small one gasp without second thought Off slide his tongue inside of Gun's mouth. He is exploring inside using his tongue.

Gun moans messily. He starting to move his hips into Off's crotch.

"Ohh" Off moaned when he feel Gun's butt grinding.

Off hand is on Gun's hips. He slowly insert his left hand inside Gun's T-shirt.

Off kissed became sloppy and hotter. He parted the kiss and they both chasing some air. Off waste no time he suck Gun's neck, leaving a red mark. Gun throw his head back while moaning.

The taller one stand as he carry Gun. Gun wrapped his legs around Off waist and Off hold Gun's butt. He squeezed it. Off reach Gun's lips again as he pinned Gun on the wall.

Off really missed Gun. Not just his presence, he missed Gun whole existence.

Off finally claim his lips again. How he tried to kiss that when he were on a trip.

"Let's go to the bedroom" Gun whispered into Off's ear sexily.

Damn! Off is really turned on.

A/N: I know some of you waiting my update. I'm sorry it takes time. I'm just too lazy to write😩

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