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A/N: Warning: This chapter contains mature content.


Veer was the happiest he had ever been. He had finally found what his little heart had always wished for, a Mommy and a Daddy. To be more precise since the day he had meet Naina he wanted her to be his mommy and now that he had finally had it his tiny heart was content.

"I wov you Mommy!" Veer whispered and buried his face in her chest. Naina's face glistened with tears as she felt the unconditional love for Veer. "I love you too Veer!" She kissed his forehead and brushed the hair from his forehead. "Hey! What about me?" Viraj asked with a pout trying to catch their attention.

Veer giggled and jumped on his lap much like he did this morning causing Viraj to let out an "Oomph! Veer careful!" Naina rolled her eyes but couldn't stop herself from smiling at her boys. "I wov you too Daddy!" Viraj chuckled and his eyes glistened with tears. " Love you too Veer!"

They realized that everyone was watching and their loved ones started hooting and clapping. "Congratulations Naina and Viraj! Your family is officially complete now!" Naina and Viraj glanced at each other with wide grins on their faces. "Thank you everyone!" They screamed back.

The rest of the lunch was fun. Their friends and her parents showered them with gifts even when they insisted that they didn't want any. "We told you people a million times that we don't want anything!" Naina shouted at them with a tired voice.

"Well, as usual we didn't listen! So you might as well stop whining and enjoy these gifts!" Annie exclaimed and pecked her cheek. Naina laughed and shook her head. "Hey Naina! You're happy right?" Naina smiled at Annie. They were standing near the table where everyone had kept their gifts.

"Of course Annie! What sort of a question is this?" Naina glanced at Viraj who had Veer in his arms and was talking animatedly with Arjun and Neel. "I love him and I don't think I could ever find anyone better than him. Hell!!! That isn't even an option! If you're scared that I'm going to leave him then get that thought out of your mind! I'm never leaving him!"

Annie breathed out a laugh and she had tears of joy in her eyes. "I'm so happy for him! You have no idea how lonely he was. How he would bottle up his feelings! I'm so glad that he found you and Veer." Naina smiled and hugged Annie. "Of course! The feelings are mutual!" Annie hugged her and rubbed her back.

"Okay that's enough of emotional drama for this day! So, here the thing!" Annie exclaimed and clapped her hands together. Naina folded her arms across her chest and raised her brows. "What?"

"We'll be taking Veer with us tonight!" Naina frowned and shook her head. "Why? It's his first official night with us! I want him to stay!" Annie smirked and a playful smile played on her lips. "Exactly it is your first night so you might need some privacy!" Naina's eyes widened with realization.

"Annie shut up! Veer will stay with us and that's final!" Annie gave Naina another smirk and walked towards where Viraj was standing with Veer in his arms. "Veer! Would you like to come home with Arjun and I? Meera and you can have a sleepover!!! We'll play games and have fun!" Naina groaned as Veer got all excited.

"Mommy? Daddy? I go? Pwese? Meewa my friend! I come home tomorrow!" Viraj chuckled and ruffled his hair. Naina sighed she could never say no to him when he asked her so cutely. "Don't you want to spend some time with us?" I asked as he gestured me to carry him.

"Mommy! Only today! I be back shoon! Pwese!" Naina sighed and looked at Viraj who nodded his head with a smile. "Okay Veer!" Veer cheered and pumped his fists in the air. "Thank ku!" He told her cutely. Naina couldn't help but kiss his cheeks repeatedly until he was a giggling mess.

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