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The place where the three of us were posted was almost 25 kilometers away from the airport. The whole area was reserved only for officers and their family.

I was still thinking about Naina, I can't believe she's affecting me so much. I heard her voice for exactly 3 minutes and held her hand for 1 minute 30 seconds. Fuck this is crazy when have I ever counted the minutes that I have spent with someone. This is fucking insane.

Her brown eyes, button nose and plumy lips have occupied my thoughts and it's driving me insane. "Fuck this shit!!! I need to clear my head" I shouted loudly while I was driving the car.

Both the couples at the back were startled. " Viraj are you okay?" Neel asked and all of them followed his queue. Why do you care?? I didn't say this out loud though, I was just pissed.

"NOO nothing happened!!! Can you guys please keep it down over there. My ears are practically burning listening to your mushy talks and those kissing noises at times. I'm trying to drive here." I bellowed at them.

Only if they knew the real reason was something else. I wish I could tell them but no, no way in hell I'm telling them. They'll dig out left, right and center to find Naina and forcefully shove us together. I don't want that. If this happens it has to happen naturally!

How can I even think of having a life with her or loving her when I have so many demons to fights, so many loose ends to tie and I don't want someone to wait for me while I'm posted at a place where there is no guarantee for anything. Love seriously what am I thinking?

"I don't get it! This happens all the time when we come back! Why are you so irritated all of a sudden? You always drive and insist that we sit and enjoy with our significant other. What's the big deal now?" Arjun argued back irritated.

He's actually right, usually I'm more calm when the field postings are over and are posted somewhere else for our vacation period. I can't believe I'm letting a girl affect me. Like seriously this is so stupid. I don't believe in destiny and all that crap, all that I know is how to survive and I've been trained to do that. Focus Viraj focus, I chanted this to myself over and over again. I was practically meditating.

I could see through the rear view glass that all of them were looking at me weirdly. "Ahem " all of them cleared their throats to get my attention and also were waiting for my response.

"Dude why are you so lost?" Neel asked looking at me suspiciously. "Okay this is weird you were normal at the airport. Did something happened when you went to collect the bags at the baggage claim?" Annie bombarded me yet again.

Just then "Clearly something is bothering you. You're usually cheerful while driving, especially when all of us are there together. Tell us what has got you so agitated?".

"Oh my god!!! Wait wait did you meet some girl or did you ask someone out while we were waiting for you??" Annie asked all of a sudden excited. I was losing my patience just then Indu added her course of questions "Holy shit! This definitely has to be a girl!!" Indu screeched  and the both of them squealed. Ow my ears are hurting. "Jeez can both of you shut your mouths" Arjun exclaims rubbing his ears.

I was so angry and annoyed, my knuckles turned white because I was clutching the steering wheel so hard. Did girls have some kind of antenna or something? What the fuck? How the hell can their mere guesses be so apt and right on spot.

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