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They had been discussing about the proposal the entire time. Viraj almost felt like he lost his mind but when you take Annie's help you have no space for complaining and there's no turning back. "Annie I'm done for today! Please can we plan the rest later! There's still so much of time what is the big deal?"

She glared at Viraj and raised her brows. "No mister you don't get to tell when this is over and when it isn't! We have a lot of planning to do and if  you think 24 days is enough then you have another thing coming at you."
Viraj raised his hand in surrender. "Okay okay jeez chill out. Can I at least get a 10 minute break."

Annie thought about it for a while and asked him to go before she changes her mind. Arjun was laughing at him which irked Viraj to no end. He gave him the finger and went outside to stand at the porch. He was gazing at the sky when his phone started ringing. It was Sameer calling him after a very long time. In fact he hadn't spoken to him since he had been deployed for the past 15 days.

"Hey Sam! What's up?" Sameer shuttered and let out a deep breath. Viraj knew something was definitely off. "Sam what's wrong? Did you fight with Isha again?" Sam sighed into the phone and shook his head. "No it's not that Bhai! I found out about the third owner of the company." Viraj's heart rate increased and he didn't even know why.

"Oh! So who is it? Is it someone that we know?" Sameer let out a shaky breath and Viraj could hear the sound of papers being shuffled. " No it's not someone that we know but dad has mentioned his name a few times here and there. He was always mad when he did and also tries to cover it up if he ever said the name in front of me."

Viraj couldn't take it any longer. "So who is it? Tell me his name? Does he have anything to do with all the weird transactions that have been going on in the company?" Sameer sighed once again, he didn't how to convey the things he had just found out. It was so hard for him to digest and this is about Viraj's dad Sumit Gupta. He has no idea how Viraj is going to react.

Viraj was losing his patience by the second. He wanted to ram Sam's head against the wall for dragging this while thing. "Sameer! Can you just fucking tell me already??!!? I'm losing my mind  here!!!!" Sameer knew it was better to rip the band aid off as soon as possible. He took a deep breath and rattled out.

"Well apparently the third owner was some Anmol Desai." Viraj racked his brain to see if he had ever heard the name before. It did not ring any bells which frustrated even more. He knew this wasn't the only thing Sameer had found. "Yeah fine so what happened with him? Why was he thrown out of the company?"

Sameer sighed and took a deep breath there was no other way to say this. "Just a little flashback. Bhai you do know how your parents meet right?" Viraj hummed and nodded his head. " Yeah of course. They were in the same college right? They meet at a fest when my mom sang in a competition and my dad was awestruck. I have heard numerous  times when I was little and even after that from your father. They always recited this story. So what does that have to do with anything?"

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