:::Dreammare::: Holiday Season -- (Fluff)

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A/N: It really is a Christmas Miracle, I finished something. God knows that hasn't happened in a LONG while. So have this cute little fluffy Dreammare bit in celebration of their (belated) birthday on the 21st.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, I hope you all have a good winter season and are staying safe. I may post something else before the year is up, but if not, until next year!

"Night? Come on, everyone's already set up," The darker twin turned towards the door after hearing his brother call for him. He doesn't know how long he had been looking at himself in the mirror, but seeing himself in his uncorrupted form was... different, almost unnerving in a way.

"Yea, I'm coming..." Nightmare glanced back at himself, his piercing violet eyelights were haunting, like he was looking at a ghost. He couldn't remember the last time he's actually seen himself in that way, he guess the chilling sight was one of the reasons he avoided it for all those centuries.

"Are you?" Dream asked as he studied his brother's entranced gaze, teasing him lightly, "You seem awfully distracted to me,"

"It's just..." Nightmare trailed off, still transfixed on his eyelights.

"You don't have to, you know," Dream added quickly, not wanting to make his brother more uncomfortable than he already was at the idea of having a holiday celebration with friends. The darker looked at the other again, shaking his head a bit, sparing a smile.

"This was my present to you, I don't want to ruin it for you," Dream chuckled as he walked to his twin, cupping the other's skull in his hands.

"I don't want today to be ruined for you either," He gave a sincere smile as he gazed into his brother's eyes, hearing a teasing scoff from Nightmare.

"I wasn't much for being social anyway," Dream laughed again.

"You never really were, only difference is the people here are like family to you now,"

"Sure, if they were the unruly children, I was put on babysitting duty," Another snicker left the lighter twin, his forehead leaning against the other's.

"You care about them too, I know it,"

"Yea..." A pause seized them for only a moment before Dream left a light kiss on his forehead, the act not getting much reaction from the latter save for a faint smile.

"Now come on, don't need to leave everyone hanging," Nightmare sigh, giving Dream an almost pleading look, "It won't be that bad, on the upside there is alcohol,"

"Like that will do anything for us,"

"It's uh... a lot of alcohol," Dream added jokingly.

"Do I need to keep an eye on you for the whole night?"

"I didn't think you even let me go," A hint of flirtation lingered in those words as Dream leaned in a bit more

"Don't tempt me,"

"Remind me to do exactly that then," Nightmare rolled his eyelights before quickly turning his brother around, pushing him towards the door, "The sweater looks great on you, by the way," The lighter twin made a note of the black and purple knit sweater he had made for Nightmare, which the latter had reluctantly put on for the sake of his brother.

"Save your flattery," As the two headed out the room towards the living room, where Dream had taken it upon himself to decorate for the holidays. Of course the others were almost too keen to join in, as it had been a while since such an extensive celebration was had in the castle. Right at the edge of the room where the joy of the festivities spilled out much like the radiant lights of the christmas decorations, Nightmare stalled behind his brother for a moment, which Dream was quick to notice, linking his arm with the other and leaning in to press a soft kiss on his temple.

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