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It took us about a week to pack all the clothes, books and others travel essentials that were required for a month's stay in Dehradun. We also had to pack a lot of warm clothes as Dehradun was a hill station.

The maximum temperature that place has ever hit was about 30 degrees. I had done full research on that place. The population, the places that we could visit during our free time and the best of all places where we can buy souvenirs.

The best thing about traveling is buying souvenirs! That one item will forever remind you about the beautiful place that you visited.

I was going through my checklist. Everything was packed and we were good to go. But one thing was yet to be added to my luggage, a bag that contained all the books that I had specially ordered to read during this travel period. Call me crazy I can do just fine with just one pair of clothes but books no way. I need them at all costs.

After packing the books bag, which also contained my practice papers for the GRE I fell right on the bed. Today was exhausting. Our flight was booked for the next day at 12:30 pm.

All of our parents were coming to drop us off at the airport. Sure we had been on a lot of school trips but this was something completely different. Those school trips were only for a week and nothing more than that.

None of us except Neena have been away from our parents in a completely different place for more than a week. Neena was the only one making us who went off to stay in a hostel when she started college. Isha and I were lucky enough to get into colleges that were nearby and didn't have to leave our houses.

I was scrolling through Instagram and looking at random pages when Isha called me. Surprise surprise Neena was on the call too.

" Did you guys finish packing??!!? I'm so excited and Naina don't tell me you're going to wear the same clothes throughout the week" Isha screeched into the phone.

" Yes I'm done packing and what do you mean by the same clothes I wear different clothes. Also, who cares about them. No one is going to be looking at me when you guys are there. You know I don't look good in anything else other than the clothes that I wear." I made my point and huffed slightly irritated. I'm not that beautiful. I have boring brown eyes and shoulder-length hair.

Isha is a fashionista and for the past 2 years, she's been hounding me to try out dresses. She thinks I'm overthinking and look good in them thus her continuous insistence. She thinks I'm not fat but curvy which are two different things altogether. Easy for her and Neena to say that cause they look beautiful but me not so much.

" Who put such carp into your brain!!??!? You look fine just the way you are and someday soon you will realize it." Neena exclaimed angrily.

" Also girls I made a list of places that we have to visit once we go there. YAAY I'm so excited" Neena screamed into the phone so loudly that I had to put my phone away so that my ears would not bleed.

" Can you calm down please my ears are about to fall off? Both of you shut up! Don't scream!" I replied irritated by their stupid childish acts, but I love them. Without these 2 crazy girls, I would have never survived.

I thanked God every day for giving me such amazing friends. They were the best I could ask for.

"Okay okay pipe it down. Remember the real reason why we're going there. We are going there to shower love and spread happiness and most important of all to make a difference in those kids' lives. But we will visit when we get the chance" Isha replied.

"Yes, I agree! This is going to be such an amazing trip and also life-changing. "I replied agreeing with Isha.

" Oh let's not forget about cute boys that we'll meet when we are there," Neena added sighing dreamily. I'm sure she'll already making the list of the "qualities" that she wants in the boy that she meets, I rolled my eyes.

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