Madam President (EDITING)

נכתב על ידי Queen_OfTheClouds

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Distraught over the presidential election results, college student Rachel Taff becomes hell-bent on making a... עוד

Author's Note
Cast List
Chapter 1: Hello Cruel World
Chapter 2: The First Cut Is The Deepest
Chapter 3: Lost Inhibitions
Chapter 4: New Paths
Chapter 5: The Interview
Chapter 6: Home For The Holidays
Chapter 7: Clueless
Chapter 8: Happy New Year
Chapter 9: Why'd You Have to go and Make Things so Complicated?
Chapter 10: It's a Pleasure to Meet You
Chapter 11: Mislead
Chapter 12: She Doesn't Fool Me
Chapter 13: Oh Rachel
Chapter 14: Believer
Chapter 15: Clash
Chapter 16: Welcome to the Real World, Jackass
Chapter 17: Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Chapter 18: Redemption?
Chapter 19: She Intrigues Me
Chapter 20: I'll Never Be A Nice Girl
Chapter 21: Ex-tremely Awkward
Chapter 22: We're More Alike Than Different
Chapter 23: Happy Birthday Bitch
Chapter 24: Hangovers, Realizations, and Rage
Chapter 25: Pride
Chapter 26: Relationships Are A Funny Thing
Chapter 27: Innuendo
Chapter 28: Credence
Chapter 29: Lead When It Matters Most
Chapter 30: I Want You On My Team
Chapter 31: Like The Flame That Burns The Candle
Chapter 32: Truth Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Chapter 33: Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Chapter 34: It's My Graduation, And I'll Cry If I Want To
Chapter 35: It's Time
Chapter 36: Distance
Chapter 37: Cognizance
Chapter 38: The Law of Attraction
Chapter 39: Take A Chance
Chapter 40: Feelings Come to Surface
Chapter 41: I Know You Felt It Too
Chapter 42: Pushing You Away
Chapter 43: I Don't Belong Here
Chapter 44: Coming To Terms
Chapter 45: Watch Me Work
Chapter 46: Your Denial Is Your Own Personal Prison
Chapter 47: I'm Tired of Pretending
Chapter 48: Breaking Point
Chapter 49: What Do I Really Want?
Chapter 50: Lying Not To Lose You
Chapter 51: Don't Wait On My Love
Chapter 52: I Know What I'm Doing
Chapter 53: What Is It About You That Makes Me Come Undone?
Chapter 54: I'm So Glad You Came
Chapter 55: There's No Going Back
Chapter 56: We'll Figure It Out
Chapter 57: If It's Not One Thing It's Another
Chapter 58: Moving On For The Better
Chapter 59: You Make Me Feel Seen
Chapter 60: No Expectations
Chapter 61: Nobody Wins When The Family Feuds
Chapter 62: Craving You
Chapter 63: You Make Me Smile
Chapter 64: The Good Inside You
Chapter 65 : Everybody's Watching Her But She's Looking At You
Chapter 66: Look At Us, Who Would Have Thought? Not Me
Chapter 67: You've Earned It
Chapter 68: When It All Falls Down
Chapter 69: Sleeping With The Enemy
Chapter 70: Aftermath
Chapter 71: Have Mercy
Chapter 72: I Miss You
Chapter 73: Everything Is Going To Be Ok
Chapter 74: Old Habits Die Hard
Chapter 75: Nothing Haunts Us Like The Things We Don't Say
Chapter 76: Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere
Chapter 77: A Lady On Fire
Chapter 78: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
Chapter 79: Big Things Poppin
Chapter 80: Oh Jennifer
Chapter 81: Look Who's Back In Town
Chapter 82: It's My Right To Be Hellish I Still Get Jealous
Chapter 83: Torn In Between The Two
Chapter 84: Let The Show Begin
Chapter 85: There Is No Force More Powerful Than A Woman Determined To Rise
Chapter 86: The Great Debate
Chapter 87: Mrs. Big Shot
Chapter 88: Guess Who?
Chapter 89: The Tales Of A Virtuous Woman
Chapter 90: Rest and Recuperation
Chapter 91: The Joke's On You
Chapter 92: Returning The Favor
Chapter 93: The Ups And Downs Of Us
Chapter 94: Beware Of False Prophets
Chapter 95: You, Me, and Her
Chapter 96: Standout
Chapter 97: All For One And One For All
Chapter 98: Follow Your Intuition
Chapter 99: I'm In This For The Long Haul
Chapter 100: I Got The Eye Of The Tiger
Chapter 101: Promise Not To Tell
Chapter 102: Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
Chapter 103: It's Us Against The World
Chapter 104: Love, Affection, and Deceit
Chapter 105: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Chapter 106: Out Of Touch
Chapter 107: Blasphemy
Chapter 108: Sugar, We're Goin' Down
Chapter 109: Catch A Case
Chapter 110: Hell Hath No Fury
Chapter 111: Every Problem Has A Solution
Chapter 112: Sometimes Good People Do Bad Things
Chapter 113: Grief Is In Two Parts
Chapter 114: Fresh Start
Chapter 115: She's Better Off Without Me
Chapter 116: I'm Trying My Best
Chapter 117: Return Of The Mack
Chapter 118: That Girl Is Poison
Chapter 119: Full Circle
Chapter 120: Is It Everything You Hoped It Would Be?
Chapter 121: It's Lonely At The Top
Chapter 123: She Wasn't Sad Anymore, She Was Numb
Chapter 124: The Big 4-OH
Chapter 125: Everything Means Nothing If I Can't Have You
Chapter 126: Everything You Can Imagine Is Real
Chapter 127: The Job's Not Finished
The End.
The Sequel

Chapter 122: You Were Made For This

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נכתב על ידי Queen_OfTheClouds

Jennifer's POV

"We broke the story that democratic nominee Abner's father was caught attending her opponents Duke Trant's rally. I'm sure you want to know why Jimmy is choosing not to support his daughter and I'm sure we all wish we could be a fly on the wall. And today Fox is granting both of those wishes. Please listen closely to the new audio provided directly from Jimmy Abner and his lawyers: 

"You bastard how could you?!"

"Well hello to you too Jennifer. Have you stopped to ask yourself why is it that I didn't show up?"

"I could give a shit about your reasoning. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is for the world to know that you don't support me? Instead you support some egotistical asshole who doesn't know a damn thing about running a country."

"Nasty remarks like that aren't going to do you any good."

"You pathetic fucking excuse of a man. I hope you know you're cut off indefinitely."

"You'd really do a thing like that when I have bills to pay? Me and your mother are barely surviving."

"Well call up your buddy Trant. Oh that's right he doesn't think people should have Medicare, but all you rednecks eat that up."

"I can't believe you're treating your father like this. I've done nothing but provide for you and your siblings."

"I hope you suffer for as long as you live!"


"We're done here. Don't ever contact me again."

"Wow, shocking stuff there. We've never heard Senator Abner like that...Joining us via satellite is Jimmy Abner to discuss this horrific audio. Welcome Mr. Abner, thank you for joining us today."

"Thank you for having me Seth I love your show I watch it all the time."

"Well thank you for that. Sir if you would please walk us through this audio clip."

"Sure Seth, I called my daughter to check in on her and congratulate her about accepting the nomination but she was so mad at me for attending our great President Trant's rally that she exploded."

"Yeah listening to this is just really sad. I mean I feel for you Jimmy. Any respectable person would not talk to their parent this way. I mean she wished you pain and suffering."

"Yes and that's what hurts the most. You try to do best by your kids and they turn around and act this way because of a disagreement."

"So is this normal behavior for you daughter? We only get a glimpse of her in public eye and she's always prim and proper."

"This is normal for her and that is why my lawyers advised I record the call."

"Sure and why did you decide to release it to us today?"

"Because I know my daughter and she's in over her head. President Trant has been the greatest president of my lifetime. My daughter can't even keep her family together."

"Speaking of family we've all been wondering why she didn't take her husband's last name if they are married. Can you clue is in?"

"I don't know Seth, possibly because she didn't think they would last this long. Easier for the paperwork."

"Hahah ok we will end it at that. Thank you Mr. Abner for speaking with us today. Keep your head up sir what you just did is very brave. Godspeed."

"Thank you Seth."

David takes a deep breath turning off the tv. "What the hell were you thinking Jennifer? We told you not to reach out to him."

"I know, I know I just needed him to know how I felt."

"Well now everyone knows how you feel. I'm sure your entire career you've heard the saying women are too emotional to lead. Thank you for playing right into that stereotype."

"Do not chastise me. That audio was heavily altered and he's never had a lawyer in his life. I didn't think he was capable of this."

"It doesn't matter. Your voice is on the tape wishing your father ill, saying you aren't going to financially support them, calling Trant voters rednecks. This is the deplorable scandal all over again but 10 times worse."

"So how do we fix it?"

"You listen to us this time", he says pointing to my attorneys and PR team as they gather in my home.


I got a brand new attitude

And I'm gonna wear it tonight

I wanna get in trouble
I wanna start a fight
Na-na-na-na, na-na, na
I wanna start a fight
Na-na-na-na, na-na, na
I wanna start a fight!

So, so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't need you
And guess what?
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight

I stride faster and faster as my heart pounds against my chest.  My ponytail sways in the wind as I push further down the street.

Hearing faint voices through my AirPods I stop the music and turn around.

I see Frank bent over panting as my security detail tries to help him catch his breath.

"Jenn please slow down. I'm old, are you trying to kill me?"

"I told you that you could sit this one out."

"No chance. Especially with you being upset."

"I'm not upset."

"Jose give us a second?", Frank says asking him to step away.

"What is it Frank?"

"You've been going 100 miles per hour since your pops pulled that little stunt, and I'm not talking about your running. You need to slow it down. You've been through some heavy shit this past year, no one would hold it against you if you took the time to get yourself right."

"Frank I'm fine. And it's sweet that you think I could possibly afford to take anytime for myself right now. I'm at the peak of my career. People are counting on me. I'm not giving up on something I've always wanted because my father wants to be an asshole."

"I don't think I said give up did I?"

"Are you of all people really going to give me a moral lesson? You murder for sport and go on about your day like nothings happen."

"You know that's not who I am anymore. Ever since I left the service I've tried to turn it around. That's how I know the value in taking time for yourself."

"You we're just that person a couple of months ago. Everyone is a fucking hypocrite. You, my father, Rachel. You hold me to these impossible standards while you're all free to do the same things you criticize me for. It makes me feel so small", I begin to cry.

Frank wraps me in a hug reassuring me that it's ok.

"You're fine, you're fine. I'm here."

After a few minutes in his arms I wipe my tears away. I've been doing a lot of crying lately when I should be happier than ever.

"I feel like I'm screwing this all up...I can do this right?"

"Of course you can."

I nod my head.

"Thank you Frank."

"You bet. I'm always here when you want to use my shirt for a rag", he says showing me his now tear filled shirt.

I laugh,"Sorry."

"That's ok. You're lucky it's not my dress shirt."

I take a deep breath,"Come on let's get back. You ready old man?"

He smirks taking off beside me.


Rachel's POV


"Hey baby girl."

"Uh oh what's wrong?", I ask my mother.

"Nothings wrong. What are you talking about?"

"You're being nice."

"I'm always nice dear."

I chuckle.

"So that's funny to you?"


"I'm just trying to check on my daughter. I haven't seen you in awhile, you do know we live in the same city don't you?"

"I know I've just been busy mom."

"What could you be so busy with that you can't see your parents? We're getting old now you should be the one checking in on us."


"Well tell me about it."

"Have you turned on the news in the last couple of days?"

"Oh yes I saw your boss' father attended a Trant rally. How's that playing over at the office?"

"It's been hostile. I mean she tries not to let us see how it's effecting her but we can all tell."

"That's rough, but it just goes to show you that you think someone has the perfect life and in the dark their battling all these demons."


"She has all the support in the world though. She'll be over it no time."

"I'm sure she will."

"So when are we going to get the chance to see our little girl? Your father was just asking about you too."

"I guess I can take some time out of my busy schedule."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just kidding. How about you two come over tomorrow for brunch? It's been years and you've still never seen my place."

"Because we were never invited."

"I did invite you guys."

"Saying it in passing is not an invite, we're you parents. Didn't I teach you any manners?"

"No that's why I'm a giant failure."

"Oh stop it. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, I'll see you."

I hear a knock at the door and jump up from the couch.

"Rachel Taff?"

"That's me."

"This is for you. Can I please get your signature?"

"Here you go. Thank you."

"Have a good day."

"You too."

I close the door and examine the envelope that reads The State Bar of California.


Jennifer's POV

"Everyone ready to go?", David questions.

"All set."

"Pennsylvania here we come...Are you ready for tonight?"

"Yes, I'm prepared. I'm calm. Debating Trant is like debating a toddler. They just yell until they get their way...Did we get the time limit cleared?"

"You'll have 30 seconds to answer and 60 seconds for response."

"Excellent. How about mic usage. Will he muted if he over overexerts?"

"NBC wouldn't commit to it. You know free speech and all."

"Free speech does not mean he will get to talk over me."

"I'm sure you'll handle him. Just keep your composure and don't let him get to you. You know that he's going to hone in on your father to get to you."

"I'm not going to let that happen. Trant can't say anything that I don't already know."

"Great. I'm sensing you're in better spirits today."

"Yeah I spoke to a friend", I say looking over at Frank who gives me a wink.

"Good. Whatever works...Speaking of your father we sent a cease and desist defamation letter. If he continues to talk we will sue if that's what you want."

"Hopefully it doesn't come down to that."

"Everything is going to work out, let's just keep doing what we're doing.....5 hours until we land everyone. Rest up now!", David says going to his seat on the plane.


Rachel's POV

"I never knew this place was here."

"It's a hidden gem. You're going to love the pizza."

"I'll take your word for it", Natalie says with a smile.

We sit down and order a pizza to share and some drinks.

"You've been quiet tonight. What's wrong?"


If you count my future sitting unopened on my counter nothing then I wasn't necessarily lying. It seems like I've been waiting an eternity to find out and now that it's finally here I'm a little scared honestly.

"Is it work?"


"Then is it me?"

"Why would you ask me that?"

"Because sometimes I get the feeling you would rather be somewhere else than wherever it is with me."

"Don't do that."

"What? You said you like my honesty, I'm just being honest."

"Maybe keep that to yourself. I don't need a guilt trip from my cheating ex."

"Wow ok."

"I'm sorry that's not fair."

"No I deserve that."

"Look Natalie, things are going to change soon and as much as I think I'm ready I don't know if I am."

"What do you mean?"

"November is pretty much here. When the Senator's campaign ends that's it."

"That's it for what?"

I pause, "Work. I'll have to move on."

"Ok, I didn't ever think that was your end goal. You're going to be so fancy lawyer that's going to kick everyone's ass and look really hot while doing it."

"Yeah you're right...hopefully."


Jennifer's POV

"Remember when you're out there let him do his antics and make himself look like a fool. He's not your audience, you audience are the people out there, they are the millions of American's watching across the country. Stick to policy and you can't go wrong."


"Senator we're ready for you."

I take a deep breath getting up from my seat. Greg gives me a hug and a kiss wishing me good luck.

"Senator I'll give you the queue...We're going live in 3...2...1..."

I walk on the stage to a million bright lights beaming on me. I wave to the crowd and then meet Trant in the middle to shake his head. Instead of reaching to shake my hand he slightly bows his head in my direction. Classless all the way, but I knew not to expect much out of him.

"Good evening everyone and welcome to the first debate. I am the moderator for this evening Sarah Hayes coming live to you from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where republican nominee President Duke Trant will debate democratic nominee Senator Jennifer Abner. The rules for tonight are simple you will have 30 seconds to answer an initial question and 60 seconds for follow up. This will be a 90-minute debate split into 6, 15 minute sessions. Part of that will be dedicated to audience questions. Tonight we will not cover every topic as we have 2 more debates schedule. Tonight we are going to focus on issues that were raised by the voters. President Trant and Senator Abner we look forward to hearing you express your ideas, policies, visions, and values. So without further ado let's get started. We're calling this opening segment "Achieving Balancing". This has been a hot topic over the last few weeks. A records number of 14,000 jobs were lost in one month alone. Those are staggering numbers. Starting with you Senator Abner how will you bring these jobs back and put money into the pockets of American workers?"

"Well thank you Sarah and thank you to the University of Pittsburg for hosting us tonight. The reason why we are seeing such high job loss is because our current tax plan caters to the wealthy. This tax plan is killing the middle class and small businesses. We need to build an economy that evens the playing field and not just benefit those at the top. That means gaining back those jobs that were lost, creating new jobs, and rising incomes. The truth of the matter is that  the government should invest in its people. You pay taxes every month so you should be getting back. You should she changes in infrastructure, innovation, technology, climate change. You should be rewarded by having livable wages."

"Thank you Senator Abner the same questions goes to you Mr. President."

"Thanks Sarah. Our economy is doing great right now. I inherited a disaster from Obarr. I have totally turned it around during my 4 years in office. The liberal democrats don't want to give me any credit but that's ok."

"Mr. President you state that the economy is thriving but 14,000 jobs were lost. Can you can explain why?"

"China! China wants to take all our jobs by luring our big business away. And if a democrat is in office it will continue to happen.They want to tax big business and in return these businesses can't survive. They can't afford to pay their workers so they flee to other countries. Voting democrat is a death sentence."

I chuckle, "Duke you are the current president. This falls directly on your shoulders. You have Senate majority. I think it's insulting to the American people to pass off  fallacies."

"No one was talking to you", he says pointing in my direction.

"Let's move on to the next topic, climate change. In 2019, about 70 million tons of pollution were emitted into the atmosphere in the United States. Some car companies are trying to do their part by manufacturing cars that operate on electricity instead of fossil fuels. It is predicted in the years to come that the United States may not be able to meet the monthly water demand from fresh basins. We've seen the devastation from the wildfires in California. Under your leadership how will you continue or what plan will you implement to help with climate change? We'll start off with you President Trant."

"Let me just say that the job Jennifer Abner did in California in regards to the wildfire was laughable. Her entire state was on fire and she did nothing."

"Oh please."

"You did nothing. Someone people lost their livelihoods because you were a disaster."

I clench my jaw, "You are a joke-"

"Senator, please let Mr. Trant answer his question uninterrupted."

"Thank you Sarah. The liberals want to keep crying about climate change but do nothing about it. That's why they are the do-nothing democrats. All talk no action."

"Thank you Mr. Trant, Senator Abner the floor is yours."

"Thank you, Duke let me ask you directly. Do you believe in climate change?"

He stands there proud not acknowledging me.

"OK let me rephrase that for you. Do you believe in science Mr. President?"

"I will not answer that. You are a nasty woman! Such a nasty woman. No wonder your own father doesn't support you."

I smile, "Since he won't answer the question I will. President Trant does not believe in climate change or science. It is evident over the last 4 years. He has continued to stray further and further away from science when it is proven fact. California went through hell during the fire season and the Trant administration turned their backs on us when we needed help the most. Lives were lost, homes were lost, memories were lost, and he treated it like it was a game to spite me. Local leaders and myself banded together to raise funds to help with the devastation, and we were happy to do so, but that is what our federal government is for. To bail us on in a time of emergency. That is just another failure for the Trant administration over the past 4 years."

"Thank you Senator, we will not take a 20 minute session and reconvene. Thank you for joining us tonight I am Sarah Hayes and this is NBC."

As I exit the podium Trant stares over at me with hate filled in his eyes.

I go backstage to join my team.

As soon as I take a seat my hair and makeup team get to work.

"You are doing fantastic Jennifer. Keep it up. Every poll currently has you winning this debate. Just try not to focus on his failures too much. Highlight them and then counter them with what you will do to fix them. The last question you didn't express that."


I feel amplified going into the second half of the debate. I can do this...I am doing this.


Rachel's POV

"That's total bullshit for Trant to try to lie about the wildfires. I was with her when...., I mean I saw how she started this campaign to raise funds when he cut federal funding."

"Well she called him out pretty good...Are you going to miss working for her?"

I look down, "yeah."

"I swear that's a total 180 from what I remember."

"People change. Just look at us."

"That's true. While it's halftime why don't you show me around?"

"Halftime? Natalie this isn't a sporting event", I laugh.

"I mean it kind of is. You have two teams and people rooting for each."

"You're really lucky you're hot."

"You think so?"

I smile. "Get up", I say hitting her thigh. "Living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom...Tour over."

"Is that all I'm worth?", she questions.


She smiles with a devilish grin, "Show me your bedroom."

I shake my head and turn on the light.

"Nice, very nice. Hey do you remember that time when you lived in the dorms and something happened so they wouldn't let anyone in. We didn't want to wait so went to your parents house when they were out and almost got caught."

"I'll never forget it. I definitely thought I was meeting God that day."

Natalie laughs, "We played it off well. We said I was there to help you with a chemistry project."

"I wasn't even fucking taking chemistry", I laugh.

"Hey it was the quickest thing I could come up with. And technically we we're up there working on our chemistry."

"I could always count on you for some crazy adventure."

"You still can."

I smile, "Speaking of adventure. Look in that third drawer to you right. I still have that sweatshirt we got from that creepy rest stop on our way to Vegas."

"No way", as I turn to my grab my phone I hear her laugh "woahhhh."

"Wrong drawer Natalie. You don't know your left from your right?"

"My bad, it looks like you got even more adventurous in bed."

"Please put that down that drawer is off limits."

"34DD bra. Last time I checked that's not your size."

"Ok enough",  I say grabbing the bra and toy from her and shoving it in the drawer. "It belongs to my ex. I need to throw that stuff out."

"No judgement. Although I don't ever remember getting a drawer at your place."

"You had my room and my roommate's to leave all your baggage, that wasn't enough?"

"So vicious you are."


Jennifer's POV

"You were made for this Jennifer. Go finish the job", David says patting me on the shoulder.

The production assistant comes over to get me to go back out on stage.

"Welcome back to the second half of the debate. In our first half we discussed important topics like the economy, taxes, and climate change. This half we will discuss social issues that are impacting the nation. We will begin with the crime rates in our inner urban cities. Last year over 16,000 people were murdered. Statistics show that crime has continued to grow. The question is what do you attribute to these growing rates and what will your response be if elected? Senator Abner we will start with you."

"Thank you Sarah. Crime is growing at an alarming rate because people are desperate. They do not have the necessary resources to live comfortably so they are resorting to other measures to get what they need-"

"And that's ok?", Trant cuts me off. "Our cities will continue to be crime ridden as long as the democrats find reasons to excuse it."

"I am not excusing crime. It is our job to find a solution for it and it starts by listening to our communities. If elected on a federal level wages will be raised. I will make it a priority to visit these cities and see what can be done on both a state and local level. Schools need resources, families need benefits, people should not have to live one paycheck away from poverty. If I'm a elected I will make sure of it."

"President Trant the mic is yours."

"Senator you say families need benefits and they shouldn't live one paycheck away from poverty. How can you do that for millions of Americans when you can't even do that for your own family?"

I look over at him and he smiles, "My new friend Jimmy Abner, great man by the way would have something to say that. He says his daughter refuses to pay his medical bills or give him any kind of assistance. What a great daughter right?"

"That is not true."

"Sure it is, we all heard the tape but we can just ask Jimmy himself. Jimmy why don't you wave to the crowd."

To my shock my father stands up in Trant's section of the crowd and looks around the room waving. He finally looks directly at me with a smug look on his face.


Rachel's POV

"You sure you don't want to finish watching the debate?"

"I'm sure. I don't want to hear Trant say something racist in regards to crime. If I did I'd just look at this you want another drink?"

"What do you have?", Natalie says leaning against the counter. She accidentally drops a letter. "Oh I'm sorry", she says picking it up.

"I have red and white wine, and like an ounce of peach Ciroc."

"Rachel what is this?"

"Nothing", I say taking the envelope from her hands.

"Are those the results you've been waiting on?"

"Can you stop touching my stuff?"

"Rach, why haven't you opened it?"

"Because I don't want to know."

"What do you mean you don't want to know? You've been waiting for this forever."

I don't say anything in response.

"Is this why you we're acting strange today? What's wrong?"

"I'm scared ok."

"Of what?"

"Failure, change, I don't know all of it."

"That doesn't sound like the Rachel that I know."

"Because you don't know me anymore."

"I do and I know you want this more than anything. If you didn't pass you can always take it again even though I'm sure you did pass... Just open it or you'll never know."

"I can't."

"Then I can I do it for you?"

I pause for a second, "Sure."

"Are you serious? You want me to open it?"

"Yeah. Let's see what it says."

Natalie slowly opens the letter pulling it out of the envelope.

"Dear Ms. Taff thank you for taking The State of California Bar exam, we regret to inform you that your score was not qualifying-"

My heart sinks into my chest until I hear laughter from Natalie.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because you should see your face. You passed I was just kidding. You know you were made for this."

"I passed?! Let me see."


"Natalie stop playing."

"Come get it."

As I walk over to her she makes a run for my bedroom with my letter held high above her head.

"I hate you, let me see it."


I stand on my tip toes reaching up to get it while she smiles.

As I almost grab ahold of it she kisses me.

I pull back.

"Shit, I'm sorry."

"Don't be", I say kissing her back.

She throws the letter on the floor and gently guides me to the bed where she gets on top of me.


Jennifer's POV

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! how did this happen?", David questions my communications team.

"Sir we had no clue Mr. Abner would be in attendance."

"She doesn't pay you to have a clue, she pays you to know. Everyone clear the room."

"Frank you stay", I interject as I stare into the distance.

"Your father has become a pain in my side", David says.

"I don't care what anyone says. We are doing this my way now. Frank I need you to-", he looks at me like I'm going to ask the impossible. "No we're not going that route this time. My father wants a fight? Let's give one. I can guarantee however he's not going to win."

המשך קריאה

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