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A/N: It's the 50th chapter! I cannot believe I made it this far! Thank you all for all the support and love! I'm really grateful! We crossed 16.5k reads as well!!!!

Just a tiny request from my side. I do know that there are many silent readers. Please do vote because they would mean the world to me! Thank you! Enjoy the long chapter ahead!


I cannot believe what I'm seeing right now. Rajesh Uncle !!!! Why the fuck would he do such a thing? No no I refuse to believe it's him. My nose was flaring, I felt anger burning and consuming my sanity. I can't think straight. All I want to do is pick up the gun and shoot him from right here.

How could he ever do This? Betray our country and support these assholes? These people who are harming our country!!! How in the fucking world? I was shaking with anger and my insides were burning with rage.

Does he have any hand with my parents death as well? What is all this carp? How could he betray not only his country but also his best friend? Is he the reason why my parents were never alive!!?! I hate this. I'm going to kill that bastard. That very minute his picture showed up on the screen he has lost all my respect.

How fucking dare he do this? So many things are falling in place. Now that I think about it, he actually never made any effort to search who were behind my parents death. He probably lied when he told me he had actually tried searching for my parent's killer, hell what am I saying he definitely lied. It's like a closed window that had been shut for this long has finally been opened. I'm going to kill that bastard.

What about Sameer? How could he betray his own son? I'm willing to bet a million dollars that the weird things happening with the company also has something to do with him. He was so mad when Sameer informed him that he had dug the old records that were in the archive.

I'm ashamed of myself to have idolized such a person. My nails were digging into my palms. I clenched my fists so hard that my hands were screaming out in pain. I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. "Hey Viraj! I know this is unexpected but you have to calm down man. You are literally shaking."

I shrugged Arjun's hand off my shoulders and turned around. "YOU WANT ME TO STAY COOL! HOW CAN YOU EVEN SAY THAT! I can't believe I believed him all my life! I trusted him and this is what I get in return! Fuck!" I close my eyes and try to take a deep breath. My chest is heaving up and down.

Anger consumed me, why the fuck are such assholes alive? At the cost of what? My parents!!! I can't believe that he was my father's best friend. "Um guys you might want to see this!" Sonia turns and gestures us to look at the screen.

I squint at the screen and my blood boils even more. "Ahh darling! It's so good to finally see you here. I'm so glad you said that. We really need to get rid of Viraj and make sure things go according to the plan!" Great just fucking great. "Now this, I'm not that surprised." Neel whispered standing beside me.

I let out a humorless chuckle. Fucking Anu Mishra is here. Why am I not surprised? This bitch is probably the one who has been waiting for this moment. Excuse my language but I don't give a fuck right now. "Great just fucking great! What a nice family huh?" Arjun exclaims frustrated.

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