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Tears brimmed in my eyes as I heard Naina's sobs. I closed my eyes trying to compose myself but for the first time in years a stray tear dropped from my eyes. I brushed it off discreetly before Neel and Arjun could notice. I feel like I have left a piece of my soul behind. Now I know why goodbyes are always this emotional.

We boarded the plane and settled in our seats. I knew my friends weren't uttering a single word for a reason. I fastened my seat belt and glanced out of the window. Neel sat beside me and Arjun at the very corner. I wish there was a perfect world where I could spend every breathing second with Naina but duty calls first.

I'm so glad that we didn't confess our love for each other. I can only imagine how much more harder it will be once we share our real feelings with each other. Neel cleared his throat trying to get my attention. He tapped on my shoulders and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Dude first time is always the hardest. You'll get used to it. I know it feels like your heart is being ripped open right now. Naina is a mature girl, she'll handle everything." I turned towards him after letting out a shaky breath. My eyes once again brimmed with tears. I cleared my throat and asked him.

"How do you guys do this every time? Doesn't it hurt?" Arjun leaned in to answer the question. " I am not going to sugar coat it for you, it will be hard but that's only until both of you find a comfortable spot. Just remember that once you return it'll be the best feeling ever. It almost feels like you're at the beginning of your relationship once again."

I sighed and nodded my head. "Don't worry about her safety. Our team will look after their safety. Plus Annie is there with her too." Neel added with a smile. I felt so much better but it's still not easy. Before Naina and Veer I never had anything to leave behind. My parents are no more and relatives ha what a joke? They don't even care about my existence. That's a story for another day.

"Okay, umm thank you!" Arjun and Neel glanced at each other and shoved me together. "Seriously when will you understand you don't need to thank us." My lips tugged into a small smile. "So you are very serious about her then?" I gave Neel a "Are you serious look?" Neel raised his arms shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay cool I was just making sure!" Arjun scoffed at him. "Shut up asshole! Didn't you see how they were at the airport?" He flicked his head. "Hey like I mentioned before I'm didn't want either of them to get hurt so I'm just making sure everything is good!" I rolled my eyes at him but mentally appreciated his concern.

"So I have another question." I raised my brows at Arjun. " What?" He hesitated before asking and I'm guessing it's about the whole marriage thing. "Did you talk to Naina about you guys getting married?" Bingo I was right.

I nodded my head, "Yeah I did and I think she's confused. Who wouldn't be right? We didn't even confess our love for each other. I don't know her reaction was mixed. Most importantly before we move forward she wants to talk to her parents about us."

Living the life! | ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin