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"Oh my god, oh my god, what are we going to tell our parents. Did you people make some speech or something? Please tell me if you did. I really want to go and volunteer in this camp. Tell me!!! How are you people not tensed about asking your parents." Naina blabbered out frantically walking around in her room more like jumping from one side to another.

" Can you people be cool for a while? I've got it covered" Isha replied confidently. "All you have to do is be firm and don't tell stupid things. Promise them that you'll read properly for that GRE and Neena you have to promise to do well in your finals." Isha added another point.

"Okay okay got it be confident and convincing right?" Naina asked again hesitating. " Yes jeez how many times have we been through this? It's going to be a piece of cake for you. Both of you at least have an undergraduate degree. I still have NOTHING!!! DO YOU GET IT NOTHING!!" Neena shouted frustrated with both of them.

" That's it both of you stop cribbing and sit down. We have to be cool and stop making these stupid excuses Neena. You're perusing medical that's a huge deal and honor just don't compare also how is that related to this? Totally out of context!!!" Isha told gesturing both of them to sit down.

All of them went to the hall and relaxed on the couch watching some random movie that was being telecasted on tv while they waited for their parents.

There was no coming back from this. They have already filled the applications and mailed them to the NGO and the orphanage where they were going to volunteer. In fact, Isha had already spoken to Sister Brenda who's the caretaker and the head of that orphanage.

She sounded so happy that three young girls were willing to come there and volunteer.

It really would hurt her feelings and hopes if the three of them backed out now. The only thing that was left to do was pay 5000 rupees for their travel expenses and accommodation.

That was not a huge amount given how much people spend on travel. Also, let's not forget that it was for a good cause. They had to convince their parents.

Just when they were starting to relax, the doorbell rang and all of their parents entered Naina's apartment, including Sanjana and Rohan. As usual, both of them arguing about stupid things and Kinjal is always the mediator between them. Rohan is Isha's younger brother and Kinjal Neena's younger sister.

Naina always felt that Sanjana and Rohan have feelings for each other and they seem to be covering it up with their stupid banters. She even caught them blushing at each other on many occasions and boy does she love teasing her.

"Hi girls!!! What you up ?" Mrs.Rao asked chattering excitedly. "Hi, Aunty!" Neena and Isha replied simultaneously and Naina looked at her mom weirdly. "Hey, mom what's up? " Naina eyed her suspiciously. She wondered what exactly her mother was excited about?. 3, 2, 1 there were the shopping bags hence the happy face and good mood. Naina was 100 percent sure that her mom would have bargained that's why she looks so happy, she thought to herself.

Just then her dad followed and then came Isha's and Neena's parents. Everyone greeted each other. Their fathers settled down in front of the TV and the channel had already changed. They were watching some boring news channel, talking about politics and whatnot.

Meanwhile, their moms were acting like they hadn't seen each other in a million years and gossiping about random stuff. When in reality they all had met up for some stupid kitty party just a couple of days ago.

Here comes the hard part. All three of them were signaling each other to start the conversation and get it over with so that they could pay for the trip and start packing since it was only a week away.

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