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Viraj looked at her walking back towards the orphanage. He cannot believe he had finally asked her out even if it was just as friends. His friends didn't bring up this topic since the opening of the bakery. They would be delighted to know what he finally has a date after almost 2 years and would be bouncing of the wall once he reveals that his date is none other than Naina!

It was so unlike him to reveal about his parent's death to someone he had just meet. He doesn't understand what made him to it blurt out his past but with Naina it was like instincts. He can be himself when he's around her not the brooding dominating personality that he tries to maintain most of the time.

That's how he's always been. Early on he learned that people can be very cruel and if you portray all your emotions out in the open it leads to nothing but heartbreak. Cruel, manipulative and nasty people are like vultures who will feed off your emotions. Since then he had mastered the art of not showing what he actually feels, until Naina came crashing into his life and shook his world literally.

He was contemplating all of this as he jogged back to his jeep. Within 20 minutes he reached the army housing society. Taking a quick shower he changed into his uniform, drove his jeep to go pick up Neel and Arjun.

Annie too joined them and requested him to drop her off at her bakery. While he was driving Annie was scrolling on Instagram and asked him casually "So the ball is this Sunday. You do remember right?" Viraj nooded his head replying "Yes of course I remember. Why do you ask though?" She was sitting in the front seat next to him, Neel and Arjun were seated behind and as usual fighting about something stupid.

"Well you know just casually, no need to look into it so deeply. Do you at least have a date this time or you are  going to come single and let all those women buzz around you? You do know it's so hard to chase those desperate women without a date right?" Annie asked him waiting for his reply curiously.

"Don't worry about it. I have got it covered. You just concentrate on the order, you do have an awful lot to make for this ball." Viraj replied yet again with a blank expression. " What does that mean? Do you have a date?" Annie screeched at him, she hates when he gives such discrete answers. She needs to know everything.

"How does it matter? I told you don't fret your little head over me okay? Just do your thing. I got it covered." Viraj stood his ground. He just didn't want to have this conversation right now. "Dude seriously you better tell her. She's in one of those moods. Please tell her man else I'll be the one on the receiving end." Arjun whispered to him failing miserably Annie tured around sneering at him. Arjun pretended to be busy with his phone.

"Okay fine Annie as usual you win! I asked Naina out okay, before you get all excited let me make one thing clear. I did ask her to go with be to the ball, but as friends okay not as my date." Viraj told her smiling slightly remembering about his beautiful morning with Naina. He's so gone, already too deep.

Annie jumped on her seat, screamed like a maniac " Oh my god yes yes! Finally god gave you some brains. I'm so thankful to almighty. I have been praying so hard for this to happen. Yes yes, oh I have to text Indu first she's going to be so happy." Annie mumbled the last part to herself and started typing away on her phone.

Neel and Arjun looked at Viraj with shocked expressions. They couldn't believe that their friend had done finally something for himself. "Woah, you really asked her out? You listened to us? Since when are you so nice?" Arjun was still gaping at his friend shocked that he took their advice. That's  because Viraj always does what he wants to do, on very rare occasions he actually does what his friends want him to do.

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