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What the fuck is going on? Is he out of his mind? Or am I just imagining things now? Oh no I'm going crazy, Viraj glanced at me one more time giving me his signature smile and walked off to make small talk with some of his colleagues.

I was still standing there and gaping wondering what the hell is going on around me. Just then Isha ran towards me and shook me out of my revier. "Holy shit! I could literally feel the heat from all the way here to there. Naina what's wrong? Did something happen? What did he say? Do I have to kick his ass?"

Ugh I can't think straight. I turned towards Isha opened my mouth and closed it again. "Tell me what's wrong?" I shook my head and shoved her a little bit moving my hands in the air. "Can you shut up for a minute? Where are the others?" Isha raised her eyebrows at me "I don't appreciate the attitude, but whatever they're having dinner. Now tell me what's wrong?"

"Isha he just asked me on a date! Like on a date date. He's dead serious, told me that if I'm okay with it we'll leave right after eating dinner. What am I supposed to tell him? I'm scared and I don't know why, I have never felt like this before maybe that's why?"

Isha looked shocked, well I don't  blame her so was I. Who would want to date me? " Can you close your mouth I think I just saw a fly enter?" Isha squealed loudly and dragged me towards the table where all the other girls were chatting and eating tasty food. "Ladies it has finally happend! I won the bet!!! Woohoo, I'm so happy."

"What?!!" All of them gasped together and looked at me. "Why are you guys looking at me like that? What bet did you make Isha?" I was getting annoyed by the minute. "Oh my god Naina! Did Viraj really ask you out on a date? Don't worry about the bet I'll tell you about it later. Now answer my question did he?" I was a little shy which was so unlike me. "Yes he did Annie and I don't know what do say." Now all the girls squealed together and some of the ladies on the other tables gave us a dirty look, well the scream was not very ladylike and some of these ladies are very  judgemental.

"Guys people stop that and behave!" Indu and Annie hugged me while the rest joined soon it turned into a group hug. "I'm so happy at least one of you bowed down a little and I'm shocked to see that it's Viraj, who cares you're going to start dating him now!!!!" Once again Annie squealed making me frown at her. "Woah hold it sister! I ain't going on any date! This whole thing is going haywire and out of my hand. Doesn't make any sense at all. So I'm going to book a cab now and go back to the orphanage maybe meet Veer and sleep. I'm done for today, oh also if Viraj asks just tell him I had to leave and will call him later."

With that I was about to leave when all four of them blocked my way and shoved me into the chair. They were glaring at me. "What the hell Naina? You are just going to blow him off like that? That's a mean thing to do." Isha crossed her arms glaring at me harder than ever. How do I tell them that I can't? This whole thing is driving me crazy, I feel like I'll fall for him any minute or maybe I already have, this is so frustrating. There's a storm inside me. Rational part won't agree on the other hand my stupid heart is telling me things that I don't want to believe.

"What is the problem? It's just one date. Just say yes Naina. I have never seen him so drawn towards any woman. Just give him one chance he's not like the others." Annie sat down beside me and held my hands, the others settled down on the around the table. I glanced at Viraj who was busy talking to a senior. He looked so handsome today almost like a celebrity. I cannot comprehend why would a man like him want to date me? There are so many more pretty girls out there he could have anyone!

Living the life! | ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin