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A/N: Merry Christmas beautiful souls. Sending you and your family lots of love and warm wishes. Have an amazing day!

 Have an amazing day!

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Viraj stared at Naina's name on his phone screen contemplated whether  it was a good idea to call her. He checked the time it was already 1am in the morning. After debating with himself he muttered "Oh fuck it if she doesn't answer the call she's obviously sleeping. If she does then I can get the apology out of the way. Oh god all of this is so much more harder than I  anticipated. This is only the beginning, I just hope both of us find our pace."

With that he clicked on he call button and waited eagerly for Naina to answer the phone. Viraj knew the chances were slim but he felt very restless. Naina groaned when she felt  her phone vibrating next to her. She wondered who in their right mind would be calling her now.

She decided to ignore it, turning her head the other side she was about to fall asleep again when her stupid phone started vibrating again. "Okay what the hell! Who's calling me now?" Without checking the caller id she answer the phone and muttered a meekly into the phone. "Hello who's this? Whoever you are don't you know it's the middle of the night normal people usually sleep at this time."

Viraj couldn't help but laugh at her reply. His girlfriend was definitely something else. The word girlfriend made his heart thump with joy. Naina frowned listening to the husky laugh. It sounded familiar, wondering who it could be she moved her phone away from her ear and squinted looking at the caller id.

Her eyes widnend when she realized it was none other than her boyfriend Viraj. Her heart stopped beating for a second. Either she was dreaming or Viraj had actually called her. Taking a deep breath and mentally preparing herself. "Hello Naina, it's me Viraj. Were you sleeping?" Viraj cursed under his breath for asking such a stupid question. Of course she was sleeping.

This time it was Naina who laughed. "Hi Viraj, yes I was asleep. Normal people usually sleep in the night but I'm. Since you're far off normal it's understandable if you're awake. What is with you calling me in the middle of night everytime. We can always talk in the morning." Naina whined she just wanted to sleep peacefully.

Viraj chuckled at her cute antics. He wished he could hug and kiss her. It had only been a week but he missed her. When he's not with her he's constantly thinking about her. This was only the beginning they still had a long way to go. "I apologise for  disturbing your sleep but I just couldn't wait till the morning. I wanted to say that I'm really sorry for shouting at you that day. I hope you know that it wasn't intentional. This is how I am when I'm working Naina. I'm sorry that I couldn't talk or text you much. So will you forgive me?"

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