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A/N: Warning: This chapter contains mature content.


|3 years later|

Naina was busy setting up things up in their new house. Viraj was coming home after seven long months. In these past 3 years Viraj has had two field postings. The first was a month after their marriage. After this Viraj had applied for peace posting.

Those 18 months had been the best months of their lives. They spent every fleeting moment together. Naina sighed happily remembering all those moments with her husband and pushed the couch in the right position. She dusted her hands together and walked to Veer's room.

Veer was now 6 years old and going to  start primary school soon. "Veer! Did you put the clothes away like I asked you to?" Veer glanced up from the paper and nodded his head. "Yes Mumma!" Naina smiled and ruffled his hair. "Good boy!"

Just then they heard an excited squeal coming from the other bedroom. Veer and Naina locked gazes as their eyes widened. "Oh no! What did your sister do again?" Naina sprinted towards the room as Veer laughed loudly.

Naina frowned when she didn't find anyone in the bedroom. Another squeal followed, it was coming from the bathroom. Naina groaned and opened the door. There stood her one year old daughter Tanya squealing and splashing water from the bucket.

She was completely wet and her curls bounced as she jumped. She was about to slip when Naina caught her. Tanya smiled innocently at her. Naina glared at her daughter. "Tanya! How many times have I told you not to do that! What would have happened if you get hurt?"

Tanya pouted and her gery eyes that she had inherited from her father glistened with tears. Within in few seconds she began wailing. Naina sighed and hugged her daughter. God her daughter was not at all an easy kid to handle. She was so naughty.

They had named her after Viraj's mother. Viraj often said that she looked like his mother. Naina couldn't help but agree she had seen her mother in law's pictures and her daughter resembled her grandmother.

"Okay fine calm down! Promise me you won't do it again,? " Naina asked her with a stern voice. Tanya nodded her head and said "Kay!" Naina kissed her chubby cheek and carried her out of the bathroom. She changed her clothes and dumped the wet ones inside the hamper.

Veer who was standing there the entire time smiled at his sister as Tanya waved her hands at him. "Mumma can I carry her?" Veer asked Naina who nodded her head and handed her carefully to her son. "Be careful!" Veer nodded his head and carried her to his room.

Veer was such a sweet boy. He had become so responsible and reliable. His nightmares weren't as recurring as they had been in the past. Although they do rattle him from time to time. Tanya on the other was completely opposite. She was so naughty. For a one year old she was very clever and used it to create havoc around the house.

She was only five months old when Viraj had gone for his field posting. He had missed a lot of her firsts but that was a part of the lifestyle that he had chosen. Naina had made sure to document each and every milestone of their kids lives.

Meera was still Veer's best friend. They were always together. Except the one time Arjun and Viraj had been posted in different places. That was a hard time for both the kids. Annie and Arjun had another kid about 2 years ago. His name is Andy. Just like Tanya he was super notorious.

Neel and Indu were blessed with a beautiful daughter just a few months back. Idhu's parents had finally accepted their daughter's decision. They had even made up with Neel. Ira was the name of their daughter. She had dimples just like her father.

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