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Rajesh Uncle sat with his face turning paler by the second. I almost felt like he was going to lose it any second. "Dad! What's wrong? Bhai asked you something. You can't hide it any more!" I knew this was going to be a long day. So much for taking a day off.  He didn't even budge for a second, it appeared like he was in some sort of trace.

He's probably recalling memories which he must have buried for a long time. Sameer looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. I blinked my eyes and mouthed to give him a minute. Okay that's it I don't think I can take this any longer. We need to wrap up this session before Mrs. Anu Mishra shows up. I don't want to cross paths with her today.

I do not want to spoil my day and most importantly I need to get back to my girlfriend. I cleared my throat and knocked my fist on the glass table. "Uncle please, I need some answers!" I pleaded him. To be honest this has been on my mind for a while and it's time that I get some answers.

Mr. Mishra snapped out of his reverie and shook his head. "Viraj my boy, I-I don't know what you're umm talking about. What do you mean who was your father? He was a businessman much like I was I mean I am! Nothing else to it. I don't know what made you think that. Go home son!"

Before I could interrupt him Sameer scoffed and slapped his head with his right hand. "Oh please enough with that sob story! Who exactly are you? Who was Sumith uncle? We need answers dad. Also what happened with this Anmol Desai?" Once again Rajesh Uncle's face turned pale.

"How do you know about Anmol Desai?" His eyes widened like saucers and squeaked out the question.  Sameer scoffed at the question and rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me? If you recall I'm am the CEO of Gupta Enterprises. So I'm entitled to access all the information that is related to the company."

"You weren't supposed to be given access to that archive!!!! Who gave you the permission!??!" Oh god this was turning out into a nasty spat. I was about to interrupt when Sam raised his hand asking me to give him a minute. "Dad! You can't do that! If you expect me to handle the company then you need to trust me with everything that's there! About getting the information, I have any ways too! When are you going to start trusting me?"

Sameer let out a frustrated rant and sighed. Rajesh uncle looked defeated. He sighed heavily and shook his head. "Sam you know it's not that!" I sighed as well. He has always been weirdly protective of us. "Oh please! Then what is it! We want to know! This has to end dad. You can't burden yourself with everything! We're here to support you!"

I nodded my head and looked at him trying to push him to tell the truth. "Uncle Sameer is right! We have always seen you so protective and keeping secrets from us. Don't you think it's time you tell us? If it's something serious I might be able to help you. We're grown up uncle. We can take of ourselves and even you. Please tell us what exactly is going on."

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