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Yess we finally landed, the flight was super long . It's not that I haven't ever travelled by air before but I've got to admit this was a super long flight. Three freaking hours in that cramped seat, I wonder how people sit in this seat for international flights.

No wonder they are jet lagged. To add to my misery Neena wanted to exchange her seat with mine as I was sitting near the window.

We fought like cats and dogs for that. We were so loud that Isha's beauty sleep was disrupted and boy was she angry would have been an understatement. You never I mean ever should disrupt her beauty sleep. It's like waking up a baby who had a half nap and she throws tantrums worse than the baby.

She was so pissed. "What the fuck guys it's just for another hour or even less. One of you compromise" She bellowed looking at us and trying to go back to sleep. That stupid Neena had to spoil it she shoved me I was annoyed as hell so I shoved her back.

Which caused disruption to Isha's nap again and this time it was not pretty at all. She was completely awake and insane now. You see she needs a few hours of napping time like I previously mentioned. It was so bad that all of us started to argue like a bunch of school girls who are fighting for some stupid petty thing.

We were screaming, shouting and hitting each other. No one would believe that we're 22 year old's. That's how we were behaving. This would probably be that teachable moment, where our parents would justify as to why they didn't want us to go to some place on our own. I was just happy that they were not here to see us.

The air hostess noticed us and came to where we were seated. " Is there anything that I can help you with ladies" she asked with a slightly annoyed tone, the smile on her face conveyed something else. I guess they're trained to do that.

"Yes I would love it if you separate these two immature girls" Isha replied looking at me and Neena. While we're were just glaring at her. She can be so bossy at times. " I think they need time out they're acting worse than kindergarten students" she added looking at us and clenching her jaw.

"I'm so sorry she's doesn't mean that. We just had a small conflict we'll sort it out. RIGHT NEENA? " I shouted at Neena. "Yes of course no problem at all" Neena replied glaring at me.

The air hostess nodded her head and exited the place. I'm done with this crap. As it is the other passengers were looking at us weirdly and gossiping just like those apartment ladies who are jobless and poke their noses unnecessarily.

" Idiot move go and stick your ass to that window seat" I said while pulling her hand roughly and shoving her in the seat that I was previously seated in and settled myself in between both my crazy best friends. This isn't something new Neena and I had always fought for the window seat even during school trips and Isha used to be the mediator all the bloody time. Like she's any better, she always sleeps and acts like a child herself.

I was fuming if I were a cartoon character there would have been smoke coming out of my ears and my eyes all red, as it is I had a weird feeling that something was going to happen and Neena was being an ass and acting all bitchy.

"Now was that so bloody hard!!! You people do this all the time!!!Act like you're an adult" Isha replied irritated with our behavior. "Oh please you are not better" I replied huffing. After this the three of us pretty much ignored each other for the rest of the flight.

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